VBA / Macro Automatically Opening Different Workbook

Dec 1, 2011

I wrote code for a few macros in a "save as" or practice version of a spreadsheet. Once I got the bugs worked out on the practice book I pasted the code into the actual spreadsheet I want to use. The problem is that whenever I run one of the macros it opens the practice book that I was using when I wrote the code. There should be no need for this and I can't figure out why that's happening. The code doesn't mention any workbook by name so I don't know why it would want to open the practice book.

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Automatically Run Macro On Opening Workbook

May 19, 2009

I have attached a spreadsheet with a simple macro. How do i make the macro automatically run when the file is opened.

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Automatically Display 2 Sheets When Opening A Workbook

Apr 9, 2008

I am preparing a simple document for employees to use that requires viewing two sheets simultaneously.

To make it user friendly I would like, if possible, to save it so that when opening the file, the two sheets open side by side without the user having to open the new window and juggle with window sizes etc.

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Workbook Automatically Opens When Opening/Closing Any Other

Mar 14, 2008

I have a problem, where every time I close or open any workbook, Excel prompts me to "Enable or Disable Macros" in one particular workbook, wether I have tried to open it or not. In the said workbook, I have a macro that automatically updates a pivot table upon selecting the worksheet where the pivot table resides.

The code for it is as follows:

Sub UpdateIt()
Dim iP As Integer
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For iP = 1 To ActiveSheet.PivotTables.Count
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Call UpdateIt
End Sub

There is something in the code that calls UpdateIt any time a workbook is opened, closed or selected.

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Automatically Minimize The 2007 Ribbon On Opening A Particular Workbook

Feb 22, 2009

I would like to be able to automatically minimize the Excel 2007 ribbon on opening a particular workbook. My preference is to be able to apply that minimization to certain worksheets only, but if that's not possible then minimizing the ribbons on all sheets in the workbook will be ok.

Will I also need a BeforeClose code as well to reinstate the ribbon so that it is visible when opening subsequent workbooks?

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Automatically Sort A Workbook On Opening And Delete Blank Rows?

Jul 4, 2013

I am trying to educate myself in the wonders of Excel (2003) and an struggling somewhat.I have a small project loosely based on a shops stock control and have attached a copy of the workbook -

The user normally only has access to columns B, C and E due to the others being locked and the sheet protected.I would like the sheet to be automatically sorted based on column E each time the workbook is opened.I then need to automatically delete a row once an item in column B has been removed (made blank)

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Clearing Form Control Checkboxes Automatically On Opening Workbook

May 8, 2009

I'm developing a workbook containing 121 sheets. Sheet 1 is effectively an index, and uses 120 form control checkboxes to unhide and display the selected sheets individually.

The code I'm using for each checkbox is below and is in a module.

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Automatically Enable Macro When Opening File

May 14, 2007

I'm working on a macro for work. It's a simple workbook with about 10 tabs. I would like for the user to open up the workbook but it not have the prompt foir enabling or disabling macros. Just on this one sheet, not other macros on other sheets.

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Opening Workbook From Macro

Aug 23, 2006

I'm attempting to write a macro (in Excel) that uses a path that is given in one of the fields of the worksheet to open a workbook and get find a field to return to the original worksheet. I have working code to pull the information from a worksheet within the same workbook, but I can't seem to get it to work with an external worksheet. Can someone assist me in getting this to work?

I have attached my original code that works, so all I need to do is translate it to open the external workbook and worksheet instead of using the local worksheet. This is pretty simple right?

Public Function GetRate(strClassification As String, strContractNo As String) As Integer

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Run Macro Upon Opening Workbook

Sep 29, 2007

I would like to something arranged where a macro I currently have assigned to a button is automatically run once the workbook is opened. The reason being because I would it to be current with todays date. I have done the following and it results in nothing I still need to click the button to get the macro to work.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

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Macro Opening TXT As Workbook Changes Format

Apr 3, 2014

I am having problems to read a number inside a .txt file.

