VBA - Sorting Data Into Spreadsheet Named Yyyy / Mm / Dd

Sep 5, 2012

Here is my VBA code so far, it sorts relevant email with data in it into spreadsheet titled "Mon 1st" "Mon 2nd" "Tue 1st" "Tue 2nd" ... and so on

But I've changed the name of the spreadsheet into "yyyy-mm-dd" format, amend the codes.

olMDate = olMail.SentOn
'Amend this line
wsDest = UCase(Left(WeekdayName(Weekday(olMDate) - 1), 3))
If TimeValue(olMDate) < #12:00:00 PM# Then
wsDest = wsDest + " 1st"


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Userform Changes Date From Dd/mm/yyyy To Mm/dd/yyyy On Spreadsheet

Mar 20, 2014

creating a user form that will make my job of recording data far easier. However, when the date is entered, it changes it form UK to US.

I've checked the cells and they are formatted for UK dd/mm/yyyy.

The script is as follows:

Private Sub UserForm1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub DataInput.UserForm_Initialize()


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Sorting DD/MM/YYYY Into DD/MM

Aug 9, 2009

I have around 1900 dates that I need to sort into order but I need the data to be displayed as DD/MM in chronological order eg 01/01, 02/01 etc.

At the moment the dates are DD/MM/YYYY in one column. Have tried sorting them into date order but have found that they're sorted by YYYY. Is there a way of sorting them DD/MM instead?????

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Macro To Convert Dates Format From Yyyy Mm Dd To Yyyy-mm-dd

Feb 25, 2009

I have a 20,000 line Excel sheet...

And all the dates are entered like this:
2009 02 08

I want to add a dash, so they look like this

so I added a command button, and this code, but its not searching the sheet and adding the dash's...

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VBA Incorrectly Changing Some Dates From DD/MM/YYYY To YYYY-DD-MM

May 1, 2014

I have the macro below which opens csv files stored in a user selected folder and processes them changing the date format in column D from DD/MM/YYYY to text stored as YYYY-MM-DD.

For most of the dates the code works without issue, but for some (those with a month <12 possibly) it transposes the MM and DD incorrectly.

I understand that when opening the CSV's in excel it automatically converts the dates to DD/MM/YYYY, so I'm actually opening in wordpad which displays as YYYY-MM-DD, with only a portion being incorrect.

I've attached a couple of sample files (pre and post conversion).


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Convert Date From DD-MON-YYYY Into YYYY-MON-DD

Mar 20, 2014

I want to convert to date from DD-MON-YYYY into YYYY-mm-DD format in column J.

It is also applicable to date separated by semicolon. It was working previously but not now.

HTML Code: 

Dim rng As Range
Dim rngTotal As Range
Dim i As Integer
Set rngTotal = Range("j1:j" & Range("j" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)


I made one mistake . date conversion should be 2014/03/11 if orignial date is 11-MAR-2014

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Date Formatting (changes From Dd/mm/yyyy To Mm/dd/yyyy)

Mar 3, 2009

I finally finished programming the userform that I've been working on for about a week and started to populate the database with info (dates, names, TRUE/FALSE etc etc).

Then all of a sudden I notice that as I switch between "records", one of the dates gets a life of its own - it changes from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy as I select it. When I jump onto another record and select that previous record again, the format changes from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy.

This happens with ALL dates where the days and months are =< 12.

I thought I'd apply formatting to the text box to stop that happening with the code below:

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Keep Named Range With Values When Sorting

Jul 2, 2007

I have Excel 2003 with named cells, for example...

cell cell name data
A1 AAA 3
A2 BBB 1
A3 CCC 2
and so on...

When I autofilter (ascending) these cells, the data in these cells sort correctly, but the cell names stay where they're at.

cell cell name data
A1 AAA 1
A2 BBB 2
A3 CCC 3

I'm not an Excel expert so I'd like to know is there any way I could get the cell names to sort with their data.

cell cell name data
A1 BBB 1
A2 CCC 2
A3 AAA 3

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Spreadsheet Sorting..

Nov 14, 2008

I'm trying to sort this spread sheet so that each email address will have its own column assigned to it. Ie jaz@hello.com will alway be column C and harry@hello.com will always be in D. The problem is I've around 1200 rows of infor and the email addresses are all over the place..

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Change The Date Formatting From "DD/MM/YYYY To MM/DD/YYYY"

Jul 7, 2009

I use MS Excel 2007. When I type in date as 2/3/2009, it gets typed as 3/2/2009
i.e. DD/MM/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. Attached is file for your information. I have even formatted the Cells in that particular column to Date Format under British (UK) DD/MM/YYYY. I want dates in DD/MM/YYYY format only.

