I am trying to figure out the code that will copy the contents and formatting from the row above a selected cell. I have already figured out how to insert the row, but I can't get it to copy the formatting..
Here is what I have so far...
Sub Insert()
Selection.EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
End Sub
How would I insert a row that exactly matches the formatting, but not the contents of, the row above it? This new row would include borders, fonts, conditional formatting, data validating and listboxes.
21/06/14 is Saturday & 23/06/14 is Monday, Sunday is holiday so that day is no collection but I want Sunday row also be there with date in that column. Currently I am doing it manually.
Is there a method with VBA (or other) to automatically insert a row with formulas & formatting above Monday date after workbook save.
I have data validations, conditional formatting & lot of formulas there. I have other date column also on workbook but I want it happens only with column with H. Also what if I have to change column H in future.
I decided to format my data as a table so that excel will auto-fill my formulas when inserting new rows which works quite well. I have one snag though, when trying to insert a new row at the very top (i.e. inbetween the header and first row) and choosing Format As Below, it also applies Data Validation and Conditional Formatting to the header. The inserted row, however, is actually formatted fine and works well.
How do I stop this from happening, and why would Excel do this anyway (as it is effectively applying formatting to TWO rows when only one row is being inserted)?
I'm working from a sales ledger file whereby I want all invoice data in one row although the Item Number & Item Description are on the first row. Rows 2-10 (for example) are the actual details of the invoice: Invoice #; Date; Customer ID; Customer Name; QTY; etc.
Is there a formula or easier way than copying/pasting the "Item Description" to the first column (J in this case) without any related invoice data?
i have a excel spreadsheet named "ECN Number". in this sheet i have a row in which column5 marked with value "x",column22 is empty " " and column23 has "some value". if the above statement is true,i want to insert an entire blank row and i want to insert another row below this row below the empty row with column6 marked as "x",column22 empty " " and column23 with the samevalue from the above row. after inserting this row with these values, i want to insert another entire blank row. i have attached the workbook with the specified sheet.
I have a list of names in Col A. These names are seperated by their respective department headers also in Col A. Rows with (Add Member) contain all the formulas and formating necessary for that perticular department. I need to copy the (Add Member) row and place it above the the old (Add Member) row, then clear the contents of the A"#" cell to allow the user to "Add" the new member to the list. I would like this to occur only when Add Member cell is clicked in some way.
The (Add Member) cell is locked to prevent deletion in a protected sheet. This new row will have to be unlocked for the new entry.
A1 Name Department A Joe Smith Ann Doe John Snuffy (Add Member)
I need a macro that will copy a row to "n" number of identical rows below it, depending on user input. I am not skilled at VBA but I cobbled together some code I found online (see below). Unfortunately, it does not work properly. The input box pops up, but it only copies one new row regardless of what number you enter.
Sub InsertCopyRow2() If vRows = 0 Then vRows = Application.InputBox(prompt:= _ "How many rows do you want to add?", Title:="Add Rows", _ Default:=1, Type:=1) 'Default for 1 row, type 1 is number If vRows = False Then Exit Sub End If ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert ActiveCell.EntireRow.Copy ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow End Sub
I have the current macro which copies a hidden sheet and places it after the current sheet named "Background". I'd like the macro to instead place it at the end (far right) of all the sheets, regardless of what they are named. How can I do this?
Sub NewSheet() Sheets("Blank Category Sheet").Visible = True 'Replace "Sheet1" with the name of the sheet to be copied. ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Blank Category Sheet").Copy _ after:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Background") Sheets("Blank Category Sheet").Visible = False End Sub
I am trying to figure out how to automatically copy and insert rows based on the QTY number in column D. For instance, rows 2 and 3 are already correct since QTY=1, but since row 4 has a QTY of 5 I would want the formula/macro to then insert 4 rows above row 4 and paste the exact data that is in row into the inserted rows. I would want the macro to loop and do this for all the rows in the sheet until there are no rows with a QTY>1...
Attached is the sample workbook. I have a workbook with 2 sheets. Sheet1 contains all question and answer question. When the user select "Comment" as an answer, it will trigger to insert a new row on sheet 2. My question: is there any way I can copy from the comment fill in column c on new row to Sheet1 " Comment column"?
I am trying to insert a row every time a certain value appears in row.
