Extract The Values From A String Of Text And Values

Dec 6, 2013

I need a formula which I can extract the specific values from a string of text & values. I included an example in excel.

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Extract Values From A String ..

Aug 27, 2007

I have the following in Cell B2 :-


How can I extract with VBA the ...

24 < this could be 3 digits
6 < this could be 2 digits
3 < this could be 2 digits
6 < this could be 2 digits
163 < this could be 4 OR 5 digits

... so they go in Cells E6:E10 please. There will always be a comma and the final figure will always follow the = sign.

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Extract Values From Long String?

Mar 13, 2014

In a long string of characters and values, for example in B2:

Cos PGA 3.00 8.98 0.75 Cis TAK 1.00 2.99 0.25 Gsr PAM 14.00 41.92 0.82 Art GUN 3.00 8.98 0.18 Tlu NRG 9.00 26.95 0.33

I want to extract the second value after the specific string which is in in column headers C1, D1,E1...:


so for the example the result should be 8.98 in cell C2; 2.99 in cell D2; no value in E2; 41.92 in F2...

I attached a sheet with the table.

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Extract Multiple Dollar Values With Decimals From String Into Individual Named Cells?

May 21, 2014

I'm pasting XML data into a spreadsheet and trying to create a vba tool so I can work with the values in a different configuration.

Here's an example of the XML data when pasted into Excel and how I'd like to organize it:


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Extract Largest Values From Column B And Corresponding Text Values In Column A?

Oct 1, 2013

There should be a formula to extract the largest values and its corresponding values. For example, if column

Products Costs
A1 Pen 200
A2 Pencil 125
A3 Radio 670
A4 Apple 1500
A5 Xbox 222
A6 TV 100

The desired outcome

Products Cost
Apple 1500
Radio 670
Xbox 222
Pen 200
Pencil 125
TV 100

The second goal is extracting the top 3 largest values using a formula.

Sample file is attached for your convenience. Desired outcome is in GREEN.

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Extract Certain Values From Text

Apr 21, 2008

I have a couple of things to do here which I hope you can help me with.

1. I want to be able to extract a date which can be either dd/mm/yy, dd/mm/yyyy, mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy from a text string

2. Any value that comes before a '%' sign to be stripped out too.

So for example if I have the following:-
A1: Bank Of Scotland 4.125% mod feg VYF 27/06/09
B1: 27/06/09 (from part 1 above)
C1: 4.125% (from part 2 above)

Would prefer VB to do it but formula solutions very welcome too.

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Formula To Extract Values From Text

Aug 21, 2012

I have the following text below and need a formula to extract the text

check deposit fee 0.020% per Month

mortage security $ 2.25 for every $1.00 borrowed

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Match Row That Contains Text Text String; List Associated Values From Pivot Table

Mar 28, 2009

refer to the attached workbook for reference. I am looking for a function in Sheet1, Column E that will search for the value of Sheet1, Column A within Sheet2, Column A. When a match is found, the function should look across Sheet2, Columns B - V for values of 1. When such values are found, the function should return the associated value from Sheet2, Row 2. There may be multiple values of 1, and as such, the function should separate values with a comma.

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Averaging Values In A Text String

Nov 13, 2007

Without using VB is there a single cell solution to this?

Column of cells contain values in this format;

100, 100, 95, 96

as text.

There can be any number of commas and values. Is there a way to find the average of the numbers in each cell? (Above example would return 97.75.)

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Extracting Values From An Text String (URL)

Oct 14, 2008

I was given a worksheet that contains a column (A) containing about 5,000 URLs (A1 to ~A5000). Each URL string includes three parameters that I want to capture the values.

For example =


The prameters are known but the values are random up to 256 characters.

I am trying to pull each of the values into a column for sortability and have been mildly successful using MID and FIND but no joy.

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Look For Two Values And Return A Text String

Jul 13, 2009

Say I have a table like this:

Value 1---Value 2---Name
1---------1---------Potential client
1---------3---------Loyal client
2---------5---------Happy client

Now I have two separate columns with values for "Value 1" and Value 2". How can I tell Excel to look in the table above and return the name?

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Macro Loop To Extract Specific Values And Min/Max Values From Column/Rows Range

Jun 3, 2009

Hi, I'm very new to writing Excel Macro's and wanted to know if I could do the following. Conceptually, I understand what I need done and think it should be fairly straightforward.