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Chart With (dd.mm.yyyy H:mm:ss) Data

May 5, 2006

I have folowing problem:

I have delivery date (C) and wenn has been delivered (D= Start, E=End)
sometimes Delivery End (E) is on day after Delivery Start but in my chart
you can't see it, what I try to do is to display if Delivery End is not on same day as Delivery Start, so I need to display Delivery Start as negative value (below 0)
but my chart goes from 00:00:00 to like 04:48:00 next day.

in Excel workbook:
Delivery Start - Green
Delivery End - Blue

Chart date is automatically generated (Oracle)

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Change Mm/dd/yyyy To Dd/mm/yyyy

Feb 20, 2014

I need to change mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy.

Going to format cells and custom Excel thinks the data is already dd/mm/yyyy.The data I have is historical so the date 1/03/2014 has not happened yet so I need to change it to 3/01/2014.

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Converting Mm/dd/yyyy Into Yyyy/mm/dd

Mar 28, 2008

I have a column currently containing dates in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy

I want to sort these records sequentially from latest to oldest, so I need to convert the data into the following format: yyyy/mm/dd

how to convert this data.

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Date From: Dd.mm.yyyy To Dd/mm/yyyy

Jul 16, 2009

I need to change a whole column of dates shown as “dd.mm.yyyy” to “dd/mm/yyyy”. I know the answer must be quite easy but it’s been bugging me for some time. Even after sorting the cells, it only sorts using the first two digits, totally ignoring the rest. IE, it sorts 01.07.2009 before 15.05.2009, also before 03.02.2008.

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Changing From Mm / Dd / Yyyy To Dd / Mm / Yyyy

Dec 3, 2011

I have a worksheet with dates as Mon/day/year ( 05/02/2011- May 2nd )

but the template worksheet which i have been told to use, has all dates as day/mon/year. (so above date should read as 02/05/2011)

When i try to use format painter to convert my mon/day/year to day/mon/year, it doesnot work.

Neither does the trick of using text to date format using technique shown in this board worked ( text to columns, fixed , YMD )

So how do i get my dates changed from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy?

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Sorting Spreadsheet By Priority Columns

Jun 14, 2014

I'm managing a World Cup Prediction League and have been trying to create a spreadsheet that will eventually feed in to a league, positioning each player in descending order. However, I would like to use three columns to determine how to position the players.


Priority 1 - Column D - Total Points (Rank from Highest to Lowest)
(if there are players with equal Total Points in column D, then)
Priority 2 - Column F - Correct Scores (Rank from Highest to Lowest
(if there are still players with equal value after Total Points and Correct Scores, then)
Priority 3 - Column F - Incorrect Scores (Lowest to Highest)

I've tried for hours to work this out but can't. It would save me hours of work each day

I have attached the document : WC Prediction League EXAMPLE.xlsx‎

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Create Custom Data Validation (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM)

Nov 12, 2013

I want to add some Data Validation for a cell and want it to validate that the entered data is in the format (DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM)

I guess I need to use a custom validation formula, however cant figure it out

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Re-format All Sheets In Spreadsheet Except The Three Named

Nov 28, 2008

I'm writing a bit of a code that will re-format all sheets in spreadsheet except the three named. I keep on getting compile errors whatever I do. It's driven me mad.

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Sorting- Spreadsheet That Shows The Items That Appears In Each Catalog

Nov 9, 2008

I have a spreadsheet (rows 1-15) where column A is a list of items in ascending order, and column B shows the catalog# that the item appears in. An items can appears in multiple catalogs.

I would like to develop a spreadsheet(rows 18-21) that shows the items that appears in each catalog.

The items should still be in ascending order.
The order of the catalog# row18 does not matter.
I have several hundred items and 30 catalogs....

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Sorting In Spreadsheet Where Lines Are Sequenced By Finished Good And Component Parts

Jul 29, 2013

I have a very large inventory spreadsheet (30,000+ lines) where finished goods are listed on one line and the raw materials (parts) that make up that finished good are listed below. After the last raw material for a finished good is listed, the next finished good is on the next line (and so on). First, I need to sort the lines to eliminate certain common raw materials. Next I need to take the lowest raw material inventory level and have that as the default inventory level for the finished good.

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Macro To Save Multiple Copy Of Spreadsheet From Named Range

Aug 29, 2009

I need to create multiple copy of workbook from a named range called - CoCode - range is on sheet called - Data - cell range - L2:L37. Problem is that i want each workbook named as the name that is in cell range (CoCode). Also in same workbook in a sheet called - Company Summary , in cell J1 there is validation list that refers to range same (Codode) i want that to change in each workbook.

I.e 1st copy of workbook name is equal to 1st reference in range CoCode and same 1st reference in Validation list in - Company Summary - Sheet in cell J1. Also selecting Validation populates several sheets in workbook to information revelant to that company code selection in cell J1, - there are no external links to this document-

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Sorting By Variable File Instead Of Specific Named File?

Jul 18, 2014

I recorded what I wanted but don't know how to generalise it so regardless of sheet name it can be sorted instead of specifically looking for "leanne final test" worksheet and sorting it by precise cells.

I have starred the section out so you don't have to focus on the rest of the code. Initally I ask for the file to be opened using WeeklyFN, would I need to use it again somehow ?

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Select Data From Spreadsheet Column If Condition In 2nd Spreadsheet At Same Time Is Met

Aug 11, 2013

I have two spreadsheets, one gives me the beginning and end of civil twilight as a measure of day vs. night. The spreadsheet has Date/Time in the first column, and the value 45 in the 2nd column when it is night. The second spreadsheet has also 2 columns with date/time and body temperatures of a squirrel. I want to get basic statistics (mean and standard deviation) of the squirrel's nocturnal body temperature, that is for times when it is night (value 45). The tricky part is that Date/Time of both spreadsheets are different. The procedure has to recognize that the date/time of body temperature lies between the beginning and end of the value 45 blocks of the first spreadsheet.

files: twilight sheet squirrel temperature

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Merge Files? (add Data From One Spreadsheet To The Appropriate Places On Another Spreadsheet)

Feb 6, 2009

Often I need to add data from one spreadsheet to the appropriate places on another spreadsheet. For example:

Sheet A has 10,000 records with these fields: id#, name, address, place of employment.

Sheet B has 5,000 records these fields: id#, GPA, college major, type of degree.

Some of the records in B contain information for the same id#'s as sheet A. I want to add this information together so that a Sheet C will have these fields: id#, name, address, place of employment, GPA, college major, type of degree.

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Compare Before Spreadsheet Data To After Spreadsheet

Apr 2, 2014

Wondering if there is an easy way to compare 2 spreadsheets that should have identical data on them? The first spreadsheet (Before) has the output data from 'before' a code fix was applied. The second spreadsheet (After) has the output data from 'after' a code fix was applied. The spreadsheets have 7 columns of data and almost 500 rows.

I've already copied the data from the source datasets provided by my IT folks into Notepad (.txt) files and then used Excel to open them as fixed width spreadsheets. I have 1 workbook with 1 spreadsheet with 'before' data. And, I have 1 workbook with 1 spreadsheet 'after' data. And, I have another workbook that contains both worksheets. So, I'm ready to go whenever I get hints of what to do next. :-)

I need to be able to show my client that we did not impact the data with the code fix that was applied. I want to be able to show my client contacts (business folks) an end result via Excel that confirms that I actually compared the 2 sheets and there were no differences. In other words....I can't just show them a formula with '0' as it end result (even tho that's basically what I'm trying to prove).

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Importing Data From Spreadsheet To Spreadsheet

Apr 24, 2006

I need to write a macro that will import data contained in another spreadsheet, but am unsure how to do this. I have several (about 15) spreadsheets that contain data. I need to import key bits of this data into one central spreadsheet that will be used for reporting purposes. I only need 2 cells worth (values) from each source spreadsheet, to be pasted into the destination spreadsheet, into designated cells.

The source spreadsheets are usually closed down and kept on a file server, which my PC has access to. Ideally I want to activate this macro with a control button - i.e. I press the button once and the macro goes off and collects/updates each field with the latest data stored in each of the source spreadsheets.

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Auto Copying Text (Not Data) From Cell In One Spreadsheet To Another Spreadsheet Cell?

Nov 4, 2012

I wish to Automatically copy the TEXT that is written from Spreadsheet 1 cells D5 to F5 to Spreadsheet 2 cells F5 to J5 .... a similar range of cells.

Is there a formula I can use or do I need to venture into the programming side of things.

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Excel 2010 :: After Applying A Data Filter And Sorting The Data / How To Revert Back To Original

Dec 20, 2012

I'm using Excel 2010 and I applied a Data Filter to a simple table. I then messed around with the drop downs in each column, sorting the data by different criteria. After doing this, is there a simple way to get the table to revert back to its original order/form?

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Macro - Sorting Data To Other Worksheets / Update As New Data Entered

Jan 30, 2014

I am trying to create a "Master Sheet" where I enter in the column data and after I have entered my data for each row, I can select the button which toggles the macro to run. I have it built to build new sheets as new clients are obtained. My problem is after I have a sheet that has client's data I cannot get new data to add itself below the data that is already there. I want each client's sheet to keep adding rows as more data comes in. My current macro is :

[Code] .....

Attached File : Data Entry Macro.xlsx

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Convert Dd-mm-yyyy H:mm:ss Into Mm/dd/yy

Sep 24, 2009

What is the Easiest way to Convert this Date and time format into Dates Format i.e MM/DD/YY

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