Define A Index With The Use Of A Variable

Jun 8, 2006

i wrote the following statement that worked:

'Selection.FormulaArray = "=UserDefault!R[-27]C[-1]:R[-23]C[1]" '

but i need to define the index with a variable

'dim franz as integer

franz = 89

Selection.FormulaArray = "=UserDefault!R[franz]C[-1]:R[-23]C[1]" '

this does not work, is there a possibility to do this? the index from where te values should be read is calculated in the macro, so i can not use fixed values.

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Define Name -variable- By Saving As

Feb 16, 2010

I am looking for a solution to define a name by saving as. I think I'm almost there, but can't find the part where i can name it.

In steps:

1) Define the path and the name of the current file as string - to delete extension (=.csv)
2) Save current file as current name with .xls in folder where is current file saved before.

This is a part of my code - the part that is neccesary to see what I am doing: ...

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Define Range As Variable?

Feb 23, 2013

why this won't work.


Dim DRange As String
Dim ERange As String
Dim SRange As String
EndRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
DRange = Range("D1", "Z" & EndRow)
ERange = Range("E1", "Z" & EndRow)
SRange = DRange

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Using Variable To Define End Of Range

May 19, 2008

how to define the end of a range using a variable determined by a rng.Rows.Count command (or anything else)? Is this even possible? Here is what I currently have:

Set rng = Range("A1:A10000")
For i = rng.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
If rng.Cells(i).Value = "0" Then rng.Cells(i).EntireRow.Delete

I'd like to define the end of the range with more accuracy than I'm currently doing.

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Define A Variable Range

Dec 22, 2006

I am searching for data, upwards from cell A1400. Once I find data (cell > 0), I need to count up 27 rows and then select these rows for columns A to E. Then I want to copy this block of data and paste it. I have been having difficulty with the selection of a block of data which will be in a different position depending upon the data used. The code I am using is below. The two lines that I need to replace with a Variables cell range reference are:


Sub CalculateATR()
If ActiveCell.Value > 0 Then
Exit Do
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until ActiveCell.Value > 0

End If
End Sub

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Define Path & Filename As Variable

Feb 16, 2007

Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
Dim exportFile As String
exportFile = "c:jpmimportTrinity_ImpImport_" & Format( Date, "dd-mm-yy") + "_" + Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss") & ".csv"
Open exportFile For Output As #1

I put a watch on exportFile and it's correctly set to: "c:jpmimportTrinity_ImpImport_15-02-07_17:55:01.csv"

However if I try to run this I get "bad file name or numer" when I open for output - the path exists and I can write to it, so must have a fundamentally wrong approach.

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Using Automated Index Sheet To Summarize Catalog - Extract Text String To Define Cell

Jun 10, 2013

I have a built a catalogue of records for various of my companies assets. Each asset has its own sheet in a work book and I have used a vb macro to include an automatic Index sheet at the front of the book. This takes the names of the various tabs, in the order I have them in the workbook and creates a simple listing in column A as an Index List

What I want to do is to build a summary table to the right of the Index List, pulling in a few of the key data points about the assets into a single table.

To do that I need to be able to extract the text string from the Index List and use it to form part of a cell reference pointing to a specific cell in the relevant individual Asset sheets.

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Define A Cell Range From Variable Values?

Jul 21, 2009

I have a range staring with cell "A5" and going to Column "K8+" that I need to copy. My issue is that the number of rows to copy will change. I have the number stored a variable "a" in my coding. how do I code this to work?

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Declare & Define Variable As Date Range

Nov 13, 2006

I'm fairly new to VBA and I need to define a variable as a date range
i.e. Period1 = 1Apr2006 to 29Apr2006, Period2= 30Apr2006 to 27May2006 etc

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Automatically Define A Variable Range Using A Macro

Nov 25, 2009

1. I need to define a variable range of all the USED cells in a column (starting at row 2 as the row 1 is the header)

2. I need to do this for columns A through to P inclusively (all using the same lastrow reference as that of column A)

3. I need to call the range name by the contents of the header in that column (Row 1)

4. Some of the data in the header row (row 1) contains spaces - can we change this to an underscore for the range name only?

5. Does a range only work for the active worksheet? Because i will have multiple worksheets, all with the exact same information in row 1, but different numbers of rows (and different data as well), but i will need the range defined on each worksheet......

I've found the following code and thought it was it, but it only defines on 1 worksheet, and for some reason only defines ranges for columns 1 and 2. Also it defines the range as A1:A65535 - not the USED range.....

