Calculate Number Of Months Between Two Dates

Oct 5, 2007

Is there a formula which would show the number of months between two dates eg.

15-Jan-06 to 30-Nov-07 = 23 months

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Calculate Number Of Months In Specific Year Between Two Dates?

May 19, 2014

I am trying to calculate the number of months in a specific year between two dates.

For example.

Start date 01/06/2012
End Date 01/02/2013

Number of months in 2012 = 6
Number of months in 2013 = 2

How can I write a formula to give me the answer of 6 & 2 from the start and finish dates?

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Calculate Months Between Dates

Aug 21, 2007

I am building a template to auto populate budget value by straight line based on task start/end date criteria. some tasks could give me correct duration distribution, but some don't. I am looking for If function, which could give me correct monthly allocation budget. Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve. task 0110 duration is from 09/15/07 to 05/24/08, duration month is 8. budget $34,465supposed to be allocated to 8 month starting from Sept, 07. but my if logic return 9 month instead.

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Calculate Day, Months & Years Between Dates

Dec 20, 2006

I have two columns with dates (and times) in that I am trying to define how many days, hrs and mins have elapsed i.e. A1 has 12/12/06 21:00, B1 has 17/12/06 21:00. C1 has B1-A1 and is custom formatted to show as dd"days" hh"hrs" mm"mins". In this case it will therefore show as 5days 0hrs 0mins. Which is correct.

However, if more than 1month has elapsed then the format m"m" d"days" h"hrs" m"mins" does not work. For example 17/03/06 03:00 to 20/12/06 07:00 shows as 10m 4days 4hrs 00min, which it clearly isn't.

I know the reason it does this is because it calculates the difference between the two times and adds that to it's 0 value, which in my format is 01/01/1900 00:00. therefore when it adds 277days (the answer) it becomes 04/10/1900 04:00, so my formatting is just calling the month value ('10') and the day value ('4').

I understand the reason it does this, 277 days on from 01/01/1900 is indeed Oct 4th, but 277 days on from 17/03/06 is not 10months and 4 days as there are different length months in between. It also seems to add a month on, possibly because the format for 'months' is between 1 & 12 and therefore cannot begin at 0?

Does anyone know if it's possible to force excel to work out the correct number of months and days have elapsed between two dates and not apply it to 01/01/1900? Or any other possible solution, maybe with a different custom format?

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Formula To Calculate Based On Start Month Number And Duration Number Of Months

Mar 14, 2014

I need a formula that will calucalte the monthly total based on the following conditions:

Col A = Yearly Cost
Col B = The number of the month when the costs are starting (1=Jan etc)
Col C = The duration or the number of months for which the costs are to spread
Col D is Year 2013 with the months across columns D-O. Row 1 above those columns shows the month's corresponding number.

Right now I have =IF($B3<=D$1,$A3/$C3,0) however if my start month is 1 and my duration is 5, I need the costs to stop after May. I've attached a sample file. Calculate based on start month and duration.xlsx

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Calculate Percentage Of Individual Months Between 2 Dates And Populate Different Cells With Results

Dec 20, 2013

I want to display the percentage of occupancy for each month for condo rentals.

I have columns with dates that represent bookings throughout the year. check in and check out dates to be more precise. (A1 and B1 for example) and I have columns with months Jan, Feb, etc. (C1, D1, etc. for example)

The problem I run in to is that I can calculate the number of days between the dates and the fraction of the year (*12 to get a monthly value, but I fail to understand how I can break that up so that I can populate each month with a correct percentage of the total term.

E.g. A1=1-jan-2014 and B1=20-jan-2014 is an easy one because it only covers 1 month:
formula: =(YEARFRAC(A1,B1,3))*12 gives me 62,47% which I could just use as is for that month.

