I am trying to use code in a VBA macro to change my file to a read-only file at the end of the macro after I've done a few other things to the file. I'm using this line of code:
ActiveWorkbook.ChangeFileAccess xlReadOnly
This code does in fact change the file to read-only. After the macro finishes I see "Read-Only" in the title of the file. However, when I close the file and re-open it the file is no longer read only.
I'm trying to open a file on a network drive...but I'm getting the following error message when it opens: "This file may be read-only, or you may be trying to access a read-only location. Or the server the document is stored on may not be responding." Now, the file itself has no rights restrictions and is not read only. It doesn't appear to be locked.
Now, there are other Excel files in the same directory which I could open fine; however, the Excel documents having the above problem all have a little black icon "appears to be a padlock" (image attached) at the bottom left hand side of the Excel file icon. I tried the following:
- Renaming - Converting to a different file format (didn't work, it won't let me) - Opening in notepad...etc doesn't work.
This file is dated back in 2004...do you think it's corrupt? Is there anything i can do to open or recover this?
I know how to pull an entire text file into an Excel Spreadsheet, but I only want specific information from the text file not the entire text file.
What I have is about 25 text files stored in a folder, let's say C: est.
Each file is named by a property address as follows: 209 MAIN ST.txt 213 MAIN ST.txt 111 ELM ST.txt 2356 WOOD AVE.txt
On the 11th row of each file is as follows: Property Address:209 MAIN ST On the 31st row of each file is as follows: Total Value:30500
What I would like to do is read each file located in the "C: est folder and write a record (row) into a single Excel Spreadsheet for each property. I would like the Excel Spreadsheet to look as follows once completed. Note the 1st row below is a header row that needs to be generated by the code.
Property AddressTotal Value 209 MAIN ST 30500 213 MAIN ST 60700 111 ELM ST 20400 2356 WOOD AVE 20900
Can I read a header list (in a spreadsheet, text file, or hard coded in the code) which I would prefer the spreadsheet or text file method, write the header row in A1 then B1. Next read the 25 text files and search based on the header info written above (Property Address & Total Value) and write the appropriate to the single spreadsheet. The 11th row of the First text file value written in cell A2, then read the 31st row of the First text file write the value in cell B2, then loop to the Second text file and values from The 11th row of the Second text file value written in cell A3, then read the 31st row of the Second text file write the value in cell B3, so on and so forth until the last text file is read and the last record is written.
I have attached three excel files .....In the file called 'sampleBook1latest' I have a button called 'click here to clear a schedule' If I click that button and choose OR,start time and duration of a surgery then a schedule that is already created wil get cleared.....I have the total number of nurses and number of nurses used saved to the side of the sheet..... The total number of nurses at the side is read from another excel file called 'Input file for # of nurses'
Now the problem is that if clear a schedule then the number of nurses used is not getting updated at the side.....if I clear a schedule then the number of nurses at the side should also get updated....for example(If I create a schedule with 3 nurses and if only a total of 3 nurses are available then..... the used number of nurses for that specific time at the side will get updated to 3 from 0 and if I clear that schedule then the used nurses for that time should again become 0)....
The other problem is that if I schedule a surgery then all details of the surgery will be saved in another excel sheet called 'input file for patient details' so if I clear a schedule then all the details of that surgery saved in that excel sheet should also be cleared......
1. Check if file is already open a) If Not then Open the File b) If It is Open then Show Message That File is Open And Will Load Once the user close it.
I need to make a workbook read only depending upon certain conditions that are apparent only on start up. As I cannot assign the ReadOnly property, is my only solution to trap the Save command and dissallow "save changes".
I have a workbook set up with hidden worksheets available only with a password. What I would like to do is set this up so that those employees who have the password will have full rights to make changes, while those who don't have the password will have "read only" rights. It should always open as a "read only" file, and then change to full rights when you enter the correct password.
I've also set this up so that it cannot be printed; can I also set it up so that it cannot be saved anywhere on our local drive?
I have the macro set up to limit the access via a password, but don't know where or how to set up these other changes.