There's 2 main events in this loop (I hope that's the correct terminology):

Input 1) User defines the beginning cell to start the loop. In this case, A2.

Input 2) User defines the range of columns/rows to display. The formula for rows that I've thought of is 4r. So if a user wants 20 rows below cells A2, they simply input 5 for r. The number of columns is a constant 5. So if r=5, then I'd want the range to be A2:E22......

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VLOOKUP To Find Values In Text String?

Feb 17, 2010

I need to to highlight keywords within a block of text (string). I don't need to necessarily return a value with the VLOOKUP. I just need to compare keyword list in Column B to the Text in Cell A1. If the word from the list appears in the text, I need it to be highlighted for every instance.

Text String (A1)

Welcome to Jake's Car Accessories website. We have all of your car accessory needs including car covers, truck covers, custom car grills and other car accessories.

Keyword List (Column B)
car accessory
car covers
truck covers
car accessories

I think VLOOKUP only works on lists.

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Extracting Text String Values From A Cell?

Jul 8, 2014

I am trying to transfer data from some appointment based software into a spreadsheet .
the data comes out as one row For example ,the following is the contents of cell A1: 06/06/2014 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM Patient: John Smith

What I would like to do is extract one column with the date ,one column with the patient forename and one with the patient surname.

I have tried various combinations of =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(".",A1)) etc etc but cannot extract the data I need

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Match 2 Cell Values And Extract Required Values

Jul 19, 2012

Column C5:C9999 & D5:D9999 contains alphanumerical values.

In E5:E9999 i want the result=Column C provided it matches Column D else null.

C5=Peter ShowROOM D5=RooM E5=Peter ShowROOM
C6=Peter ShowROOM D6=r sh E6=Peter ShowROOM
C7=PeterShowROOM D7=r sh E7="" (null)
C8=PeterShowROOM D8=P E8=Peter ShowROOM

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Search Multiple Worksheets For Text String Then Sum Corresponding Values?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a workbook that contains 18 sheets of data. These worksheets are named according to their respective client names (AAA Shine, Fern Barn, Oracle, etc. for example). On each of these sheets, is a column (Column B), that has a salesperson's name in it (Fred, Joe, Ted, Anne... there are about 10 names total). On each sheet, there are corresponding values for the revenue from that account for each month of the year. Those values appear in Column L (Jan), M(Feb), N(Mar),... W(Dec).

What I would like to have is formula that will look at each sheet, find all the instances of Fred for January, sum them, and report them in a single cell on a different sheet I have called "Summary". The end result will be a total revenue from all customers, for each sales person, by month, in one summary sheet.

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Display A String Of Text With Multiple Cell Values

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying to create a formula to display a string of text that refers to multiple cells. for example, =If(A1=0,"insert text here" &B1 "insert more text here" &B2 "insert even more text here" &B3, "insert text here" &C1 "Insert text here").
It works fine for one cell value, like ="Total: " &A1

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Display TRUE If One Of 4 Values Appears In A Text String

Sep 19, 2012

I have values in A1 through A4.

I have a string of text in cell B1.

In C1, I need a formula that displays TRUE if any of the 4 numbers from A1 through A4 are contained within the text in B1. If not, FALSE will be displayed.

Been messing with SEARCH and FIND, but not getting it to work.... not sure if those are the functions I need.

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Macro To Paste Values If Cell Value If Match Text String?

Jan 6, 2014

In Sheet1, column Y looks into Sheet2 and returns the status of that specific order - the result displayed in column Y will be either blank or a variety of text strings (eg. received, pending etc).

I need to make a macro that looks into all the cells of column Y in Sheet 1 and copy/pastes as value into that same cell only if the formula in that cell returns text string "Received". It should not affect the other cells where the formula is returning either blank or a different text string.

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Can I Extract Non Zero Values From A List Of Values

Dec 15, 2009

How can I extract non zero values from a list of values

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Extract Text From Given Point In Text String When Data Points Do Not Share Given

Jul 9, 2014

I have a set of task descriptions that I am attempting to trend on. Some of these (Column B) have the customer's name added to the description; others do not. I need to be able to make a list of task names (ColumnA), removing the name from the text string.

The formula I am using is [=LEFT(B3,FIND("for",B3)-2)].

The problem I am having is when the description does not contain the "for" built into the formula, I get "VALUE" error. What adjustment can I make to the formula to pull over the Description if the "for" does not appear in the text string?

