I've got two columns, one with policy numbers, the other with error codes.
A policy could be in the list more than once, so I'm counting the number of unique policy numbers with the function
I want to count the number of errors that are NOT code 00 or code 21. Because the error codes are saved as text, I'm counting the number of errors with
The problem is that since a policy number could be listed twice, when I count the errors, I might be counting the same policy as an error twice. This means that I could feasibly end up with more errors than I have unique policies, which doesn't work.
What I'd like to do is only count the number of errors that have unique policy numbers. That is, I only want to count an error the first time it is in the list, based off it's policy number. Is that possible?
how to count the unique occurrences in column A based on the value in column B. In the example below, I am trying to count the number of unique names in each state (Illinois=1, Colorado=2, New York=2). I would like the formula to count unique occurrences for the entire column A because I will be adding to the list.
..A.............B............C John......Illinois John.....Illinois John.....Colorado Alex.....Colorado Alex.....New York Steve...New York Steve...New York
In need checking if a particular ID number is repeated more than once in column B. I need to write a formula in each cells of "No.of Repetition" column or Column C to check if respective ID number in column B is repeated more than once and display the count or display a condition true or false.
I get this work a lot and am looking for a much more effective way of working the dataset,
I have numbers like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on....... These come under criteria like (1) = 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on.....
I am look for an automated way of doing a count of any number that falls under this criteria, so I want to count based on criteria (1) it would count all 1.1,1.2,1.3 and so on as one count.
I am attaching a sample document to see how it is laid out. [URL] .....
I realise this is beyond me and wonder if it is possible to list uniqure values in excel and place a count occurrences of each. I have a hugh list of over 400 alpha code i.e ABCD, ABCD, ABCE, BDCE, BDCF ZXYE etc etc. What I'd like to do is pick out all the unique values so I can see what alpha codes are on the list. But then I would also like to count the occurrences of each value/name so I know how many times they appeared on the list.
Col B is where i would like to list all the unquie vaules with a count e.g. ABCD 2 ABCE 1 BDCE 1 BDCF 1 ZXYE 2 YEZY 1 CDEF 1
I am trying to count the number of unique entries in a sheet, that also satisfy 2 other conditions.
I've attached an example sheet : Example email report.xlsx
The result I need is: The number of unique values in column E, that also have NULL in column G and NULL in column I.
So, in the example, the result would be 7.
I know I can do this by conditional formatting and filtering, but would prefer a formula, and perhaps also a macro that I could apply as the number of rows in each sheet is up to 20000, and each month's sheet will be a different size.
I want to count the number of unique, or distinct, company names in column [C7], subject to two conditions that will exclude certain unique company names from the count.
I should also point out that most company names appear multiple times in column [C7].
a) Count the unique company names in column [C7]...
b) ...including only those companies who have at least one "Yes" in column [C8] somewhere among their records
c) ...and who also have at least one value equal or greater than "1" in column [C15] somewhere among their records
Note that that there is no requirement that the "Yes" and the "1" ever appear in the same record.
I have a somewhat large spreadsheet that is imported from an AS/400 database which shows the number of times something is being used. It lists the object in a row for each use. For instance, if the object is being used 4 times, there would be four rows of this object's name as well as a 0, 1, 2, 3 next to the correct row. Where it is being used is listed in the H Column.
I'm just trying to count the number of times each object is used and where it is used and list it out in another worksheet. Like this:
Object 1, 4 uses, Place 1 2 3 and 4.
Can someone point me in the right direction in terms of where to start with this? I don't mind giving it a shot in terms of the coding but I'm somewhat at a loss in terms of the general "how to".
In a datafile I have one column containing a trip 'origin' and a second column contains 'destinations'. I want to count how many times each trip occurs (so the same origin/destination pair). This is doable using COUNTIFS but unfortunately respondents did not provide consequent origins and destinations. I encountered the following formulations
Since the format is different among and within respondents functions containing LEFT, RIGHT, MID are not useful (at least, my trials did fail). I found a VBA-script for a FUZZYVLOOKUP which sounded promising. Unfortunately the data is stored on a remote PC without VBA on it.
Is there a way to count the occurrences of trips given the circumstances?
I have an excel spreadsheet to record employee holiday and sickness figures.
