Macro To Count # Of Data Rows (excl Title & Auto-sum Row @ Btm) And Put Result In L2.

Feb 20, 2009

Is there a way to count the total number of rows with data (excluding title row at top and Auto-Sum row at bottom) and put the result in L2?

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Auto Insert Rows From Another Column Based On Count

Jun 9, 2014

I would like to insert rows into column A from column D based on the count values and without affecting subsequent values in column B and C. For example. Count of a value in column A =1 and count of that same value in column D=5, THEN 5-1 (count of D - count of A) insert 4 rows in column A (shift cells down) without affecting data in column B AND C. Basically making the counts in column A and D equal.



The above example should look like this -



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Return Count Of Visible Rows After Auto Filter

Dec 21, 2007

I have tried and tried to get the VBA code working that will tell me the number of visible rows in an autofiltered set of data, but the result I seem to be getting is always "1". Below is the most simple form of the code that I am using (it is based on previous posts and tutorials on this site). (I have also attached a workbook with sample data and the code)

With ActiveSheet
Set rnData = .UsedRange
With rnData
. AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="5"
.Select 'demonstrate that the rnData range is valid
lcount = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Rows.Count
End With
End With

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Count The Number Of Entries In A Data Validation Dropdown List And Display A Result.

Nov 7, 2007

I am trying to do 2 things involving data validation. 1) Count the number of entries in a data validation dropdown list and display a result. 2) Use an If statement to pull the formatting from a cell into another cell.

An example would be if Cell A1="A", then show the drop down list associated with cell or sheet "!ryanB2". Alternatively, I would like to also display the number of entries in the drop down list.

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Macro Giving Wrong Result For Counting Rows

Mar 10, 2014

The below code is giving wrong error.

[Code] ........

sheet1 has the following data
sheet1 has the following data

empid name loc
1 aaaa ddd
2 bbbb ggg

4 cccc dddd

the 3rd row is empty in sheet1 but still it is showing number of rows as 3.I need macro it will not count if entire row is empty in that sheet.

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Displaying Work Days Excl. Public Holidays

Jan 2, 2008

way to get a worksheet to display workdays that exclude public holidays? I have used the Workday() function, but this keeps displaying the date over xmas. Is there an easy way to do this?

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How To Filter Rows With Same Column Data And Print Result

Sep 28, 2013

I have an excel spreadsheet example attached. I want to filter all rows in my full spreadsheet which have "OA" under Group code column and then be able to print these to their own spreadsheet. This way I don't have to scroll through thousands of rows to find each one individually.

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Inserting Rows As A Title

Jun 23, 2014

How do I insert a row with A-N Merged and centered? Interior color should be dark blue with white font.

Currently I'm doing this to add a space based on a number I have in a column S.

[Code] .....

In column S I have a series of numbers 1 - 5 and when a unique number is found Insert this row I can't seem to figure out how to create.

[Code] .....

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Some ,,protection'' Of The Title (rows) **

Jul 9, 2007

I used this code for some ,,protection'' of the title (rows):

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim myRange As Range

Set myRange = Range("A1:F4")
Set isect = Application.Intersect(myRange, Target)
If Not isect Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "DON'T change this cell."
On Error Resume Next
If Target.Count = 1 Then Target.Cells.Offset(0, 0).Select
If Err Or Target.Count > 1 Then Cells(0, 0).Select
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Sub

Is there a better way for doing something like this? (the code above)
It worked, but not that kinda perfect and I added some other features (in VBA) and now the code gives me this error: Compile error: a variable isn't defined.

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Macro Button - Auto Hide Rows

Mar 18, 2014

I'm trying to find a way of hiding every sixth row on my sheet, however, no matter what i try I can't seem to get it to work.

I want to be able to click a macro button that will auto hide every sixth row. But I don't want to have to input every row reference in VB.

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Macro To Auto Hide Rows In Specific Range

Jun 10, 2014

I have the following macro to autohide some rows with no data, however its remove rows starting from column A.

[Code] .....

How do i fix this to only hide the rows in the range (H4:V50)?

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Macro To Insert Auto Sum Function In Various Rows With A Column

Sep 4, 2009

I have to create a spreasheet monthly that has perhaps 60 transactions. The data is in columns A - G, with columns E and F having the costs figures. I need to sum the value in column E and also in Column F every few rows. The problem is that sometimes there are two rows per transaction and other times it could be 30 rows per transaction. Where I will be lucky is that there are two rows between transactions, and the sum goes in the first empty row.

Basically what I would need it to do, from a macro point of view is to go down column E, and every time it finds the first empty row, insert an auto sum. It would then need to ignore the next row, because it too, is empty.

