Wrap Text For A Column Without Changing Values
Jun 26, 2014
I'm trying to execute something like this: [URL] ......
but without changing the cell value... I basically want a button that will wrap/unwrap all of the cells in the "B" column with one click. If i have to do the cell range for every individual cell in column B that's fine, but I can't seem to make the above example work while keeping the cell contents the same.
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Apr 16, 2014
I have a number of cells where I've put to wrap text, but the cell size is not adjusting when I type past the size of the cells, how do I get the cells the get bigger automaticly to fit all the text but bigger in height not length?
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Oct 28, 2011
Is there a way to get cells in a column to adjust their height automatically, or with a macro to account for text overflow/wrap?
For example, lets say a column is 200 px in width and it's height is enough to view a single line of text, and the column is set to wrap text. Now more text is entered into the cell and it needs to be re-sized to fit two lines of text.
Is there a way to create a macro button to have this done automatically?
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a worksheet where i need three columns at fixed widths and in one of these columns i need the text to wrap. I have a macro and have included a wrap text function in it but it doesn't seem to wrap text!! No cells are merged and the row height has not been altered from the default height. I would very much appreciate if one of you could look at the macro(pasted below) and tell me why the text won't wrap. I have looked through forums and found answers to this question, but none of the solutions I have come across seem to work
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May 28, 2012
i have a spreadsheet that has 3 shifts. its a weekly data sheet. i have 52 sheets for every week of the year. so far i have a "data" sheet aswell. this is the first sheet. I use this data sheet to generate the information or the other 52 sheets. example is you enter the date of the first monday of the year and it generates the dates on all of my sheets for the whole year. i would like to do something similar for the shifts. i would like to have a cell the enter the shift of the first supervisor on that first monday and have all the shifts generate. 1=nights,2=days,3=afternoons. but i do not want the number to appear i would like the word. the set up goes like this:
DATA E9 = the first number for shift to generate all other numbers
A5 = cell to display first shift
A22= cell for the next shift
A39= cell for last shift
on sheet1 i have A5 as =sum(DATA!E9)
i would like A22 to be the shift after example if A5 as 2 for days than A22 would be 3 for afternoons and A39 would be 1 for nights.
preferably displayed as DAYS/AFTERNOONS/NIGHTS
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Sep 22, 2009
I added a shortcut Button using a Macro on the Menu Bar on Word Wrap (Format > Cells > Alignment > Tick Wrap Text). However, that button is working only on the Workbook I created. When I created the macro, I did not have the option of putting it in "Personal Macro Workbook"? How can I make that button work on all Worksheet I operate in Excel from now?
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Jul 18, 2006
how to wrap the text on a combobox located on a userform?
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Sep 9, 2006
how I can get the text that is reflected in the Edit bar for cell A1 of the attachment to display fully within the cell boundriesof A1? I've reseached Qzgrid and found no previous answers. Is it an Excel 2003 bug that I just have to live with? You will see I've set the Text Control under Format Cells > Alignment to "Wrap text".
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Mar 28, 2007
Text Wrap in TextBox within an Excel form. I can’t get text to wrap within a textbox even though the “Wrap” option is selected for “True” in the textbox properties. The textbox value is from a cell that has text within it. The textbox code is: Me.txtC1 = Format(Worksheets("Data").Range("T46"), "0")
The form code is: Me.txtC1.Value = Worksheets("Data").Range("T46").Value
How do I get it to wrap?
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Sep 7, 2005
Whenever word wrap is applied the text is not visable in the cell. It
remains visable only in the bar above.
I have already confirmed autofit and it reduces the column to 1 character
I tried detect and repair on the installation and nothing.
I even upgraded from Excel 2k to Excel 2003 and no change.
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Apr 16, 2012
I have a sheet that copies text info (merged and centered cell)from a cell in another sheet (text alt+enter to create more line), the text wrap is on, however i have to manually expand the cell to see all of the text
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Nov 9, 2006
Currently working on an excel worksheet. I merged 5 rows to a single cell. Want to be able to auto fit all the textl. Enabled auto wrap but when the contect surpass the 5 rows, only portion of the text are appearing. Any way to force the cell to autofit whatever text is within?
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Jun 29, 2007
I have below formula in a cell but it populates as a single continuous text. I want it to appear as only 3 lines as below....
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Feb 25, 2008
how to go about wraping text in the attached drop down lists?
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Mar 26, 2014
This is my current code to unwrap text for a given range
I would like to build in a IF function to say if the given range is unwrapped (Cells.WrapTEXT = False) THEN wrap the range (Cells.WrapTEXT = True) i.e. everytime the macro button is clicked it will wrap and unwrap the data range
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Mar 13, 2007
Is there a shortcut or more efficient way to select wrap text than:
right clicking > format > alignment > wrap txt & left horizontal align?
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Sep 2, 2008
Is there a way to specify if there are 46 characters in a cell, to apply text wrap, indent the second line, and resize the row height to 25.5?
For example, I always will have text on merged cells B7:C7. I'd like to have a macro that determines if the text goes over C7 (I figured that it would take 46 characters to do this), that the merged cells will be text wrapped, then row 7 will be resized to 25.5.
I know how to record a macro that will text wrap and resize the row height but am not sure how to do the "if" condition.
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Feb 11, 2009
want to merge cells!
I have several columns "A" thru "J" with simple contents, part#, qty, date, etc. and in column "K" descriptive text which can run several sentences long.
