VBA To Activate Workbook With Reference To Name In Cell
Jul 9, 2012i need a VBA code to activate workbook (which is already opened) with reference to name in cell A1
in Cell A1 is "masterworksheet.xls"
i need a VBA code to activate workbook (which is already opened) with reference to name in cell A1
in Cell A1 is "masterworksheet.xls"
activate an open workbook based on the workbook name that is typed into a cell that is a named range?
So, I keep wanting to do this:
Windows.Activate Filename:=Range("MyRange")
Because this works:
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Range("MyRange")
I have a UDF in Cell Sheet1!A1 that inputs some ranges from Sheet1 and calculates a number. Then I have a sub that calculates the value of this function with Evaluate(Sheet1!A1.formula). However, this only works when I am in Sheet1. Otherwise, I get the wrong calculation. How can I avoid this? I will post the code in the open source forum as it otherwise is quite good and automatically resizes array functions to their proper size.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have two or more DIFFERENT INSTANCES of excel workbooks open at the same time. EX: Wk1, Wk2, & Wk3
Currently I have Wk3 showing in the screen.
Through a Macro, how can I display (bring to front) Wk1 without closing Wk3 ?
This is part of a longer macro, so I only need to know how to do above.
I have an open workbook(A.xls) where the user can press a button which opens another workbook (B.xls) In workbook B they need to add new names then press another button to run another script. The script needs to switch to workbook A in order to work correctly. How can I switch to workbook A without using the name of the workbook? The reason I cant use the name to activate is because the first workbook that is open is not always A.xls
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I use VBA to Activate Sheet1 of a workbook? I am using the following to go BACK a sheet, but really need to get to the first sheet in the workbook.
Sheets(Sheets.Count - 1).Select
If it's a new wb, then it's tab is called Sheet1.If it's an existing wb, and it only has 1 sheet, then I need that one (in case someone has added a sheet and deleted Sheet1)
I am having a "cosmetic" issue that I was curious if I can fix it.. I have a workbook that opens a network workbook, saves some data to it, and then closes the network workbook.
Everything is working fine, except I cant get the code to "reactivate" the initial workbook. After excel saves and closes the 2nd workbook I opened, my screen stays on my desktop, instead of refocusing on the initial workbook. I have to manually click on the initial workbook in my taskbar to bring it back into focus...
I thought the below code would bring the inital workbook back into "focus" on the users screen, but it's not working.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I just moved the Application.ScreenUpdating line as initially I had it at the very bottom, but that did not correct. The confirmation.show is just a dialog box that informs the user the changes were saved successfully. I would like the first workbook "sxssubmit.xls" to come back into focus automatically though, without the user having to manually select it from the taskbar.
What is my code missing?
I have 2 workbooks open
Book1 has a call to ChangeBook()
Book2 is empty
Function ChangeBook()
End Function
ChangeBook() is located in a .xla file loaded on Excel launch.
Calling the function from Book1 does not cause Book2 to activate.
Running the function via the F5 key in the IDE works fine.
I am modifying existing routines that have problems and being able to activate certain books at will would make the changes much easier.
-I've been trying to get an answer to this problem for some time and I would like to try again from a different approach.
I may have 5 workbooks open in 5 different Instances of Excel. The number of files open varies. When the below Function is called, it checks to see if the file, trying to be opened, is already open or not.
Currently, if the file is already open, a mesage is displayed stating that it is open and the user has to search through tabs looking for the file so that it can be displayed.
What I want to do in place of a message, is activate the file that is already open and display it. No message necessary.
I have tried "Application.Activate" and can not make it work.
I have .xls files (ex: a.xls, b.xls etc) in a shared drive.How do I get information (run macros without changing anything) from a.xls and create a new file in my hard drive without opening a.xls. I don’t know if that is possible to do. May be sounds very weird. For example, I name this file on my hard drive as a01.xls, b01.xls from b.xls. Now I run other macros from a01.xls. which is active. I want this macros to run independent of the file name the user creates. In otherwords the workbook has to be variable. Not sure how to use ‘Thisworkbook’ function if that is what is needed to do.
View 12 Replies View RelatedOn a command button in a userform, I have this code to open another workbook:
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a workbook containing macros that opens a second one (no macros) and does some 'data mining'.
