Copy And Append Text File Data To Worksheet
Jun 7, 2006
I want to copy a bunch of data from a text file and paste in into an excel worksheet I have open. I want to paste it at the end but I don't know how large the data range will be each time so I can't select that size range. I have this code so far:
FileToOpen = Application. GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
If FileToOpen <> False
Workbooks.Open FileToOpen
Exit Sub
End If
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Oct 8, 2012
[URL] to append summary data within several workbooks. But suddenly, it works for some workbooks, but for some others, it just captures the data for the very last WS.
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Feb 1, 2008
I have several exel workbooks (.xls files) and each workbook contains multiple worksheets. The number of worksheets and their names are variable. Each worksheet is formated in the same way. Now I want to copy an specific cell range on each worksheet and copy it into a single worksheet.
For example let assume that we have a a workbook called temperature.xls. This file contains 4 worksheets named: 40-1, 40-3, 40-5#, and 40-22. I want to copy a specific cell range (F46:O47) from all the worksheets in the workbook temperature.xls and paste only the values on a summary worksheet. This summary worksheet can be in the same workbook or in different one. I just wanted to add that I want to repeat this process 15 more times to summarize all my data containing workbooks. On average each workbook contains 35 worksheets so it is a tedious manual process.
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Apr 19, 2007
I would like to append data from Columns A-F to a text file. The key thing is that the data needs to be tab separated just as it would be if I simply highlighted it and copied it and the pasted it into the text file.
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Nov 28, 2013
I have a simple code that should insert the text at the beginning of the text file (the text file already has some text in it). When i use the following code, it just appends the line to the end of the text. I need it to append it to the start of the text file.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim file As String
lastrow = Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row - 4
file = "C:Users11126923Desktop est.txt"
Open file For Append As #1
f = "hi test3"
Print #1, f
End Sub
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Oct 15, 2007
I have a filename written in cell A1- eg dog.jpg - and I want to insert a set character string just before the .jpg part. ie so it becomes dog_test.jpg in B1. How would you guys do it? I've been thinking of really long-winded methods that'd use several cells, but I reckon there might be a cleverer way!
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Apr 21, 2009
i am making a spreadsheet for recording employee telesales activity each day.
administrators will update a shared workbook each day with the information
employee names are across the top and the activities are down the side (calls, CVs sent, interviews, meetings) each day has it's own block of data. on a friday I would like to run a macro to select these blocks and paste them into the first free row on a separate worksheet.
i have something similar working elsewhere which copies one column and pastes that into the last free column of a new sheet but i have no idea how to do it for rows going down a page. I have attached a file example to clarify.
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Apr 24, 2013
I receive 24,000 text files once a month that need to be combined into one csv/txt file and/or spreadsheet(tab).
About a year ago I posted a thread on the same topic which received a fantastic response from jindon that worked great
Unfortunately, the format in which the text files are ouput has changed, as has the filename layout. The files are now output with filenames such as:
(lic#, company name, displaying # records found, date, type.txt)
40298827_Windham Professionals Inc _Displaying records 1 through 10 of 100_041813_AGENTS.txt
40298827_Windham Professionals Inc _Displaying records 11 through 20 of 100_041813_AGENTS.txt
(files with EANF in the filename have no records inside them and can be skipped)
While the contents of each file look like this: (see attached text file reference)
I would like to combine the contents of the text files while appending the lic#, company name and date from the filenames to each record so the resulting file looks like this:
40305196 Audette , Anthony Sales Provider 40298827 Windham Professionals Inc 041813
40313800 Burritt , Kimberly Sales Provider 40298827 Windham Professionals Inc 041813
As far as I can tell jindon's code is fine except the regex expression needs to be modified to handle the new layout, however that is far beyond me.
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Mar 29, 2012
I am converting a xls workbook into a tab delimited text file, but instead of copying the entire workbook, I want to copy the first two columns of the workbook except for the header row.
This is my code which is copying the entire workbook -
Private Sub SaveAsTabDelimited(ByVal sFileName As String)
With ActiveWorkbook
.SaveAs FileName:=sFileName, FileFormat:=xlText, CreateBackup:=False
End With
End Sub
how can I achieve this in my macro. I tried using the range(A2:B100000).Select syntax, but it didn't work.
