What is the syntax for passing arrays to functions? In other words, for the following simple test example, what would work? It is highlighting the asValue parameter and saying, "Type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected". This occurs whether or not I follow it with the empty parentheses.
Option Base 1 Dim Covariance(1 To 5, 1 To 5) As Double Dim Mean(1 To 5) As Double Dim Portfolio(1 To 10, 1 To 2, 1 To 5) As Double Dim PortfolioValues(1 To 10, 1 To 2) As Double
And my main function:
Function Generate_Portfolio_Values()
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer Dim m As Integer
correctly using variables within functions used in formulas specified by VBA. Here's an example:
I want to place a formula within a workbook file called "Books 2003.xls" that goes to the version of the file for the previous year (or whatever year is specified) and does a Sum of a particular range (where that range is also specified as a variable) so it sums up the Total for the previous year for the same number of months that have data in them to date for the current year. Once VBA places the formula where it belongs, it should be able to always provide a running comparisson with the current year to date total and the totals for the same period for the previous year. Here's an example of the intent of this simple formula:
The workbook files will all be named the same way: Books 2002.xls, Books 2003.xls etc.... The range to be summed will always start at R4C2, but could then end anywhere from R4C2 (same as B4) up to R15C2 (same as B15).
I already have a routine that captures the value for the variable CurrentYear in the form "2003" and thus have another variable for PrevYear (= CurrentYear -1), and so then have a way to correctly specify the variable "BookName" to get the correct filename needed. I also have a variable for the CurrentMonth in the form of "1 through 12", and can use that to specifiy the correct RowNum needed to determine the end of the range (RowNum = CurrentMonth + 3).
I've tried to substitute the variables "BookName" and "RowNum" into the above formula with various combinations such as what follows, but I'm not getting the correct syntax with the right number of quotes etc...:
What I am trying to do is to automatically build a "tree" diagram representing the links in a huge model which is dynamically configured. What I have a problem with is the following:
The tree consists of layers, I start off with the top layer and for each entry in the top layer I can add all its subsidiary layers and draw links between them, this uses a function which takes as its arguments the node name and its layer number (how far down the tree it is) and the number of items in that layer so far.
So I start at the first item in Layer 1 and there are as yet no layers below it. I start at the first one and add the first item in layer 2 then I kick the function off again and that adds the first item connected to item 1 in layer 2 in the layer below (3) starting at the first one, and so on. When I reach the bottom I go up one layer and add the second item in the bottom layer and so on. When I have added all the connctions to the first item in the next to bottom layer I go up one layer and add the second item connected to the first item in that layer and then add all the items connected to it and so on and so on.
In this way I build up the network exhaustively (to make things more complex more than one item in a layer may connect to the same item in the layer below).
I can do almost all that, the issue I am struggling with is I need to keep track of how many items there are in each layer (as some layer 1 items connect to 1, 2, 3 ...8 layer 2 items and so on). my idea is to keep a running total of these in an array LevelCount(1), LevelCount(2) etc. so when I add a new item to a layer I know where to put it. However I cant workout how to do this final step.
Currently I have a function that draws the nodes below a specified node this and takes the correct value from the array LevelCount(n) by passing Levelcount(n) (where n represents how far down the tree you are) into the function and the function then updates the value of LevelCount(n) (ByRef) so that next time I use it it is correct. That is fine but what I want to do is to is to call the same function from within itself when it adds each node which would make it work automatically - it would keep calling instances of the function until it reached bottom and then go back one step at a time to the top but I cant work out how to reference the right value in the array to pass into the second (and subsequent) instances of the function.
I don't think I can simply pass (n) into the function and in the body of the function set LevelCount(n) = LevelCount(n)+1
I also dont know ahead of time how many layers the model will have, nor can I tell which layer a node sits in as it depends on the links that are dynamically configured.
Beyond this a node can also be subsidiary to nodes in more than one level so it needs to sit at the lowest level - but I suspect if I can work out how to do the first bit i can do this too.
I have drop down fields using a vlookup to grab the corresponding data in a colums next it which is being concatenated into a one big cell. The problem is a set of other columns that I need to pull data from but its dependant to a previous column. In the attachment you see which ever region is selected the following column data is grabbed and the same goe for title. Now when the location is selected the info in its column should be selected that corresponds to the row that the specific title is on. example
if selected: North America>Secretary>Texas results: A Crazy Mix->;typical,Notepad, pen,square dance
I trying to populate cells with a correlation function using VBA, I have set up dynamic references/arguments for the fuction to take on however I just can't get it to work. Currently instead of populating the formula into the cell, it's just populates it as a string based on what's entered below =correl(Ystart &":"& yend, xstart&'":"'& xend").
FYI - The correl function takes on two ranges,. I've predefined these below.
I've got this relatively simple file I use to calculate some values for a game mod. Its currently using ad-hoc excel functions, but its maths related to aerodynamics and they get unreadable quickly. I'd like to move to VBA functions for ease of maintenance, and programming the maths part of the code has been no issue so far.
However, I don't understand how to replicate the functionality of the default maths functions regarding range inputs.
Simple example, one of the intermediate values is the Aspect Ratio of the wing:
This works fine with both numeric inputs, cell references, or, as shown here, defined range names.
However, my VBA version:
Code: Function AspectRatio(b_2 As Variant, mac As Variant, Optional round As Integer = 3) As Variant AspectRatio = Application.round(2 * b_2 / mac, round) End Function Only works with single-cell references or numeric inputs.
When called as:
Code: =AspectRatio(Semi_Span, Mean_Aerodynamic_Chord) It fails.
From my limited understanding - I've only started looking into VBA about 2 hours ago - I need to do a IsNumeric test on the inputs in question, and then use the row from Application.Caller.Address to select the right cell if the input is a range? Am I on the right track?