So far so good, but when the period covers more than one month or when the months overlaps, I don't know how to break the outcome up into the appropriate months to display the correct percentage for each month in its own column.

e.g. A1=1-jan-2014 and B1=20-Mar-2014 gives me a result of 253% with the same formula.
100% for November, 100% for December and 63% for January, which I could somehow formulate to break up over different Months.

But then it gets more tricky. What if the booking starts on a day other than the 1st of the Month?

e.g. A1=5-jan-2014 and B1=20-Mar-2014
The result of the formula (243%) is correct, but isn't sufficient to put the correct percentages for each month in their respective column.

What formula(s) should I use to break down the percentages to match the correct fraction of each individual month?

I attached an example of what I have so far for your review : test.xlsx‎

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Calculate Number Of Occurences With Last 3 And 6 Months

Jul 14, 2009

I have a row containing:

Date entered
Date of Birth (DOB)
Occurrences of Name + DOB this Month
Occurrences of Name + DOB within last 3 Months
Occurrences of Name + DOB within last 6 Months

I can manage the occurrences this month but haven't a clue how to calculate the 3 and 6 months ones. I have attached a sheet.

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Calculate Number Of Months Between Two Given Date

Apr 12, 2006

Start date: 12/04/2004
End date: 12/04/2006
The formula should give the answer to 24 months

Example 2
Start date: 12/04/2004
End date: 13/04/2006
The formula should give the answer to 25 months

When I use function =(YEAR(A4)-YEAR(A3))*12+MONTH(A4)-MONTH(A3), it does not
show 25 months for "Example 2" as it is still within the same month "April"

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Calculate Number Of Months In A Year

Feb 1, 2012

I need to automatically calculate the number of months a deal runs through 2012 dependant on the start and end date.

I have attached a basic spreadsheet. Column C shows the results I would like the formula to calculate.

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Find Number Of Months Between Two Dates

Jun 17, 2014

i have column A and B with list of dates. Column A has earlier dates when compared to column B.

i am trying to find a formula with which i can know the difference between the dates in "number of months".

Ex: Column A has 06/01/2014 and Column B has 08/30/2014. The difference between the dates in terms of month is 3 which i need in a formula.

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Count Number Of Months Between Two Dates

Mar 20, 2014

I have a problem again with one of Date Dif function " =DATEDIF(I5|J5|"m") " in attached file i have this function applied to calculate number of months in between two given dates but it seems this function is not working properly or i am missing some info in this to make it run properly. How to fix this function or give me a proper one which can solve my problem to calculate accurate months between these dates in attached file...

Excel Date problem.xlsx‎

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Count Number Of Months Between Two Dates

Oct 31, 2012

i have first date in cell a1 and second date in cell b1. I want formula to to how many months are in between these two dates,, for example

first date: 1 jan 12
swcond date: 5 apr 12
result: 4

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Number Of Decimal Months Between 2 Dates

Aug 19, 2009

I'm using the Calendar Control to determine 2 dates. 1 Starting Date and 1 Ending Date. I'm trying to determine the total number of months between those two dates down to 2 Decimal Places. I also need to get the total number of weeks and days but those are much easier and I've been able to work those out by the following:

VB: AutoLinked keywords will cause extra spaces before keywords. Extra spacing is NOT transferred when copy/pasting, but IS if the keyword uses "quotes" ........

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Number Of Full Months Between Dates

Jun 8, 2007

I want to calculate leave on the basis of Date of joining (DOJ). Rule is:
If DOJ is not he first day of the month, then no leave is earned for that month. Suppose DOJ is 26/12/2006, for Dec.2006 no leave is earned. One leave will be earned in January 2007 & subsequent months.

But if DOJ is 01/12/2006, then one leave will be earned in Dec.2006 & subsequent months also.

A zip file containg two excel files is attached for ready reference.

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Working Out Number Of Accrual Months Between Dates

Jun 4, 2009

I need a simply excel formula or macro which calculates the numbers of months i need to accrue for certain costs. The data I have includes the start month of the invoice, the end month of the invoice (i.e. showing how long the invoice is relevant for, quite often 1 year), and obviously the current month.