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May 14, 2014
I'd like my macro (in an Excel 2010 workbook) to copy values from three worksheet cells and append them to an existing Access or SQL database file -- without having to leave my Excel spreadsheet or open any other programs. The database file simply needs to be appended. Keeping a running list. That file isn't being used for anything else, we can set it up however is necessary to do this.
For example, Excel cells A1, A2, and A3. Representing Job Name, Job Number and Job Total.
how make VBA do this(in SIMPLE terms)? Or give me a link of where to look or what to search for? I understand VBA but not Access or SQL.
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Jan 18, 2008
I have Workbook with 85 Sheets. I want to copy Entire Sheets Whose Name Starts with CC to a Text File with Tab Seperated Columns . The Other Sheets should be ignore.
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Jul 29, 2008
I have tweaked this code in order to accomplish my requirement. I have in all 35 worksheets in a workbook. Out of 35 sheets, 31 worksheets are infact the 31 days of the month starting from 1st July to 31st July. What I want to do is copy and append all the rows in column A (starting from row 2) of all these 31 worksheets into one master worksheet. Basically, appending the rows in col A from all the worksheets together in master worksheet.
Sub append_master_sheet()
Dim wAppend As Worksheet, wSheet As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Set wAppend = Worksheets("Master")
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
If wSheet.Name wAppend.Name Then
LastRow = wAppend.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=wAppend.Range("A2"), _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
wSheet.UsedRange.Copy Destination:=wAppend.Cells(LastRow, 1)
End If
Next wSheet
End Sub
This code when run gives me a Debug error "Object variable or with block variable not set". I did a research for this error on Google and most of the answers are in reference to using ADO Recordsets. I am not even distinctly using a Recordset in this example.
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Jul 18, 2008
Is it possible to automatically copy or load data from one excel spread sheet into another excel sheet? Could this be done with a macro?
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Jul 20, 2013
I have a report(Input report) with multiple sheets with different worksheet names.
Now I have to select 2nd worksheet of input report and copy a certain range values and paste in the other workbook(output) . From the same sheet 3 diffrent values I will copy and paste in other work book.
Now, I have to come back to the input report and go to next sheet and copy the same range data and append to the out put report below the first sheet.
This I need to do for all worksheets for the input report worksheets (there are more than 100 worksheets)
[code here]
Sub testtest()
Dim ws As Worksheet
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Aug 30, 2006
I have a text file with no discernable format ( can't import into excel) that is too large to put all the data into an excel worksheet. This file is made to print out on a network printer.
I don't need all the info in the file, I would like to specify a variable, search the text file for the variable, then specify the amount of rows down to look for the data value and input the result into an excel spreadsheet.
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Sep 18, 2009
I have an existing spreadsheet with a column of strings (actually VIN numbers). These numbers correllate to a bunch of text files, that can exist in one of three folders (UsernameDesktop1, 2, or 3) on my desktop. What I need the macro to do is:
1) get the filename from A2 (A1 is a heading row)
2) Find the appropriate text file in one of the three folders
3) Put the folder name into I2
4) Scan the text file for some strings, and copy some data that follows those strings into J2:O2 (I can handle programming this)
5) Close the text file
6) repeat above for the remainder of filenames (about 1800 files)
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Sep 5, 2006
I'm trying to create a sub that will save my worksheet to a tab delimited text file anytime there is a change in the worsheet data (all cells are linked to cells in other workbooks). I've figured out the command to save the file
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"C:Documents and SettingsChrisMy DocumentsBook1.txt", FileFormat:=xlText _
, CreateBackup:=False
but I'm not sure how to get a sub routine to start running when the file opens and to have it run continuously while open. I've found the command:
that will flag when any cells in my range are recomputed and run a function, but functions don't allow me to save the file.
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May 27, 2014
I am looking to see if is possible to copy and paste a worksheet and then remove data( only values not Text) and also not removing formatting and formulas
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Mar 24, 2009
This is probably far easier then I am making it but I need to take the information that is in a textbox created through the control toolbox and copy and paste that information into a cell on different tab in the workbook. I have tried the infamous google and haven't been able to find much. The excel books that I have don't really touch on the control toolbox functions.
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May 27, 2014
Macro to copy data from Excel sheet and creates a Pipe delimited text file.
