I used this code for some ,,protection'' of the title (rows):
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim myRange As Range
Set myRange = Range("A1:F4")
Set isect = Application.Intersect(myRange, Target)
If Not isect Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "DON'T change this cell."
On Error Resume Next
If Target.Count = 1 Then Target.Cells.Offset(0, 0).Select
If Err Or Target.Count > 1 Then Cells(0, 0).Select
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Sub
Is there a better way for doing something like this? (the code above)
It worked, but not that kinda perfect and I added some other features (in VBA) and now the code gives me this error: Compile error: a variable isn't defined.
I have a data copied from pdf to excel and need to segregate the data page wise so i need a macro to set the pages in specific cells example page 1 ranging from A1 to A60
Page 2 ranging from A61 to A120 and so on
Example of pdf data
PAGE 1 Should be in cell(A1 to A60) - Data can be less than cell A60 but page 1 should be within this range
[Code] ......
PAGE 2 Should be in cell(A61 to A120) - Data can be less than cell A120 but page 2 should be within this range
I have a piece of code with a couple of errors. The code selects a certain row and then copies and inserts this row on the last line with data, the number of rows is decided by the user via a form. The line of code with the error is highlighted, think it is a syntax/grammar error.
I have a column of numbers at random intervals which I am trying to insert totals into, the totals should only total the cells since the last total. Take a look at the code I started that I thought might do the trick and revel in the amateurishness of it all!
Sub TB Range("A2").Select Selection.End(xlDown).Select ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-5]C:R[-1]C)" End Sub .......
I have 2 spreadsheets. First one has monthly results and columns are named with abbreviations. Second sheets is for presentation, has only a select number of lines and full names instead of abbreviations. This second sheet is supposed to pull values from sheet 1 but I don't know how to call up those values since the titles are different. Short of using SUM I don't know what to do.
Excel 2003. How can I put an icon in the title bar of an Excel Workbook? And can it be a .jpg or does it need to be a .icon. How can I put a title and NOT see " Microsoft Excel" in the title bar.
I then have another tab which is similiar to this:
Australia Danny 23 Australia David 25 Canada Ben 35
Basically what I want is....where ive put some formula I want to lookup the title, in this case australia which is the cell above, search within the table then enter the name to the right of that. I have done this, however it only ever uses the first name on the list..... Example i always get danny on a role, i have managed then to get it to say david underneath but then if i copy the forumla down again it continues with danny, david etc.
In the following macro, how to get the name of the chart as the slide title?
PHP Code:
Sub Range_Chart_1()
'Requires a reference to the Microsoft PowerPoint Library via the Tools - Reference menu in the VBE Dim PPApp As PowerPoint.Application Dim PPSlide As PowerPoint.Slide[code]....
Any way to get the name of a program. I saw in the forum that we have a code to get the name of all programs that are running, but I would like to have the name of only one program. Can I do that?
something like this:
I have the ms outlook open right now, the title bar is "Inbox - MyPersonalEmail - Microsoft Outlook", can I get that name in a variable? there is any code for this?
I'm using concatenate to name a chart title. My problem is that when I concatenate two dates I lose the date format. I'm after a title which looks like 06 December 2007 - 13 December 2007
I'm actually getting 39422 - 39429
The cells have been formatted in date format but lose this when concatenated.
I have a pivot table which I update on a regular basis. There's also routine during the pivot table refresh to assign variables to the minimum and maximum dates I include in the range.
Here's what I'm looking for - The chart title needs to be two separate lines. It should look something like this:
Labor Operations performed from min_date to max_date (labor op code, description, total ops)
By themselves, I have no problem doing this. What I can't figure out is how to format the font of the first line of the title to have different characteristics from the second line. The second line is sort of a descriptor of the part in bold (in an attempt to keep my boss from asking me questions about what he's looking at)
i have 2 workbooks open, i need to write the code so that i can copy the sheets from each of the workbooks to a whole new workbook. this does not seem like a difficult task at all. so here are my problems:
1) once im in the activewindow, how can i copy the sheet it has in it, since i do not know what the sheet is called, and also i should store the sheet name in a variable so i can reference it later
2) how can i switch to the other window without knowing what its filename is
See Attached with info below. Simplified version: I have many spreadsheets with 3 columns of data, labelled PNumber then Fitting then Other Fitting. Saved as Title Number X (X = 1 - 52). I have another spreadsheet with 4 columns labelled Week Number, PNumber, F (for Fitting), OF (for Other Fitting). Save as Week Number X (1 - 52). When the week number 5 for example is put in column 1, I want my Week Number X spreadsheet to relate to Title Number 5.
When any PNumber from the Title Number X spreadsheet is put in, I want the F and OF columns to be automatically generated with the corresponding data from the Title Number X document. Note: If not poss put all in one spreadsheet
Is there a simple way (without writing code) to have a chart title equal the file (workbook) name? For example a formula to write in the 'Chart Options' 'Chart Title' box?
I'm not getting all of my text into the Axis title "box" in a normal graph in excell. And I'm not able to use the arrow to "drag" the axis title to a larger area. Making the size of the text smaller is not a option, I would like the axis title area larger.
I have a worksheet which has two large tables. When one table flows onto another page, the users need to see the title i.e. Header of that table. How can I do this?
I am creating many graphs. I have already split my data so I can use CurrentRegion.I want each graph to have a different title using the text value of a cell which would be (6 * j - 5, 2) inside the For/To, but I can't get it to work no matter how much I tinker.This is the code as is without any of my attempts inside to clutter it up.
VB: Dim p As Long p = Sheets("ForWeb").UsedRange.Rows.Count For j = 1 To (p - 1) / 4 ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart.Select ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLine ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Cells(6 * j - 5, 5).CurrentRegion ActiveChart.Parent.Cut Cells(6 * j - 5, 1).Select ActiveSheet.Paste Next
I am working on a proforma statement, REFER THE ATTACHMENT
A B C D E F G H I J Q 1 jun'14 jun'14 jun'14 jul'14 jul'14 jul'14 Aug'14 Aug'14 Aug'14 2 beg. Inv Purchas Unit Sold Beg. Inv Purchas Unit Sold Beg. Inv Purchas Unit Sold 3 foundation 4 10 11 3 15 13 5 16 18 4 Lipstick 4 10 11 3 15 13 5 16 18 5 Shimmer 4 10 11 3 15 13 5 16 18 6 Powders 4 10 11 3 15 13 5 16 18 7 Nail Lacquer 4 10 11 3 15 13 5 16 18 8 Eye Shadows 4 10 11 3 15 13 5 16 18 9 10 11 Total Purchase for june to aug 2014 12 Foundation ??
this is just an small sample of what i am working on i have got purchases, cogs and ending invenory for 2 years Products wise i want to add purchases for the particular product. i.e. if for above data i want to find out the foundation purchased through june 2014 to aug 2014 what will be the formula