Extract Multiple Dollar Values With Decimals From String Into Individual Named Cells?

May 21, 2014

I'm pasting XML data into a spreadsheet and trying to create a vba tool so I can work with the values in a different configuration.

Here's an example of the XML data when pasted into Excel and how I'd like to organize it:


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Concatenate Dollar Amount, Keep Decimals

May 21, 2008

When concatenating a text and dollar amount that is the sum of two cells, adding up to $42.90, I only get "42.9". is there a function (perhaps similar to ROUND) that will make sure concatenated numbers always have 2 decimal places?

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Find And Replace Multiple Values Within Individual Cells?

Mar 13, 2014

So I have a list of organizations in Column A, with multiple names (anywhere from 0 to 50 names) for each org. in Column B.

Company A
Brown, Jones, Smith, West


I want to do a find and replace for all of Column B, where all the names are replaced with their respective color values. If possible, I'd like this to all happen with the individual cells (so for example, B3 might go from "Brown, Jones, Smith" to "Red, Red, Blue").

If that's not possible, I could divide all the names into individual cells and then find and replace.

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VBA Code To Get Individual Values In A List Placed Into Individual Cells

Apr 7, 2014

My current project involves sorting a spreadsheet, selecting specific qualifying data from the sheet, storing it into a variable, the pasting the individual values from the list into individual cells on a different sheet within the same workbook. Here is the code I have so far...

Sub Test()
'' freeze screen updating to remain on main worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'' move to Avaliable worksheet
[Code] ..

When this code runs the first item in the list pastes into Sheet10 A1, but no other values from the list are placed into Sheet10. Previous to this I had been using a variation of this code to push the list into a combobox list within a userform. In that case instead of

ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet10").Range("A1") = x

I had

Combobox1.list = x

And this worked perfectly; creating a list within the combobox (in fact I can use this modification to interrogate my code to determine if the list is being properly generated, and it is).

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Extract Numbers From String (multiple Cells) And SUM Without Adding Additional Column

Apr 10, 2013

i have data stored like:


XXXX1244 50
XXXX1519 60
XXXX1244 50
xxxxx1111 10
xxxxx1519 65

the last 4 caracters are numbers. I need to test these numbers and sum the corresponding values them in a single cell without adding new column(SUMIF like).

so in the above example I need to sum all ending at 1244 or 1519, therefore the sum showed in the single cell equals 225

to extract from a single cell: =VALUE(RIGHT(D8;4))

I tried to use an array formula but it seems to crash if a blank cell is in the array

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Action Based On Individual Values In String

Aug 10, 2006

I need to read a binary value and trigger an action based on whether the each value is 1 or 0.

So for binary 1001

1 switch on
0 switch off
0 switch off
1 switch on

Assuming i know how to switch on and off does anyone know how to make the determination based on individual characters in a binary number string?

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Split One Large Dollar Amount To Multiple Cells?

Apr 11, 2014

I have a group trip coming up where we took in a $1000 deposit per person. The total amount is only in the main members cell. There will be two more payment amounts coming. I need to make certain each person has paid the total amount they are required for the trip. There are two possibilities for total trip amount. Double occupancy is $15,500.00 and Triple is $14,500 per person.

There is a unique Identifier for each registrant, except when there is a multiple person under one registration the identifier has all the same number except at the end. I figured out a way to strip the number down to just show the same number in one registered group. There could be up to 10 people under one registration. I might not have the best option for breaking down the Identifier number, but thought it would be a good start. Used the code Left(column, number).

Issue is this. How can I now take the total number of people under one group take the total deposit and split it between just that unique group so I can then determine what is still owed after payments are made.

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How To Extract Value Into One Column The Duplicate Values From Multiple Cells

May 31, 2014

What i'm trying to do is i would like to compile in 1 column all duplicate values from multiple cells.

ex. A1 to 10 is numbered 1 to 10 respectively, B1 to B10 is numbered 6 to 15 respectively. which means in A1:B10 the duplicate values are 6,7,8,9,10. i could like these number to show automatically in C1 to C5.

