Sorting Columns, Rows And Removing Duplicates

Dec 10, 2008

I have a single spreadsheet with a few columns but hundreds of rows. Each row is a property reference (with other data such as address in the columns) with a type of charge in column J and the amount in column K. I'll try to replicate below ...

A B ....... J K
Prop1 Prop1Address Rent 100
Prop2 Prop2Address Rent 150
Prop3 Prop3Address Gas 70
Prop4 Prop4Address Water 60
Prop4 Prop4Address Rent 200
Prop4 Prop4Address Elec 80
Prop5 Prop5Address Service 90

I want the sheet to display a property on a single row so would look like as follows ...

A B ....... Rent Gas Water Elec Service Total
Prop1 Prop1Address 100 100
Prop2 Prop2Address 150 150
Prop3 Prop3Address 70 70
Prop4 Prop4Address 200 60 80 340
Prop5 Prop5Address 90 90

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Removing Duplicates Based On Several Columns

Aug 13, 2013

I have a list of about 85,000 addresses and I know that there are about 35,000 duplicates in it.

If I do 'Remove duplicates' it deletes them but takes the first one of each it finds and what I want to do is remove the duplicate with no UPRN in it (Column B)

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Removing Duplicates Without Deleting Rows?

Jan 25, 2014

I'm trying to remove duplicates without deleting the rows they were in (instead just being left with blank spaces).

For example Column A might look like this:

Column A

I need it to look like this:

Column A



How I can delete these duplicates without doing it one by one?

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Expanding Already Provided Formula For Removing Duplicates To Cover More Columns

Jul 20, 2013

I have a list A2...A11

In cell B1 is the following formula: =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF($A$2:$A$11"",MATCH("~"&$A$2:$A$11&"",$A$2:$A$11&"",0)),Rvec),1))

Rvec is defined in NAME MANAGER as: =ROW(Sheet1!$A$2:$A$11)-ROW(Sheet1!$A$2)+1

In cells B2...B11 is this formula: =IF(ROWS($B$2:B2)

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Removing/Greying Out Unused/unwanted Columns & Rows

Jun 21, 2006

Need to find out how I can restrict a worksheet to show only the columns and rows that I want. For example, I want to show columns A to H, and rows 1 to 25, and nothing else - I don't want there to be a column G, or a row 26, just blank grey space. I know it's possible, because I've seen it done : D . But the closest I can get to is: View > Page Break Preview, which isn't quite what I'm after.

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Sorting Columns Instead Of Rows

Jan 14, 2009

I have some data that is 300 rows x 43 columns.

I'd like to sort the 43 colums by using some of the rows. Is this possible using normal excel?

Alternatively is there a simple way to sort the colums in VBA?

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Create Column List Out Of Table (rows And Columns) While Removing Blanks

May 26, 2014

I am trying to create a straight column list that can take the rows and columns of a table, and list only the nonblank items. The formula I am using only seems to work with one column, not multiple.


[Code] .....

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Sorting By Columns But Keeping Rows Together?

May 23, 2013

I'm trying to sort by City first, then by Report #, but keeping the highlighted rows together. If I use the custom sort it will through my D2's at the bottom and not keep them with their city, report, and D1. How do I get them to stay together? I have attached my document example.

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Sorting Rows Based On Columns

Jan 20, 2009

I have a worksheet with columns of Unique Words and corresponding Frequency of Occurrence for several years. I would like to sort the data so the rows match up on same Unique Words across years.

I am using Excel 2007.

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Sorting Columns And Keep Information In Rows Intact

May 26, 2009

I am trying to sort/filter the information by columns but I need the information in each row to stay together for instance...

1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 1
3 4 5 1 2
4 5 1 2 3
5 1 2 3 4

I need to sort the numbers in column 3 in ascending order or filter them but i need the entire row to move when sorted so it needs to look like this

4 5 1 2 3
5 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 1
3 4 5 1 2

I am using the list function to sort and filter the data in the columns but when i try to sort them in ascending order i get....

1 2 1 4 5
2 3 2 5 1
3 4 3 1 2
4 5 4 2 3
5 1 5 3 4

I don't know how to write formulas or VBA's or anything but am willing to try.

Is it possible to sort the data and get a result like the second set of data? and is there an easy way to make this fool proof so people that use the spreadsheet will not mess up the data?

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Sorting Rows Of Data Into Columns With Headings

Aug 30, 2013

I have hundreds of rows of data which I need to sort into headings in a new tab.

E.g Column D has about 40 names which occur many times. Column G has 4 digit numbers which are unique.

I want to create in a new tab a column for each of these 40 names, using that name as the heading and then list the 4 digit numbers unders that heading. So if the name name "John" appears 20 times in Column D, it will get a heading in the new sheet and there will be 20 unique numbers listed below it from the data in Column G.