I use this code to open a .txt

Workbooks.OpenText filename:=data_DMC_filename _
, Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:= _
False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(Array _
(1, 1), Array(2, 1)), DecimalSeparator:=",", ThousandsSeparator:=".", _

At original file the number is like this format: 003791689000011403700010, but after opening as workbook it is like this 3,7917E+21

I tried changing the forma to text with this code bellow, but it looses information

Selection.NumberFormat = "0"

and the result is: 3791689000011400000000

I already wrote a lot of my code for other values, using this Workbooks.OpenText command, opening as workbook so I would not like to open the file in text format or so...

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Autorun Macro When Opening Workbook

Jul 12, 2013

I need the following macro to 'autorun' when I open the workbook.

Sub stcopypaste()
' stcopypaste Macro

[Code] ..........

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Macro Stops After After Opening Another Workbook

Sep 3, 2007

I am a novice at excel macro programming. My Excel 2000 macro inexplicably stops after the line: Workbooks.Open Filename:=stAddrFullname, ReadOnly:=True

1) I know that the remainder of the code is not executed because a breakpoint on the following line is never reached.
2) I know that this line is executed because the stAddrFullname workbook is clearly opened and is displayed when the code stops prematurely.
3) No error message is displayed and I have no 'OnError' instructions in the code.
4) (This is the bit I really don't understand). If I put a Breakpoint in the macro anywhere in the function preceding the "Workbooks.Open" statement, the macro reaches the Breakpoint and then runs through to completion with no problem. When I remove the breakpoint, it reverts to stopping as soon as it has opened the Workbook.
5) The stAddrFullname workbook has no macros in it.

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Macro - Opening, Copying And Saving Workbook To Worksheets

Jul 25, 2008

I have been trying to create a Macro that can do the following.

Open a Excel Workbook, Copy the Worksheets that I need (ignoring ones that are not needed.), Save them in the correct location with a new folder of date and time and saving them as csv files.

I have all the elements but can't seem to get them to gel correctly.

Just wondering if anyone has anything like this that I could adapt or edit.

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Stop Links Updating Opening Workbook With Macro

Jul 24, 2007

Currently I am using VBA Code below to Stop Update links prompts

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Workbooks.Open "C:TempBook2.xls", UpdateLinks:=False
End Sub

Is there code I can use such This Workbook so that I can save this file as another name and it will work? Biz Auto Merged Post;Dear All, I have found VBA code that works.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Workbooks.Open ThisWorkbook.Name, UpdateLinks:=False
End Sub

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Show Custom Error Message If Opening Workbook Macro Code Fails

May 17, 2008

I cannot figure out how to get my error handler to work, or actually, not work. It seems to work fine when there is an error, but the code still gets read even when there was not an error. Basically, I am trying to open a file, which may or may not be there. When it is not there I want a message to pop up informing the user. However, when the file is there and it opens, the error handler still gives the message box. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Private Sub btnOK_Click()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim LCSfile As String
LCSfile = frmSelectFile.Listbox1.Value
On Error Goto ErrHandler
Workbooks.Open Filename:=sPath & sDate & "" & LCSfile & "QUANT.CSV"
MsgBox ("File is not quantitated. Please select another file.")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

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Opening A File Without Opening A Workbook

Apr 17, 2007

I have a need to open a file from my companies intranet. My current method was to open said file via the method that the recorder gave me. However, I would like ot be able to open a said file without having to start open another workbook.

This is the path:

So the command is this:
Workbooks.Open [url]

Links are not actual links

So what I need to know. Is how can I open this file without opening a workbook. I haven't been able to use the VB "Open Statement" to open a file and I don't believe that I've been successfull using the Filesystem object either.

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Run Macro From Closed Workbook Automatically For Every 24 Hours?

Nov 24, 2012

I have a file which is having name as "Team data-11/23/2012" actually i have to create a file on daily basis except Saturday and Sunday. I need a macro which automatically runs from one file and saves the excel file on daily basis. and the file name should "team data - (today's date)". this file also should be created automatically. it means that macro should run automatically for every 24 hours.

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Macro - Automatically List All Worksheets Within Workbook?

