I have a database in excel, here's some sample data.
When they click the print button in Cell A2, up comes my form
When the print tags button is pressed, my secondary sheet is populated with the cell they clicked on
Now it's using a font, calibri 11, which isn't proportional but I was wondering if there's a way in VBA to "auto" detect the max width and place words on the next row accordingly (like a word wrap). Here's what I need it to look like:
Here's my existing code to place the comments as is:
I have tried and been searching but cannot find the answer. Is it possible to change the row height and column width for only a selected range in my spread sheet, for example, F13:I23? I am using Excel 2010.
I have a section of my sheet to have the data in the cell word wrapped.
Is there any way to set it up so the row height automatically changes when there is more than one line of data?
Right now if my cell reads:
The other day we went to the market.
It shows:
Meaning only the last line of the data. I'd like it to automatically make the row height change to show the three rows. (And change any of the other rows where there is a cell with more than one line of data)
Is it possible to adjust a cells' column width without the whole column width changing? EXAMPLE...I'm looking to lock rows 1-41 at certain column widths and change the column width as needed from rows 42 and below.
I send a regular file from Outlook which contains a large amount of data, the intention being that the receiptiant will copy this data into notepad or excel. This works fine if it is going to another Outlook user, however one of the users is running Lotus notes and it causes the text to go onto multiple lines . Unfortunatly i am unable to send the files to the users as attachments so i have to send the text in the body of the email
This is how they see the data
31.01.2008|380059||1013259|800766574|S353|300129441|ZLF|300129441|00000| 2353|11000955&770695&PAL_CHEP_FG|152&143&2|customer name |HARDWICK GRANGE|WARRINGTON|WOOLSTON|WA1 4RJ||20080204|S353|| 2.875|M3|40|083000|20080204| 2.000|02143970067|ADVICE IF PALLET QUANTITY INCORRECT Customer reque|MV1080097/1080105| 31.01.2008|380059||1013259|800766580|S353|300215153|ZLF|300215153|00000| 2353|11000654&PAL_CHEP_FG|78&12|customer name |BLACKHEATH LANE|RUNCORN|MANOR PARK|WA7 1SE|N/A|20080204|S353|| 16.865|M3|40|090000|20080204| 13.000|0262 04020801 LOAD 2|DEL MUST BE UNLOADED BY DRIVER ON A 1ST COME 1ST S|MV1080097/1080105| 31.01.2008|380059||1013259|800766584|S353|300129441|ZLF|300129441|00000| 2353|10000294&748060&725762&PAL_CHEP_FG|180&475&240&3|ICELAND FOODS LIMITED|HARDWICK GRANGE|WARRINGTON|WOOLSTON|WA1 4RJ||20080204|S353|| 5.732|M3|40|103000|20080204| 3.000|02143971494|Customer requested delivery time: 04/Feb/2008 10:|MV1080097/1080105|
There are always 30 records, some are blank, but are always seperated by a | i.e 1st record ends with MV1080097/1080105
I have tried to create a macro for them to use which will seperate the cells into excel using the delimeter but i am stuck on how to manage the multiple lines which dependant on the amount of text within the cells may vary
I have a row (will always be row 3) where each cell contains a day of the week, the days repeats for a year or so, making the row almost 400 cells.
Like this, Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - and so on...
Though, A3 doesn't have to be "Mo" because the days in this case can change (A3 can start with "Tu"), hence I think I need a macro.
So if this row contains a weekend, "Sa or "Su" I want all the cells in the column beneath that which contains a specific value to be cleared.
Example, if "Sa" or "Su" has 3 values in the columns under them, all the values that contain "X" or "Y" has to be cleared.
Like this: Rows (1,2,3...,) 1---- 2---- 3 Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - .. and so on.. 4 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- B --- Y 5 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- X --- X 6 A --- B --- X --- Y - --X --- Y --- C
After the macro it should be:
1---- 2---- 3 Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su 4 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- B --- 5 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- --- 6 A --- B --- X --- Y - --X --- --- C
I am having trouble entering all the text in a single line in the Microsoft VB editor (the application that opens when "view code" is selected in Excel.
I realize that this is very long, but the VB editor does not see it all as the same line, and therefore I get a Compile error: Expected: list separator or ). Is there a way to have this all on the same line?
I do not seem to be able to consistently control word wrapping in the Category Axis area in the series of charts I create quarterly. The individual names appearing are basically the same, but sometimes they word wrap and sometime they don't. In the attached sample, sheet C2-Location: PPO chart is just the way it needs to be - NO WORD WRAP. But if you change that chart to another location it word wraps. (To change locations, go to sheet D2 which controls sheet C2 chart, and change the location to SGO.) It appears that the less bars in the chart the greater the problem.
I have spent 2 1/2 hrs trying to get in control of this. I have changed font sizes, changed the plot area, changed the grid lines scale, changed the cell size on the originating sheet (D2), removed the check mark in Auto Scale on the Font tab, and stretched/reduced the entire chart without consistent success. What is most frustrating is that twice I have "accidently" gotten a chart to all of a sudden not word wrap but don't know why because when I try to repeat what I think I did before, it does not work!
