Attach Zip File To Mail Item

Aug 7, 2009

I have 3 routines to (1) create an empty zip folder, (2) place a file into the zip folder and (3) create a mail item and attach the zip folder to it.

The zip folder is successfully created. The mail item is also created and displayed, yet the zip file does not get attached.

Option Explicit

Dim FileNameZip

Sub NewZipFile(strFilePath As String)
If Len(Dir(strFilePath)) > 0 Then Kill strFilePath
Open strFilePath For Output As #1
Print #1, Chr$(80) & Chr$(75) & Chr$(5) & Chr$(6) & String(18, 0)
Close #1
End Sub

Sub MakeZipFile(strPath As String)

Dim strFileName As String
Dim objApp As Object

With Application
.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
.ScreenUpdating = False.......................

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VBA To Mail Merge And Attach Hyperlink File

Mar 30, 2012

I have an Excel file that has a persons name in column A, company name in column B, email address in column C and a hyperlink to a specific file to be sent with the email in column D.

I have the code to send the email and it works fine.

I've searched the net for mail merge and hyperlinks and have only become confused.

Here is what I want to do, attach the mail merge created file to the email, then the file associated with the hyperlink, I want to attach the actual file from the hyperlink into the email.

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Mail Macro - Attach Saved PDF File To Email

Nov 21, 2013

I have written a macro but unable to make it work. The macro works but not the way I would like it to.

The macro has to save an excel sheet to a separate folder as a pdf format, a message box should pop up confirming the pdf file and then attach the same saved pdf file to an email.

Now the macro saves the pdf file where I need it to be saved, the msg box pop up and then the pdf file opens up on top of the msg box. If I close the pdf file the msg box which was hidden under the file is now shown. When I click "OK" it goes straight to outlook with the email addresses attached but the saved pdf file is not attached.

I've attached the script.

Sub Macro1()
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:="C:UserReportsPDF Reports" & Range("Q3").Value _
, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas _
:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=True

[Code] ........

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Automatically Attach And Send By E-mail

Jan 16, 2009

In a generated workbook I have 2 e-mail adresses in seperate cells that I'd like the users to be able to easily send the workbook to.

One as the recipient and the other as cc.

So is it possible to either use a link or userform that takes both adresses and automatically attaches this workbook?

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Macro - Print Excel Area As PDF And Attach To Mail

Dec 4, 2012

I would like to send a Excel printing area to a mail recipient by using a macro that:

2) Save the printing area as a pdf - file - use a temporary filename
1) Opens MS Outlook mail
3) Attach the temp-file to the mail

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VBA Send Mail With Lotus Notes Attach ONLY With Worksheet Not Workbook

Apr 22, 2013

I am using a version of the following code that sends a mail using Lotus notes and attaches the Workbook - I am wondering if there is anyway I can make it attach the WORKSHEET instead ?

'The procedure for executing the main task:
Sub SendWithLotus()
Dim noSession As Object, noDatabase As Object, noDocument As Object
Dim obAttachment As Object, EmbedObject As Object
Dim stSubject As Variant, stAttachment As String
Dim vaRecipient As Variant, vaMsg As Variant


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If Formula: Item Number From The Old File Corresponding To The Same Item Descprition In The New File

Nov 20, 2008

Here I would like to get your valued guidance for the usage of "IF" formula. I am having two sheets one is new XL-1 and other is old XL-2. I want to have a item number from the old file corresponding to the same item descprition in the new file. I am attaching the snap shots of two files which is more explanatory than describing in words here.

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Text Align Cells In Table Being Created In HTML Outlook Mail Item

Aug 11, 2014

I've got the following code and have been trying to make the cells in column 1 align TOP LEFT but haven't been able to.

[Code] .......

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How To Attach A File In New Thread

Sep 22, 2013

I have found no option here to attache file (excel, or word if any). How to attach file in to create a new thread ?

