Stop Links Updating Opening Workbook With Macro

Jul 24, 2007

Currently I am using VBA Code below to Stop Update links prompts

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Workbooks.Open "C:TempBook2.xls", UpdateLinks:=False
End Sub

Is there code I can use such This Workbook so that I can save this file as another name and it will work? Biz Auto Merged Post;Dear All, I have found VBA code that works.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Workbooks.Open ThisWorkbook.Name, UpdateLinks:=False
End Sub

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Stop Updating Picture Links?

Jul 14, 2010

In my worksheet i use a macro to produce my results which runs perfect.

Later i copied my range and pasted as picture link in another sheet.Since then the macro takes a long time to run. I suppose while running the macro xl continuously updates the picture slowing the macro.

i already set calculation as manual but no use.

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Turn Off Message On Updating Links At Workbook Open

May 28, 2007

Does anyone have any code to put in Workbook_Open module that can get rid of this message that says "The workbook contains automatic links ......." and default the selection to Yes when asked if I want to update all linked information?

I tried this but it doesnt work ...

Private Sub Workbook_Open ()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

End Sub

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Updating All Pivots When Opening Workbook

Dec 19, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with a number of sheets in it for our sales team to record orders received and pending; the first sheet contains pivots which relate to the other sheets (a sheet for each financial quarter) (i.e. one pivot for sheet 2, one pivot for sheet 3 etc)

Is there a macro which will allow me to update all of the pivots when the workbook is opened? Or, even better, one where they will be updated when the first sheet is accessed?

The only one I have found when searching is:

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Update Links Opening Workbook: Turning Off Warnings

Sep 8, 2006

When ever I open a file a message comes up reading "This workbook contains links to other data sources" and then asks me wethere I wasnt to update or not. Well I don't want people to see this when they run a Macro I have created. So what I would like to know is if there is some code that I can add into the macro that will either disable that message or somehow always answer "dont update" everytime that message comes up so that the user wont have to be bothered with it.

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Macro For Updating Links

May 4, 2007

if it was possible to write a macro that will update a link to a file that has the same file name but now lies in a different folder/directory path. I have about 50 spreadsheets that link to this file which has now been moved.

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Updating Links All At Once

Apr 11, 2008

if it would be possible to update all the links in a workbook at once. For example, say I have a worksheet which is linking to a file named something like 4-6-08 (1) and 4-6-08 (2) and so on with the number in brackets being from 1-21. Now say I have the same thing for 4-7 and 4-8 and 4-9. Now I want to change the links to point to 4-10,11,12,13 instead of 6,7,8, and 9. But still there are 21 copies of each sheet. Is there any way to change all the sources at once so all the 4-6's could become 4-10's and 4-7's to 4-11's?

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Links Not Updating

Mar 23, 2007

I have several Excel files saved on a network drive at work. We run cost studies and have numerous links mixed in with these files. My question is, when we change data in one sheet, it doesn't update the other sheet where we have it linked. When you click on the address for the link you get, (\fileshareN:Raetc...) If I remove the \fileshare and leave it as N: the links update. What am I doing wrong here? It automatically adds this \fileshare piece when I add the link. When I have removed it and close it, the extra information is added and I am back at square one.

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Formula Links Not Updating

Oct 26, 2006

I have a workbook (we'll call it Mainbook)that has links to files on a shared drive (call these subbooks). For some reason, unless the "subbook" files are open, my links in "Mainbook" will not update.

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Macro Where I Try To Edit The Links After I Open The Workbook

Feb 3, 2007

I have a macro where I try to edit the links after I open the workbook. I used the macro recorder to get the code, and if I use it, it works great. However, when I try to insert some variables in the code, I get an error saying "Method 'ChangeLink' of object'_Workbook' failed. I don't know why I'm getting this error. Below is code.

Sub MyCode

Dim VarianceMonth As Variant
VarianceMonth = VarianceReport.cboMonth.ListIndex + 1

Windows(VarianceMonth & "_2007 Forecast (LGBU).xls").Activate
ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink Name:= _
"\sf1d3shareLGBU_ FinanceAdministrative ReportsMonthly Forecasts" & VarianceMonth & "_2007" & VarianceMonth - 1 & "_2007 Forecast (Ancillary).xls" _
, NewName:= _
"\sf1d3shareLGBU_ FinanceAdministrative ReportsMonthly Forecasts" & VarianceMonth & "_2007" & variancmeonth & "_2007 Forecast (Ancillary).xls" _
, Type:=xlExcelLinks

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Links Updating When New Row Is Entered Into Source

Jan 23, 2009

I have a master price list that will have items added or removed from it occasionally. I have sixty workbooks that contain detailed data on mixes of multiple products from the master price list. All the corresponding prices throughout the sixty workbooks are linked to their specific slot on the master price list. The problem: if the sixty workbooks are closed and anyone adds a new row to the master price list, when I open any of the workbooks the values update but the referenced cell does not.

So if the price for Product 25 is located in cell K118, and two products are added in above K118, when I open any of my mix sheets that contain Product 25 the linked cell should be to K120. But it's not doing it that way. It is holding on to the referenced K118 cell and updating the value to the wrong price.

