Use Of Worksheet Function In VBA Code

Jul 15, 2006

I am trying to use a dynamic range in VBA. But I am getting compile error.

Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("D19").Offset(0, 0, _
Application.WorksheetFunction. CountA(!Master)) , 3)

In the above code Master is a dyanmic range. I need to autofill the copied data in the 3 coloumns.

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Worksheet Function In VBA Macro Code

Apr 24, 2009

I am trying to write a function in excel to use the worksheet function "small" In the vba immediate window it doesn't return anything and in the spreadshhet I get a # NAME? error when called in a cell the code is below.

Sub UseFunction()
Dim myRange As Range
Dim answer As Integer

Set myRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:F6")
answer = Application.WorksheetFunction.Small((myRange), 1)
MsgBox answer
End Sub

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Referring To A Worksheet Cell Within The Vba Code Of A Custom Function

Jul 26, 2006

How does one pick up the data contained in a worksheet cell (say B5) and use it in the vba code of a custom function without passing the cell as an arguement

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Scoping Function As Public - But Not Available As Worksheet Function

Sep 24, 2012

I have a user defined function in one VBA module that I'd like to call from another module, so I would normaly scope it as "Public".

However, as I don't want it to be available to Excel as a worksheet function, I would also normally scope it as "Private"

Is there a way to have a function that is available to other VBA modules in the same project, but not to Excel as a worksheet function?

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Code To Auto Input Worksheet Name From Data Copied From That Worksheet

Feb 23, 2014

I am copying data from worksheet "Microsoft" to another workbook and paste in sheet1, i want the cell G1 to auto input the worksheet name "Microsoft" where i copy the data from,

How to have G1 show the worksheet name after i copy and paste the data from worksheet name "Microsoft".

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VBA Code For IRR And Payback Function?

Apr 24, 2014

I have a project where we need to write vba code for an IRR and Payback function.

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Code For Cut And Paste Function

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying to use a cut and paste within a macro.

I have code working fine if I do a copy and paste which is as follows:

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Code For AGGREGATE Function

Jan 10, 2008

Aggre  ABC1Brand Sales  2A5 3B 2 4C7 5A1 6D1 7   8Above are my data  9   10Brand Sales  11A6 12B 2 13C7 14   15Above is the result I want.  16   17    Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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VB Code Instead Of VLOOKUP Function

Jun 14, 2008

The code instead of Vlookup that I'm using at the moment. It takes too long if you have 40,000 to 50,000 rows of data.

The data that I have is something like the sample bebow:

Col A from A1 to A15 with numbers like:

Col C from C1 to C10 with numbers like:

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Change Code From Function To Sub

Apr 20, 2009

I am trying to do is look at the first two digits of the number in column c (Range c5:c5000) if the number starts with 01 then I need the formula in column g = f5*12 if the number is 03 then I want the formula to be g=f5*24 I have several of these "cases" or "if" to put in can someone get me going a little further

Here is what someone gave me to work with but I'm having troubles getting it to work...I get a name error in the cell and I cant use this they way it is because the code needs to go into the sheet mod with a bunch of other code.Also when I use the Option Explicit the rest of my code wont work.

Option Explicit
Function re(Cl As Range, Src As Range)
Dim i As Long
Select Case Left(Cl, 2)
Case "01": i = 12
Case "03": i = 24
End Select
re = Src * i
End Function

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Specifying (other) Worksheet With Function

Oct 23, 2007

This line is returning the number of the last row with data in it in column 1 for the open worksheet:

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Worksheet Function In VBA

Jan 20, 2009

My workbook has a sheet called "MyList", another called "HisList" , a named range called "myNamedRange" which is "MyList!A:A".

How do I get this functionality of this excel formula

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Code For Advanced Filter Function

Dec 5, 2008

I have an Excel sheet with a few thousand rows which I would like to filter by a column with the name TrackingID. This column contains values like:


I would like to filter this column by the third character from the end (which is always a letter from the range [A-Z]). In the example above, this would be:


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Error In VB Code When Find Function Is Used

Apr 11, 2012

I am writing some code where one column is selected and a value is searched for in that column. If found the code continues on its way manipulating the data. The issue is that the value being searched for will not always be there which results in an error. Is there a way that I can just tell the macro to continue running if the value is not found.

Selection.Find(What:="1", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp

On a second question is there some code I could write that would select all the rows with the number 1 in column V and delete them rather than doing the way I am here?