Feb 7, 2014

How do you automatically list all the worksheets within a workbook? I did some searching and decided to use the following code:

Sub ListWorksheets()

'Lists all the sheet names in the workbook onto the _
first sheet (starting at cell a4)

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count
Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 1) = Worksheets(i).Name
Next i

End Sub

It would be very useful if I could control the row in which the data is returned. "starting at cell [U]a4[U] seems to be that part of the command, but it still returns in the 1st row.

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Opening New Workbook And Pasting Values Into Current Workbook?

May 13, 2014

I am using the below code (i have combined different bits of code which i found on these forums) to open a new workbook, copy all the data in it and paste it into Sheet2 in the active workbook . Also, i want the data to be pasted on the next empty row as there is already data in Sheet2. The data that is being copied and pasted has the same format and it is going to be repeated many times.

The problem i am having is that it is not offsetting the data to the next empty row - i think it is a simple change but i can't seem to get there :s

Also, the code is currently selecting all of the data from the workbook that i open - is there a way i can select all of the data, excluding the first row (the first row contains the headings which i already have in Sheet2 in the active workbook).


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Copying Data From Userform To Another Workbook Without Opening Second Workbook

May 16, 2014

I have created userform and it works fine. Following code assigned to 'SUBMIT' button in userform - works fine. I am trying to include code where certain data from userform is also copied to workbook2 ( of course without opening it)- as marked in red...below


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Automatically Opening Word Documents

Sep 28, 2009

I need a little assistance opening a Word file via an Excel macro. The two files are linked and upon opening, the Word file asks if the links should be updated. I need this to automatically be "Yes" everytime the file is opened.

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Analysis Toolpak - Opening Automatically

Nov 13, 2008

I use various spreadsheets which use the EOmonth function. The reason for this is that I have a variable start month and then move out for a set period and this is a very easy way of doing this. My only problem is that you have to have the Analysis ToolPak add-in selected, so when you send to other people, it doesn't work. I have use a bit of code to turn this on, but if the disable macros is selected than this doesn't work.

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Getting Data Form Workbook Without Opening The Workbook

Apr 6, 2014

Can I search a document without opening it?

If not how do I open a file if not already opened without using "ON ERROR"

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Opening A Workbook Then Switching Back To First Workbook

Apr 25, 2009

I am trying to make one of my macros open a file then switch back to the orignal file and then running the macro.

here is my

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Save Data From One Workbook To Another Without Opening Workbook

Mar 1, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that data gets exported to from a software program. There is information such as customer name, part number, inquiry number, etc that I'd like to use to develop a log of all my estimates I create for parts. I'd like excel to take the cells I select and insert them into certain cells in the other workbook and automatically save that workbook. This will create a log of all my estimates where I can then link the full estimate to the log. The information will have to go in the next available row. Is there any way I can accomplish this without having to open the other workbook and save the work book each time?

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Prevent Workbook Opening If Other Workbook Open & VBE

Aug 29, 2006

how to prevent a workbook from opening if another excel document is open and if a visual basic window is opened.

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Workbook Keeps Opening By Itself?

Jun 12, 2013

I have just added some code to make my workbook close after it has been inactive for 5 minutes...this works fine except it opens itself up again after 5 minutes. If I select 'Enable Macros' it closes immediately and if not, it will stay open.

Here is all of the code I put in for the auto shut down:



Module 1

[Code] ....

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Opening In Different Workbook

Jan 6, 2007

I currently have a workbook that, when opened, automatically kicks off a macro (with a call from the Workbook_Open event in ThisWorkbook). I was to run that same called macro from a custom button that I put on a toolbar in Excel itself...which is pretty straight forward. However, when I do this, the macro kicks off twice...once from the button and once because the called macro's workbook opens and kicks off the macro with the Workbook_Open event.

So, what I was thinking was...is there a way to tell if a workbook is being opened by another workbook (by calling it's macro) or whether is was opened "normally (manually)"?

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Workbook Opening Twice

Nov 9, 2006

My friend emailed me a workbook. When she or I open the workbook, it opens two instances of it. Is there an option in excel that is causing it to do this? I need to send this a client and I do not want this to happen on their side.

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