Just Column E - I need an autosum in the "empty row 1's)

empty row 1
empty row 2
empty row 1
empty row 2

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Add Blank Rows After Every Paragraph Having Same Title With Specific Range

Nov 26, 2013

I have a data copied from pdf to excel and need to segregate the data page wise so i need a macro to set the pages in specific cells example page 1 ranging from A1 to A60

Page 2 ranging from A61 to A120 and so on

Example of pdf data

PAGE 1 Should be in cell(A1 to A60) - Data can be less than cell A60 but page 1 should be within this range

A 1

[Code] ......

PAGE 2 Should be in cell(A61 to A120) - Data can be less than cell A120 but page 2 should be within this range

A 1

[Code] ........

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How To Create A Macro To Auto Group Rows That Has No Numerical Values

Apr 17, 2014

creating a Macro to automatically group rows that has no numerical value, for example:

1. 13.4
2. 0
3. 0
4. 33.3
5. 0
and so on...

So for this exercise I need excel to automatically group row 2, 3 5 with one click, and leave other rows with actual numbers visible on the sheet.

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Auto Count And Auto Sum Based On Unique ID

Mar 11, 2014

Possible to auto count and auto sum based on Unique ID.

Download link to the file in question [URL] ..........

So for Example ID 79125 should get a sum 537.39 and count should be 12, also in any given week like 50 , 51 , 52 , week 1 etc.., duplicate entries must be all counted as 1

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VBA Macro To Delete Rows/Columns, Insert Formulas & Auto Fill

May 28, 2009

I'm running a macro that opens another workbook and read data from it.How can I incorporate this code into my macro.Sorry i don't knwo VBA.

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsmsimantbDesktopINFRACHEM_POLYMERS - DON''T DELETE.xls]Sheet1"

UserGRP_MAcro Macro
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Existing userGroup"............................

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Macro To Count Rows

Nov 16, 2008

I would like to have a macro which counts the rows. Description: The macro should check if there is any data in cell B7 and if there is then start the counting from one (insert 1 in cell A7). Then check if there is any data in cell B8 and if there is then insert 2 in cell A8..and so on..till there will be no more data in cell B.

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Auto Highlighting Rows Based On Data On Another Sheet?

Jan 13, 2014

I have two sheets

1. On one I have sheet named leave with five columns

2. Second sheet has calender

Sample file is attached for reference sample.xlsx

What I want is that as i enter leave dates on sheet "Leave" corresponding rows on calender sheet should highlight and important thing is if i change the name row highlight should change automatically. This i could achieve with following function

[Code] .....

The problem here is that it does it once but for second time it does not show...

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Auto-Populate Date When Data Entered Into Rows

Aug 10, 2014

I am building a budget spreadsheet and would like the date to automatically populate in column H when data is entered into rows J through AN, or alternately update column H when a sum total is populated in column I

I need to repeat this for rows 4 through 63

I was trying to use the following code, but cannot get it tweaked right.

[Code] .....

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Auto Replicate Data To New Rows Based On Number Of Chances?

Feb 18, 2014

I have list of data with corresponding number of chances ( see attached column E) I need to replicate the data under column A,B,C & D to a new rows as per the number under column E and so goes till the end of the list using a formula.

Basically in the attached example i should have a 43 new data rows

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Linking Sheet Data To Auto Update With Inserting New Rows

Jul 2, 2006

I have found this sales forecasting template from the Microsoft excel template section on the web, however, when i insert the new rows, it does not automatically update the "linked" sheets. It is the "detailed sales pipleline management sheet".

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Macro Inserts 3 Rows Below Each Existing Row Of Data And Copies And Pastes That Data Into Each Of The Empty Rows

Nov 30, 2009

need to create a macro that inserts 3 rows below each existing row of data and simply copies and pastes that data into each of the empty rows before moving on to the next unique row and doing the same thing again.

This is what I have so far, but I can't seem to get the loop right.

Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

activecell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
Range(activecell, activecell.Offset(0, 5)).Copy
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
Selection.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Select

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Macro To Copy And Paste Auto Filtered Data To Existing Worksheet Below Previous Data

Oct 18, 2013

I have been working on a macro that compares a existing list of data to an updated list of data and then either moves any data not on the new list over to a completed tab (followed by deleting the record on the existing sheet), and then adds any items not on the existing sheet, but which appear on the new list, to the existing list.

I have come across a stumbling block, i have managed to identify on the existing list the rows of data that have been removed from the new list and therefore need to be moved over to the completed tab, but when i select the data it selects the header row aswell (which will always remain the same row). Obviously this then pastes the header row aswell, and also i can't seem to get it to paste in the new sheet to the next available row (i.e this will be used daily and i don't won't to overwrite the infor already in the completed tab). the next issue i have is then when i go back to existing sheet to delete the data i just copied across, as the header was initially select this also gets deleted.