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Browse To Attach The File

Oct 29, 2007

send automaticaly, or it waits until user will push button send or brows to attach the file.

In all given samples it says: “If you use Microsoft Outlook”. I know that any office has Outlook. Is it impossible to make Outlook usable with macro and then send an e-mail?

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Attach A Pdf Or Word File Inside Sheet?

Jan 29, 2009

I would like to attach a pdf (or word) file inside an Excel sheet so that it is seen as a pdf icon or word icon when viewing the sheet. Any of you who knows if this is possible and how to do it?

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Can't Attach A File To A Post Here. Error Message Included

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to attach a speadsheet to an inquiry about another problem. I used to be able to do this. No known changes to my system in between.

Currently get error:

"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing."

No one here knows what to do. Is my problem local or at the website? What should I try?

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App To Open User's Email Client, Attach File

Apr 8, 2008

I have developed a product that's a bunch of Excel spreadsheets strung together. Real estate and mortgage professionals use the tools to counsel home buyers. We include a pdf converter in case recipients of emailed file attachments don't have Excel.

We provide an 'Export' procedure that calls a custom dll that uses the outgoing mail server that the user [must] setup or our web's mail server as a default. The action attaches the Excel or the PDF file and sends in the background. We use an Excel form for user to write the message and the process saves a copy of the message sent and the file send in an Archives folder.

This procedure is not very user friendly, as it does not offer the user's address book to select a recipient, does not put the message in the user's email client Sent folder...Plus the Archives folder could become quite it involves a user setup that creates alot of support calls.

But actually the most critical shortcoming has become that ISPs (Comcast and ATT so far) are blocking the use of custom email clients!

Recently my son showed me in QuickBooks their attach file-to-email process. It simply opens the user's default email client with the file attached. I need an app that does that! And it needs to be distributable.

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Excel / VBA / Outlook Integration - Attach Most Recent File

Jun 21, 2013

I am trying to create a script for a manually morning process that I need to complete that entials downloading a number of .PDF files and sending them out to a distribution list. I am unable to automate that actual saving of the files onto the network drive, but I believe I can automate the process of attaching them to the email. I have run across some problems so far though, this is what I have been able to come up with. After doing a bit of research it seems as though using cmd would be the best way to locate and attach the file but I am still unable to get it to run properly:

Sub AttachMultiple()
With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(0)
.To = ""
.Subject = "Test"
.Attachments.Add Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir 'G:Client ReportingMGIDaily
ReportsAGFAJune 2013*.pdf' /b /o-d").stdout.readall, vbCrLf)(0)
End With
End Sub

Here is an example of a folder I will be trying to pull the most recent saved PDF from, there are about 10 similar folders:

I feel like I am relatively close to completely this, my cmd syntax may just be a little off.

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EMailing Work Sheet Trying To Attach File Listed In Cell

Nov 14, 2009

I am using a macro to e-mail any work sheet with an address in A1. I would also like to attach a file that will be listed in cell E1 of that worksheet. The file is different for each work sheet that is being sent but will be listed in the same cell of each work sheet.

This is the code I am using (i got it from ron de bruin) when I use the .Attachments.Add (C:est1.txt) it works but i can not seem to figure out how to get it to read the file address in the E1 cell. The code i am trying to use is .Attachments.Add = ws.Range("E1").value.

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Mail File As Attachment Using Excel VBA

Feb 18, 2012

I have an excel sheet contains data of 500 staff code and email address . I also have their pay slips in a folder with staff code.pdf as file name. i want to send corresponding payslips through mails as attachment from the folder using excel vba My excel file is like this

staff code name email id
w4246 rajesh

and folder contains file w4246.pdf

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Not Able To Open Excel File Downloaded From Internet / Mail

Jun 27, 2013

I am not able to open any excel file which comes as attachment with mail.It shows the message "file is corrupt ".

However , once it is open from other computer, I can view the same in LAN system.