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Function Code Crashing Excel

Apr 16, 2014

I've been trying to put together a function in excel which will make it simpler and a bit clearer to produce the coefficients of trend lines in cells. I want to produce an excel function like SLOPE and INTERCEPT but for exponential, power and logarithmic trendlines. For example, I can produce the coefficients for an exponential trendline like this:


Ideally, I want to be able to do so without the need to convert the terms with LN function, and be able to replace it with a new function that deals directly with an X Range and a Y range

I've produced the following code:

Function PowerSlope(YRange As Range, XRange As Range)

For Loops = 1 To YRange.Count
YRange.Value2(Loops, 1) = Log(YRange.Value2(Loops, 1))
Next Loops

PowerSlope = Application.WorksheetFunction.Slope(YRange, XRange)
End Function

However, this causes Excel to crash and shut down (not the macro itself, but the entire program). I can't even get the function to run to a break point in the first line before the crash happens. I'm able to remove the FOR ... NEXT loop and use the function to directly return the result of the linear slope, so I'm confident the issue is not in that part of the code.

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Function Code So That Instead Of Appending MyDate

Jan 24, 2007

I am having problems fixing my function code so that instead of appending myDate with (1) (2) (3) if 3 occurences of the date already exist it just appends it with (3). I know it has to be something simple but I know I am doing something wrong. Thanks for helping a beginner out.

Sub ImportSheets()
Dim fName As String
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim myDate As Date
fName = Dir("N:ENGBRANDON*.csv")
Do While fName ""
Workbooks.Open fName
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
'Copy first sheet to this workbook
With ThisWorkbook

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Color Code Values With Function

Mar 5, 2010

I have values that I want to color code in my table. Originally I was tagging them as numbers, but instead I need them as colors.

Function conversion(pVal As Double)

If pVal > 0.05 Then
conversion = "1"
ElseIf pVal > 0.001 Then
conversion = "2"
ElseIf pVal > 0.0001 Then
conversion = "3"
ElseIf pVal > 0.00001 Then
conversion = "4"

End If

End Function

Now I want instead of conversion = "1" etc to be

Function conversion(pVal As Double)

If pVal > 0.05 Then
(make white)
ElseIf pVal > 0.001 Then
(make brighter blue)
ElseIf pVal > 0.0001 Then
(make green)
ElseIf pVal > 0.00001 Then
(make navy blue)

End If

End Function

I want the text and cell the same color (number and cell so the number disappears so that I just have a colored cell but the value is still there if I want to look at it).

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Jumps To Another Function While Stepping Through Code

Jul 12, 2006

Whilst stepping through code in any new sub/ function that I create in VBA, VBA Editor (seemingly arbitrarily) jumps to a line in a completely different function.

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VLOOKUP Function In Macro Code

Mar 18, 2008

Is it possible to Call the inbuilt Excel Functions (like VLOOKUP) in Macros. we have to pouplate cells with formula which uses VLOOKUP. one way was to update each cell with required Formula like: [code] Range("A1").value = " = 6*F7*(1-Vlookup(lookupvalue........))"[code] but this was stupid as no of cell to be populated was large and variable and moreover it will return formulae to cells rather than fixed value. What we tried was to defile an table_array as Array(x y) and then use this array to return required VLOOKUP value. However I was thinking is there any way to call function like VLOOKUP in Macros so that we can return a value to cell rather than formula.

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MATCH Worksheet Function

Dec 12, 2007

MATCH("b",{"a","b","c","b"},0) returns 2

how about if I would like to have the return result as 4 since I have another "b" within that same array?

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Function Making Worksheet

Apr 24, 2008

I'v got a school task about making a excel worksheet.

But we have just started and i havent gotten all the functions to work yet.

The task itself is :

Make function that tests if D9 is larger then 100 and I9 is less then 50. If true "Kontroll" if not "OK" should be written.

Also, if "Kontroll" shows up it should have a dark green "OK " should just be black

Its roughly translated from norwegian. If you need some more information I will try to provide it

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Translating Worksheet Function To VBA

May 2, 2014

I've got the following array formula :


Which nicely returns me the last occurrence of the name JAMES in column C

However, how would I translate this to VBA code?

I want to find the last occurrence of a value in a column and I prefer not to loop.

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Using SumProduct Worksheet Function In VBA

Feb 5, 2009

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use the SumProduct worksheet function in VBA. The below worksheet formula works: =SUMPRODUCT((accProv=D2)*(accFYE=E2)*(accAcc))

- or -


I tried the below variations in VBA, and I keep getting run-time error 13.

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Worksheet Function Not Always Working?

Sep 24, 2012

I've written some code to try to count the number of cells that are not empty and save the result as a variable but sometimes the code seems to think that the cells are empty even though they are not.

The code goes through rows 1 at a time and counts the quantity of cells that are not blank and compares them with a couple other values.

The strange thing is if I execute the actual function =COUNTA(with the range that I am selecting below) the COUNTA function works properly by itself in certain problematic sections of the worksheet.

This code below seems to work correctly most of the time but I've found a few instances where it is not properly counting non-blank cells:

Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8), ActiveCell.Offset(0, 27)).Select

QtyTests = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8), ActiveCell.Offset(0, 27)))

why my QtyTests variable sometimes is saved as 0 even though there may be some cells that contain values?

