Convert Fractions To Decimals And Decimal To Fraction
Feb 6, 2009
I know that if I enter =3/4 in a cell it will give me .75 but is there is formula to convert fractions into decimals or is this the best way to do it? I was also wondering if there is some way to convert the decimal amount to a fraction
for measurement conversions I know that
=B3*25.4 will convert a decimal to mm and so will the formula =CONVERT(E4,"in","mm")
and to convert mm to a decimal a few formula that work are
=MROUND(H4/25.4, 1/8)
But is there a way to convert a fraction to the decimal and is there a way to convert mm to a fraction instead of the decimal equivalent of the fraction?
or maybe a formula to convert mm to inches but instead of the result being in decimal format it would be in fraction format?
I need to convert the fraction at the beginning of a cells text into the decimal equivelent. for example 1/4-20 3A would give .2500. I have this formula so far that works perfect for fractions that only contain 1 number on each side of the division sign such as 1/2.
Can anyone help me with a code for converting decimal number to a nearest 1/16 th fraction. For example converting number 2.1875 to 2 3/16 and so on...Also if it is 2.5 it should display 2 1/2...
I have received help on this topic in the past and I though I had solved the issue, however I realized recently that my formula will not work on any fractions larger than 1 inch. I am converting machine threads in fraction form to a decimal equivalent. here is an example of the what the entry looks like before it is converted.
ex, 1/2-20 3A (becomes .5000)or 3/4-13 2A (becomes .7500)or 1-14 3A this one will not work with my current formula (should be 1.0000);
I am working on a simple calculater, what I want to do is figure sq. inches my problem is every thing I try the decimals won't calculate right,, this is a example of what I want to do
I need to find a way to convert the fraction located at the beginning of a text string to decimals. Here is an example of what the cell containing the fraction will look like; 1/4-20 3A. I need to convert the fraction and save/copy paste the decimal answer to another cell.
I am trying to convert Degrees Minutes & Decimals of a minute (12° 34.567') to Degrees and decimals of a degree (12.57611°). I have the formula to convert latitude, that is two digits, but it doesn't want to work with longitudes, three digits. (see attachment). This is the formula that I am using:
Inmates can apply for pre-release when they have half their minimum sentence served. For example 2 years 6 months. They would have to serve 1 year 3 months.
I use this formula
Where A1 is half the years, B5 is half the months, and B6 is half the days. The problem is when an inmate is sentenced to a minimum of 3 years and 3 months. The latter formula will not calculate 1.5 years or 1.5 months. It rounds up. What I would like to do is covert the 1.5 years to months and the 1.5 months to days.
I am trying to create a unique sample code by putting together the values of other cells that a user will input. It's all working well apart from the last part, where I am trying to include a decimal number. I want the decimal number to appear without the central "." and in a four digit format. e.g. 2.5 would appear as 0250, 14.25 would appear as 1425. This is the formlua I am using currently:
However, where the value of H4 is 2.5, I am getting a result of 0303 (I've put this part in bold). I have attached a small spreadsheet to aid understanding.
When exporting a set of historical sports results to Excel 2003 the numeric odds are converted to a date eg 7/2 changes to 07-Feb. Can this be prevented or adjusted to retain the original data.
Also if I may ask can the UK style odds be converted to a decimal style. Eg. 7/2 (UK) needs to be converted to 4.5 ( Decimal equivalent )
i try to convert several decimal values into Days Hours:Minutes:Seconds my problem is the following. If i user the format DD hh:mm:ss values over 32 will start counting the days from 0 (like a new month). and if i format it like M D h:m:s values < 32 days gets displayed with a 1 (for the month) before the days.
[Code] ......
is there a way to get only the count of days displayed without the summarization to months?
I'm trying to find out how many 40 hour shifts we had in a week by dividing the total seconds staffed (2989957) by total seconds in a week (144000) to get a 2 digit decimal result. I have a field formatted as [s] that I need to convert to decimal but when I do a calculation using that field it comes out as [s}.
Cell A1: 2989957 formatted as [s] Cell B2: =A1/144000 formatted as number with 2 decimals Result shows 0.00
If I use that calculation in a cell with a general format, I get 21 and it reverts to [s] format.
Is there a method to automatically convert a decimal to a percentage?
For example:
if given the value of 76.48, is it possible to automatically convert this to 76.48%? Formatting the cell as a percentage produces 7648%. I've tried everything I know and can't get the right result.
I was reading this Binary Conversion from Decimal on this site, however i am unable to reply to the thread. This code is exactly what i was looking for but have the need for it to be able to give the result as a number of bits eg. i would like the result to be dispalyed as 13 bits. I have tried modifying the code without any success and would like to be able to use it in this form. Public Function Dec2Base( Num As Long, base As Long, length as long) As String
I am attempting to convert a spreadsheet of times (listed in the format 06:15:39.62, where 06 is the hour, 15 is the minutes, 39 is the seconds, and .62 is in truncated miliseconds) into fractions of hours (so, 6.25 [NOT 6:25!]). I've so far been doing it manually for each value, which is quite tedious (doing basic division of seconds and minutes into hours, to find the fraction) but I'd like a single formula which I can then apply to the whole spreadsheet.