Time Limit On Code Execution
Jul 8, 2009
I have a function which will allow me to search for combination of numbers which will sum to zero. However, because the range could be as long as 300 rows or even the possibility of not finding the combination that will sum to zero, the macro will take ages to complete or even causes the whole excel to hang. So What i want is to instruct macro to stop doing the search if it cannot find the results after say 20 minutes of searching.
Is that possible?
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Sep 12, 2008
I have been trying to track down why this message keeps on popping up, doesn't matter what excel file I open it always pops up, code will halt at different times in the code.
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May 9, 2007
I have the following piece of
Sub Summarise_Variations()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim Write_Cell As Long
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.StatusBar = "Please wait - Summarising variations..."
End With
It happily goes through a list and sums multiple records. It might not be the most efficient or best way to do it but it works and when I run it on a couple of stand alone sheets it takes a couple of seconds to process if that.
Unfortunately when I run it as part of the overall application that I've developed it takes ages to run, i.e. more like ten minutes.
The spreadsheet has a few graphs and about 250 sumproduct and array formula live in it but all other formula on other sheets are created and then paste valued as part of other VBA routines. As you can see I've also turned calculation off as the procedure runs so don't understand why it is suddenly taking so long.
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May 20, 2013
I have created two userforms which allows people to log-in to the worksheet.
The code works great on the first go, sometimes even twice, but after a while I get taken to the VBE and shown the message "Code execution has been interrupted". And highlights a certain part of my code (highlighted in red below).
I will copy all of the code relating to the userform below.
UserForm Code
Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub ClearButton_Click()
TextUsername.Value = ""
TextPassword.Value = ""
End Sub
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Sep 16, 2009
What is the key word sequence to cause VB code to execute on a worksheet change?
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Jan 5, 2004
There is definite problem, as the "Code execution has been interrupted" error message appears seemingly at random (although if the workbook doesnt change it is the same points), and for no reason.
If I click the continue button the macro runs exactly as planned, but still there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why this happens!
It even invokes on the workboon_open function.
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Sep 9, 2006
I am writing a routine to retrieve multiple stock quotes by looping through a bunch of sheets and refreshing a bunch of querytables that access the web. My data source (Livecharts) is often clogged up and queries will fail or get lost in space so after initiating the queries I wait for a while using a waitable and then check to see if each query has completed or is still refreshing. If they are still refreshing I cancel them and refresh again. Or at least that was the plan. What I have discovered is that as long as the vba code is running the results from the queries do not come back into excel. As soon as the code is exited or I go into break mode in the debugger the queries complete.
Is there some way to get the queries to refresh during code execution? Here is a code snippet that shows what I am trying. I have defined a Class Module defining an "EventfulQTable" and it's associated methods and properties so I can have a QueryTable with events. The sub Wait uses the windows API SetWaiTable command to pause for a specified period of time. It includes a DoEvents command which I thought would allow the returning queries back into Excel but no such luck.
Sub Refresh_Queries()
Dim SheetNum As Integer, ListSheet As Integer
Dim eqtQT As New EventfulQTable
Dim QueriesDone As Boolean
SheetNum = 1
ListSheet = 12
QueriesDone = False
On Error Goto QueryError
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Jun 1, 2007
I have this codes which will only trigger if I manually execute it. What do I need to do to trigger it automatically whenever the worksheet change.
Below is the codes:
Sub Risk_Color()
Dim c As Range, myFontCol As Integer, myCol As Integer
For Each c In ActiveSheet.Range("f7:g20000")
myFontCol = xlAutomatic
myCol = xlNone
Select Case c.Value
Case Is = 1, 2, 3
myCol = 34
Case Is = 4, 5, 10, 20: myCol = 43
Case Is = 30, 40, 50: myCol = 6
Case Is = 70, 100, 140, 150
myCol = 5
myFontCol = 2
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Jun 7, 2007
is it possible to show progress indicator if macro execution take some considerable time say more than 10 seconds?
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Jun 9, 2009
Now..when I run any of my macros, I get the following message.. "Code Execution has been interrupted".
I'm not sure why I'm getting this message but it happens everytime I run ANY macro. Note that if I hit "Continue" every time it gives me the option, I am able to successfully run the macro, but obviously, I shouldn't have to do this.
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Apr 27, 2006
See the attached Workbook, which explains the problem easier.
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Mar 11, 2009
I wrote a very simple macro in an Excel file a few months ago. Worked great. Worked on my computer, and worked on a dozen other people's computers perfectly. Now, months later, ONE person is getting the error message 'Code execution has been interrupted' every time she runs the macro. I've tested it on my computer with Excel 2007, and it worked. Tested it on another computer with Excel 2003 (offending computer has Excel 2003), and it worked again. So I tested a third computer on Excel 2003, and it worked again. I'm 100% positive the macro code isn't causing this error. This makes me think that it's related to an application setting that was changed somehow.
