Automatically Formatted As Scientific Notation
Dec 27, 2006
I'm trying to filter a long list to look for specific employee numbers. The employee numbers are so long that they have to be formatted as text or they are automatically formatted as scientific notation (they are 18 digits long). For some reason this is causing the filter not to work properly.
Employee ID
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Nov 3, 2008
I work for a company that exports data from a website into Excel.
So here's my problem:
The data is usually Part Numbers using numbers and letters. When a Part Number is, for example, 248E12 we have this reaccurring issue. Importing it into Excel automatically converts it to scientific notation (ie. 248E+12 or 2.48E+14 to be exact). "Format Cell" doesn't convert it back because it was auto-converted when "exported". I need a way of fixing this problem without going line by line and doing the math to convert it myself.
I don't have time for that. Some of my files have thousands of lines.
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Mar 30, 2007
AHH Scientific notation is annoying me, I don't want to see auction #'s in scientific notation. How can I disable the feature in excel 2007?
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Mar 13, 2013
I have a large file with account numbers in Number format. Before I can import the data into a database the account numbers need to be converted to Text. I use Text(A1,0) to do this in a large file. The data then gets copied into a new Import file. When the data gets copied the account cell reverts back to scientific notation for the long account strings. The import file account column is formated for Text. The only fix is to then double click on each account that is in scientific notation to convert it back to text.
Is there another text formula I can use?
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Dec 29, 2008
I run a macro that imports a table from web page:
I import only the table with no formatting.
Excel tries to be helpful, and formats some of the cells in scientific notation.
I have tried to format the column to the "Text" format prior to the import with
Columns(2).NumberFormat = "@"
This does not work. If you import the table you can see that rows 1405, 1406, 1407, 1408 all have the same scientific notation value. Their true values should be 0E0, 0E4, 0E8, 0E9 respectively.
There are quite a few other instances in the column when a text value has "E" for the second character that Excel will format on its own.
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Mar 8, 2013
I need to have all of my number be "x10^-6", but Excel wants to make them, for instance, 7.66x10^-3, when I need it to read "7660x10^-6". How can I force excel to do this?
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Oct 25, 2008
I am attempting to enter Timestamp data from a movie in this format:
When I enter a frame timestamp of 18 minutes, 42 seconds, and 5 milliseconds, excel auto formats this data to 12:18:43AM.
This is not what I want. I have attempted multiple types of cell formats in an attempt to enter this data without auto formatting. One requirement for the format is the ability to subtract two of the times for a change in time measurement. I have tried every setting under the "Time" format list, as well as custom formats, which fail to subtract.
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Dec 11, 2012
When I download data from server side into excel, specific number such as "83437E207" gets converted into scientific number such as "8.3437E+211".
Is there a way to format excel to always to read numeric data as numbers only.
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Nov 21, 2006
Im importing figures into column G of my worksheet, and I need a code so it automatically adds a "0" to the start of each row in column G plus format it.
For example, im pasting in 970702090341 but its showing as 9.70702E+11.
Once I format the cell to 'number' and 0 decimal places it looks fine, but want to save the hassle of doing it each time. Plus I need a zero at the start.
Is there a code possible for this?
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Jun 5, 2009
I dont know why this wont work
it falls over on the ".Columns(6).FormulaR1C1=" line
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Mar 21, 2014
Similar to this thread: [URL]
I'm trying to come up with a VBA solution to.... Sigma from j=0 to i of: L((i-j)/i)*b*t.
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Feb 22, 2008
I have got a list of formulae in column A e.g.
(formulae is stored as text, i.e. preceeding with an ')
and i am looking for a VBA macro to cycle through the list and give the relative notation in column B i.e.
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Feb 9, 2007
The following code was posted in another thread:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim a, v, x, ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Scheduled Courses")
a = ws. Range("a2", ws.[a65536].End(xlUp)).Value
With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For Each v In a
If Not IsEmpty(v) And Not .exists(v) Then
.Add v, Nothing
End If
x = .keys
End With
With Me.ComboBox1
.Clear ' clear the listbox content
.List = x
.ListIndex = 0 ' select the first item
End With
End Sub
How are the brackets used in the 4th line? I have not seen this notation before. Is this some kind of a shorthand for a Range("A65536") reference?
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Mar 22, 2007
I often see square brackets around ranges in code. eg [A1]
if there are any advantages/disadvantages with using this notation, apart from the obvious its shorter?
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Sep 23, 2008
I have noticed in many of the Excel help files that the developers liked to use shortcut notation for Range reference in VBA.
For example, Range("A1:B10") would be [A1:B10].
I was doing a bit of testing with this, and was not able to make the shortcut notation work with a variable. Does the shortcut method have the capabilities to do the equivalent of Range("A1:B" & LR)?
If it does have that capability, is it just due to force of habit that we always use Range() to refer to ranges, or would there be a more in-depth reason.
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Oct 31, 2008
I'm trying to select a range of cells using the R1C1 notation. But I'm making an error in the syntax. I know it's really simple, I just don't know what's wrong.
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Jul 28, 2009
Ok, I want to use a dynamic range in my Vlookup formula.
I want to use this formula: ....
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Dec 26, 2009
I have a bit of code that is grabbing only the first 9 positions of an alpha-numeric string. The problem I am running into is that when the alpha-numberic value contains an "E", the code turns it into an exponential number in error.
For example, I have the following in column G: 01877E107000. When I run the code, it turns into an alpha-numeric value. The result should be 01877E107 (in column K). I tried using the text function within the code.
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Aug 12, 2012
repTot = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Worksheets("Revenue").Range(Cells(xx, 65), Cells(xx, 65 + moNum)))
I am trying to debug the above line of code (moNum is just a variable the tells me how many months to extend the range to the right inorder to get year to date sums).