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Advanced Sorting With Blank Rows In Columns?

Jun 10, 2014

I have been trying to sort an excel spreadsheet to no avail. I have read mutliple posts and searched online but I can not find a solution. This is what I have. I have three columns of data. column A is an account name. column b has some insurance coverage info and may have multiple rows that go with column A. Column C has the effective date of the coverages in column B. I want to sort column A in alphabetical order but when I have tried it does not keep column B and C together with column A.

Column A Column B Column C
company 1 General Liab 5/1/14-15
Workers Comp 2/1/13-14

company 2 workers comp 2/1/13-14

company 3 crime 5/5/14-15
D&O 5/5/14-15
Fee 4/15/14-15

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Sorting Columns In Individual Rows (lots Of Them)

May 17, 2006

I am needing to sort individual rows horizonally (by columns) - sound simply enough, but apparently its not (unless I'm overlooking something really basic). For example, I need to sort each row (2 - 300) beginning in column B and ending in column P individually. I can do this - one at a time - using Excel's sort function, but its time consuming and this is something I need to be able to do on a regular basis.

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Remove Duplicates If Two Rows And Two Columns Are Equal?

Feb 28, 2014

I want to check between column c and E if it has same values repeated more than once.

Same user has same ID twice remove one.

for Ex:


c2 has "Ram" and E2 has "sample001".

c5 has "Ram" and E5 has "Sample 001".

highlight the duplicate.

Check this between columns c and E till the last row.

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Delete Entire Rows With Duplicates In Two Columns Only

Apr 20, 2012

I need excel to delete entire rows if there are duplicates in two columns combined.

So, if I have this sample data (in reality I have a lot more columns)

1 Tr. ID Last Name First Name Sex
2 RBM_A Miller Johnny M
3 RBM_A Bayron Josephine F
4 RBM_A Jackson Reynaldo M

[Code] ........

I want excel to delete only row 9, not 11, 13 or 14.

So far, if I look for duplicates in both columns it marks duplicates in either one. Also if I delete the duplicates, it deletes them only in those two columns, leaving me with distorted data (in this example, row 14 would have no last or first name, but only the values "RBM_C" in column B and "F" in column E.

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Delete Rows Based On Duplicates In X Columns

May 14, 2006

I've been looking through various forums looking for a macro for a particular task, but I have not found something that works yet. Maybe someone could help me out? It's pretty straightforward situation.

I need a macro that removes an entire row when: information in column B and column C are both found in other rows ( duplicates).

I'm dealing with a worksheet with store record information ... Store Name (column B), Street Name (column C), State/Province, etc. I import new store records all the time and many are invalid because they share the same name and street address and therefore need to be removed. The ones that I’ve played with unfortunately end up deleting the cells only and not the entire row.

It's a tedious process to do manually remove entire rows (for duplicate column B&C) when dealing with thousands of rows and I would very much appreciate any assistance or insight into how simplify the process with a macro. I've attached a sample of what I'm working with.

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Delete Duplicates Rows Based On 2 Columns

Dec 6, 2006

I want to delete the current row if the data on row A and Row B match. Its hard to explain so I posted an example.

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Sorting Multi-rows & Columns Of Data In Groups

Mar 30, 2007

I realize that the easier resolve to this request is to use Access & we are moving to that application.

I have included a worksheet as an example.

We have a 'work in progress' (WIP) worksheet that contains 12 rows of data per job. Need to know how (or if) you can sort by the "Job #:" value while maintaining the group of information necessary for each individual job.

Not a normal sort because the values aren't entered in typical side-by-side row & column format.

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All Number Combinations From Entries In 7 Columns And 3 Rows With No Duplicates?

Dec 2, 2013

I have 7 columns x 3 rows with unique numbers. I wish to determine every combination of the above numbers without repeats.


[Code] ........

Column 1 would only use column 1 numbers.
Column 2 would only use column 2 numbers...etc.

Also have the same for 5 rows of unique numbers.

I've been working on this for 10 years and this is the last step to finalizing the WINNING numbers.

Back checking using the 5 row technique I would have spent 10,000,000.00 playing over 8 years with a winners purse of 33,000,000.00

With the 3 row I would have spent close to 200k and won 2.5 mil.

Only problem is that I don't have the 10 to start with, the 200k is a maybe .

I need to be able to generate the combinations to play the numbers.

