Two Tables - Add Names To Columns

Jun 6, 2013

I have 2 tables

table 1 contain just only 1 column have the following records (Name , CITY , Nationality )

table 2 have 3 columns with no names

--- so i need to name the columns in table 2 with the table 1 values

and when i change values in table 1 >>> table 2 columns names changes

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List Of Names That Needs To Be Identical And Updated In Different Tables Across Sheets

May 2, 2013

I have several sheets with tables that need to contain one identical common column called "product name" while all the other columns are different on each table. The issue is that this list in the "product name" column changes by adding, removing and even name edits and currently I need to edit each every table for each change. How can I only have one uniform list to modify that is represented on all these tables that updates.

I have tried a master list with links but causes issues when a product name row is deleted in the master it does not delete the row in the others as well as adding a new name to the master list requires me to recreate a link in every table which defeats the purpose of it trying to save me time having to modify something different on every table. Also each of these lists are sorted or filtered often which I want to avoid being reflected across all of the other tables and lists.

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Join 2 Tables Which Have Identical Columns

Aug 22, 2007

I am trying to join 2 tables which have identical columns. The columns are:

Date : Name : ID : Violation : Date Sent : Comments

Table 1 has information in columns A-E, Column F is blank
Table 2 has information in columns A-F.

I want to be able to check the information in Columns A-E in both tables and add the information in Column F from Table 2 to Table 1 where Columns A-E are an exact match.

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Compare 2 Columns From 2 Tables And Get Difference In Another Column?

Aug 6, 2014

I need to look colB and colC should be equal to colH and colI, IF both cells matched, then copy the EmpNo(ColB or colH) and Counter(colC or colI) get the difference of values in another colomn

If there is any row for Employee or Counter issing from either of tables populate with RED in either of 2 colomns,

for example:at row 17, table 1 has a missing colC, and row 17(table1) = row18(table2), it should populate the row17 for table2, as a reference.

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Pivot Tables And Counting True Fields For Two Columns

Feb 26, 2009

I have just started using pivot tables and I have ran into a problem with the count feature. I have an original data list that breaks down in the pivot table to:

events on that date

Using the pivot table facilities, I want to do a count of those who said they were going to attend, and those who actually attended. The detailing both of these columns on the original list have a true false designation. When I do the count, the summarised information only counts the number of records for each of these events, and not the 'true' field entries for each of these columns.

How do I count these two parameters for 'true' from the original list in the pivot table so I can see a comparison between these two numbers?

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VBA Code To Auto-expand Columns When Pivot Tables Refresh

Mar 30, 2013

I have 2 drop downs that when changed, auto refresh all pivot tables. My problem is getting the columns to auto-adjust based on the refresh or change of the data in the pivot table. Listed below the code I have thus far for the auto-refresh on pivot tables. How to auto expand all columns simultaneously.

The pivot tables are based off of tables on a different sheet(TOS Tables). So the code listed below is in the table sheet, not the pivot table sheet (TOS Customer Level). So followup question will be, which sheet to put the auto-expand columns code?

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'If data on this worksheet changes, refresh the pivot table
Sheets("TOS Customer Level").PivotTables("PivotTable2").RefreshTable
Sheets("TOS Customer Level").PivotTables("PivotTable5").RefreshTable
End Sub

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Autofill Data Validation Lists And Formulas Into New Columns In Tables?

Jan 9, 2014

My Table has a data validation list in one row of a table. And different formulas in different rows.

The Table is expanded only into columns. Which means, there will be no new rows...only columns will be added.

If we enter text into the header cell in a new column, the whole new column gets formatted, but the list and formulas do not auto fill into new columns.

Of course an easy way is to copy and paste a column...but is there a way to auto fill lists and formulas into columns of the table? Similar to how the rows get autofilled?

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Create Large Table From Smaller Tables When Columns Not In Same Order

Jul 17, 2014

I have a lot of data to try and summarize but they are in multiple smaller tables. I wish to only extract 2 variables, 'number' and 'total' from all of my smaller tables (lots of them) so the problem looks like this, i have these tables for example where the 'total' title is in a different column depending on which of the smaller tables you are looking at:

cat 1
cat 2
cat 3


I am trying to get:



Because the number column is fixed and all of the smaller tables will all have a number in the same column maybe i can insert a column next to the number column and say "find the value where the column title is 'total' - however the location of the column title would change so not sure if this would work? I was also thinking of sorting the columns but that will not work either because of the smaller multiple tables?

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How To Prevent Pivot Tables From Changing Source Data Numbers Into Dates In Field Columns

May 13, 2013

why is pivot table changing numbers to dates. It was fine all along, numbers retained the fromat of source data and now, all numbers in field columns are turning into dates. is there a setting I can change to prevent excel from reformatting numbers to dates?

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Excel 2010 :: Creating Multiple Tables In VBA And Referring To Newly Created Tables?