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Finding Multiple Values For Specific Individual Through Multiple Sheets

Jan 5, 2014

I am working with a nonprofit to set up their financial ledgers. There is one workbook with 12 sheets, one for each month. The goal is to be able to set up a formula that searches through all 12 sheets for every donation that a specific individual has made. For instance, let's say that John Smith gave x amount of money on 1/1/2000, y amount of money on 1/10/2000, and z amount of money on 2/2/2000. This data will appear on 2 different worksheets. I have the following formula, which allows me to look through one sheet at a time:


Where Column A in each sheet is individual name, and column B is amount donated. Sheet "Jan" is the data for the month of January, and sheet "Smith" is the culmination of John Smith's donations for the full year. Using this array function, I am able to retrieve all data for John Smith in the month of January, but I can't find a way to make one function that searches for all of John Smith's donations in each month. Is there a way to build an array function in VBA that would accomplish this?

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Extract Dollar Amounts From Cell

Sep 4, 2007

would save me a tremendous amount of time.

I have over a thousands cells that contains text such as:

For 20,000 lb loads add $1.50, replaces AC-4574;price increased $2.00/CWT rod increase

The order of the text in each cell is different.

Here is what I would like to do:

1. Extract only the dolloar amounts (here $1.50 and $2.00) and copy it to the row to the right.

Is there a way I can do it automatically without me going through each cell and extract it manually?

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Extract Values From A String ..

Aug 27, 2007

I have the following in Cell B2 :-


How can I extract with VBA the ...

24 < this could be 3 digits
6 < this could be 2 digits
3 < this could be 2 digits
6 < this could be 2 digits
163 < this could be 4 OR 5 digits

... so they go in Cells E6:E10 please. There will always be a comma and the final figure will always follow the = sign.

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Extract The Values From A String Of Text And Values

Dec 6, 2013

I need a formula which I can extract the specific values from a string of text & values. I included an example in excel.

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Extract Values From Long String?

Mar 13, 2014

In a long string of characters and values, for example in B2:

Cos PGA 3.00 8.98 0.75 Cis TAK 1.00 2.99 0.25 Gsr PAM 14.00 41.92 0.82 Art GUN 3.00 8.98 0.18 Tlu NRG 9.00 26.95 0.33

I want to extract the second value after the specific string which is in in column headers C1, D1,E1...:


so for the example the result should be 8.98 in cell C2; 2.99 in cell D2; no value in E2; 41.92 in F2...

I attached a sheet with the table.

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Hiding Values In Individual Cells?

Apr 27, 2014

What I need to do is hide the value in an individual cell, dependent on whether a value (any value) has been entered in another cell. I know this must be possible somewhere in conditional formatting but I can't seem to figure it out no matter how much I try!

The table below should hopefully explain exactly what I'm after. I want to hide the value in the balance column (automatically calculated)when no transaction has taken place (ie, there is no date entered in the date column). At the moment this value appears all the time.



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Searching For And Extracting Dollar Amount From Text String

May 8, 2014

I have about 2000 rows of text. Each row is a short write up about prospective new business. There is a reference to a projected dollar amount Within 'MOST' of the write-ups. In order to generate a report about the potential dollars being projected, I need to find an easy way to extract the dollar amount from the text.

In most cases, the projected dollar amounts are preceded by "FY2014" then a "$". However, there are a handful of cases where there is no FY2014, but some variation of the year indicator. Most of the dollar amount entries are written is short text - FY2014 - $5k, 2014 $15k. While some others are written out - FY2014 - $ - $20,000. In still other cases, within the writeup reference is made to the amount of product projected to be shipped by using the dollar symbols. For example - Estimated ship totals $$ for FY2014 = $5k. I've tried writing some formulas, but as in the last example - the first dollar signs are recognized rather than the dollar sign immediately before the value.

Sample data -
Estimated ship totals $$ for FY2014 = $5K New Customer Prospect 4/9/2012 Customer has still not decided if he

2014 $15K Funco 4/7/14 working on the program for the demo ...

Over 130 samples tested with about 90% accuracy. FY2014 Ship $$ = $20,000 at least. Setter Line has 7 plants ...