Here is the expanded code:

Sub Macro()
'Global Variables
Dim QtyTests As Integer, ReqTests As Integer, InitQty As Integer, Cork As String, Corktype As String
Dim result As Long, x As Integer


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Addin Worksheet Function In VBA

Mar 20, 2008

I have found an addin ( that adds a worksheet function smoothing data. It operates with 2 arguments:
- a range for the input data to smooth
- a parameter detailing how to do the smoothing.

It outputs a matrix of smoothed results, and therefore requires the Ctrl-Shift-Enter on a spreadsheet. Until there no problem, the function works properly. However I need to repeat the process about 100 times. Therefore I extended my ranges to duplicate the calculations, and that also worked fine. But because I don't need the intermediate data (100 columns by 1000+ rows) and I don't like to wait 2 minutes for the calculations to finish each time I open the saved file again, I thought I could just use VBA and only output the final results.

This is how the working syntax is in a cell:
=SMOOTH(B3:B1032, "5RSSH,5RSSH,>,5RSSH")

And there the nightmare starts :
- I cannot apply it even once: I get a type mismatch whatever I do to calculate the range and put it as an argument of the function. I used a string to store the range name and use it as is (B3:B1032 or even "B3:B1032") or with the Range function Range("B3:B1032"). I even tried to put manually "B3:B1032" with the same result. First major issue

- Because the worksheet function requires a range, I cannot use an array, or at least I tried without success. Therefore I need to output the result on the worksheet each time it is processed, and reread it through the formula, for n times the loop is running for... Kind of inconvenient... So I tried to modify the original smooth() function to create a new one that would accept an array as argument instead of range, but with the same consequence: Type mismatch when I feed the new function with an array (which I checked contains the data to process).

I have tried an example I found somewhere using a built-in Excel Worksheet function MMult and it worked with ranges:

Sub SomeSub()

Dim xArray As Variant, yArray As Variant, zArray As Variant
Dim Fn As Object
Set Fn = Application.WorksheetFunction

xArray = Range("A1:B2").Value
yArray = Range("D1:E2").Value
zArray = Fn.MMult(xArray, yArray)

ActiveCell.Resize(2, 2).Value = zArray

End Sub

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Worksheet Function Match

Mar 21, 2008

I have a variable called LU which I am trying to use to do a match function in a macro.

OwnerOldRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("C" & LU, "Owners1!$A2:$A65")

What I am hoping to do is find the row associated with column C and row value from LU. I have a stop on the line and LU is properly valued but it won't do the match. Is my syntax wrong. I am leaving the match type blank as it defaults to 1 which is the value I want anyway.

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TREND Worksheet Function In VBA

Sep 6, 2006

I am trying to use VBA to find a value on a trendline. I have been unable to call the TREND function from Excel, and I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I'm using the following line of
point25 = WorksheetFunction.TREND( Range("d2:d25"), Range("c2:c25"), 25)

I keep getting "Runtime error 1004 - Unable to get the Trend property of the WorksheetFunction class".

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Add Ranges In VBA To Worksheet Function

Sep 7, 2006

VBA will not allow the worksheet function MMult to be called during the subroutine. The error that flashes is: "Run-time error 1004. Unable to get the MMult property of the WorksheetFunction property"

Worksheets("MatrixOutput"). Range("ak4:di35").Select
XTranspX = Application.WorksheetFunction.MMult("c4:ah80", "ak4:di35")
Worksheets("MatrixOutput").Range("b84:ag115").FormulaArray = XTranspX

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Worksheet Function Error

Jan 30, 2007

I am having problems getting the code right for the WorksheetFunction. I have put a snip of the procedure below.

I have data that is sequentially entered into columns, always in rows 4 to 18 with the column ref increasing by 1 each time new data is entered.

After each instance of data entry into a new column I need to loop through that data and, if the a cell value matches a value in range A1:A200, to place x in column B in the same row as the match in column A. All in Sheet2.

Set cStartcell = Sheet2.Range("IV4").End(xlToLeft) ' goes to last entered column
For Each cell In Sheet2.Range("B2:B200")
Application.WorksheetFunction.If(Match(Offset.(0, -1), Sheet2.Range.("cStartCell:cStartCell.Offset(15, 0)"),""x"")

I have put the problem in bold. whatever I try seems to come up as 'end of statement expected' or 'identifier or bracketed expression expected' errors. When I have managed to get rid of errors the fromula does nothing.

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Create New Worksheet With Function

Jun 20, 2008

Can you have a function create a new worksheet? i know this is possible with a Sub but i haven't been able to do this with a function. Example is below. I'm planning to call the function from an Excel cell (i.e. =CreateNewSheet())

Function CreateNewSheet()
End Function

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