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Aug 3, 2006
I have certain excel file that i want to be able to write a macro in order for it to extract certain information from certain cells on different sheet. In other words, i want cell A2 from each of the three different worksheet i have under different files. And have those data automatically update a master excel or access file whichever might be easier.
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Feb 6, 2013
I have some vba that opens a closed workbook, copies data from a named range and then pastes it to the active workbook.
However, what is happening is that the closed workbook is opened and only part of the data is pasted. What I would prefer to happen is this:
Open the closed workbook-->copy the named range-->paste(append) to next empty cell in column B.
Heres the code that I have got.
Sub Workbook_test()Dim wb As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' turn off the screen updating
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("G:WAREHOUSEPlanningSmartNew Training Plan raining plan.xls", True, True)
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Jan 13, 2010
I have about 100 csv files of the same format that I would like to append into a single master file. Order is not important for appending (I can do a column sort later) I can do copying and pasting, but this will take a long time especially because I will creating more master files from completely different CSVs in the future. Is there a faster way to append CSV files?
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Apr 13, 2009
look for a certain value in worksheet A and copy that row of data to Worksheet B.
However, it seems to be only copying the row in worksheet A and pasting it. Is there something that a noob VBA scripter has missed out?
PHP Private Sub GetInfo_Click()
Dim r As Long, LastRow As Long, Status As Integer
Dim Message As String, Title As String, Default As String, MyValue As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
MyValue = Range("A4").Value
LastRow = Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row
For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1
If Cells(r, 1).Value = MyValue Then
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Status = 1
Exit For
End If
Next r
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
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Apr 1, 2008
I've got a sheet in which I want a drop down box, to ADD the value* to a cell, not overwriting its current value!
*The name of the selected option in the drop down box, the names are located in Map3!A1-n, I set the drop down box to display the related number in a cell next to it.
The cell would contain some text, and by selecting something in the drop down box, it would add the name of that option to the already existing value in the cell.
So if at first the cell's value is
Hi! I 'm Mark,
and you select the following option from the dropdown box
I 'm from Holland!
the cell would end with the value
Hi! I 'm Mark, I'm from Holland!
This would probably work with a macro, already made a start with it but I couldn't get it to ADD the value instead of overwriting it.
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Jan 25, 2010
I need a macro to do the following
1.Get list of .xls files from specified folder.
2.Append the files in new workbook in same folder.
I want to get the list of Sample_*.xls and
create Sample.xls master file which adds the above three .xls as sheets in it.
Actually my macro as below
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May 14, 2009
I have the following code in another workbook that is used to populate a cell on the same sheet based on input to cells in column 'A'.
Is it possible to modify this for the attached workbook to select a cell with data (numbers) on the Input Data sheet in column 'E', add text to the beginning, ('CG' in this case), and paste the result to the Import Template in the corresponding cell of column 'A'? I currently have a formula copied to dozens of cells in 'A' but since the number of rows for the Input Template is variable, there are usually cells in 'A' that contain CG but no corresponding data in the rest of the row.
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Mar 16, 2008
sheet 2 will be the entry form
sheet 3 the database
I would like to copy the values in cells B1:B4 and D4:D5 in sheet2 and paste them transposed it sheet 3 in the next empty row starting in cell A#,
so basically is to copy from sheet 2 and append the data in sheet 3
every time that I press the entry data button, that will allow me to populate the database from a separate sheet
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Jul 9, 2008
Is there a way in excel to have it automatically copy a cell 4 times and append _01, _02, etc..
and automatically make it look like this:
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Oct 7, 2006
I have about 50 CSV files in a directory named C:POSTAL. Each file has about 4000 records with three fields, Name, Address, Phonenumber. I would like to find some way to combine them into one large CSV file named ALLRECS.CSV so that other parts of the program can open that file and search it by Phonenumber, so I can display the Name and address on the screen. Obviously it is too large for Excel, at the moment. In old DOS you were able to use
copy *.CSV ALL.CSV"
to combine all the CSV files into one. Every now and then I want to delete the old ALLRECS.CSV file and replace it with a new one, as we update the phone numbers in the individual 50 files. For example I would like to use a button so the user can simply update whenever they wish by clicking on it, deleting the old and adding the new.
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