VLookup To Find The Customer And The Dates And Then Bring Me Back An Asterisk In A Separate Column
Jul 27, 2007
I have 2 spreadsheets. One is a promotion calendar that lists the dates that promotions on a certain product runs. The other is a shipment grid of shipments of that product to the customer.
I want VLookup to find the customer and the dates and then bring me back an asterisk in a separate column to show me that that certain week that product was delivered was a promotion week. The problem I have is using Vlookup to lookup 2 things at once (and if they match to the promotion calendar) and return me an asterisk.
Here is my formula now:
=IF(VLOOKUP(J2&" "&L2,'East Data'!M:AU,2,FALSE),"*",0)
J2 is the customer name
L2 is the week
"East Data" is the spreadsheet with all of the promotions and customers.
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Jun 25, 2014
Median Indirect: I would like to find the median in a range of cells and then bring back the 2 adjacent cells
Range...............Adj Cell 1............Adj Cell 2
So the median of the range is 2, thus we would want the formulas to bring back P3 and p4
Column 1..............Column 2
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Sep 4, 2013
I need a formula to check a range of parts and bring back a value of 0 if matched or the value in another cell if it doesn't match.
Part number H-200-3
Part number H-200-3-A
Part number H-200-3-B
If I enter any of the above part numbers then cell B1 returns 0 if it is a different part number then B1 would need to match cell A1.
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Apr 25, 2008
i have the following macro which finds instances of a search criteria and brings them back to a results column. what i need is instead of having the word GD: appear before each result i need it once at the begining of the results
LastRow = Sheets("design owb").Cells(Rows.Count, 10).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 26 To LastRow
Target = Sheets("design owb").Cells(i, 10)
With Sheets("design")
For J = 2 To 54
For K = 4 To 11
If Target = .Cells(J, K) Then
Sheets("design owb").Cells(i, 11) = Sheets("design owb").Cells(i, 11) + "GD: " & .Cells(J, 15) + " | "
End If
Next K
Next J
End With
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
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Jan 4, 2005
I have two tables which both have two columns. One column has dates in it e.g. 01/09/04 and the second column has a number in it. What i am wanting to do is create a combo box that, when i select the date from the list, it brings up the number (that is in the cell next to it) and puts this number into the cell next to the combo box.
I know how to get the combo box and add the dates to the list, but how to bring the dates up.
I have tried creating a combo box with the dates and then formatting it to create a cell link. This link then brings up the first number of the date in the cell i have chosen. I have then selected a blank cell and entered the formula :
However, when i have tried this, it hasn't worked.
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Nov 12, 2009
create an array of active printers. I edited the code to write the array to a range, then populate a data validation list with the printer names. All works great. The goal was to select a printer name from the list and run a macro to print some sheets. However, the function doesn't bring back enough of the name to do this. how to edit the function to bring back the whole name.
For example: after running the function the 1st printer returned ="\rizzoHQ-ENG-04"...when i record a macro to print to this printer it needs ""\rizzoHQ-ENG-04 on Ne05:". Here is the function unedited, I bolded the part i think is controlling the name:
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Jun 5, 2007
Name Qtr Year
Org 112007
Org 222006
Org 332006
Org 442006
Org 542007
Org 612006
I want the code to say, If Qtr = 1 And Year = 2007, then bring back Org Name, If Qtr = 2 And Year = 2006, then bring back Org Name and so forth.
The code should loop through a range of constant data (Region Name), until the Region Name is blank.
Dim OrgCell As Range
Dim OrgTargetCell As Range
Dim RegionCell As Range
Set OrgCell = Sheets("DATA Removed").Range("A2")
Set OrgTargetCell = Sheets("Overdue").Range("A3")
Set RegionCell = Sheets("DATA Removed").Range("C2")
i = 0
OrgCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(AND('DATA Removed'!R[-1]C[11]=1,'DATA Removed'!R[-1]C[12]=2007),'DATA Removed'!R[-1]C,0)"
OrgTargetCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = OrgCell.Offset(i, 0).Value
i = i + 1
Loop Until RegionCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = ""
End Sub
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Jan 19, 2013
I am running an Index, Match off of totals, what I would like to do is when the formula finds the column_index_num to move up one row and bring that value back.
For example: if I am going to sheet2 and my formula would normally pull back the information on row 7 with a column_index_num of 5 (or column E), I want to bring back the information on row 6 column E.
How do I add the variable to bring back the information one cell above?
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Jul 13, 2007
I have a dataset which is dumped into my model every month. The Report tab is a "user form" whereby the user can select multiple search criteria. The dataset is then filtered according to the search criteria entered by the user.