(eg. a 12 month invoice with a start date of Oct 08, end date Sep 09, current May 09 = 8 mths to accrue)
(eg2. a 12 month invoice with a start date of Apr 09, end date of Mar 10, current May 09 = 2 mths to accrue)
(eg3. a 12 month invoice with a start date of Jun 09, end date of May 10, current May 09 = 0 mths to accrue)

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Return The Number Of Months There Are Between The Start And End Dates

Nov 13, 2006

if A1 is a start date and B1 is the end date, I want C1 to return the number of months there are between the start and end dates?

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Simple Function For Calculating Number Of Months Between 2 Dates

Jun 22, 2012

Is there a simple function for calculating the number of months between 2 dates.

Eg 1/5/2012 - 8/9/2020

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Calculate Number Of Days Between 2 Dates And Then Assign Number Based On Answer

Mar 22, 2014

How to create a spreadsheet with what I think will be a very simple formula?

If date in B2 - date in A2 is 1 or less days, put a 1 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 7 or less days but more than 1, put a 2 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 30 or less days but more than 7, put a 3 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 90 or less days but more than 30, put a 4 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 91 days or more, put a 5 in cell C2.


Another, maybe simpler, way of saying it is:

If date in B2 - date in A2 is 1 or less days, put a 1 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 2-7 days, put a 2 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 8-30 days, put a 3 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 31-90 days, put a 4 in cell C2.
If date in B2 - date in A2 is 91 days or more, put a 5 in cell C2.

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Conditional Format - Dates Greater Than 18 Months And 24 Months?

Dec 6, 2013

I have a date column (Column E: Date Entered) on my spreadsheet that I need to set conditional formatting on. There are two conditions:

1) 18 months from the date in the cell needs to be highlighted yellow

2) 24 months from the date in the cell needs to be highlighted red

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Calculate Number Of Days Between Two Dates?

Jul 29, 2014

I am trying to calculate the number of days between two dates where the arrival date is in b5 and the departure date is in c5 for each month. I have been using the following formula =IF($C5="","",MAX(0,MIN(L$1,$C5)-MAX(K$1,$B5))) but when the stay is a full year it is giving me 365 in a single column. I think maybe I need to add in the number of days in the month but not sure how to do it.

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Calculate Number Of Days Between 2 Dates

Jul 28, 2009

I have a start date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy in cell A5
I have an end date formatted as dd/mm/yyyy in cell E5

In cell F5 I would like the result of the number of days between E5-A5 (Excluding weekends)
In cell G5 I would like the total number of days in the range F5:F25
In cell H5 I would like the total number of working days from A5 to Today

I am using the following formula to get the result in F5 etc
I have copied this down and in the blank cells I get #NUM!

In cell F? were there is no date entered in cell E? I get a minus number (which I can hide using conditional formatting), but the minus number obviously has an affect on the result in G5, as cell G5 gives me #NUM! instead of the result for the current numbers in row F

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Calculate Number Of Winter Days Between Two Dates

Dec 11, 2013

I'm looking for the formula to calculate the number of winter days between two dates.

Say, that I'm having:
- Winter season start date (say Dec 1st)
- Winter season end date (say, March 1st)

=> All the days which are between these two are considered winter days for any given year.

- Two different dates defining the beginning and the end of my PERIOD. The total length of the period may be more than one year.

HOW do I calculate total number of winter days for the PERIOD?

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Calculate Number Of Days Using 2 Sets Of Dates

Jun 4, 2009

I'm new here. I've searched these forums in the past for help, but never had to post, i've always been able to find something by searching. However, this time I couldn't find anything that addressed my specific need so I figured it'd be worth a shot.

Alright, I have two sets of dates, and i'm trying to set up a formular that calculates the numbers of days from the first date range that overlap/fall within the second date range.