I have a excel file that opens and will automatically run a bunch of tasks if a certain user opens it. This user is only used to automatically run this excel file, other users need to open the file occasionally to edit emails address, add clients etc stuff like that, that the automation part of it works off.
Currently I have this user running the file every hour using Win7 Task Scheduler. This is working well, except for the time when another user is editing the file on the hour and of course the Automated user gets the "this file is open blah blah blah, open as read only, cancel etc" popup, this stalls everything, and if I dont notice it, it could sit like this for days.
The file runs in Read Only fine, so... Basically my question is, how to open this file as "Read Only" using Task Scheduler? As if it just ran as Read Only all the time then it wouldnt matter what other users were editing at any given time.
One of my ideas was to have Task Scheduler run a VBS script instead of running the Excel file directly, and having the VBS script simply load the Excel as Read Only.
I have written a VBA to read data from a text file (almost 5 MB = 2 lakh rows) and write into excel file. The script runs fine and transfers all data to the excel.But when i open the resulting excel file, only the first 2 and the last worksheets are visible. The worksheets in between and the data in it are missing. Second issue is tht, although i have written code to create a new worksheet when row number reaches 65535, the script writes only till row no. 32768.
I have a VBA script that has been running fine for months on one computer. Today, I ran it on another computer and it opened files in read only mode which disrupted everything.
I've a word form that collects free text and tick boxes. I'm reading these into separate rows on an excel sheets. So far what works...
I've got excel vba converting the word to a delimited text file I've got excel vba to remove the erroneous rtns that people have entered into the free text that was things up.
In the free text there are commas entered as well as the tick boxes and this is a csv. Example "how do I do this, I don't know",1,1,0,1,"really seems to be a challenge!"
If I just use excel to open the text file then the columns work out ok and on a single row - I think the 'text qualifier' is playing a role here.
But I can't replicate this in VBA. If I record a macro it's a query table and I don't know how to amend the code to read into rows.
The problem with the Write macro was that, although it did work, it used SendKeys which has to be slowed down considerably.
Here is a new version of the Write macro that works as normal. I originally tried to use CDDBControl.dll version which is widely available on the internet but found that I could only get it to change 1 file before crashing Excel.
I have put the READ macro in the next message.
Dim ws As Worksheet Dim FromRow As Long Dim LastRow As Long Dim FilesToChange As Integer ' number of files to change Dim FilesChanged As Integer ' number of files changed Dim MyFilePathName As String ' full path & file name Dim MyFileType As String ' mp3 wma etc. '- Dim id3 As Object Dim MyArtist As String Dim MyAlbum As String Dim MyGenre As String Dim MyTrack As String Dim MyTitle As String
Sub WRITE_TO_EXPLORER() Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Set ws = ActiveSheet Set id3 = CreateObject("CDDBControlRoxio.CddbID3Tag") LastRow = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row ' count worksheet rows FilesToChange = ws.Range("A2:A" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count If FilesToChange = 0 Then MsgBox ("No files to change."): Exit Sub FilesChanged = 0........................
I have a tool that accesses a master sheet. Multiple people use the tool (sort of a user interface).
In some cases I need to write to the Master in which I check to make sure its not read only when the macro opens it (that works fine).
In other cases, like when just pulling information, read only is fine. But, I have not specified read only when I open the master. Sometimes the users are getting a "File Now Available" with a read-write and cancel option. I do not want them to get this message.
My current universal call to master looks like this: ...
I'm using the following code to read a text file that I downloaded from a mainframe file.
Do While Not EOF(FileNum) Line Input #FileNum, myLine Debug.Print myLine Loop
It reads and prints the first line, but then drops out of the loop. According to the help file, "Line Input" is looking for a carriage return (Chr(13)) or carriage return–linefeed (Chr(13) + Chr(10)) sequence. I have pasted a sample of the text file below. I'm not sure what the characters are at the beginning of each line, but perhaps I could find a way to replace each of them with a carriage return.
I have a read only excel file which I want to interrogate in another report.
