Userform Changes Date From Dd/mm/yyyy To Mm/dd/yyyy On Spreadsheet

Mar 20, 2014

creating a user form that will make my job of recording data far easier. However, when the date is entered, it changes it form UK to US.

I've checked the cells and they are formatted for UK dd/mm/yyyy.

The script is as follows:

Private Sub UserForm1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub DataInput.UserForm_Initialize()


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Convert Date From DD-MON-YYYY Into YYYY-MON-DD

Mar 20, 2014

I want to convert to date from DD-MON-YYYY into YYYY-mm-DD format in column J.

It is also applicable to date separated by semicolon. It was working previously but not now.

HTML Code: 

Dim rng As Range
Dim rngTotal As Range
Dim i As Integer
Set rngTotal = Range("j1:j" & Range("j" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)


I made one mistake . date conversion should be 2014/03/11 if orignial date is 11-MAR-2014

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Date Formatting (changes From Dd/mm/yyyy To Mm/dd/yyyy)

Mar 3, 2009

I finally finished programming the userform that I've been working on for about a week and started to populate the database with info (dates, names, TRUE/FALSE etc etc).

Then all of a sudden I notice that as I switch between "records", one of the dates gets a life of its own - it changes from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy as I select it. When I jump onto another record and select that previous record again, the format changes from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy.

This happens with ALL dates where the days and months are =< 12.

I thought I'd apply formatting to the text box to stop that happening with the code below:

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Change The Date Formatting From "DD/MM/YYYY To MM/DD/YYYY"

Jul 7, 2009

I use MS Excel 2007. When I type in date as 2/3/2009, it gets typed as 3/2/2009
i.e. DD/MM/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. Attached is file for your information. I have even formatted the Cells in that particular column to Date Format under British (UK) DD/MM/YYYY. I want dates in DD/MM/YYYY format only.

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Macro To Convert Dates Format From Yyyy Mm Dd To Yyyy-mm-dd

Feb 25, 2009

I have a 20,000 line Excel sheet...

And all the dates are entered like this:
2009 02 08

I want to add a dash, so they look like this

so I added a command button, and this code, but its not searching the sheet and adding the dash's...

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VBA Incorrectly Changing Some Dates From DD/MM/YYYY To YYYY-DD-MM

May 1, 2014

I have the macro below which opens csv files stored in a user selected folder and processes them changing the date format in column D from DD/MM/YYYY to text stored as YYYY-MM-DD.

For most of the dates the code works without issue, but for some (those with a month <12 possibly) it transposes the MM and DD incorrectly.

I understand that when opening the CSV's in excel it automatically converts the dates to DD/MM/YYYY, so I'm actually opening in wordpad which displays as YYYY-MM-DD, with only a portion being incorrect.

I've attached a couple of sample files (pre and post conversion).


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Date From: To Dd/mm/yyyy

Jul 16, 2009

I need to change a whole column of dates shown as “” to “dd/mm/yyyy”. I know the answer must be quite easy but it’s been bugging me for some time. Even after sorting the cells, it only sorts using the first two digits, totally ignoring the rest. IE, it sorts 01.07.2009 before 15.05.2009, also before 03.02.2008.

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Excel 2007 :: UserForm Textbox Date Format (yyyy/mm/dd) Error

May 26, 2014

I having problem to determine the format value of dates that needs to be inserted in a Userform.

I have the following format in my userform for my Textbox:

[Code] ......

When I select the calendar in my userform that is set as follows:

[Code] .......

And select the first day of the month, it will always add the format as 05/01/2014 but if I select today’s date as example it will add it in the right format: 2014/05/26

I have included a sample to demonstrate the function of the calendar as I have declared it public as d in a module, therefore making the population of my userforms textbox easier to add information on dates.


If you add 2014/05/01 - 2014/05/26 and 2014/05/06 you will see where the system is having problem with the month and dates I guess the system confuses the two?