The following VBA is used for that (I use this code on dozen of files and it has always worked, except here):
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ChDir (WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments"))
BladNaam = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel File, *.xls", , "Excel")
Workbooks.Open FileName:=BladNaam
TabNaam = ActiveSheet.Name
The problem is that most of the time the newly opened workbook is NOT activated (i.e put on top) and thus the rest of the code is executed on the wrong workbook...
If I put in a Msgbox(ActiveWorkbook.Name) 9 out of 10 times the active workbook is the initial one and not the one that was opened by the code.
tried replacing Active.Workbook with wb (dim wb as workbook).
tried to wait-a-few-seconds in between code
tried renaming
I wrote code to update some workbooks. The code opens the workbooks and then activates the workbook to add the update.
I was tired when I wrote the code to activate the workbook and it is written:
The updates have already been sent out and it is not working on some computers. (If I change the code to
it works fine.)
Is there some option in the VBA editor that I can have people change on their computer so the code will run? Why does it work on some computers and not others?
(Unfortunately, rewriting the code to add ".xls" and resending everything isn't an option.)
button on main workbook opens 2 other workbooks and assigns a workbook object to them. the 2 opened workbooks are Activated in turn, range values changed and macros on these sheets invoked and results captured and pasted back onto the starter workbook. the macro is within a sub in a module as are the ones in the second workbook. An example of the code used is:
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Dim wkbTest As Workbook
Set wkbTest = Workbooks("Test.xls")
Range("Today").Value = Format(Now(), "dd-mmm-yy")
Application.Run "'" & wkbTest.Name & "'" & "!TestMacro" ............
I have a work book, it copies a cell reference from a work sheet in workbook2 to workbook1
It then selects next work sheet in each page and then triggers the code again.
My problem is i want the following piece of code to work.....what should i put in where it says "activeworksheet"
[Code] ......
I am trying to write a formula that will pick the data out of a closed workbook.
Indirect works but it doesnt help because the workbook needs to be open and there are literaly hundreds of workbooks to sort thru.
Is there a way other than find and replace to have a formula pull data from a specific cell in another workbook, based on say cell A1 or A110?
I use a workbook where new worksheet tabs are added and removed daily. Every day I use the second-to-last tab (2nd from the right) and the last tab (far right). What code would enable me to activate and reference both of these tabs individually? I believe it would be something like the code below but I can't figure it out...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am writing code in Excel VBA and trying to control power-point. at the end there is message-box pop up. Everything runs fine.
But at the end I have go bottom windows bar and click on the excel file then message box comes up, otherwise excel tag keeps blinking at the bottom. I want to add something to code so message box in excel file is pop-up automatically without me clicking on excel file.
I have a workbook where the sheets are all protected and I want to stop users scrolling up or across beyond the limits of the input areas.
I have used the following code (or variations of)...
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Me.ScrollArea = "A1:G32"
End Sub
This works fine except that when I first open the workbook, the first sheet displayed can still be scrolled. As soon as you move to another sheet and then back again, it is then OK.
It appears that the Worksheet_Activate code does not execute when the workbook is first opened.
How do I get round this?
I have a master workbook that I reference data from hundreds of excels on.
I am trying to reference the cell "BU7" that has the workbook name (NT-13-001) in it, to reference sheet name "Purchase Order" at cell "H13".
Next line I would like to reference the cell "BU8" that has the workbook name (NT-13-002) in it, to reference sheet name "Purchase Order" at cell "H13".
The computer path is K:FRG TOOL REQ2013NT FormsNT-13-001
This is the formula I have tried... I have also attempted the INDIRECT function & Hyperlink GO TO.
=IFERROR('K:FRG TOOL REQ2013NT Forms["&DU7&".xlsx]Purchase Order'!$H$13,"")
So finally got my sumrpod working using this formula
=SUMPRODUCT(1*('Q:Documents13-14 FCGP CONTRACTING13-14 TrackingSouthPac - Team Use Only[South Pac Load Tracker - MAR14.xlsm]SPECIALS TEAM NZ'!$C8:$C10000=A5))
Is there a way i can link 'Q:Documents13-14 FCGP CONTRACTING13-14 TrackingSouthPac - Team Use Only[South Pac Load Tracker - MAR14.xlsm] to a cell so that when the next months tracker is created and the filename changes i simply change the filename in the cell which im using to reference the filepath/filename.
e.g A1 = South Pac Load Tracker - MAR14.xlsm
Formula would read =SUMPRODUCT(1*('Q:Documents13-14 FCGP CONTRACTING13-14 TrackingSouthPac - Team Use Only[' & a1 & ;]SPECIALS TEAM NZ'!$C8:$C10000=A5))
Is it possible for the VBA code to capture the open workbook name and sheet name from a cell?