For example:

In A3 type "1/1/2006"
In B3 type "1/1/2007"
In C1 type "6/30/2005"
In C2 type "6/30/2006"

Now, in C3 i'd like to insert a forumla that tells me how many days in the date range of 1/1/2006-1/1/2007 fall in the date range of 6/30/2005-6/30/2006. Basically for this is should be half the year, however many days that is.

Is this possible with a formula?

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Calculate Number Of Week And Days Between Two Dates?

Sep 28, 2011

Any example of counting the # weeks/days between two dates?

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Formula To Calculate Dates In Range And Return Number?

Jan 4, 2013

I have a Training Matrix with "Main", "Leavers" and "Reports" sheets. (can email it but can't upload it here; it's 534kb and I can't make it smaller)

In the "Reports" sheet I need to fill "Site Procedural Training" - "Number of people trained in period".

The periods are :
25/12/11 - 31/03/12
01/04/12 - 30/06/12
01/07/12 - 29/09/12
30/09/12 - 29/12/12

The source of data will be the "Main" and "Leavers". The data are dates in these sheets; each date = 1

The formula needs to look in to "Main" and "Leavers" and if it finds a date which fits in the required period in "Reports" then return it as 1. If it finds 300 dates then returns 300.

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Calculate Number Of Days Between Two Dates Within A Pivot Table?

Feb 3, 2014

I have been using Excel to display, sort and present data in a professional way. I have created a pivot table with two columns below. Column C indicates the start date. Column D indicates the completion date. Blank cells show live data. I need to determine the number of days. 1) That have been - completed - a) That were < 2 Days, b) >2 but less than a week, c) > than a week (all). I have used the following formulas. a) countif(D4:D61, "<3"), b) countifs(D4:D61, ">2", D4:D61, "<=8"). Easy for completed data. My problem is, how do I determine the number of days, live data that following the same queries as above. I have figured out I can use countif to count the number of blanks by - countif(D4:D61, "(blank)") but how to put it all together and what formula should I use. I am trying to use countifs or if statements but am totally lost.

Column C Column D
---------- ----------

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Formula / Calculate Number Of Days Between 2 Dates That Equal A Given Value

Mar 19, 2014

I have two date columns, a start date and end date. Another columns tells me the number of days between these two columns. It may return 45 days which actually straddle 3 different months.

My aim is to identify between this date range how many days in Apr 14. Then in the next column howmany days in May 14 etc

So on the spreadsheet Id have 12 columns for each month of the year. in Apr 14 for each row between the given date range I want it to tell me how many days are actually in April. Id then copy that formula into the May 14 column.

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Calculate Number Of Dates Within A Column Based On Month

May 15, 2009

I have a column say column B for example that has a list of dates in the format dd/mm/yyyy. I would like a summary at the top of the columns to state how many dates there are for the current month. But I wondered if this was possible based on the TODAY() function or similar. Thus the user would not have to change anything.

So for example at the start of the month it may state 14. Half way through the month down to 6 and at the end of the month 0 for example.

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Calculate The Number Of Days Between Two Dates Using The Days360 Function

Nov 26, 2009

I was calculating the number of days between two dates using the Days360 function. However, now it is not accurate enough for me... Is there a function that is more accurate? based on 365 days and includes leap years... that I could use as I need this calculation to be exact? For example, number of days between April 1st, 2010 and August 31, 2012 is 884, but the days360 function returns 870.

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Calculate The Number Of Paychecks And The Dates For The Calendar Year

Nov 7, 2009

I am needing to create a formula that will calculate the number of paychecks and the dates for the calendar year. There is some employees that are paid bi-weekly and some bi-monthly.

For Example:

A1-Employee, A2-Hire Date, A3-Pay Frequency, A4-Number of Paychecks

Based on the hire date and pay frequency it will calculate the number of paychecks in A4.

Is this something that can be calculate with excel or would it need to be done manually.

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