I'm writing some code to open the file but I'm not sure how to get past the password/read-only prompt when opening the file.
My code is:
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "C:Sales2006.xls"
I assume it's possible to write some code to get past the prompt. I have checked the help files which do seem to indicate it's possible to specify a read only property but it doesn't say how.
My boss has come to me and asked how does she get her file to go back to the way it was before, she had a password on the file but you used to be able to click on a button that said "Read only" this button no longer appears and i am unable to get it back. I still get the password box pop up but it is smaller and does not contain the read only button.
A user in our company has a document on a shared drive in our domain. It's using the protect feature which means that you'll have to type username/password before you're allowed to edit the document. The problem is that users who only want to view the document will cause it to lock, and then you can't edit it before they close it.
I thought that sharing the document would solve this issue, but when I tried to it said that Visual Basic features would not work which basically makes the document useless so that's not an option.
I understand that vba can determine if the current file is read-only using the following to return true / false. GetAttr(ThisWorkbook.Path) And vbReadOnly
which seems to work fine for determining if the file is read-only, as there is another instance of the file already open. However when opening a file straight from a zipped directory (i.e. not extracting the file first), Excel opens the file as read-only. The above code returns false in this instance, i guess because the workbook path has a .zip ending rather than the normal .xls etc endings. how to return true that the zip file is read-only?
I want to read data from Notepad into Excel. I found this code on the net and have been trying to modify it for my needs:
Sub ImportText(FileName As String) Dim X As Long Dim FileNum As Long Dim TotalFile As String Dim Lines() As String Const DataRowStart As Long = 1 Const DataColStart As Long = 1 FileNum = FreeFile Open "C:...data.txt" For Binary As #FileNum.................
This pastes the contents of each line into 1 cell but I want to paste each value into a seperate cell. So in the attached data.txt there are 5 records each of 2 lines. For example in the 1st record I want to paste 05-693-1900 into 1 cell then 0040 in the cell to the right of that, Town A into another cell, 000000 into another cell....and so on. For the 2nd line it should be 000000000033 into one cell, AA28816 into the adjacent cell...and each remaining number into a seperate cell. I also want to leave 3 blank lines before going to the next record.data.txt
I have a comma delineated text file that is full of stock item details such as stock code, description, 3 different prices etc it is about 15 fields wide by about 400 rows down. I need to be able to import all rows but only certain columns into an excel worksheet using vba. I know I can easily just rename it to .xls or .csv or something like that but its a text file we export out of our system at work and we need to be able to give it to customers who then can import into this excel spreadsheet/calculator I am creating.
The file looks something like this:
"String 1", ""String 2", "String 3", "String 4", ...... all the way up to 15
There is 400 or so rows (which represent stock items)
Now I need to copy all rows in column 1 (string 1) all rows in column 12, 13, 14, 15 (This is the only data I need from the text file in this particular spreadsheet/calculator)
I have it working fine reading the entire row in one at a time splitting it up into a string array using the Split() function and then only copies the certain array indexes i need into the worksheet here is the code for this: ...
I have a Text-File with characters coded in simple chinese (gb2312) rsp. codepage 20936 and I want to read this file, paste the content in my worksheet. Later (after a chinese edited the text) I've to write this back to a text file.
The only way I found to make this, is by copy/paste e.g. from WordPad, but I want to automate it with VBA.
I've got a spreadsheet that has password protection before you can "modify" it. All of a sudden today, when I open the spreadsheet and enter the correct password, it still opens but only as Read Only.
I have one workbook which when a macro is run, creates a new workbook. I am trying to then get this new workbook to have both "ReadOnly" and "Hidden" status. but when I use Set attr it only picks up one.
I need to be able to turn of the readonly status and update the file and then re protect it.
Is there a way to remove the option to open a file as read only when the file is already open by another user? Ideally when a user tries to open a file that is already in use they would get a message to that effect and the only option at that point would be for them to select "notify" when file is available.
i have a file that needs to have daily postings to it, I would like for it to automatically generate today's date and then if you change figure 1, it carries over to figure 2.