I need the format as follows: yyyy/mm/dd

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VBA - Sorting Data Into Spreadsheet Named Yyyy / Mm / Dd

Sep 5, 2012

Here is my VBA code so far, it sorts relevant email with data in it into spreadsheet titled "Mon 1st" "Mon 2nd" "Tue 1st" "Tue 2nd" ... and so on

But I've changed the name of the spreadsheet into "yyyy-mm-dd" format, amend the codes.

olMDate = olMail.SentOn
'Amend this line
wsDest = UCase(Left(WeekdayName(Weekday(olMDate) - 1), 3))
If TimeValue(olMDate) < #12:00:00 PM# Then
wsDest = wsDest + " 1st"


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Change Mm/dd/yyyy To Dd/mm/yyyy

Feb 20, 2014

I need to change mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy.

Going to format cells and custom Excel thinks the data is already dd/mm/yyyy.The data I have is historical so the date 1/03/2014 has not happened yet so I need to change it to 3/01/2014.

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Converting Mm/dd/yyyy Into Yyyy/mm/dd

Mar 28, 2008

I have a column currently containing dates in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy

I want to sort these records sequentially from latest to oldest, so I need to convert the data into the following format: yyyy/mm/dd

how to convert this data.

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Changing From Mm / Dd / Yyyy To Dd / Mm / Yyyy

Dec 3, 2011

I have a worksheet with dates as Mon/day/year ( 05/02/2011- May 2nd )

but the template worksheet which i have been told to use, has all dates as day/mon/year. (so above date should read as 02/05/2011)

When i try to use format painter to convert my mon/day/year to day/mon/year, it doesnot work.

Neither does the trick of using text to date format using technique shown in this board worked ( text to columns, fixed , YMD )

So how do i get my dates changed from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy?

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Date Layout (mm/dd/yyyy)

Oct 3, 2008

I need to import some csv files but I can not properly manage one of the field because it is a date and that field behave in a way that I can not definitely control;

I got an inversion of month with day so that the final layout is mm/dd/yyyy instead of the correct date layout dd/mm/yyyy I want (need);

the main problem is that when I'm importing these files via a VBA macro like
Workbooks.Open Filename:="n42s3.csv"

the inversion does happen whilst when I'm going through the "normal way" of the menu File, Open... it does not;

and moreover even if I put some commands on the vba macro like
Selection.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yy;@"

in order to control the correct date layout I want I get no result at all

it's a big problem for myself because I need to open a large number of files which can not conveniently handled with the normal way (i.e. passing through the menu)

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Display Weekday When Date Is MM-DD-YYYY

Oct 22, 2007

I'm looking to display the weekday in a cell, based on the date in cell A1. I know the code I can use is

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Change Format A Date To MM/DD/YYYY

Oct 22, 2007

I have a file that I want to change the format for my date field. Currently the cells are in general format. How can I put them into a date format. Example the first one is 20070328, how can I make this 03/08/2007?

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Changing Yyyy:mm:dd Date Format

Feb 25, 2009

I have a list with several thousand dates listed like:


That is, yyyymmdd.

I would like to list it as yymm only. Is there a way to convert it in Excel? I have for a long time been copying and pasting in to Word then doing a search and replace of the first and last two digits, which results in the yymm format I am looking for. A better way would be nice.

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How Sort Date (mm/yyyy) By Year

Aug 9, 2013

I have worksheet of data that I need to sort by year then month. Currently when I try to sort the data by data excel sorts by the month then year. how to reverse this so the dates are sorted by year then month?

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How To Lock Date Format As MM / DD / YYYY

Aug 18, 2013

Is there a way to lock the date format as MM/DD/YYYY. I'm using the excel file as data file but one of the softwares fails to run this excel-based data file due to date format since the date format has to be in numeric format.

1/12/2013 changes to 12-Jan while processing? How to lock this format?

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Code To Format Date As MM-DD-YYYY?

Jun 30, 2014

I need to take 3 columns (G, H, I) and format the dates that are in standard format to mm-dd-yyyy.

The code I have looked at seems way to complicated and I couldn't get it to work

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Converting Date From (m)mddyy To Mm/dd/yyyy

Aug 13, 2009

I have a huge column of dates in the format (m)mddyy (i.e. 102005 or if it's a single digit month, 92005 for Sept 20).

Is there a way I can convert these all to a standard mm/dd/yy format?