I've played around with the VLOOKUP function but haven't been able to make it work. Linking the cell as I have has worked great, if I could just get it to adjust the reference as new rows are added to the source workbook.

I've figured out that it will update the workbooks when I add a row if all that are required are open when the addition is made. But my boss will not open sixty workbooks every time a change needs to be made to the master price list, which he controls.

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Links Are Not Automatically Updating On My Worksheets

Mar 4, 2009

My links are not automatically updating on my worksheets. I was recently working on a sheet that linked to a different sheet in the same workbook. I deleted some cells by dragging other cells onto them, but when I went to the sheet that was linked to this sheet, the old information remained. When I clicked the cells that should have said "#Ref", they said =Sheet1!#REf but still had the old information showing until after I hit F9.

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Prevent Links Updating On Open

Oct 8, 2007

I have a large workbook 45MB with 40 sheets each containing a section that links to the server to update itself when the workbook calculates. With that being said it's impossible to have the workbook on Automatic calculate because the update process can take about 7-10 minutes so its set to manual. However, I would like to prevent the links from updating (its one link that is used to update the file) by possibly a macro that runs when the workbook opens and prevent the update link from running when I press F9 to manually calculate.

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Finding Effective Solution For Updating Links

Apr 4, 2006

I've got a workbook in which there're many formulas linking to other workbooks. Coz these other workbooks are frequently updated, so the calculation (update) in my workbook is painfully slow and time consuming. I wanna improve this, maybe by VBA or other way instead of using link like this. Anyone can give me some hints or way how to improve this condition???

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Opening Workbook From Macro

Aug 23, 2006

I'm attempting to write a macro (in Excel) that uses a path that is given in one of the fields of the worksheet to open a workbook and get find a field to return to the original worksheet. I have working code to pull the information from a worksheet within the same workbook, but I can't seem to get it to work with an external worksheet. Can someone assist me in getting this to work?

I have attached my original code that works, so all I need to do is translate it to open the external workbook and worksheet instead of using the local worksheet. This is pretty simple right?

Public Function GetRate(strClassification As String, strContractNo As String) As Integer

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Run Macro Upon Opening Workbook

Sep 29, 2007

I would like to something arranged where a macro I currently have assigned to a button is automatically run once the workbook is opened. The reason being because I would it to be current with todays date. I have done the following and it results in nothing I still need to click the button to get the macro to work.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

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Excel 2007 :: Updating Workbooks Containing Links To Other Files

Sep 12, 2010

I and my organization have many files created using Excel 2003. I have now upgraded to Excel 2007 and soon I discovered a huge problem.

- When opening a file using Excel 2007 that was created with Excel 2003 the links in that file is automatically updated even though I get the edit links dialog and choose not to update.

After searching for a solution on the Internet I realize that this is a problem that exist when Excel opens a file created in an earlier version. Microsoft has no solution.

I need to be in control of which links that are updated and not.

Going back to excel 2003 is not an option. Saving the source files in Excel 2007 is not an option.

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Excel 2013 :: Updating Links To Separate Workbooks

Sep 12, 2013

I'm linking some data from 2 workbooks in the same folder (using excel 2013)

I have a main rota that works great, called "Main Rota.xlsm" I then have a separate basic file called Email Rota.xlsx without all of the bells and whistles of the Main Rota, purley made to email out to staff.

I store both files in the same folder "Site Rota" and it works fine.... until I rename the folder or move the folder to my laptop.

The link in the Email Rota looks like so to start (calling cell A3 from the Main Rota) ='[Main Rota.xlsm]Planning Rota'!A3

As I said it works fine until I move the folder onto my laptop the link then changes to

='D:DesktopSite Rota[Main Rota.xlsm]Planning Rota'!A3

And I have to keep updating the link, I have read online that it isn't supposed to work like this and its supposed to read the file "cleverly" in the same folder ?

I would ideally like to keep both files in the same folder and to update from visa versa without having to update the links if I move it from PC to laptop with I do daily .

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Macro For Pulling And Updating Data From One Workbook To Another

Apr 7, 2014

I have two workbook.In 'Entry'Workbook where data is filled up daily in different blank cells.In 'Report' workbook,exactly, I want to pull and update the data .The format is same.Then those changes if possible must be shown in a separate sheet.Since the data is very large,I cannot track where the changes has been made in 'Entry' Workbook'.In order to know the changes in cells,I require this on daily basis.Hence I require two things-

1.VBA Code/Macro for pulling & updating changes to 'Report' workbook from 'Entry'Workbook .And only those changes that should be ignored that has been made by me in 'Report'Workbook

2.Changes made in 'Entry'Workbook must be summarised in a separate sheet in 'Report'Workbook.

[URL] ....

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Macro Opening TXT As Workbook Changes Format

Apr 3, 2014

I am having problems to read a number inside a .txt file.