Problem is, that if the user only selects 1 of 3 search criteria and the other 2 cells are left blank, the filter filters on these blank cells and doesn't retrieve any data. Any ideas how I can overcome this?
Sub PopulateReport()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim MyFilter1 As String
Dim MyFilter2 As String
Dim MyFilter3 As String
MyFilter1 = CStr(Sheets("Report").Range("C2").Value) ' convert cell value to string
MyFilter2 = CStr(Sheets("Report").Range("C4").Value)
MyFilter3 = CStr(Sheets("Report").Range("C6").Value)
Dim Rw As Long
Dim Rng As Range
Rw = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng = Range("A1:W" & Rw)
With Rng
.AutoFilter Field:=20, Criteria1:=MyFilter1
.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=MyFilter2
.AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:=MyFilter3
End With
how to display my excel worksheet using HTML maker as I've downloaded the software but have no idea how to use it!
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Mar 3, 2009
I want to lookup some data and bring back the info in the last populated cell on the row, rather than column 4. I have written the below but it is bring back info from Column Index number 4.
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Jun 24, 2009
I have this macro below and would like the code changed to find the "Customer Number" column by name rather than by column B. Note that the "Customer Number" column will always be somewhere in row 1.
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May 22, 2008
To set up the problem, I have a folder that contains files that are all named numerically, ex. 08-100, 08-101, etc. Each file is identical in format but contains different data, ex. cell B1 is alway "material weight", cell B2 is always "estimated man hours" and new files are added weekly.
I am trying to set up a master spreadsheet that all I have to do is enter the file name (08-102) in the first column, and the second column will return the data in a specific cell of that file.
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Jun 28, 2009
I have this spreadsheet that has over 20,000 rows. I was asked to build a search page to will bring back all transactions based on a primary key (account number). Here is a sample:
Account NumberDateComments2343566/2/2009 $ 111.43 3453465/1/2009 $ 89.34 5676552/5/2008 $ 643.23 8078989/3/2008 $1,245.34 12543612/5/2008 $ 56.65 2343562/2/2009 $ 343.54 3482459/9/2008 $ 78.76 9345641/2/2009 $ 356.22 2343565/3/2008 $ 529.66
The idea is to enter an account number like 234356 click a button and bring back:
Account NumberDateComments2343566/2/2009 $ 111.43 2343562/2/2009 $ 343.54 2343565/3/2008 $ 529.66
I got the button part done and using vlookup it brings back the first line. The problem is that it won't bring back all the rows just the first one.
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Jun 4, 2014
=MIN(IF(B3:B32="",IF(A3:A32>0,A3:A32))) ArrayedOldest Date Array.xlsx
Following on from a previous post need to add to my (forums) array.
I need to find the location of a date which has been looked up in a cell based on the above formula which is in the attached.
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Feb 14, 2010
In the attached sheet I need to check on the Destination in column B, and if it matches set criteria, divide the figure in Column E by 2. eg If LAX is the destination, then for any rows directly under LAX until the next destination appears, column E needs to equal column D divided by 2. If the Destination is not LAX, then Column E equals Column D.
the difficulty I am having is that there can be a variety of row numbers for each destination. I am having trouble creating a formula that can basically work backwards from Row-1 in column B until it gets to a text string, and check that text string against the criteria. so it may be row -1 up to about row -9 dependant on the number of flight times available to each destination throughout the week.
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Oct 25, 2013
How does one use the find and replace function in Excel to replace an asterisk? "*"
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Oct 23, 2012
I have an ad hoc txt file that I import into Excel and use text to columns. The problem is some of the amounts have an asterisk in it such as: 10,412 *
I tried to use the find and replace, but the "*" is considered a wildcard and instead of changing the field to just 10,412, it deletes the entire amount.
Is there a macro that I can use to get around this? The amounts are listed in column G & H
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Dec 18, 2012
I am trying to figure out a formula that performs the following function:
I want it to find the date in column A in Sheet2 in column A in Sheet1 and return the highest value of column D(sheet1) for that same date. Is there a formula that can solve me that?
I attach an example of my worksheet.
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Jun 15, 2009
I'm trying to get a cell {in the attached spreadsheet 'Order Form' Sheet- Cell 'B13'}, to bring up the corresponding product description {'Products' Sheet- Column C}. For the cell that is to bring up the product description {'Order Form' Sheet- Cell 'C13'}, the following is the formula I'm trying to use, but is coming up "#N/A":
=IF(C13>1000,VLOOKUP(A13,Products!$A$2:$D$12,3),IF(C13>287,VLOOKUP(A13,Products!$A$14:$D$25,3),IF(C1 3>0,VLOOKUP(A13,Products!$A$28:$D$38,3)," "))).