Example attached.Example 1.xlsm
I need to copy the entire row that has the value 2 in column B and insert it in the line above (not fussy). It must be inserted and move all data in other rows accordingly.
If rows 1 through 20 are unlocked and rows 21 to end are Locked
I want to use a Command Button to automatically
> Insert a new row (after row 20 and not before) > Copy row 20 (which is already formatted) > Paste row 20 onto the newly inserted row with all formats
I'm trying to create a fairly dynamic report in excel based on queries imported from access into a excel template (the queries are imported into separate worksheets). So what I want is simply use a =Count to find the number of rows in my imported query and based that count value insert an additional row beneath the first line of the report worksheet and copy down the formula.
I have a spreadsheet where I need to insert a column then a formula that performs a calculation on the previous column, all the ranges change; so far I ahve managed to insert the column to the right of the one I want to perform the calculation on and insert the formula in the first line, but i'm having a problem copying this dowm to the end of the data range.
I have a large spreadsheet of demographic data. In column A there is a name, in column B there is Address1 and in column C there is Address2. First I need to insert a new line under each line of data. Then I need the Address2 data (column C) of each line to be copied/pasted to that new inserted line, but in the Address1 column (column B).
I have a spreadsheet with serveral thousand lines. I need to add row(s) and fill-in values based on a value in anothe cell; for example,
Based on the value in Column A, a row(s) needs to be added below the row and a count (value) to B needs to be inserted into the cell in Column B. This step needs to be repeated for all rows to the end of the sheet.
I have a macro that was working fine until I added a new column to my active sheet. Now it fails with a run time error 1004, insert method of class failed. The code is as follows:
Private Sub UpdatePart_Click() Dim S As String Dim r As Excel. Range Range("A2").Activate S = InputBox("Enter the part no. you wish to update") On Error Resume Next If S = "" Then 'Exit Sub 'If StrPtr(S) = 0 Then MsgBox "Update Cancelled" Else Set r = Columns(1). Find(What:=S, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)...............
I am trying to write a macro that should be able to copy existing row and insert values and formula into a new row just below the row. As an example below:
001 ADESF 500.00 1001210 EMF
The values in column C and D for the new row will be the same.
I receive a Excel download daily consisting of 6 columns of nine numbers and currently "copy" column 2 and "insert copied cells" into a running spreadsheet. I would like a simple way to have the 9 lines pasted as below rather than as sequential lines.
I'm not an experienced VBA programmer, so hopefully (and probably) for you it's easy to tell me how to do it: So far, I copy a row(1) to another position (7) with this macro:
That works well so far. Now what I want to do is, to use a form and enter a number and have the row 1 inserted in this row number (because it should not always be in row 7). For example that i can insert 38 in the form and it will copy the row number 1 to row number 38. I tried this:
I have a list of 12.000 pictures which have to be "connected" with the article number (1000) & color (21). Here starts the problem... Each article usually has more than 2 colors, but is listed only once per row and the colors are stated in columns.
What I would need is a macro or function that would do from such structure:
art description color1 color2 color 3
1000 product A 21 22 23 1001 product B 19 23
art. description picture
1000-21 product A, color 21 1000-21.jpg 1000-22 product A, color 21 1000-21.jpg 1000-23 product A, color 21 1000-21.jpg 1001-19 product B, color 21 1001-19.jpg 1001-23 product B, color 21 1001-19.jpg
1. check if the row in color columns is not null 2. if this is true, then I would like to copy the entire row & paste it below existing 3. then the "art." column would be changed (=A2&"-"&C2), so the article woul get suffix of the color (and column "picture" would be created, maybe something like =A2&".jpg") 4. if any other color column in the same row is greater than null, then proceed to next color & repeat steps 2. & 3., else go to next row 5. until all 5000 rows are converted in about 12.000 rows.
I am trying to finish off a form that allows a user to insert a row below the selected cell and copy the formula from the line above if one exists. The code inserts the line but does not copy the formulas if they exist.
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim cRow Dim j As Long
cRow = ActiveCell.Row
With ActiveCell .EntireRow.Insert End With
For j = 1 To Cells(1, 255).End(xlToLeft).Column If Cells(cRow, j).HasFormula Then Cells(cRow, j).Copy Cells(cRow + 1, j) Next j