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Count Individual Values From Multi Value Cells

Mar 1, 2013

I have a column with (potentially) multiple values in, heres an example:

Marketing Specialism

Commercial, Multi-channel, Loyalty/Retention

Analytics, Partner


Commercial, Analytics, Segment


What I need to be able to do is count (and then chart) the number of each value, irrelevant of whether it appears with another value in a cell. e.g.

Analytics, Parter - Would count 1 Analytics and 1 Partner
Analytics - Would count 1 Analytics

I know there is a formula where I can specify the value to count, but as the column has so many different values I would have to write a formula with each separate value, this would take a long time.

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Extract Multiple Fixed Format Words From String?

Jun 23, 2014

I need to extract all instances of words that have format xnnnnnn, where x is an alpha character (letter of alphabet, to be precise) and nnnnnn are numbers. The words could something like u435586. The problem is I do not know how many instances of these words are in the string. The entire string is contained in a cell. A sample string could be something like:

SMNTv922970;#1283;#SMNT 433925;#1284;#SQRS 003417;#1285;#SQRSp047683;#1286;#SMNT 6132451;#1287;#SQRSw3145627;#1288

and the end result should be

v922970 t433925 t003417 p047683 t6132451 w3145627

The words are preceded by the character "" which might facilitate the search.

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Creating Names For Multiple Individual Cells

Jun 6, 2008

I have a thing about named ranges and cells, but was wondering if there is a way to create names for multiple cells using set criteria. I think the best was to explain this is with an example that I have attached. Ideally I would like to name the individual cells in the range C3:d4 by concatenating the right column and bottom row to give one unique name. However this doesn't combine them. I have listed the names that they should be and corresponding cell in C8:D11

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How To Split Massive List Of Values Into Individual Cells Down A Column

Mar 26, 2014

I have an issue with being able to process my data i have a text file in notepad that lists a massive amount of values (enough for excel to process if they are listed down a column but not across a row) each separated by a space. As an example here is a small portion of the data.

81768102 191193210 386225426 110858190 393958997 21773704 22450052 70617438 843133051 103582830 370163346 819494826 109538724 846339187 19638405 50748904 476397524 128490548 134215188 252862729 387318907 82658728 15822910 199255054 172623979 59872284 773581712 124854321 547098635 604524102 45265054 203132867 225629848 215828319 14779508 300950341 715797961 329121584 366323012 583555062 917794380 216847744 784432795 606179111 537865871 500392632 37701513 830010548

I know how to import this as text but i can only wither get it all in one cell or across the 1st row. The first row can only display about 16000 values and that isn't enough for my end product to be accurate enough.

So is there any way to import the text file and have it formatted so a each new value has its own row? For example...

Or is there anyway to get the data from my already imported giant A1 cell into the above format?

Added an example of how it looks and how i want it to look. This is how it looks when i open the txt file containing my data in a way that all values stay in the excel sheet. As well as this there is an example of how i want it or rather need it to look.

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Extract Number From Multiple Occurrence Delimiter Of String Excel

Aug 14, 2014

I'm trying to extract all the numbers from the left of the delimiter ":" . They can occur once or more.

E.g. cell F2 contains BP2.2.1:40 BP2.2.1:50 BP2.2.1:60 BP2.2.1:70 BP2.4.1:80

and what i want as a result is : BP2.2.1 BP2.2.1 BP2.2.1 BP2.2.1 BP2.4.1.

I've tried =IFERROR(LEFT(F2,FIND(":",F2)-2), " ") but only displays 1 out of a possible 4 in the cell.

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Formula To Extract Variable Substring From String With Multiple Spaces?

Jul 19, 2012

I've found several posts about returning variable substrings that dealt with one or two spaces, but I have not been able to find anything that is for multiple spaces. The number of characters before the substring will remain constant.

For example:

Income from transmission agreement - 83 subs @ $0.44

In this case I need to extract: 83

Income from transmission agreement - 10,312 subs @ $0.50

Need: 10,312

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Extract Middle Words From Text String With Multiple Dots?

Oct 22, 2012


I'd like to extract just "blue.red.yellow.green" to the following spreadsheet column, keeping the intermediate dots, but getting rid of the first/last words and their succeeding or preceding dots.