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Search For File Locate User Send Mail

May 11, 2007

I need to build vb that will move threw a folder earch files this source folder will be s:dc eports there will be multiple types of files. If the file ends with .ERR and the file size is > 0.1 KB THEN take file and open it then find the user id this will be 6 didgets .. this then needs to be located(if u look at attached spreadsheet “CTR208088.ERR” and go too column “AB” you will see “FA2 INPUT BY:311752 CODE) and then take and match THIS CODE (311752) to a workbook called “cashfrontieradmin11” there will be a “user name” column ‘A” in a “input names” tab and next to it column “B” “ full name” it will then register name and attach an email to user saying they have error “processing idx file into hiport”.

It will then attach error file to email and send to appropriate user(that is written in error log ) Example file is here ..the only issue I guess is being able to read the character placing(user id) in the message pick this up and map back to admin file I will attach both files

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Mail Merge Settings For Sending Multiple Mail?

Sep 14, 2012

We need to send multiple mail with attachment with outlook 2007 with option "Resend this message", now we want to use excel for sending the mail.

S.No. To cc----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. 4.
5. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.

we have two files for attaching on desktop, one is a excel file and second is a zip file. we want to send the mail with excel mail merge.

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E-mail Worksheet For Various E-mail Clients

Nov 11, 2009

I have a workbook that has multiple worksheets and I would like to use a command button to e-mail just one selected sheet. I want to create the single sheet as an attachment on a new e-mail message but leave the addressing to the user as it will vary, and not save the single sheet. My challenge is that the users have a variety of different e-mail clients (Outlook, Lotus Notes and others).

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Send Mail On Last Day Of Every Month If Last Day Is Saturday / Sunday Send Mail On Thursday

Mar 11, 2014

I am trying to write a macro to send mail on every Friday and also on last day of every month. If the last day of the month falls on Saturday or Sunday then the macro should mail on Friday. I have written a separate macro to send a mail. I have also written to check day(ie Monday, Tuesday etc) of today. If today is Friday or month end i can send mail. I dont know how to tell the macro to send mail on friday if the month last date is saturday or sunday.

Sub done()
Dim Dat As Date, x As Integer, y As Date, sorry As String
Dim str As String
sorry = "Today is not friday or month end. So i cannot send mails"
str = WeekdayName(Weekday(Now()))

[Code] ........

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Click Item In ListBox1 And ListBox2 Item Is Also Selected Simultaneously?

Feb 16, 2013

Excel Userform

'enables user to click [U]highlight and select[/U] an item in ListBox1 and ListBox2 item (same row in index) is also [U]highlighted[/U] (highlighted only not selected)
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
ListBox2.ListIndex = ListBox1.ListIndex
End Sub

Question: Is it also possible to enable a user to click to select an item in ListBox1 and ListBox2 item is also selected simultaneously (same row in index). Is there excel vb code to do this?

I think the code may be along the lines of the ListBox SelectedIndex property. What would be the Excel VB code equivilant for the ListBox SelectedIndex property, if so?

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Flag Item When Doesn't Match Item Above

May 20, 2014


I need some way that can identify when the item in the description column doesnt match the first item of the same number- for example, here the 1-blue and 3-orange would be flagged because they should match the 1-yellow and 3-green.

I need to do this on a much larger scale (approximately 20,000 data points), so I wanted to create a formula or macro that could do this for me.. I thought making a reference page with would work but I keep getting an error.. I haven't done VBA in a while, so I may have syntax errors.

If Range("A2:A9").Sheets("Sheet1") = Range("A2:A6").Sheets("Ref") And Range("B2:B9").Sheets("Sheet1") = Range("B2:B6").Sheets("Ref") Then
Range("C2:C9").Sheets("Sheet1") = "x"
End If

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Selecting Item In Combobox - Item Not Get Selected

Jun 14, 2014

I am getting close to finishing the drop down menu capability when filling in column L in tab Transactions. However, there is a snag. When I enter part of account say "fin" (the important part here is that the part of the word should not be the beginning of the account name) - then I select an account from the menu - but it does not stay in the cell if the part of the name is the beginning of the account name - all is fine.