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Jul 30, 2008
Is it possible to place a prompt message regarding the time limit or return time when entered time is place on the worksheet? Like "Please be back at 8:30 AM" when the user click the Start time button at 8:00 AM.
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Sep 7, 2006
I am looking for a way to measure how long it takes to complete a sub routine in VBA. I have code which posts data to matlab and then calls it back. What I need to know is how long does it take to complete each subroutine.
create a code which will measure this? I need to measure the time taken in 100ths of a second.
Is there any simple code to complete this? I am pasting a sample of my code which is using Matlab as a COM server.
Dim Matlab As Object
Dim MReal(10, 0) As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim MImag() As Double
Dim value As Double
Dim RealValue As Double
I am sure I woould need to declare the timer but I do not know where and I am not sure of the syntax.
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Jun 11, 2013
Basically, in the "Thisworkbook" code , i have some code in the Workbook_BeforeClose section. Currently , it autosaves the workbook in a folder i have specified.
However, i need to add some code.I want to check that a certain cell has a value in it before the user closes the workbook, and if the cell is empty, show a messagebox asking him to enter a value.
I know how to get a messagebox to pop up, the only thing is once the user clicks the OK button,
i need the rest of the code execution to pause, allowing him to make the change then if he clicks the "X" (top right of the screen) to close the file or application, the filesave dialog appears and he can then save the document.
how to go about this because at the moment when user clicks ok, the messagebox just disappears and filesave dialog appears and he doesn't have a chance to edit the cell.
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Jul 2, 2013
I have some code that checks to see if a file exists on the network. Works great (super fast result) if the file is accessible. Works ok (2-3 seconds) if the file is on the other side of a vpn. Works sloe (5-15 seconds) if the file is there on a vpn network and I'm using a wireless computer (wireless adding extra lag). And finally; really slow because the wifi connection is slow or some what out of range ...... I want my code for checking the existence of this file to stop after a specified amount of time.
Sub AreWeLive()
On Error GoTo networkprobs[code]......
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Apr 23, 2014
I have a numeric value in G2, (in this case 7).
I have a date value in H2 - in I2 I want the date which is the date in G2 plus the number of days in H2, (so 20/01/2014 + 7 would give 27/01/2014 for example).
BUT - I also want it to account for a scenario where the value in G2 is 'No Expiry', so in that case I want I2 to show 'No End Date'.
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Apr 12, 2008
A coworker of mine will keep a shared file open for hours at a time, not doing anything to it, just keeping open, meaning no one else can edit it as required. Is there a way to set a time limit for that file to remain open before it saves and closes the file? The file shouldn't need to be open more than 30 minutes at a time for any individual. If it's required to stay open longer for certain instances, is there a way to extend the time as well? I can't find anything even remotely relating to time limits on Excel files. Is there coding or an app I need to apply to accomplish this? Is there an option I haven't seen in the program already?
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Aug 1, 2007
I often have macros that hide columns. Seems there is a limit to the number of time or columns that can be hidden before you get a debug. Message.
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Sep 28, 2007
I've been using these things called ranges, but I'm not even really sure what they are or how to use them effectively. I want to be able to make the following macro only applicable to the range, of anything below F5,G5 and I5.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$F:$I")) Is Nothing Then
Target.Font.Name = "Marlett"
If Target = vbNullString Then
Target = "a"
ElseIf Target = "a" Then
Target = "r"
Target = vbNullString
End If
End If
End Sub
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Apr 21, 2007
I have a worksheet that serves as a navigation page for the workbook and use the following code to restrict from scrolling off the viewable content. The problem is that the code doesn't kick in until either a click if the mouse or keyboard input. This initially leaves the worksheet open for scrolling until input is received.
How do I make this code activate when the wb is loaded? Code in the Thisworkbook module already makes the menu the visible sheet, and code limiting the scroll area is in the sheet module.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
With ActiveSheet
.ScrollArea = "A1:L11"
End With
End Sub
I've also tried using "Range("A1").Select", but it doesn't work either. How can I get this to work correctly?
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Nov 14, 2012
I have an inputbox that asks a question. If the user enters an incorrect response, a messagebox appears telling them to enter the correct word and returns to the inputbox. The code works fine, however the messagebox doesn't disappear after they click OK. Is there a way hide or get rid of the messagebox once they click OK or Cancel? My code is below:
VorD = Application.InputBox("Is this for Voice or Data?", "Voice or Data", Type:=2)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Select Case VorD
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Mar 7, 2013
I am trying to fix a problem that I am having with Bloomberg add-in for Excel. Each day I populate 31 days of historical price data for 500+ stocks.
$AL$3 = "=BDH(AK3,"PX_LAST",$D$1,$C$1,"DTS=h","dir=h")"
$C$1 = "=WORKDAY(TODAY(),0)"
$D$1 = "=BAddPeriods(C1,"NumberOfPeriods=-31","Per=wd","CDR=#A")"
What is supposed to happen is that in $AL$3:$BQ$3 there will be prices for 31 days.