I haven't attempted the "Cost/Bottle" formula yet {'Order Form' Sheet- Cell 'D13'}, but it needs to correspond the product number {'Order Form' Sheet- Cell 'A13'} and the quantity ordered {'Order Form' Sheet- Cell 'C13'}, with the cost/bottle on the that quantity found on 'Products' Sheet, Column D.
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Jan 9, 2009
I'm still having trouble with this formula. I have a sheet, sample attached, that has a list of transactions, with customer name, date, cash-in & cash-out information that is listed down a set of rows. I'll have a tab for each year & the information will be seperated by months.
My other sheet is a monthly report that I will be printing. I have a seperate "section" for each customer & I want excel to fill the information from that customer based on the month. I tried using a index match formula & a vlookup formula in a helper column, but it doesn't bring out the info that I want.
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Mar 17, 2009
I am trying to do an if statement where I ask if the 2009 price is .50 or less away from the 2008 price, bring back "Check" See below:
2008 2009
$23.95 $24.15
Using excel 2007
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Feb 25, 2013
I have a document which is full of HTML code. Please find attached. I have copied the information into an excel document and I need to find Twitter addresses i.e @test123 and place these in a separate column.
If i make a search there 190 of these addresses.
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Apr 1, 2013
I have problems with my project. I want to filter data between two dates with customer ID and when click Export Report button , result will copy on next sheet ( sheet's name is report in my file attachment ) and auto sum similar products.
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Dec 13, 2013
Been using this code...
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
' Macro recorded 11/28/2012 by Doug Garn
Dim Rng As Range
Set Rng = Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3))
What it does, I hilite (put focus on 1 cell) a cell and it copies that cell and 3 more to the left, switches to 2nd xls file, pastes that, puts the cell focus on next line, then goes back to the first sheet and I just have it select a random cell(s) so it does a Ctrl-F properly.
Problem is the 3 ways I have above to bring up the find box aren't working for me. It won't find anything and I don't understand why. And I hope I explained this correctly.
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Jun 1, 2012
I am trying to work out some code that will allow me to search worksheet2 to find the last filled cell in column A.
I would then like to copy the contents of the cell.
Then past this data into the first empty cell in a column in worksheet2
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May 9, 2008
I'm using the following code to delete rows that I don't want to include and I've ran into some more things that need to be deleted...
For lLoop = RngCol.Rows.Count To 2 Step -1
Select Case RngCol(lLoop, 1)
Case " Date:", "Skill:", "Agent Name", "~*", "*Train*"
RngCol(lLoop, 1).EntireRow.Delete
End Select
Next lLoop
An example of "~*" would be: ***SICARII***
An example of "*Train*" would be: Ozgrid Train1
It's not recognizing these new cases. Do I have to utilize FIND? (since CTRL+F does work with the given cases)
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Sep 9, 2013
I am trying to find the median of a set of numbers on a column that correspond to dates on the left column. I want a monthly median average of the numbers on the right which correspond to the dates on the left. So for example. I want to make an equation that gives me the median of all the numbers on the right if they fall within the range of a certain month(in this case October). I've tried These:
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Jul 17, 2009
I have three very large columns that I need to deduplicate and dump back into three separate email campaign databases.
Here's the scenario:
First column: Largest (15,000+ records)
Second column: Medium (10,000+ records)
Third column: Small (7.000 records)
I need to know if the first column contains dupes from the second & third columns. If so, I must delete the DUPES ONLY so I have unique email addresses remaining in column 1. Then I need to know if the second column contains dupes from the first and third column. If so, I must delete the DUPES ONLY so I have unique email addresses remaining in column 2.
Then I need to know if the third column contains dupes from the first and second column. If so, I must delete the DUPES ONLY so I have unique email addresses remaining in column 3. I can't just dump all of them in one column and auto filter on "unique records only" because the three columns MUST remain separate from each other.
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Sep 24, 2009
Using Excel 2003 and am trying to do a calculation by customer, by service type. Attached is the workbook and I've tried numerous ways to do this. On the revenue calculation worksheet, I am tryng to calculate the type of service minutes from the data retrieve worksheet, multipled by the service rate on the rate table for the specifc type of minute by customer. I'd like to build it as a vlookup by customer and then by service type, but have run into difficulty.
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Dec 9, 2011
I am trying to do a vlookup to 1 sheet based on customer number and return price. If no customer number than I want to do a vlookup based on dunnage number to return the price. This is what I have for a formula but it never returns a value if one is found in the first lookup.
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C4,'Dunnage Exception'!A:C,3,FALSE),IFERROR(VLOOKUP('Raw Data'!D4,'Dunnage Master'!A:C,3,FALSE),"0"))
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