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Extract Multiple Text Strings From A Long Text String

Sep 4, 2009

An original text string entry appearing in an Excel cell would be:

"N7C Neuroprotective J5Z Antiviral, other M2Z Antiarthritic, other J5A Antiviral, anti-HIV"

I need to extract N7C, J5Z, M2Z and J5A from this string and list these alphanumeric values in separate cells adjacent to the original text string. The challenge is that these alphanumeric references may appear in different positions within the original string with no fixed value e.g. a "," separating them. The alphanumeric references may also be 3 or 4 characters in length and there may be different numbers of alphanumeric references in the original string.

Another example would be (very different from the first):

"T2Z Recombinant, other K5B Radio-chemoprotective J3Z Antibacterial, other D3A Vulnerary A10C Symptomatic antidiabetic K6Z Anticancer, other R8A Antiasthma B6A Septic shock treatment I1Z Immunostimulant, other S1Z Ophthalmological R8B Antiallergic, non-asthma M1A1 Anti-inflammatory"

You can see that in this further example "A10C" & "M1A1" are 4 character alphanumeric strings wheras the others feature 3 characters.

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Extract Text From String

Dec 10, 2007

I need to be able extract a string from within a longer string. The information I want will always start 5 chracters in and be bordered by an underscore either side, but could be of any length. For example in the following string, I would want to extract WF602.


I've been looking at the RegExp functions but can envisage problems with this as later parts of the string (WR34) have the same form as the part I need.

I can get rid of the first 4 characters using

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Extract Text From A String

Sep 13, 2013

I have thousands of address fields that look like this:

100 Broadway, Suite 1101 New York, NY?10005 United States

Sector 30, NH-8 Gurgaon, Haryana, ?122002

61 Broadway 17th floor New York, NY?10006 United States

11 Beacon Street, 3rd Floor Suite 305 Boston, MA?02108 United States

88 7th Avenue New York, NY?10109 United States

600 Pennsylvania Ave SE Suite 220 Washington, DC?20003 United States

1601 Elm Street Suite 3900 Dallas, TX?75201 United States

50 Federal Street Suite 600 Boston, MA?02110 United States

I need to separate the street address, city, state, zip and country.

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Extract Text String

Jan 31, 2010

Is there a relatively simple excel function which will extract the end of a text string. The end has two or three full stops / periods so I would like to count back three to six or more characters and use the full stops as 'cut off points' by passing other full stops?

Column1 Column 2simon.123Function hereAnswer = .12.3dan.123456Function hereAnswer = .123.456andrew.1234567Function hereAnswer = .123.45.67

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Extract Text From A String

Aug 21, 2006

I would like to extract whole word according to starting string.
I wrote following code, but function " find" is not exist.

Sub GetFullName()
Dim str As String
str = InputBox("Requested String?")

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

For Each rng In Selection
rng.Offset(0, 1) = Mid(A2, Find(str, A2, 1), Find(" ", A2, Find(str, A2, 1)) - Find(str, A2, 1))
Next rng
End Sub

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Extract Number From Text String?

Apr 28, 2014

Below is a sample of data I need to extract the 8 digit number:

In a spreadsheet, I had set up three columns where:

A: removed first three characters. WO_32092_56228491_115130-WP55 to 32092_56228491_115130-WP55
B: removed up to the _ . 32092_56228491_115130-WP55 to 56228491_115130-WP55
C: captured the first 8 characters left. 56228491_115130-WP55 to 56228491

I am pulling the data into Excel via an ODBC where there is thousands of rows of data. The three column process puts a tremendous strain on the processor.

Is there a formula that will extract the 8 character number without a three step process?

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Extract Alphanumeric From Text String

Dec 26, 2013

I have the following text string.

What formula can I use to extract these results on the right?

Sample file.xlsx

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Extract Data From Text String?

Jul 16, 2014

I have an example sheet attached with the value I need manually typed in B and C.

What I would like is the formula to do this without me having too manually (as the full workbook has over 5,000 lines)

The ID will be between 1 and 4 digits and always in the same position

The name cane vary in length, and also be in a different position (depending on the length of the ID)

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Extract Parameters From A String Of Text?

Dec 11, 2013

I'm trying to find a formula which in essence is the same as 'text to columns'.

I'll be pasting in post strings such as: A=B&C=D&E=F etc etc.

I need a formula to break the url so i have all the individual parameters listed i.e


Can this be done without a macro? Also i'm not fussed where the '&' belongs either at the front or the end of the text string.

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