I've tried using RIGHT, LEFT, MID formulas unsuccessfully

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Copy Individual Data Values In One Column To Single Cell Location On Multiple Sheets?

Jan 24, 2014

I am trying to come up with the most efficient way to copy data to multiple sheets within the same Excel workbook. The original data exists within one column on a summary sheet (could have up to 500 individual entries). I want to copy each individual entry to a unique sheet (that already exists), but in the exact same cell location within each sheet. I would only want to copy the original data value and not any formatting. Is there an efficient way to do this?

In my example spreadsheet, the original data is on the SUMMARY sheet. Sheets A through J would be the target sheets, with cell B2 as the target location for each of those sheets. My example shows the result of a manual copy paste value process, but I am hoping to automate that.

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Excel 2010 :: Copy Multiple Numbers From Single Cell To Individual Cells?

Apr 15, 2014

I am using Excel 2010.

At work, we've got a program that outputs the results of a search into an Excel file, in column 1 below.






I need to get that list of numbers listed out to the right, with one number per cell. The list in column one could possibly contain from 1 to 20 numbers, and the last number is always without the comma after it.

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Delete Named Ranges From Individual Worksheet

Jun 16, 2008

I was after a bit of code to delete the range names on a particular worksheet I thought it couldn't be that hard but have only been able to find this in the archives, unfortunately I get an error when trying to execute it:

Sub Delete_My_Named_Ranges()
Dim n As Name
Dim Sht As String
' Put in name of sheet where the range is located
Sht = "Org Lookups"
For Each n In ThisWorkbook.Names
If n.RefersToRange.Worksheet.Name = Sht Then
End If
Next n
The error I'm getting is Run-Time error 1004, Application defined or object defined error.

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Adding Numbers In Multiple Cells Where Individual Cells Contain Both Numbers And Text?

Jan 8, 2014

I have a column that looks like the following and I need to add the numbers:

27 skids
31 skids
56 skids
13 skids

The unit "skids" is constant. The answer I am looking for is "127" or "127 skids"

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Split Apart A String Into Individual Words

Apr 30, 2014

I can not get this to work:

Sub SplitApart()
Dim data As String
data = Sheets(1).Cells(20, 1).Text
For Each EachSplit in Split(data)
n = n + 1
Sheets(1).Cells(20, n + 1) = EachSplit
End Sub

Error code when Debugging on "Split":

"Wrong Number of arguments or invalid property assignment"

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VBA - Compare Values Of Named Cells?

Jul 29, 2014

have a look at the following code, the named ranges both hold one value.

Sub warning()
If Range("invAmt").Value Range("TotalInvoice").Value Then
End If
End Sub


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Extract Multiple Text Strings From A Long Text String

Sep 4, 2009

An original text string entry appearing in an Excel cell would be:

"N7C Neuroprotective J5Z Antiviral, other M2Z Antiarthritic, other J5A Antiviral, anti-HIV"

I need to extract N7C, J5Z, M2Z and J5A from this string and list these alphanumeric values in separate cells adjacent to the original text string. The challenge is that these alphanumeric references may appear in different positions within the original string with no fixed value e.g. a "," separating them. The alphanumeric references may also be 3 or 4 characters in length and there may be different numbers of alphanumeric references in the original string.

Another example would be (very different from the first):

"T2Z Recombinant, other K5B Radio-chemoprotective J3Z Antibacterial, other D3A Vulnerary A10C Symptomatic antidiabetic K6Z Anticancer, other R8A Antiasthma B6A Septic shock treatment I1Z Immunostimulant, other S1Z Ophthalmological R8B Antiallergic, non-asthma M1A1 Anti-inflammatory"

You can see that in this further example "A10C" & "M1A1" are 4 character alphanumeric strings wheras the others feature 3 characters.

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Data Extract With Macro On Multiple Repeated Values

Jun 25, 2014

I am finding it very difficult to extract the Project reference data for each employee, I have attached sample working file for reference.

For Example

I have a project names in Rows and Employee names in Columns and each employee fill the working efforts in multiple projects and i would like to extract which all project they have worked for each month. Since the data is very huge i am not able to progress fast in collecting the data

Project NameEmp1Emp2Emp3
B 1015
D 2012010


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