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VBA - Attach Counter To Variable

Apr 1, 2013

I am trying to attach a counter to a variable. I am trying to attach the counter "k" to the variable "A", instead of separately writing code for A1, A2, A3, and A4. Each variable corresponds to the same worksheet function calculation (such as average in this case), but refers to a different set of data. So, if I run the following code, it does not work. I know how to do it using an array.

Option Explicit
Dim A1 As Double, A2 As Double, A3 As Double, A4 As Double
Dim k As Integer

[Code] ....

I have attached the excel file : Book1.xlsm

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Attach PDF To Outlook Using Macro

May 21, 2014

I have a sheet with an invoice on and wish the Macros to make it easy for users.

I have this code which saves as PDF, Prints and saves my worksheet. However I want to send the PDF to Outlook with To: and cc: completed using the Macro.

Sub PlasticParts()
'Saves active worksheet as pdf using concatenation
'of A1,A2,A3
Dim fName As String
With ActiveSheet
fName = .Range("A1").Value & .Range("F2").Value & .Range("A3").Value
.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
[Code] ..........

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Attach Worksheet To Email

Jun 18, 2007

I have been trying to find a method to attach a worksheet to an email WITHOUT sending it. I want my user to be able to create the attachment file and then add some text before sending.

also, I have been playing around with Ron Debruin's code to send one worksheet, found at [url] this is the closest i have found to what I need. except it sends the mail for you. and I can't get it to copy and paste as values only one cell on the worksheet (not the entire worksheet as values).

here is his code
Sub Mail_ActiveSheet()
'Working in 97-2007
Dim FileExtStr As String
Dim FileFormatNum As Long
Dim Sourcewb As Workbook
Dim Destwb As Workbook
Dim TempFilePath As String
Dim TempFileName As String
Dim AddresseeName As String

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Attach Vba Code Programmatically

Jun 16, 2007

I have a VBA procedure that I need to be able to link/attach to an excel file which is created on the fly, and I need to do this programatically / on the fly. Basically, currently from my front end app, I output the necessary data to excel, and then format that data in excel using vba code sent through OLE to excel. Right after the formatting is done, I would like to then send the necessary vba commands to excel that would take my existing VBA sub routine, link it somehow to my excel file (by inserting it as a macro?, by registering/linking it as a .bas file?, any other options/ideas?), and then give the user a button or shortcut in the excel file that will run that VBA sub routine.

The underlined part above is my main goal here, and I already have the rest covered. I know there is more than one solution for this, but I would prefer a solution that allows me to store the vba code in the excel file itself, so that I only need to distribute the .xls file whenever I want to deploy this spreadsheet somewhere new.

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Email From Excel - Can't Attach Worksheets

Dec 29, 2011

I have this Macro working almost perfectly, but I need to attach the worksheets to the emails. The code is below. I am unable to reference the ".Attachments" to the workbook created previously in the code.

Sub ActivityReport()
' Clear out any old data on Report


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Selecting A Cell To Attach Hyperlink

Oct 16, 2013

I'm creating a file that holds a list of names with various details held, but what I need to do, is attach a hyperlink to a column 'L' in the same row as the user selects, the user will be able to select the row based upon a unique reference in a listbox in a userform.

I have the following code which attaches the hyperlink to the selected cell, but I'm at a loss as to how I would go about setting the cell based upon the unique reference....

For arguments sake, lets say the unique references are all in column A, and they are 2 to 50 (in rows 2 to 50 for ease of explanation)

The code that I have to insert the Hyperlink is as follows, userform has three buttons and a textbox, but I know that I will need to add the listbox in the form to select the cell to paste

Private Sub CmdBrowseHyperlink_Click()
'Browse for the file which I want to attach to the cell
Dim FileName As String
FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename()
TextBox1.Value = FileName


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