I leave the workbook open as the Bloomberg DDE session remains open for 3 days even if the Bloomberg executable is not running.
Sometimes there is no problem and when I come into work the following day, the data is shifted forward by one day. Other times, much of the data is missing and I am forced to select and refresh each $AL$_ field. The problem with this is that for some reason the refresh is happening synchronously and I think this is causing havoc on the DDE connection and/or Excel. Resulting in slow/no updates. Also, if I refresh the worksheet some formulas will be overwritten with static data!
What I would like to do is create a macro that will:
1) clear all data in $AL$_:$BQ_$ & $BS$_:$CX_$
2) set the value of $AL$_ = "=BDH(AK$_,"PX_LAST",$D$1,$C$1,"DTS=h","dir=h")"
3) wait until the data is populated into $AL$_:$BQ$_ before going to $AL$(+1):$BQ$(+1); if $AM$_ has a value then most likely the data has populated in that row.
4) then when $AL$_:$BQ$_ is finished, do the same for $BS$_:$CX$_
I have been waiting for Bloomberg support to fulfill this request for over one month now with no results.
I have a very minute amount of code below:
PHP Code:
Sub PopulateData() PopulateData Macro Range("AL2:BQ2").Select
Selection.ClearContentsRange("AL2").SelectActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _ "=BDH(RC[-1],
""PX_LAST"",R1C4,R1C3,""DTS=h"",""dir=h"")"Range("AL2").SelectEnd Sub
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Jun 10, 2007
I want to establish a loop in VB and within the loop I would like to pause execution of the loop and wait for input from a cell then resume execution of the loop once input has been entered.
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Oct 8, 2007
I have a multipage form that I'm using to create a wizard that accepts data from the active workbook via a refedit box, however, when I try to execute the entire form freezes at runtime. The editor will bring up the workbook but the entire workbook freezes.
I cannot click any of the buttons on the form, exit the form, input the range into the refedit box, or even click on any cells in the worksheet. Everything was working perfectly fine until I started adding command buttons to other pages of the multipage form, but no code has been added.
I don't even have code to link the pages together, all I did was add command buttons and change the names on them. I'm having a hard time believing this is what's causing excel to freeze up, but I haven't done anything else. I've checked my loops and they are fine.
I've also gone back to another copy and deleted everything on the other pages and left only page 1, but this is still failing.
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Mar 12, 2009
I have a problem with the following code
Dim strProcLine As String
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(ActiveChart.CodeName).CodeModule
' MsgBox ok
' adaugat procedura goala
.CreateEventProc "Calculate", "Chart"
'MsgBox ok
strProcLine = "Format_Chart"
' MsgBox ok
.InsertLines .ProcBodyLine("Chart_Calculate", 0) + 1, strProcLine
' MsgBox ok
End With
' MsgBox ok
This is part of a larger macro, wich makes 2 pivottables and for each PT a chart, and for each chart i create an even procedure (Chart_Activate) wich calls a procedure to format the chart. Tha macro is alocated to the click even on a button in the sheet where i get the information from.
If i run the macro(click the button) with Microsoft Visual Basic Editor opened all goes ok. But if i close Microsoft Visual Basic Editor and then run the macro it stops right before .CreateEventProc "Calculate", "Chart" of the first chart , and i can't understand why. No error mesages delivered, nothing.
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Jun 21, 2006
I have a macro that opens various files (via a loop) and then goes to each worksheet (via another loop) and looks through each row of data (a third loop).
Each worksheet can have over a thousand rows of data. Once I hit the button for the macro to run, it runs without any error messages, but it seems to take forever.
When I hit escape twice to interrupt the macro and then press the 'play' button, it zips through and finished running the macro really quickly. The interruption point is generally somewhere within the third loop.
It's almost as though it falls asleep and I have to wake it up.
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Jul 11, 2006
I have written a macro .When i execute the macro the result is displayed but my excel file hangs after that.
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Jul 3, 2014
I have macros that often pause for the user to take some action -- for instance, to confirm that the correct cells are selected, or to delete something. Usually I use the "Stop" command, which opens the VBA editor; when I finish doing the manual action, I just resume the macro.
When writing macros for actual users, I'd like to do the same thing without their having to deal with the VBA window. Is there a way to pause and resume action and remain in the Excel window?
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Dec 19, 2008
I have to make eighty to ninety entries daily in Column B. Then transfer these entries to another column N,(by copy/paste) after that a maco "text to column" is executed. Now I have linked Column B to N like =B2, =B3, etc. etc. thus instead of copy/paste, the data when entered in Column B, is automatically going to Column N. I wish that the macro (text to entry) may be executed by each entry made in Column B. Is it possible with a macro?
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