The code below, is the complete code, including filtering, copying some forumals etc. The area i am getting stuck on is highlighted in red:

Sub Update()
Dim bottomrow As Long
Dim My_Range As Range
bottomrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
Set My_Range = Range("A1:Y" & bottomrow)

[Code] .....

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Adding Title Lines Within A Macro

Jul 20, 2007

i am completely new to writing macros. have recorded a macro but have just found out the each of the new sheets that the macro creates needs a line at the top of the sheet with a title in it

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Macro To Count Rows With Coloured Cells

Mar 27, 2007

I have a sheet with colour coded cells and I need a macro that counts the number of rows with coloured cells.

I've tried the following code but I always get a count of 0 which isn't right.

Sub Count_Coloured_Cells()

Dim i, c
Dim LastRow As Long
i = 1
c = 0
LastRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row

Do While i < LastRow + 1
If Rows(1 + i & ":" & 1 + i).Interior.ColorIndex xlNone Then
c = c + 1
End If
i = i + 1

MsgBox (c)

End Sub

Remember, it's the number of rows I need to count (i.e. one row may have several colour coded cells but I only need to count it once).

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Cells.Rows.End(xlUp).Count - Insted Of - UsedRange.Rows.Count

Mar 24, 2008

I used Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Rows.End(xlUp).Count instead of UsedRange.Rows.Count in this code , but it didn't succed with me. Why and how to do that

Dim i As Long, j As Long
j = 1
For i = 1 To UsedRange.Rows.Count
Sheets(2).Cells(j, "a").Value = Sheets(1).Cells(i, "a").Value
Sheets(2).Cells(j, "b").Value = Sheets(1).Cells(i, "b").Value
Sheets(2).Cells(j, "c").Value = Sheets(1).Cells(i, "c").Value
j = j + 1
Next i
End Sub

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Auto Hide Column Based On Formula Result

Aug 5, 2008

I have an Excel workbook with multiple sheets. In one sheet, there are many columns that automatically get hidden based on cells values (=1) in another sheet as I type. I use this

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$C$7" And Target.Value = 1 Then
Sheets("Stakes").Range("E:E").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
If Target.Address = "$C$7" And Target.Value <> 1 Then
Sheets("Stakes").Range("E:E").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End If
End If
End Sub

Recently I had to change the second sheet that instead of manually entered values, formula results appear in cells. And the above code doesn't work anymore, columns are always stay unhidden. How can I achieve what I want? I need columns get hidden if formula results =1.

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Change Page Title With Macro When Saving As MHT?

Mar 22, 2013

I want to use a macro to save an .xls file as an .mht file. I have:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:ReportsBook2.mht", FileFormat:= _
xlWebArchive, CreateBackup:=False

which works for saving, but how can I Change the resulting web Page Title using VBA? I tried recording the macro as I changed the title and saved but nothing recorded for that. I know I can always just go in after the macro runs and manually change it but it seems like there must be another way.

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Chart Title Manipulation With Macro Code

Sep 2, 2006

I have a program that updates values quarterly when run. The spreadsheet that it works with also contains a couple of pie charts that correspond to the updated data. the charts only have one series with category values. I recorded a macro to see the code excel uses for creating a new chart and tried to modify the statements to my needs but have been running into runtime error 1004 ("Method ' Cells' of Object '_Global' failed"). The code is as follows I don't have any trouble until the last two statements.

Sub Chart_Updater()
With ActiveChart
.HasTitle = True
If Chart1var = "COLI VUL 1 Fund Chart" Then
.ChartTitle.Text = "COLI VUL 1 Allocation by Fund Provider " _
& sday & "-" & sday & "-" & Lyear
ElseIf Chart1var = "COLI VUL 2 Fund Chart" Then
.ChartTitle.Text = "COLI VUL 2 Allocation by Fund Provider " _
& sday & "-" & sday & "-" & Lyear
ElseIf Chart1var = "COLI VUL 7 Fund Chart" Then
.ChartTitle.Text = "COLI VUL 7 Allocation by Fund Provider " _

The variables fundtr1, fundtr2, and emptycolvar are public, and are all returning values, so there is no problem there. Also I can't use ranges like "A1:F7" because the range needs to be variable.

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Copy Data From Another Workbook And Paste The Data From According To The Column Title

Dec 9, 2008

I have a time card report which will record the time spent on work for each employee. Each month, i have to generate the time card report and copy the data to my master file. Is there any code that can auto copy the time card entry directly to the master file? I only need some of the entry on the time card report, some of the column can be ignored.

I was thinking of creating a macro that will prompt me to choose the file to import as there are different file for different individual. Attach here with the master list (Demo.xls) & the time card for one individual (Nov-KTTHAM.xls) for reference.

I want to copy the data on column B of the time card to the column A of the master list, column C to column B, column D to column C, column E to column D, column F to column E and column G to column G.

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