I have a sheet where A2 is machine name A3 needs to put a -1 if A2 is either Machine 1 or Machine 2. I looked and cant find what I need. I know this should be a no brainer but having problems. here is what I have
=IF(A2="Machine 1",-1,"") or IF(A2="Machine 2",-1,"") this doesnt work
I am currently using an Intersect statement in a worksheet module to perform two things: 1. Insert a time stamp into row 2 when row 1 has a price inserted 2.To clear that time stamp if the price is deleted at some later date.
My problem is with the time stamp value being deleted by the user. If I try to clear the price (now that the time cell =empty) I get a Runtime error 91 - Object Variable or With block variable not set.
I would like to convert this code to a select case statement but I'm not sure how to do this in this situation. Would error coding be appropriate in this instance?
I'm trying to set up an if statement that will recognize that if a cell is FHR it will do something...but if it's PHR it will do something else. I think I found the place where I keep getting an error but I'm not sure how to go about fixing the issue.
I am attempting to use a previously Set variable as part of the next Set statement, pretty unsuccessfully at present.
My purpose is trying to look up
Code: tb_SelJobID.Value
from a userform in Col Z then look across the row to Cols D,I,N,S & W (different types of work) to see if
Code: TbSelYr.Value
matches the year selected then insert a formula in the row to the left. Then loop down to the FinalRow.
Currently my Set Found1 statement does not recognise my Found10 value. I know it will be my syntax as it always is. I have cut down the following code to display where the problem areas are, Found1 thru 5.
Sub CmdGo3_Click() Dim Row As Range Dim FinalRow As Long Dim Found1, Found2, Found3, Found4, Found5, Found10 As Range Application.ScreenUpdating = False
I have an Excel Sheet which I use as Database. The database has 11 columns and I insert data with the following function:
Code: Sub testInsert() Dim adoCommand As New ADODB.Command Dim sQuery As String Dim i As Integer
Dim strTest As String
strTest = "test"
[Code] .......
Now I want to retrieve this data. i.e. I want all F1 where F2 and F3 are 0 AND I want them ordered descending. I'm trying to achieve this with:
Code: Sub testSelect() Dim adoCommand As New ADODB.Command Dim sQuery As String Dim mrs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strTest As String
strTest = "test"
[Code] ....
The result I am getting looks like this: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 15 14 13 12 11 10 1
I assume, that the data is interpreted as String instead of an integer. But I explicitely stated the data as Integer when storing the data into the DB.
I have created a very long switch statement, which is too long to be placed in one row in VBA. I have attempted to put a space and underscore at the end of one line and continue the statement on the row below by placing a comma at the start of the second line. VBA will accept my efforts, but when I run the statement in the immediate window, the following error appears.
"Invalid procedure call or argument"
I understand that there are certain rules where I can split a switch statement onto two lines, yet I do not know what they may be.
If A1 shows 10:00am and A2 shows 4:00pm, then A3 calculates the total number of hours: =(A2-A1)*24
But if A1 shows "Off," then A3 shows 0: =IF(A1="Off",0,(A2-A1)*24)
Now, if I want to change "(A2-A1)*24" to another if-statement, how do I do this? I can always set up a hidden cell (A4) that contains the results of the first if-statement, and then say: =IF(A1="Off",0,A4). But can I do this without going through all the trouble of setting up hidden cells?
Each row represents a call. If a call in column A equals "CW" and it has the highest duration (H:MM:SS) value in column B, then provide me the date (MM/DD/YYYY) for that call that is stated in column C.
i.e. Column A --- Column B ---- Column C AB ------------ 0:02:22 ----- 04/14/2007 CW ----------- 0:03:13 ----- 04/16/2007 CW ----------- 0:01:42 ----- 04/13/2007
Thus, the value that should be returned is "04/16/2007".
I am trying to have a cell in sheet "Summary" count the number of cells in column DX of sheet "Analyses" that are greater than 0, provided that the value in column A of "Analyses" corresponds with the value in B8 of sheet "Summary."
(In "Analyses," there are 106 subjects, each taking up 64 rows. So, columns 1-64 correspond to Subject 1, columns 65-128 correspond to subject 2, etc. In column DX, each subject has 64 values that are either 0 or greater than 0. In "Summary," each subject has one row that summarizes the 64 trials. I want a single cell in the "Summary," sheet to reflect the number of times each subject produces a value greater than 0 in column DX of "Analyses.") I tried using this formula, but it did not work correctly:
(Summary!B8 = 1, so I am trying to calculate the number of values in DX that are greater than 0 only for subject 1.) When I press enter, this yields a value of 384. This is impossible, given that subject 1 only has 64 possibilities of yielding a value greater than 0. Subject 1 has 2 values in column DX that are greater than 0. I tried making this an array formula by pressing Shift+Ctrl+Enter, and that just gives me a #VALUE! error.