It is set on as a grid e.g. column A stores all the dates and then employee names are used as column header.
One of the triggers I need to use is where, an employee has been absent 28 consecutive days. When an employee is absent I simply enter 'ABSENT' against there name.
Countif will count the number of time absent appears in the column however I need it to only recognise it if it is only 28 days in a row.
What I want is in column B to give the sequential count that each number is for that number. In other words in row one the number 4 appears for the first time and so the sequence number is 1. It next appears in row 4, so the sequence number there is 2, and for row 6, it is 3.
The completed table will look like this:
A B 4 1 3 1 5 1 4 2 3 2 4 3
Any formula for the cells in column B? My actual list is about 5,000 lines and so I need a formula that is not slow.
Look at 2 columns and assess if certain criteria and then count the number of these certain criteria. I give an example below:
Column 1: Has a drop down box of possibilities from: "Red", "Amber", "Green", N/A
Column 2: Has a drop down box of possible choices of: "Significant", "Other".
What I would like to do is have a formula which will count the number of times you have "Red and Significant", "Red and Other", "Amber and Significant", "Amber and Other", "Green and Significant", "Green and Other" and "N/A and Significant" and "N/A and Other".
I am working on a spreadsheet that tracks employee attendence and I am hoping there is a formula that can count the number of occurrences (see below) not the number of incidents (total number of times it comes up).
I am trying to find out if Sumproduct or Countif will provide me the answer but in vain. In the example of the 2 columns of data, how do I find out the number of one-time (or unique) combined occurences for data in column A and B? In my example the answer should be 5. I do not how to proceed with my Sumproduct formula which gives error. =SUMPRODUCT(($A$1:$A$17="A122")*$B$1:$B$17)
I'm trying to count the number of occurrences where two conditions in a table are true.
I have a table that has two columns for ratings; impact and probability. Each can be scored 1-5 This creates a matrix table of possible scores from 1 - 25 (image attached)
I want to COUNT the number of items in each of the boxes (not the total score). For example, how many are Impact 5 and Probability 5 (25 total); how many are Impact 4 and Probability 2 (8 total), and so on. Basically a count of the each of the intersections in the matrix.
Something like "Countif Impact is 5 AND Probability is 5"
Is it possible to count something once, checking for multiple conditions?
I have a very large range of text; g2:g23000. I am trying to find the number of times ABC shows up in this range and provide a count. The cells contain all bits of information, but i am only looking for ABC.
I have found ways to count cells but what I am trying to do is in column F I have a list of meeting topics, and sometimes these repeat in a year. in my drop down menu I have all of them listed however my supervisor wants me to add a count after the meeting number in the 1_1X format where x is the number of times a topic has been used.
The output will be added to my macro here
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim y As String Dim z As String Dim b as Integer
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Intersect(Target, Range("MEETINGNUMBER")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
I am working on a spreadsheet that will provide count of types of complaints for particular areas over a running time span. I have tried a multitude of formulas but not sure how to write any of them correctly. What I am trying to do is generate a count of area type by whether it is formal or informal. (i.e. I want to know if there are x formal finish issues vs. y informal finish issues and so on.) This information will get charted and be kept "real-time" user input.
I have data arranged in a worksheet (see attachment) that has hours of work broken down by day. What I need is a formula that will find the number of times a record occurred in Column F that is greater than or equal to 12 hours each day. So for March 1st there would be 9 times. I can do that now with no problem using "=COUNTIF(F4:F14,">=12")" However, the real thing that I need is how many days of each month were there only 1 count (of 12 hours or more). So it needs to look at the range of data that goes from 3/1/13 to 3/31/13 and find the total number of days that had 1 count (of 12 hours or more) each day and return the number of days it found.
In Column A I have the list of strings that I need to search. I want to count the number of occurrences of these strings inside these two text files: Sample1.txt and Sample2.txt. For example I have the string "DOG". I want to search and count the number of times this string appeared in Sample1.txt, and Sample2.txt
I am needing to count the number of calls in a call center between certain hours by date. Column A is the date, Column B is the time of the call. I am needing to know how many calls occurred on X date between the hours of y and z. I have tried various forms of the countif and sumproduct but can't seem to get any of them to work for me. Here is the graph I am trying to populate: