I was wondering if this can be done we have a monthly award program so if a date was entered for that drive on this month it would = no if blank =yes but needs to reset each month?
=IF(AND('Driver'!A51:A1000)="",IF('Driver'!A51:A1000>='Driver Bonus'!A3,"YES","NO")) This brings back a #value! error
=IF(AND('Driver'!A51<=A3,'Driver'!A51>=A3),"NO","YES") this works but only for that cell i need to also recognize cells A51:A1000
=IF(MAX(INDIRECT("'"&A8&"'!A51:A1000"))<A3+1,IF(MAX(INDIRECT("'"&A8&"'!A51:A1000"))<>A3,"YES","NO")) this also works but only for 1 day
I was able to use pivot table to set up the balance sheet and income statement.
1. now each month is a field which I can choose to add to the report, but the field list is getting too long (and growing). Is there a way I can insert 1 field (for the user to input the exact date) or 2 fields (to input year and month) and the pivot table can pick up the input and refresh either automatically or manually.
2. I looked into the "group" function in pivot table, but how do I group the above data in quarterly and yearly fashion so the user can get those information quickly?
finding a formula to calculate the number of months between two dates. I've attached an Excel spreadsheet with sample data. Some are in the future, and some are in the past.
The issue is i want years and months between two dates which are not in computer language. Date like 2008/12 and 2010/01. File is attached for you reference
I have a table with model numbers as column A, and Row 1 contains dates, each columns contains net sales, my question is there any simple way to group all dates into months and years, i have tried using a pivot and it doesnt work correctly Screenshot (1).png
I would like a formula (if it is possible) that will list which months occur between two dates;
i.e Start Date (Cell ref A2) = 01/01/2010 (in the dd/mm/yyy format) End Date (A3) = 02/05/2010
In cells D2:O2 I have the months Jan-Dec. In cells D3:O3 I would like a "Yes" to appear if the above month occurs between the dates in A2 & A3. In this example would like a "Yes" to appear in cells D3, E3, F3, G3 & H3 but not in the other 'Months' appropriate cells.
I am building a template to auto populate budget value by straight line based on task start/end date criteria. some tasks could give me correct duration distribution, but some don't. I am looking for If function, which could give me correct monthly allocation budget. Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve. task 0110 duration is from 09/15/07 to 05/24/08, duration month is 8. budget $34,465supposed to be allocated to 8 month starting from Sept, 07. but my if logic return 9 month instead.
say C2= 22/02/2007. in cell C4 When I use this formula =TODAY()-C2 to get the difference between today and a past date the result the formula give is 07/05/1900 i would like to receive the difference in Months between the past date and today? I.E. HOW MANY MONTHS IN BETWEEN
I have a problem again with one of Date Dif function " =DATEDIF(I5|J5|"m") " in attached file i have this function applied to calculate number of months in between two given dates but it seems this function is not working properly or i am missing some info in this to make it run properly. How to fix this function or give me a proper one which can solve my problem to calculate accurate months between these dates in attached file...
what is the formula to convert the date in MMYYYY into some numbers so that I can derive the difference between 2 dates?
For example: I have 2 dates 31-Jan-09 and 28-Nov-05 in Column A & Column B respectively. I would like to derive no. of months between the difference of the 2 dates which in this case is 38 months.
I have a sheet where I need to located set-up dates that are greater than 6 months. I dont know if this matters but the cells are not in consecutive rows but are all in column F. I have tried the serveral ways and nothing is working.
I'm using the Calendar Control to determine 2 dates. 1 Starting Date and 1 Ending Date. I'm trying to determine the total number of months between those two dates down to 2 Decimal Places. I also need to get the total number of weeks and days but those are much easier and I've been able to work those out by the following:
VB: AutoLinked keywords will cause extra spaces before keywords. Extra spacing is NOT transferred when copy/pasting, but IS if the keyword uses "quotes" ........
I have a worksheet that displays totals from a master worksheet. At the bottom of the summary I would like to have the three previous months totals displayed from one column. I know that I can achieve this "quick and dirty" by just using VBA to display what I want, but I wanted to see if there was a better way of achieving this.
I searched and came up with a formula like[code = TEXT(H4,"MMMM"[/code] This will diplay the month name like I want, but there are also three other cells that I need the previous months in. Is there some type of formula that will autmatically change these values once the date in cell H4 changes?
I have two columns with dates (and times) in that I am trying to define how many days, hrs and mins have elapsed i.e. A1 has 12/12/06 21:00, B1 has 17/12/06 21:00. C1 has B1-A1 and is custom formatted to show as dd"days" hh"hrs" mm"mins". In this case it will therefore show as 5days 0hrs 0mins. Which is correct.
However, if more than 1month has elapsed then the format m"m" d"days" h"hrs" m"mins" does not work. For example 17/03/06 03:00 to 20/12/06 07:00 shows as 10m 4days 4hrs 00min, which it clearly isn't.
I know the reason it does this is because it calculates the difference between the two times and adds that to it's 0 value, which in my format is 01/01/1900 00:00. therefore when it adds 277days (the answer) it becomes 04/10/1900 04:00, so my formatting is just calling the month value ('10') and the day value ('4').
I understand the reason it does this, 277 days on from 01/01/1900 is indeed Oct 4th, but 277 days on from 17/03/06 is not 10months and 4 days as there are different length months in between. It also seems to add a month on, possibly because the format for 'months' is between 1 & 12 and therefore cannot begin at 0?
Does anyone know if it's possible to force excel to work out the correct number of months and days have elapsed between two dates and not apply it to 01/01/1900? Or any other possible solution, maybe with a different custom format?
I want to calculate leave on the basis of Date of joining (DOJ). Rule is: If DOJ is not he first day of the month, then no leave is earned for that month. Suppose DOJ is 26/12/2006, for Dec.2006 no leave is earned. One leave will be earned in January 2007 & subsequent months.
But if DOJ is 01/12/2006, then one leave will be earned in Dec.2006 & subsequent months also.
A zip file containg two excel files is attached for ready reference.
my spreadsheet is setup with two dates: A date for when someone joins our group A date for when they are released/leave
I want to be able to see exactly how many years/months/days transpired between these two dates. I have tried lots of different formulas with no success.
I need a simply excel formula or macro which calculates the numbers of months i need to accrue for certain costs. The data I have includes the start month of the invoice, the end month of the invoice (i.e. showing how long the invoice is relevant for, quite often 1 year), and obviously the current month.
(eg. a 12 month invoice with a start date of Oct 08, end date Sep 09, current May 09 = 8 mths to accrue) (eg2. a 12 month invoice with a start date of Apr 09, end date of Mar 10, current May 09 = 2 mths to accrue) (eg3. a 12 month invoice with a start date of Jun 09, end date of May 10, current May 09 = 0 mths to accrue)
ith the example below, i am having a problem with the calculation of Total Month. If i put Dec 31 2012 in A2 the total month is 10 BUT if I change the A2 to Dec 30, 2012 the total month is 11. What i am trying to do is to calculate the number of months only disregarding the years. example August 15, 2010 and January 16, 2013 i need to have total months of 5 months only.