I'm trying to record a macro to insert a row, merge "A" thru "J" in that new row, cut the text from the "K" cell in the row above and select wrap text so it shows up below those headings so my user can read it.
Would look like:
I can get it to look like that if I grab the row borders and drag it to fit, but can I get it to increase row height and wrap to fit the text length automatically with the macro?
Code looks like this so far:
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+M
Dialog box pops up "This operation will cause some merged cells to unmerge.
I'm going to have a shortcut key in the macro to do this one row at a time, as the data isn't that extensive, but I don't want to have to drag all the row heights.
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Jun 17, 2007
A user inputs a string into a message box. A particular cell on a worksheet is then given the value of this string. I would like to have this cell automatically format to Wrap Text if the string is longer than 100 characters and skip to the next line after each 100 characters. However, if 101th character is part of a word, then that word would be on the next line. If the string is less than 100 characters then the cell is simply given the value of the inputted string ( I know how to do this )
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Aug 6, 2007
I found referred to writing a vba code such as the one below:
Sub Format()
End Sub
I have tried a vba code such as the one above but the issue persists.
I have a worksheet with merged cells [horizontal]; each cell is also formatted to warp text.
The issue is that the row size or cell size [vertical] does not adjust when the user types more text than what the cell size can handle.
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Sep 14, 2007
I have been playing with custom formats recently and I'm wondering if there is anyway to make them wrap?
specifically I have several results that I have been formatting to show what they are related to
397235 visitors 392648 visitors 365487 visitors
I want these to display as visitors, but still be numbers so that they can be summed etc.
The problem is that I need the text to wrap so that visitors is on the second line in the cell. unfortunatley all i get is a ########## error to show the cell is not wide enough even with wrap text turned on.
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May 6, 2009
I am looking for a way to simply change the values in column B (start time) back by one hour, for instance 06:00:00:00 would become 05:00:00:00. Because this schedule is a broadcast schedule, time is shown in 4 fields hour, minutes, seconds, and frames (hh:mm:ss:ff).
I can't find a way to quickly adjust it, and because my company broadcasts in a lot of different timezones, I spend a lot of time manually adjusting the values myself. It seems frustrating because I know excel recognizes the values, because it is capable of sorting them, of course that may mean absolutely nothing. I have attached a sample file that I hope should make my problem a little clearer.
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Nov 3, 2011
Currently I have a macro set up that sorts a range.
It sorts numbers first in ascending order and then text comes at the bottom of the sorted range.
Is there any way of reversing this so that text appears first and then numeric values in ascending order below?
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Aug 8, 2014
I have a sheet that has a section in range (c18:k25) (it is merged and text is wrapped) If that amount of space is not adequate to fit all their information I would like to add a macro that when activated it asks how many rows would you like to add and then based on that number whether it be 1-10 it would insert a new row to that merged range so they can continue adding more information . I have the sheet locked down to prevent changes so it would have to be unlocked and then re-locked within the macro.
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Jan 20, 2003
I understand that the wrap text feature doesn't work if you are merging cells.
I have a document that users will be able to input certain cells but not others...the document needs to be protected so they can't change formulas etc.
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Jan 11, 2007
This is not related to macro - it's an excel question regarding wrapped-around text within a cell (i.e.: text brought onto next line by <Alt>+<Enter>)...
SayI have the following in a cell :
and say I want to add a figure (in this example 1A) to the first part of the cell and then another to the second line of wrapped text and so on. How can I split the cell (or lookup the first 'wrapped' line) so that I can then perform changes (using formulas with '&' to combine etc or whatever) so that in the end cell have the following:
Car 1A<Alt>+<Enter>
Truck 2C<Alt>+<Enter>
Van 1B
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Jun 11, 2008
I need to count the number of Carriage returns in a string of text in a group of merged cells also I need to add a carriage return after the 1024 character because I have the wrap text on. My overall goal is have copy text fit into a group of merged cells without any being cut off by excel.
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Oct 14, 2008
I m trying to get around here within the company I work for.
I'm interested to know how to set a specific range value e.g. "5 to 10" once a value is between those 2 numbers, and then if the value in the next row below is 34.12 it will be "30 to 35".
Here's an example code I constructed, but the darn thing just keeps on running
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Jan 12, 2009
Based on the attached (much simplified) spreadsheet, I want the values in the green cells on the "Month" page (B6:B10) to vary depending on the value in the yellow cell (B4), and for these cells to to look up the relevant column in the "Full Year" page - i.e. if B4 (on "Month") = Jan, look up C6:C10 in "Full Year"; if B4 = Feb, look up D6:D10, and so on. I know I can nest IF functions in order to achieve this, but could be a bit messy. I'm sure there must be a simpler formula within Excel ... just don't know what it's called!
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Jul 11, 2012
I have a database in excel, here's some sample data.
When they click the print button in Cell A2, up comes my form
When the print tags button is pressed, my secondary sheet is populated with the cell they clicked on
Now it's using a font, calibri 11, which isn't proportional but I was wondering if there's a way in VBA to "auto" detect the max width and place words on the next row accordingly (like a word wrap). Here's what I need it to look like:
Here's my existing code to place the comments as is:
entireComment = "Comments: " & Range("P" & i)
.Range("A" & cnt + 11).Value = Mid(entireComment, 1, 33)
If Len(entireComment) >= 36 Then
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