Jul 1, 2013

Using Excel 2010. I'm writing a macro that sets up a workbook to be used for estimating at the beginning of a project. In the code I need to create multiple tables (formerly known as "lists") in the workbook. Then later in the code I need to refer back to those newly created tables. Currently, the code that creates the table is part of a loop that creates the table on many different worksheets. The problem of course, is that I have to name the Table, and then it won't create a table of the same name on the next sheet. Then, later in the code, I need to make adjustments to the table that was just created before looping to the next sheet.

Is there a way to create a table without giving it a constant name? Or by giving it a name that builds off of other info in the sheet? For example, I would be good with the naming the table after the sheet name: "Sheet1_Table" or such.

Sub Auto_Open()
Dim sht As Worksheet
If Range("A1") = 1 Then


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Matching Names From Different Columns

Aug 18, 2014

I have two columns listing about 400 and 500 names respectively.

First Column has names in alphabetical order and the second column is random.

One column has names in this format: Last name, First name and the other column lists the names as first name and then last name without the comma .

I am trying to see if the list of names in one column exists in the other.

Is there a way to see this without changing the format of the names in each column? If so do I have to erase the comma?

Name Lists (1).xlsx

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Compare More Than Two Columns With Names

Mar 6, 2014

I want to compare many columns and find duplication in the last one;


Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
1234 1234 1 A OK
1235 1235 1 A OK
1236 1236 3 A OK
1237 1236 0 A OK
1238 1236 1 B Duplication found in different column
1239 1238 0 A OK

To get Column "C" which is calculate how many numbers in that row are repeated with respect to Column "B", I solve it by using : =COUNTIF(B:B,A2) ;

But I want to get a result of duplication in "Column E" by see if "Column B" + "Column D" has the same value regardless of number then say "OK", but if it is not than the before, then write "Duplication found in different column".

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Matching Names In Different Columns

Mar 24, 2008

I have a list of names in a column and another list of names in another column. The columns are named patient and user. Is there a way to right a formula that would highlight a name match when a name matched in the two columns in the same row?

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Compare Two Columns With Names

Feb 15, 2007

There a list of names in columns A & B. How one can compare the names in column A to column B and put the results in column C to show only the names that are the same between columns A & B?

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Splitting Names Into 2 Separate Columns

Apr 11, 2008

I have two columns in my excel sheet, the first column has the Second name, First Name and the second column has the Date of birth.

Now what I'm after is two columns really, the first column should show the Furst name Second Name (space in between with no Comma) and the Second column should show the First Initial from the first name, the first initial from the second name and then the date of birth.

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Self Totaling Columns With Names In Each Cell

Mar 4, 2009

I have Excel 2007 and have a spreadsheet with 26 columns that I continue to add names to each of the columns. Is there a way that the columns can maintain an ongoing total for each column and update these totals as names are added to each column? Small sample is attached.

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Unique Names From Multiple Columns?

Jan 22, 2013

I have multiple columns with names (lets say columns A, B, and C). I want to place only the unique names in column E. Is there a formula to do this? Each column does not contain all the names and each has names that are not in any of the other columns.

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Comparing Two Columns Of Different Lengths With Names?

Feb 5, 2014

I'm trying to compare two columns of names that are different lengths. I need a formula that will return the differences. I've tried everything my nonanyltical mind can think of

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Matching Names To Values Using Two Columns?

Jul 17, 2014

I have a worksheet that has a compilation of reports, each of which has multiple columns that aren't necessarily organized in an Excel-friendly way. However, the first column contains a list of "name" headings (titled "Name") and the second adjacent column always lists the actual name right beside it. Similarly, each person has a value heading in the first column (titled "The Value") and the actual value in the second column. What I would like to be able to do is have Excel search for the Name heading, paste the value in the adjacent column (the actual name) in a cell in a new worksheet, then search for "The Value" and do the same thing in the column adjacent to the one where the actual name was copied. The catch is I need Excel to do this and then search again for "Name", skip it, and start again with the first part of the procedure until all names and their associated values are matched. how to do something like this in VBA?

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Separate Column Of Names Into 2 Columns Of First And Last Name?

Nov 13, 2013

I have a column of first and last names that sometimes look like this: Smith, Michael D and other times look like this Smith, Michael (no middle initial) I would like to separate them into two separate columns, one for First name and the other for last name. I have no use for the middle initial so that can be ignored.

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Find Difference Between Two Columns Based On Their Names

Apr 15, 2014

Reference the attached excel audit example. Column F highlighted in Yellow is finding the difference between "Authorized Post Allow" D9 "Post Allowance" B9 . The Column location of the two Columns changes on each audit. This means I have to manually fix the formula in Column F every time. Is there a formula that would find the difference between these two columns based on their names "Post Allowance" and "Authorized Post Allow" preventing me from manully fixing the formula.

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Duplicate Names, Combining Data Across Columns

Sep 28, 2009

I am waaaaay in over my head here. I've not done any scripting/macro/vb/whatnot work in Excel, but I'm staring down a potential all-night project manually merging data.