How to craft a Sub I can call in the 15+ math functions I made.
I´m writting a macro. It works find until a certain point. When I want to change some outputs of the macro without changing the syntax, it display an error mesage while runing the macro. It says Else without If. Which is quite disturbing because the Else was not creating any problem before. Here is my macro before I changed the conditions (this one work nicely)
Sub Copy_Sheet_Beta() Set wba = ActiveWorkbook On Error Resume Next If IsWorkbookOpened("Projekt.xls", "C:Documents and SettingsfrederikSkrivebordRedd Barna") Then Workbooks("Projekt.xls").Activate 'In case open, just activate "Projekt" Else Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsfrederikSkrivebordRedd Barnaprojekt.xls" End If Set wb = Workbooks("Projekt.xls") wb.Activate If Not SheetExists(wba.ActiveSheet. Range("C1").Value) Then MsgBox "overall doesn't exist!" Else........................................
I am retrieving a CSV file from the net. In this file there are 'x' amount of row data and 7 columns. I only care about the values in the 7th column for each row. I also don't care about the entire first row. A graphical version would be represented something like this, with the values I want colored in orange:
I've managed to dice this thing into a jagged array by first splitting it using vbLf as a delimiter, and therefore adding those to an array called Lines(). Then I split Lines() up using commas as the delimiter and threw those into a jagged array, let's call it Breadcrumbs()(). I want to throw all the values from Breadcrumbs(i)(6) into an array of its own. Here's my code so far:
Code: Public Sub CSVparser(file As String) Dim Lines As Variant Dim j As Integer Lines = Split(file, vbLf) ReDim breadCrumbs(UBound(Lines)) As Variant For i = 1 to UBound(Lines) - 1 breadCrumbs(i) = Split(Lines(i), ",") Next i End Sub
I am aware of the following topic in the VBA Help file:
"Using Microsoft Excel Worksheet Functions in Visual Basic You can use most Microsoft Excel worksheet functions in your Visual Basic statements. To see a list of the worksheet functions you can use, see List of Worksheet Functions Available to Visual Basic.
Note Some worksheet functions aren’t useful in Visual Basic. For example, the Concatenate function isn’t needed because in Visual Basic you can use the & operator to join multiple text values."
And I'm aware of how to call Excel funcitons from within VBA; e.g., answer = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(myRange)
However, not only are some Excel functions not useful; the fact is they cannot be used because VBA has a native function that does exactly the same thing and you have to use that native VBA function to achieve your goal. It is these overlapping functions that I am especially interested in. I want to know what I should use directly in VBA and what I need to go to Excel for.
Im having problem with If/Then/Else Statements Not sure what the problem is. I have a text box a user inputs whatever in to create two new tabs one is the tab name then the next is tab completed. It isnt liking my syntax I have here.
How do I pass values between procedures? I have two command buttons in the worksheet.
If I have a procedure A that asks user to input a value "x", when a command button is pressed. Then another command button is pressed that passes the value onto another procedure B, which iterates a msgbox as many times as the number x,
How do I pass that value x from one procedure to another?
I have the following code that loops thru and puts the word 'TEST' in column J if column B has a TEXT value of '020'
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Range("J1:J" & Lastrow) .Clear Range(.Cells(2), .Cells(.Count)).Formula = "=if((b2)=""020"",""TEST"","""")" End With ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Questions 1) why do I need double quotes "" "" on every argument in the function? Is it because I'm working with TEXT data? 2)I want to use multiple ifs (ie if cell b2 equals '020' OR '030' then put the word 'TEST' in col J). How to change the syntax to do this?
I have a form and a combo box that I want ot fill the items in from cell F22.
Here is my Sheets(PowerAnalysis.xls).Cells("F22").Value = ComboBox2.Text What is the best way to get this done? I have searched here and on the web and I can't seem to find any straightforward answers.
I am trying to get the below autofilter working but to no avail, its just putting the text datStart and datEnd in the auto filter, not what I receive in the boxes, see bold line for line in question
Dim datStart, datEnd As Date Dim strAgent As String datStart = txtStart.Value datEnd = txtEnd.Value strAgent = txtAgent.Text Range("A4").Select Selection.AutoFilter Selection.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=">datStart", Operator:=xlAnd, _ Criteria2:="<datEnd"
It doesn't work any more in Excel 2003. Of course it works directly such as: "WHERE (dbase_file.field1=' N0011') but I couldn't find the way to replace the ' N0011' with the parameter.
It is not the singular issue... "FROM dbase.file dbase.file " that worked well in Excel 2000, the Excel 2003 "wants": "FROM 'drivepath'dbase_file dbase_file " and I couldn' find a way to replace the explicit 'drivepath' with a predefined variable.
I am building a tool that uses Pivot Tables (so I can't use track changes) and I have found cool code that will insert timestamp and username in the comment when a change occurs. But I need to modify the code to also take the old value and put it into the comment as well. Here is the code to register the change into the comment:
I'd like to know how to send a different value to a cell based on what is selected in the combobox. Like a vlookup, but from within the box. Something like :
I think this is a relatively easy issue, but I don't know how to do it. I call the Sub SortRange in another Sub SortDeliver. A range (ran5) is defined in Sub SortRange that I also need to use in Sub SortDeliver. How do I pass the range or get the second sub to recognize the range?
I've a userform (UserForm1) that on closing will open one of 5 other userforms. Which of the userforms that opens will be determined at runtime, depending on an option a user has previously selected. The name of the userform is held in a cell in a workbook and is opened as follows:
where the value in Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") is "UserForm3"
UserForm1 contains TextBox1. How can I pass the value in TextBox1 to a textbox in UserForm3 when the name of UserForm3 is held as a variable in a cell in a worksheet?