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Define Pivot Table Source As Variable

Dec 28, 2007

I am producing graphs that compare last years figures (static) with this years figures ( Dynamic) and this years figures come from a Pivot table and Worksheet that has been imported. The value returned in each cell for the graph's dataset is derived from a specific Pivot table row and the column name (month) that matches the column of the data set - so far so good. The formula currently looks like this.

=IF(ISNUMBER(GETPIVOTDATA("Duration of Spell",'Count PS'!$A$3,"Admission Hospital","Hillside","Discharge Date Month Name",Q3)),(GETPIVOTDATA("Duration of Spell",'Count PS'!$A$3,"Admission Hospital","Hillside","Discharge Date Month Name",Q3)),0)

where 'Count PS' is the name of the worksheet and Q3 is the reference cell that holds the Month Name. The problem is that I will not always be creating the report and other users may use a different name for the imported worksheet. I want to be able to set the name of the worksheet to be referenced in a supporting worksheet so that the user could simply amend the cell value to be the name of the source worksheet, but I can't work out the syntax

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Set A Variable To A Column Index With

Aug 2, 2009

I'm trying to set a variable to a column index with:

Set .timecol = (Asc(Column.Value))

"but I get an object reuired error"

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Set VBA Variable With Index/Match Array

Jan 5, 2010

I created an Index/Match array forumula in the worksheet. It works.

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Vlookup With Variable Column Index

Apr 21, 2009

VLOOKUP($L4,'[mail.xls] new'!$A$6:$AB$261,6,FALSE)

Which gives me proper result...but the problem i m facing is i have many columns after L4 like M4, N4, O4 and so on....where i have to get the result.

So for that every time i have to paste the above formula and manually change the col_index_num i.e. 6 then 7,8,9 in every column where i use the above vlookup. So is there anyway that it will append the col_num_index by 1....i.e.

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Vlookup Or Similar With Variable Col Index Number Value

Dec 21, 2007

i am looking to create a vlookup but with the ability to easily change the column number index so that i can use different columns.

As an example. In a worksheet i have a table with the names of cars in column A starting row 3. Column B to m Row 1 is headed Jan to dec, row 2 same columns is a country name eg UK. Column N to Y row 1 is Jan to Dec again and row 2 of these columns is a diff country say Germany. This repeats for a few more countries. The data within Row 4 for these columns i.e per car is all prices. The table therefore shows the prices of cars per country per month.

I then have a seperate worksheet for each country where the cars are again listed in column A and Jan to Dec is in column b to M but the data is hard coded being the number of cars. I would like to use column N to link to 1 of these months hard coded counts dependant on what month i decide to forecast on. The easy way being that if i wanted to use Jan count number i would link the count for that car type to =b4 etc. Is there an easy way to allow me to change the link should i decide i want Feb ?

The second question is within each countries worksheet i want to bring into column p the countries related car price for a month i select. It may be that the count number differs from the price i select.

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Index / Match Lookup With Variable Indexed Column

Jul 23, 2014

I'm trying to perform an index / match lookup that can have a dynamic indexed column.

Sheet1 has the master table and sheet2 is where I'm putting the formula. The table on sheet1 has a RecordID field that uniquely identifies each record and that must be typed into Sheet2 [RecordID] column and then matched to sheet one to identify the record


The column headers on Sheet1 are used as data validation for the column [Field] on sheet2. The value of the Field column on sheet two should determine the the column on sheet1 to index.

This is what I have so far:


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Index Match Lookup, Variable Return Column

Sep 3, 2009

I would imagine that the title of this thread made little sense, so let me try to explain:

Sheet A has columns A-C populated with data. Column D needs to search Sheet B columns A-C for a match. (ie, see if the data on sheet A is also on sheet B) if this is true, then it needs to return the value of the LAST column of the matched row in Sheet B.

So, if Sheet A R1 A-C is 1,2,3. Sheet A R1 D needs to search Sheet B for 1,2,3. and when it finds it, (for example on row 9) return the value of the last column of Sheet B row 9. The issue is, the last value could be in column R or S or AA, there is just no way of knowing.