Here's what I have:

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Setting Up (Define Names) For 70 Columns Of Data

Sep 19, 2013

I need to create "Define Name" references for 70 columns of data so that I can establish Parent/Child relationships in a data validation list. Is there a quick way to do this or do I need to go through the same steps 70 times (i.e., once for each column)? My concern is that the current order of my columns might change too, and I don't want to have to recreate the "Define Names" every time it does.

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Excel Formula To Break Names In 3 Columns

Jan 24, 2014

I have data from Row A1 to A3 with following names, I need formula (Dont want to use text to column or VBA code)

Atif Malik Khan
Khalid feroz sahb
Ali ahmed khawaja

I want that 1st, 2nd and 3rd name should be shown in Column B, C, and D.

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Finding Duplicate And Or Similar Info Across Columns And Highlight (names And Addresses)

Jan 29, 2014

Magazine subscription list. How to highlight the customers that are already in the sheet if enter them again (renewal). Our list is like so....

ColA ColB ColC ColD ColE ColF
First Last 123 Ave City State Zip

Is there a way to highlight the row if the info on ColA, ColB, ColE, and ColF all match? Sometimes the Street info is abbreviated or entered PO Box instread of P.O. Box and they wind up on the list a second time.

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List All Sheets Names From Multiple Workbooks & Copy Transpose Certain Columns

Oct 7, 2009

this may or may not be easy for some of you but its driving me nuts. Here's what I need to do.

1.Create a new workbook

2.Cycle through multiple workbooks and all worksheets within each workbook (all in the same folder). All workbooks will have the same structure.

3.Take the worksheet names and put them in rows

4.Take the data from the first column (column A) from the first worksheet of the first workbook and put them across the top (i.e. transpose the data). The first column will be the same in all workbooks so it doesn't matter where I get it from.

5.Copy the data from column E from each worksheet and paste them in rows in the new workbook (again transpose) corresponding to each worksheet.

6. Perform simple mathematical calculations at the end of each row.

I expect to have approximately 26 workbooks with a total of 7000 worksheets. In the target workbook (i.e. the new one), I expect there to be 7000 rows (corresponding to the 7000 worksheets) and about 260 columns.

The only reason I need to transpose stuff is because Excel 2007 doesn't have 7000 columns.

Here's an example of what it would look like.
Example worksheet (Input)-
Worksheet ABC
Col A Col E
1/1/2004 $25
1/8/2004 $30
1/15/2004 $15

Imagine another worksheet called LMN with the same ColA but different values in Col E.

Output workbook
ColA Columns B Column C Column D
Sheet 1/1/2004 1/8/ 2004 1/15/2004
ABC $25 $30 $15
LMN $xxx $yyy $zzz

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Create Dropdown That Will List All Names Starting With Initial Letter Of Names?

Jan 13, 2014

I have a long customer listing, names 5 to 36 characters and several with their location in the name as well as a few common duplicate names. I am trying to produce sheet where the customers name once selected opens in the customers spreadsheet and data can be added/amended for sales etc.The lists are not in alphabetical order as when created a customer number is automatically allocated. My aim is just to type in the first letter of the name and the dropdown appears the customer is selected and their card appears. I have tried data validation, lookup, vlookup, Dropdown and Match/find. they only return the first record found and no sign of any others. Find returned all instances of the letter appearing in every name.

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Can Create Data Validation List Of Names Created In Name Box Or Sheet Tab Names

May 7, 2012

Can I create data validation list of the names created in the name box or of the sheet tab names?

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Excel 2010 :: VBA - Hide Sheets Using Code Names Not Sheet Names

Oct 15, 2013


Sheets(Array("Sheet 1", "Sheet 2")).Visible = False

How do I convert the above to using Sheet Codes Names, Sheet1 and Sheet2?

Want to ensure my code will work if the user changes the sheet name.

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Table Names Revert To Cell Names When File Is Reopened

Jan 4, 2013

I have a worksheet with many tables that I use in formulas.

I like tables for a couple reasons, one being the ability to insert/delete rows without affecting the rest of that worksheet row.

Also, automatic copy of formulas/formatting is great.

But, what I really like about tables is the ability to use the naming conventions in formulas.

Problem is when I save this worksheet, after I close it and open it back up, all table references in my formulas have been converted to cell references.



=IF((SUMIF('Quote 1'!$M$28:$M$43,">"&'Quote 1'!$J$57:$J$60)*'Quote 1'!$G$57:$G$60)+(COUNTIF('Quote 1'!$M$28:$M$43,""&'Quote 1'!$J$57:$J$60)*'Quote 1'!$G$57:$G$60)+(COUNTIF('Quote 1'!$M$28:$M$43,""&tblOSSRV[Min Order Cost])*tblOSSRV[Cost / Part])+(COUNTIF(tblFam[[#Data],[Qty by Factor2]],""&tblOSSRV[Min Parts Per Line])*tblOSSRV[Cost / Part])+(COUNTIF(tblFam[[#Data],[Qty by Factor2]],"

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