Additionally, at times it may appear correct on the screen, but when I do Print Preview, it is word wrapped! I have searched multiple sites and googled multiple Excel solutions as well as pulled out some books but cannot find any references regarding how to control this.
I would like to use the following code to see if the word "reservoir" shows up in any of the rows in a certain column. If it does I want to insert the formula = SUM(D7:D257)*0.1 into cell C2 and if it doesn't then I want to put a 0 into cell C2. I've tried many routes but can't get past the error if it can't find the word.
I've been trying to come up with a conditional that will format a row if a cell contains any instance of a given word.
I know the following will format rows containing the EXACT entry of "apple" in column E: =$E1="apple"
But I'd like a conditional that will find entries like "apple pie" and "crabapple" as well. I'm sure it's a simple solution, using a SEARCH function or something...but I can't figure it out.
I have a spreadsheet with 12 coloums. In the last coloum are the ords "yes", "no", or is empty (null?). I need to find a way to have each row that contains the word "no" or is empty to be highlighted in red font and bold type. When the word "yes" is typed then the font is black and the type in normal. This allows me to see at a glance what orders have not been picked up or have problems.
I am trying to run a macro once a particular word shows up in the combo box. now in my chase i could try to use VBA code to run the macros such that once the arrow is used in the combobox to select a certain word a particular macro labled the same name as the word chosen would run.
I'm trying to execute something like this: [URL] ......
but without changing the cell value... I basically want a button that will wrap/unwrap all of the cells in the "B" column with one click. If i have to do the cell range for every individual cell in column B that's fine, but I can't seem to make the above example work while keeping the cell contents the same.
I needed to match the width a merged area of seven columns to a single column width (for row autofitting). Adding the column unit values and setting the single column to that value produced a significantly narrower width.
The documentation mentions that the column width unit is scaled to the font type and size and the absolute width is given in points.
This is set by the normal style setting in Excel Options or by VBA application.standardfontsize = 8 (in this case).
For instance, ten columns of Arial font 8 at 8.5 units you would think to be equivalent to a single column of 85 units. In points, the difference is 420 vs. 386.25, or 33.75 points.
Well, the standard character zero has a width at this setting of 4.5 points and 1 unit is 8.25 points, leaving 3.75 points for margins.
Then (10-1) margins allowances time 3.75 points resolves the difference.
Determining the margin allowances is straightforward, and reveals that the gradation with size is stepped by MS design. For instance, sizes up to 11 use 3.75 points for margins and increasing points for characters (except between 9 & 10). Sizes 12 through 18 use 5.25 points, 20 & 22 use 6.75, 24 & 26 use 8.25, etc.
I have created a table for this purpose, however I rarely use a "normal" other than 8, so I can probably use that set in programming.
I am having a small problem with microsoft excel 2007.the problem is that: my excel 2007 cannot display tooltip of the column width when I keep and drag left mouse
Show tooltip of the column width as attached file.
I also tried many ways to find settings of advance menu. But cannot.
I have a number of cells where I've put to wrap text, but the cell size is not adjusting when I type past the size of the cells, how do I get the cells the get bigger automaticly to fit all the text but bigger in height not length?
Is there a way to get cells in a column to adjust their height automatically, or with a macro to account for text overflow/wrap?
For example, lets say a column is 200 px in width and it's height is enough to view a single line of text, and the column is set to wrap text. Now more text is entered into the cell and it needs to be re-sized to fit two lines of text.
Is there a way to create a macro button to have this done automatically?
I'm trying to create a vb to get all columns on my sheet to have a fixed width. If I run my sub all columns go back to the set width. But I want the width to reset when the width is changed.
I set a column width to some integer like 10, and the next time I open the file it has changed to something like 9.89. Is there some configuration that prevents this from happening and leaves my setting alone?
I'm creating a map like image with Excel, and I've set the column width and row height to certain dimensions. Now I'm entering in some text into them, and I noticed that when I added in 2 digit numbers, the column width expanded a little bit. I want to prevent this from happening, and still be able to enter in the 2 digit text (since it WILL fit, and it's expanding to keep that extra bit of space).
the Ruler across the top that allows you to adjust the column widths (A B C D etc). Is it possible to insert another Ruler, further down the same page, to allow you to adjust the column width differently. if so how. On Excel 2007
Lets say i type for now... A1 = USA B1 = Philippines
and then later A1 = dog B1 = cat
Is there a way that the width would automatically adjust even as I change the values of the given cells; meaning, if a word is long, the width will automatically adjust "longer", if a word is short, then it will automatically adjust "shorter".
I know how the "AutoFit Column Width" works but I don't want to press that every time my values change (words becoming shorter or longer).
How would my macro below be edited to keep the column sizes the same as they are in the original sheet?
Sub NewUploadFile() Workbooks.Add ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(3).Range("A2:K300").Copy Range("A3").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues Range("A3").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats Columns.AutoFit End Sub
I have the following type information in thousands of cells. I need too isolate the Width and Length from these cells. The width and the length are the two numbers on each side of the "X".
RAPITONE C2 10 X 10 100 RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250 RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250 RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250 RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250 RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250 RAPITONE M2 10 X 10 250 RAPITONE M2 76 EI 42 X 100 ROLL