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Sorting Certain Columns But Ensuring Certain Rows Remain Fixed To Their 'master Row'

Jan 22, 2009

I have created a spreadsheet which is tallying up various data. I have a number of different categories e.g. A, B, C, D and within each one of these are sub categories. I then have a tally for the number of each category and within that the number of each sub category. I then want to sort the data so that first the main category is sorted in order of highest tally to lowest. the sub categories however need to stay with their primary category. I then need to sort each sub category within the main category.

the data looks omething like this:

category tally sub cat number

A 6 A 3
B 4
C 6
B 9 A 1
B 6

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Removing Some Duplicates

Sep 12, 2012

I am trying to organize some meteorological data for a project and I ran into a wall, basically I have 3 columns in one there is the date, in one the hour and in the third one the temperature the issue is that in the hour section i have the hour 12:00 that repeats its self , and this goes for the hole year , pretty much every day i have the hour 12:00 that repeats twice , so select for every Monday , Tuesday etc only certain hours.

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Removing Duplicates..

Oct 21, 2009

I have list of data references about 60000 of them but some are duplicated. I have used advanced filted then unique records only. So now i have just the unique records showing now. How do i copy the accounts that is just unique into a new worksheet? I tried copying it but its copying everything. I even tried using paste value but still copying everything?

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Removing Duplicates

Apr 17, 2008

I have a spreadsheet which contains 2 columns of data, most of which are duplicates.

I'm looking for a macro which will check all of colum A (A2:A138)


Column B (B2:B163)

I would like the macro to remove duplicate entries (from column A) in column B so that all that is left in column B are entries which don't match any in column A

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Removing Duplicates With Less Elements In A Row

Nov 22, 2011

Writing macro for "Removing duplicates with less elements in a row."

I am trying to remove duplicate entries from a file based on the number of data present in a row. Please see below

Name Col-1 Col-2 Col-3 Col-4
abc 1 3 4
abc 1 2 3 4
abc 1 4

I want to retain the row with maximum elements(row 2 in above eg.).

Result should be:

Name Col-1 Col-2 Col-3 Col-4
abc 1 2 3 4

Currently I am doing this manually, by adding countA at the end of each row, then arranging them in descending order. That will make sure that the row with more data comes first n hence gets retained, while other rows gets deleted.
Can this be done using Macro?

Below macro just deletes the rows,

Public Sub DeleteDuplicateRows()
Dim R As Long
Dim N As Long
Dim V As Variant
Dim Rng As Range

On Error GoTo EndMacro
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

[Code] .....

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Removing Duplicates With Criteria

Feb 6, 2007

I'm adding data from a report into a spread sheet and some of it will be duplicated. I want to remove the duplicate data, but is there a way to differentiate between the older (and more complete) data and the newer data? In other words, how do I get rid of the duplicate while keeping the one I want to keep?

I was considering the advanced filter, but if I create too many columns of criteria will it be seen as unique?

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Removing Duplicates From A List Of Data

Apr 3, 2014

I have data in the form of a table. For example a list of duplicate names, each of these names have a corresponding date (lease expiry date). The problem is that the duplicate names have varying dates. So the remove duplicates function does not work because i need to remove the duplicate names with the older dates. I want the latest dates to remain behind.

Data Currently: Solution should be:

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Excel Function Removing Even Duplicates

May 7, 2014

I want to pull the very last odd duplicate. Example below, I want to pull out A3, and C5 and delete the rest. Is there a function that will allow me to do this?

For example,

Column 1 Column 2
A 1
A 2
A 3
B 1
B 2
C 1
C 2
C 3
C 4
C 5
D 1
D 2
D 3
D 4

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Rule For Removing Duplicates In Data?

Jun 10, 2014

I'm trying to find out the rule for de-duplicating data. I am removing duplicates based on an identification number in a data set of about 6000 records, including the duplicates (some records appear about 4 times). Due to the nature of the data I'm working with, there are only a handful of records that are "true" duplicates, i.e. some of the records appear 4 times but there is a difference in terms of location, etc and some are true duplicates in that there is no difference.

I need to know how Excel removes duplicates - does it only keep the first line that it finds for that identification number? Also, is there a way that I could create a rule for it to keep the record with the highest rate for example?

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Removing Duplicates Feature Is Malfunctioning

Mar 13, 2009

i'm trying to remove duplicates from a worksheet containing customer contact info. the sheet has 9 columns with headings, and the duplicates appear in the last name and phone number column. (the sheet contains no outlines/groups/subtotals.)

i want to remove entries that contain the same last name AND phone number, however when i go to DATA>DATA TOOLS>REMOVE DUPLICATES, and specify the columns i want to remove duplicates from, it keeps deleting an entry that has the same last name, but not the same phone number.

i even tried removing duplicates from only the phone number column, and it still removes the phone number for the entry that has a duplicated last name, even though the phone numbers are different.

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Locate Duplicates Within Worksheet Before Removing

Mar 13, 2013

I have about 20k records with dealer codes and brands listed. I need to be able to see the duplicates from the dealer numbers and brands. Is there a formula that can be used to locate them and see them before removing them?

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