What I'm trying to have happen is when I enter a cost ($50,000-$240,000) in Sheet 1, I want the fees (cell B2) to correspond to what they are on sheet 2. How should I set up an if statement for this?
Here is what I have right now, =if(i3:i133="MLB"&if(b3:b133="W",c3:c133))
Basically the statement needs to contain two "ifs". I have a column that has MLB, CFB, NFL, etc and a column that designates wins and losses. So, what I am trying to make it do is say if i3:i133="sport" AND if b3:b133="W" then add those up.
How do i say if x is not equal to #value! in a formula? In the context of...@search() returns #VALUE! when the search string is not found. So: =OR(SEARCH("price",$A4) **NOTEQUALTO#VALUE!** ,SEARCH("pricing",$A4) **NOTEQUALTO#VALUE!**)
If d6 and d7=0 then put 0 but if one of them contain any other value then roundup as below based upon the cell with the different value. I current have this formulae: =IF(Parameters!D6=0,0,ROUNDUP((Parameters!D6*1000)/Parameters!D11,0))
I am trying to do and IF within an IF like i could do in java. Although i unsure now to whether this can be done within VBA and whether the syntax i am using is correct.
The situation is that i have to two cells with a list of information within them both.
For example cell (2, B) has options 1, 2 and 3 & cell (3, B) has options a, b and c.
If option "1" is selected then either option "a", "b" or "c" can be selected that will therefore show different information in another cell within the worksheet.
I want to create code that will check if a number of cells is empty and if they are to call a sub. If any of the cells are not empty then call another sub.
I am looking to get my vb code to do a simple thing, i need it to look at a date on my excel doc and to flag a messagebox that it cannot run due to date passed only if the date is exceeded and to stop at that point.
I have a bit of code in which I am trying to use the or statement. I've tried a couple of methods but neither seem to work. Is "or" a valid command in VBA?
In column "AN" I would like to put an If statement together something like this: =IF(AK4="NO",AA4,AA4-AA4). The problem is that I get an "#VALUE" error if there is no data in column "AK" for which this formula is based. Ideally I need the "#VALUE" to go away even if the specific cell in column AK is blank, due to the fact that I need to eventually sum the totals in column "AN4:AN150", which the "#VALUE" error prevents me from doing.
Im using this For next statement but doesnt work. Im trying to sum up A1:B1 in C1 and so on. Im trying to figure out the For Next statament so would appreciate your input.
Sub Mac1()
Dim r1 As Range Set r1 = Range("a" & i, "b" & i)
Dim i As Integer i = 1
For i = 1 To Range("a1", Range("a1").End(xlDown)) Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum (r1) i = i + 1
I need a formula that will sum if certain criteria are true: If column AY = FLOOR and Column BH = NicK then sum column AW. I have tried sumif, sumproduct and if(and. Nothing is working for me.
Is it possible to have an if function that doesn't have an else part to it? So if your criteria is true, assign a value, if it becomes not true, don't do anything, just leave the value as is. Example: =if(a1=1, sum(a1:a5))
is it possible to check a value cell vs value in a range? something like this.
If Range("F65536").End(xlUp) Sheets(2).Range(Range("G2"), Range("G65536").End(xlUp)) Then MsgBox (Check total) End If
I am working with two worksheet workbook. sheet one has a cell which contains the total amount value from sheet two and sheet two has the details for the total in one column.
how to use IF and MID functions together. =IF MID(B2,4,1) =5 Then return value 5, if it =1 then return value "1.75" etc. Is this possible? Also i have 5 other fields that will update based on the returned value. Will that cause errors?
I am trying to obtain a result of Yes or No if the criteria is met on two values
if the value of B5 equals the value of A2:A3011 on the sub report AND the value of D5 equals the value of C2:C3011 on the sub report return YES if both criterias are not met then return NO
=IF(AND(B5='Sub Report'!$A$2:$A$3011,D5='Sub Report'!$C$2:$C$3011),"yes","no") this is my latest attempt out of many tries the result never comes out right
I have written the following code but keep getting the error message "else without if.":
Dim Kt As Double Dim q As Double Dim Vol As Double Dim IndexSim() As Double Dim Cnt As Long Dim Payoff() As Double 'The above will make sure that the variables are defined. ' Read parameters from the required cells. With Me.Range("d4") Kt = .Cells(1, 1).Value q = .Cells(2, 1).Value Vol = .Cells(3, 1).Value IndexBetValue = .Cells(8, 1).Value SampleSz = .Cells(12, 1).Value End With.........................