I have gotten to the point that it will run error free if "Revenue" is the Active worksheet when I run the line, but if I am on any other sheet it throws an "Run=time '1004' Application-defined or object-defined error" error. And if I change the range from cell notation to Column-Row, the issue goes away as well.
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Oct 17, 2011
I have a series of macros I have built to automate some report manipulation at my office. One of the macros I built inserts formulas into specific columns. When I run this macro, all the formulas, save one, are populated perfectly into the column they need to be in. This particular formula is swiched over to R1C1 Reference Notation.
In the workbook I built the macro in, it inserts the formula in the correct notation. When I run the macro in a different workbook, this one formula is converted to RC Notation and then is displayed as text (since the workbook is not set to the R1C1 Reference style option).
Is there a bug in my VBA code? If so, how can I correct this?
I use Excel 2007. Macros are saved in my Personal.xlsb workbook. All other forumlas populated by the macro work correctly.
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Jul 14, 2009
In a sheet the first collum is defined as a date field. However the dates a represented as a number on screen. How can I change the way it's showed on screen?
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Oct 11, 2009
I am importing a list of values from a text file. Some of the values have the letter "E" embedded in the string. For example one of the imported values is "29875E100". Excel is automatically converting this into scentific notation. Is there a way to avoid this?
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Jun 4, 2014
I have a column of several thousand entries listed as numeric with a scientific symbol eg.
19.53mSv/1mSv (some have a mix and or alpha/numeric range)
I want to convert them to the numeric value only. I'm extracting to a chart which is not recognising the alpha and throwing the data out. I tried find and replace, trying various options within the 'replace format' tab with no joy.
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Jul 9, 2008
I am trying to round similar to Banker's Rounding or Scientific Rounding but I can't find a consistent formula that works perfect with decimals.
Using three decimal places for all the samples, I can get 0.0785 to round to 0.078 but 0.1785 wants to round to 0.179 instead of staying 0.078. Or 0.0005 will round to 0 but 0.5115 wants to round to 0.511 instead of 0.512.
Here is a list of sample numbers along with desired results:
.0785 should be .078
.5115 should be .512
.5035 should be .504
.0005 should be 0
.0025 should be .002
.0194 should be .019
.0195 should be .02
.0135 should be .014
.0115 should be .012
.8115 should be .812
I cannot find a formula which gives me all of these results. Here is a list of the formulas I have tried so far (NOTE: cell A2 is the working cell in my worksheet where I enter the number to be rounded)
1) =MROUND(A2,0.001)
3) =ROUND(A2,3)
4) =IF(ISERROR(IF(MOD(MID(A2,4,1),2)=1,CEILING(A2,0.001),FLOOR(A2,0.001))),0,IF(MOD(MID(A2,4,1),2)=1,CEILING(A2,0.001),FLOO R(A2,0.001)))
5) =EVEN(A2)
6) =ROUNDUP(A2,3)
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Aug 6, 2012
I have a strange issue. I have column "B" has date texts in it ( don't know if it means value) like 21.09.2012. The cells are in text format.
Sub ReFormatCell()
Selection.NumberFormat = " ddd"
With Range("B:B")
.Formula = .Value
End With
I tried ".Value = .Value" or ".Formula = .Value" or Copy paste or offset...... Non of the codes didn't work to make date format as I desired :/
The order is something like:
1. Format column "B" as text.
2. Offset text value 21.09.2012 to B.
3. Reformat cell as date
What should I change to display "21.09.2012" as "21.09.2012 Wed" in B:B range?
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Feb 13, 2007
I'm working with a line of code I can't seem to get right. I've got this string that will put breaks in, but I've realized it would make my life easier if the code, along with inserting a break, then inserted a formatted gray divider, it would make it easier. Here's what I have:
Sub BreakSections()
'This macro breaks the new data on sheets into their individual groups, inserting a blank line_
'which will need to be filled with a gray dividing line
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("Contract Manufacturers")
. Cells.UnMerge
i = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
End With
For j = i To 2 Step -1
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(j, 5)) And Cells(j + 1, 5) <> Cells(j, 5) Then Rows(j + 1).Insert
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I've tried then to put this code in after the Insert:
Range(ActiveCell, Range("AJ" & ActiveCell.Row)).Select
and then the formatting code.....
But I end up getting a whole mess of gray rows, displacing a lot of data. Is it possible to do these things together, or I should write another macro that just looks for the blank spots? It seems like it would be easier to do it all at once.
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Jan 9, 2009
I have Excel 2008 for Mac (vers 12.0). On a basic spreadsheet, the first column is for date which I have formatted so I can type in 15/8/9 and it appears as 15-Aug-09.
However, each time I open Excel after having Quit it, I have to reformat the cells in this column again as they revert to converting my date input with something like 39,123.
My other columns are formatted to currency and are always okay.
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Mar 2, 2009
I'm trying to copy about 10,000 barcode over to a new spreadsheet, the prob is that when I copy them over they appear as XXXX+12 and then when I try and use them it doesn't like it. I can solve it if I format the column to text - and then double click it. This is ok for a hundred or so but fingers start to hurt after that!
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Nov 3, 2009
I have a cell that calculates an etch time, eg 41.88. The cell is formatted to give me whole numbers and quarters only so that the operators input is made easier, in this case 42.
When I use a macro to copy this to another worksheet, although it appears as 42, the actual cell data is 41.88. Anyway I can get the actual cell data to be 42?
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Mar 30, 2012
I have written below code
and my sheet1 cell has a value which is bolded and after running above code the sheet2 cell is displaying unbolded value
how to copy the format as well
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