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Find Three Largest Numbers From A Variable Starting Index Match Point

Sep 1, 2013

My data is set out in columns, where alternate columns provide day numbers for given years (we can call these type 1 columns), with adjacent columns containing values which correspond to those type 1 column day numbers (we can call these type 2 columns). There are about a hundred columns in total (50 of each type). I would like to get excel to return the three largest numbers within each type 2 column, but I want to exclude data within the type 2 column above the point which is adjacent to a specific (varying) day number in the type 1 column. The location of this point varies for all the type 1 columns, according to a third row of numbers (the look up start point), which are currently listed below the dataset in every type 1 column. So, for the type 1 column "year 1", I would want Excel to ignore the values 0 and 1, which are listed next to day numbers 78 and 79, and begin looking for the three largest values down the column starting from the value which is adjacent to 81 (which is a 2). In type 1 column "year 2", excel would start looking for the largest values from the cell adjacent to 78, so it would ignore the 18 at the top of the column,and would return 2 and 12. And so on.



look up startpoint


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Define Value Between Two Dates?

Sep 23, 2012

1. I am entering the prices of a hotel. And the hotel has different prices in different periods.

For ex: 03/07/212 - 04/06/21 128$

I don't want to define it as an array in Sheet1. I want to enter start date A1 and end date to A2 and the price A3. And to the next column next period definition and so on...

2. After I define all dates like this when I will create a date array at Sheet2 in A column, I need a formula to make excel call the values to column B automatically to the proper dates.

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Define Name Question

May 13, 2009

I created three large formula that together give me the nested if limit if I try to put it all in one cell. Therefore I defined a name for each formula and then created another formula using the names =IF

(Facil_Move,less_25_Miles,Greater_25_Miles) my problem is the cell with this formula will only display answers from the last portion of the formula. I want it to display each answer as the various conditions are met. So it should be an answer for "Facil_Move" or "Less_25_Miles" etc.

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Define And Average

Jun 11, 2009

I have a different set numbers each day I need to average if they fit a certain criteria. These are actually times (in Military time) and in the 3 column spread sheet I have in column D the difference between column B and C. What I need to do now is find all the data from column A that is in between 1100 and 1500 and average all their column C results together.
I need to do this for all 6 4 hour time frames (from the small table).

I am using this array: =AVERAGE(IF(B2:B14>1100,IFB2:B14

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Define Range() In Vba

Jan 23, 2007

I want to define a Range() in VBA. have cell1 and Cell2 in the format of rows and cols. ie. Cell1 = Row 1, Col 2. Cell2 is dynamic, can be sometimes row100, Col200, or Row23, Col 1000. May i know how to define it in VBA?

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How To Define Dictionary To Access By Key

Jul 9, 2014

I have dictionary defined as series of keys and let's say two values:

...and so on

I would like to define named range from "name" column allowing user to select desired name from combo on another sheet. This is easy

But after that I would like to get val1 and val2 for selected name and show them with some calculation; For example to construct two columns like this: <nameX_selected_from_combo>, (<val1X>+<val2X>)/2

All the problem is how to select values from the same row as name selected in range.

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Define A Cell As Text

Jun 28, 2009

i need to define a cell as text. How can this be done? The reason for this is because if I type 001 in a cell it will automatically turn that into 1. Also this formatting would need to be copyable. So if I copy and paste that cell template and put in say 002 it would still read 002

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Define A Time Range

Jan 21, 2010

I have two columns containg the arrival and departure hours of workers. From these columns I must define the workshift by specifiyng the time range for each shift. AZ contain the arrival hours while BA the departure.

The formula I use doesn't return the results correctly because some shifts are almost the same. i.e: if shift one starts (arrival hours) between 05:00 and ends at 12:59 and shift 1-2 starts at 08:00 and ends at 23:59 then it will go with the first shift even though the times in range belong second shift.

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Define Variables In For Loop?

Jul 8, 2014

I am trying to define my variables with a for loop and if I run the code to the line after the first variable is defined, it shows that the variable is equal to the appropriate value, but after the for loop is done all of the variables are empty.

[Code] ......

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Define Name To Current Selection

Jul 25, 2008

I've tried Add Name code but it's not working the way I want. It always refers to the same range like for example

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Define Name To Current Selection ...

Oct 31, 2008

Define Name to current selection....

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How To Define A Cell For URL Input

Jul 3, 2012

I record this for retrieving some data from the web for a particular page

With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;", Destination:= _

how I can make the URL be something in a particular cell on Sheet2 - cell B1?

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VBA Add Define Name To Refer To Last Row And Last Columns

Nov 7, 2013

with the below code i want the highlighted in red (RC11) to refer to last column and last row.

Sub try ()
Dim finalrow As Long
Dim finalcol As Long
Set wspo = Worksheets("Previous Order")
finalrow = wspo.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
finalcol = wspo.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column


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