I've been trying to tweak this ...
I have recently learned a little about Excel. Enough to be able to do our payroll for my company on it. My question is: On the 1st page of my workbook, is my quarterly report which shows all taxes, social security, and medicare we hold out each payday for each employee. The rest of the worksheets are for each employee. How do I have each employees withholdings automatically go to my quarterly report page?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like to know the proper syntax for recalling the value of a cell in another workbook. For example, I want a variable in my code to equal cell(1,1) in sheet1 of workbook1.xls.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a program that has all Excel Workbooks in seperate instances of Excel. There is a very sound reason for doing this.
The user has maybe 3 to 10 workbooks open. There are times when a workbook is active and has a Macro Link to open one of the already open workbooks.
When the user clicks the link, they naturally get an error message stating that the workbook is already open. Then they have to close the error msg and click on the Macrosoft Tab and look thru the list of open workbooks and then click the one they are looking for. Additionally, in this Menu Program the user really doesn't even have to know the name of the various workbooks.
I hope everyone will believe me when I state that this program works berautifully.
Right now I am simply cleaning up and making a few little things work better.
QUESTION When the user clicks on a macro link that is to open a workbook that is already open, how - On error - can I have the macro continue on and activate the requested workbook - - - Please remember they are all in separate instances of Excel.
Since the code I'm using can determine if the requested workbook is already open, I think there has to be a way to activate that workbook.
I have the following formula/array:
='fake folder location[2013-004.xlsx]MgmtRpt'!$A$4
Now this works perfectly fine, but I am wondering if it is possible to replace 2013-004 so that it reads the text from a cell on that sheet to complete the file name.
='fake folder location[2013-004.xlsx]MgmtRpt'!$A$4
I want to replace the 2013-004 in B1 with text from A1. I have tried multiple methods but it just always assumes it is part of the file name or breaks the formula.
I have a workbook with many tabs and within those tabs there are many hyperlinks to other areas within the same workbook. When I add or delete lines or rows, the corresponding hyperlinks do not stay with the changed cell. Is there any way to make the cell reference in a hyperlink an absolute similar to how you do with a formula?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got a field where I enter the current month, from this I derive a file path which is stored in A4.
ie: A1 = '01/11/2011' (UK Date format)
A4 = '\myserverdirectory20111111MyFile.xls'
What I'm trying to achieve is to then have a link in cell A6 that will link to the file in A4. I can specify my cell reference as this will never change, just the file path.
So, if I changed A1 to '01/12/2011' my A4 changes to '\myserverdirectory20111211MyFile.xls'
I'm trying to set A6 to something like ="&$A$A4&"!B1 to get the value of B1 on my referenced sheet.
I'm trying to link a range of cells in one workbook to a range in another workbook, both in a network drive. Everything is working out well except for the cells that have a data validation list on them. the formula linking one cell is ='G:Destination To[Workbook2.xls]SheetX!B13 so I'm just trying to get the value in the cell. I don't need the validation list to transfer just the value of what was selected. If I go to that cell and type something in then it transfers over just fine. If the validation list was used in Workbook2 then I get a #N/A in Workbook1 that is linking to the Workbook2 cell.
How can I link the cell with a data validation list in it to a cell in another workbook so that I can get the data in the cell (whatever was selected from the validation list)?......
i'm trying to do a COUNTIF from an open workbook. The range I want for it is in another workbook, which I do not want to have open every time I run the macro.
This is my current
Sub cellLink()
Sheets("Calls In-Out Trend").Range("ag18").Formula = _
"=COUNTIF('C:***[*.xls]sheet name'I:I, QXO)"
End Sub
editthe range is just so I can see if it's giving the right values, the range won't be like that once I get it working. I'll probably be using logic statements to place them in the appropriate cells. The * is just me taking out the directory names, its on the desktop)
It can copy cell values from another unopened workbook, but when I try to put in COUNTIF it doesn't want to compile/run the script.
That's basically the question. Here's some background and my aim:
I'm scanning row I:I for certain keywords which I then count up and put into corresponding columns of a chart.