I use this code to open a .txt

Workbooks.OpenText filename:=data_DMC_filename _
, Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:= _
False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(Array _
(1, 1), Array(2, 1)), DecimalSeparator:=",", ThousandsSeparator:=".", _

At original file the number is like this format: 003791689000011403700010, but after opening as workbook it is like this 3,7917E+21

I tried changing the forma to text with this code bellow, but it looses information

Selection.NumberFormat = "0"

and the result is: 3791689000011400000000

I already wrote a lot of my code for other values, using this Workbooks.OpenText command, opening as workbook so I would not like to open the file in text format or so...

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Automatically Run Macro On Opening Workbook

May 19, 2009

I have attached a spreadsheet with a simple macro. How do i make the macro automatically run when the file is opened.

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VBA / Macro Automatically Opening Different Workbook

Dec 1, 2011

I wrote code for a few macros in a "save as" or practice version of a spreadsheet. Once I got the bugs worked out on the practice book I pasted the code into the actual spreadsheet I want to use. The problem is that whenever I run one of the macros it opens the practice book that I was using when I wrote the code. There should be no need for this and I can't figure out why that's happening. The code doesn't mention any workbook by name so I don't know why it would want to open the practice book.

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Autorun Macro When Opening Workbook

Jul 12, 2013

I need the following macro to 'autorun' when I open the workbook.

Sub stcopypaste()
' stcopypaste Macro

[Code] ..........

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Macro Stops After After Opening Another Workbook

Sep 3, 2007

I am a novice at excel macro programming. My Excel 2000 macro inexplicably stops after the line: Workbooks.Open Filename:=stAddrFullname, ReadOnly:=True

1) I know that the remainder of the code is not executed because a breakpoint on the following line is never reached.
2) I know that this line is executed because the stAddrFullname workbook is clearly opened and is displayed when the code stops prematurely.
3) No error message is displayed and I have no 'OnError' instructions in the code.
4) (This is the bit I really don't understand). If I put a Breakpoint in the macro anywhere in the function preceding the "Workbooks.Open" statement, the macro reaches the Breakpoint and then runs through to completion with no problem. When I remove the breakpoint, it reverts to stopping as soon as it has opened the Workbook.
5) The stAddrFullname workbook has no macros in it.

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Stop Macro: Messageboxes May Only Appear When The Workbook Is Opened

Feb 6, 2007

I´m using this code to create a messagebox±

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Range("E2:E126")
If c > -15 And c < 0 Then MsgBox c.Offset(, -3), vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "LET OP! Einddatum contract nadert!"
End Sub

The messageboxes may only appear when the workbook is opened. The problem is that they appear when I change something in the workbook.

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Macro - Opening, Copying And Saving Workbook To Worksheets

Jul 25, 2008

I have been trying to create a Macro that can do the following.

Open a Excel Workbook, Copy the Worksheets that I need (ignoring ones that are not needed.), Save them in the correct location with a new folder of date and time and saving them as csv files.

I have all the elements but can't seem to get them to gel correctly.

Just wondering if anyone has anything like this that I could adapt or edit.

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Stop Now Function Auto Updating When New Row Added

Oct 29, 2008

I have fought with this for 2 days and I am trying to have a worksheet cell update the date and time if the cell it is referencing (B3 see below)

Here is the formula I am using however it updates every time a new row is added to the worksheet. So the Date/Time stamp on each row is always updated to NOW() everytime.

=IF(ISNA(B3),"0/0/00 00:00",NOW())

I would like to have a Date/Time stamp stay as is once that row has been added. Is there anyway to stop the field from updating once the date and time have been set?

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Stop OK On FollowHyperlink Opening File

Nov 28, 2007

I've got the following vba code: (not sure if im in the right forum? )

ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:="http://blah/blah/blah/Pipeline Submissions/" & CountryOnly & "/" & useronly & "/Published Reports" & "/Pipeline_" & DateOnly & ".xls"

And use this to open country workbooks in turn, and get the info out of each and paste into one big, 'consolidated' report. This is all done in a loop.

My question is, how can I stop the dialog box that comes up asking a user to OK the opening of the file? I used to have"\....") way of doing it and turned off display alerts, but I had to change due to moving server, and now I've got it popping up again.

Is there any way to stop it (or an alternative way of opening)- as if you have 7 or so message boxes like this is quite annoying.

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Excel 2007 :: Stop Links Changing When Use SaveAs To Create Backup?

Sep 25, 2013

I have two spreadsheets that are linked in Excel 2007. They both hold very different information about the same projects, so each row shares some information. However, they are both very large and I do not want to combine them in case the whole spreadsheet becomes unusable. I'm not allowed to use a database

When I save Spreadsheet 1 in a different location, so that I have a backup of the precious data, the link in Spreadsheet 2 changes to show that new location. I want the link to stay at the old location.

Is there a way to stop the link changing when I use SaveAs, so that when I open Spreadsheet 2 it refers to the original location of Spreadsheet 1?

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Conditional Format Shading Stop Updating Until Save...?

Aug 17, 2009

I have a sheet that highlight cells to show that they need to still be filled out if another cell in the same row has a number in it. What happens is that when you put the number in the row the cells won't become shaded or partially shade until the workbook is saved.. Maybe I can put some code in that tells the work book to update whenever a cell is changed?

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