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VBA - Get Date Format Change As MM-DD-YYYY In Range

Jun 20, 2014

I Need VBA Code to change date format "mm.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss" replace as mm-dd-yyyy. IN E:E column

Like "19.06.2014 19:12:13" change as 19-Jun-14

Find the attachment : Dt_chng.xlsb‎

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VBA - How To Copy Paste Date In Dd/mm/yyyy Format

Aug 27, 2012

the date I want to copy paste is in [dd/mm/yyyy] format in a single cell.

I want to isolate the [dd], [mm] and [yyyy] and write them down in 3 different cells. How can I do this?

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Excel 2007 :: Convert MMM DD YYYY Hh:mm:ss To Short Date?

Mar 26, 2012

I have an Excel report that I import from IBM Clear Quest tool (Web App). A field, 'Submit_date' in this report has data in the following format:

'Jan 12, 2012 12:00:00 AM'

If I double-click in the cell the cursor is after the AM. When I click outside of the cell, the date time stamp changes to 1/12/2012.

My question is, how to change the entire column so that all data gets converted to short date (mm/dd/yyyy) and thereby making it a data sortable field.

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Date Change MM/DD/YYYY & 3-Work Day Weekly Repeat

Oct 11, 2009

In MS-Excel 2007 dates seem to be limited to YYYY/MM/DD style, which I imagine there is a way to alter it into MM/DD/YYYY. I looked into MS Help, and a google search, and either I was using wrong keywords, or not, but I couldn't find anything to simply change date arrangement. If I am being unclear, I am talking about the function '=DATE(YYYY/MM/DD)' is what I want to change.

After I get that fixed, I need there to be a function to reproduce a 3-day work week (Mon, Tue, and Thur). e.g.:

10/05/09 [data] [data] [data]
10/06/09 [data] [data] [data]
10/08/09 [data] [data] [data]
Week 1 [data sum] [data sum] [data sum]

Week 2


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Cell Date Formatting: Cell To Display Mm/dd/yyyy And Enter Mm/dd/yy

Aug 13, 2008

I have Excel 2000, recently when I format a cell to display mm/dd/yyyy and enter mm/dd/yy, it is displaying dd/mm/yyyy. Or it starts out correctly and during a future opening of file it displays incorrectly.

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Exact Date Format As "dd/mm/yyyy"

Oct 6, 2009

I'm currently trying to do some error checking on a cell where the user has to enter the exact date format as "dd/mm/yyyy". I have been using isDate to check if its a date and not text and then using the below function to check the exact format:

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Date Format: Change Format To Mm/dd/yyyy

Jul 3, 2006

I have txtboxes in which I write date in format dd/mm/yyyy but if I want to put date in cell correctly from this textbox in need to declare event on exit -change format to mm/dd/yyyy and then it puts date in desired format which is dd/mm/yyyy and my regional settings are English(uk)

Is there a way to put any date format in textbox and in cell there will always be format dd/mm/yyyy or at least if date is entered in format dd/mm/yyyy that also in cell the same format is putted

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Sorting DD/MM/YYYY Into DD/MM

Aug 9, 2009

I have around 1900 dates that I need to sort into order but I need the data to be displayed as DD/MM in chronological order eg 01/01, 02/01 etc.

At the moment the dates are DD/MM/YYYY in one column. Have tried sorting them into date order but have found that they're sorted by YYYY. Is there a way of sorting them DD/MM instead?????

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Convert Dd-mm-yyyy H:mm:ss Into Mm/dd/yy

Sep 24, 2009

What is the Easiest way to Convert this Date and time format into Dates Format i.e MM/DD/YY

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Chart With ( H:mm:ss) Data

May 5, 2006

I have folowing problem:

I have delivery date (C) and wenn has been delivered (D= Start, E=End)
sometimes Delivery End (E) is on day after Delivery Start but in my chart
you can't see it, what I try to do is to display if Delivery End is not on same day as Delivery Start, so I need to display Delivery Start as negative value (below 0)
but my chart goes from 00:00:00 to like 04:48:00 next day.

in Excel workbook:
Delivery Start - Green
Delivery End - Blue

Chart date is automatically generated (Oracle)

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