Find The Median
Nov 18, 2008
I have two columns of data, one is the price per unit, the other is the quantity sold at that price. I'm trying to find the median selling price, but MEDIAN doesn't work correctly and I'm not sure how to tell the function to count each price the actual number of times it was sold.
I actually believe I've found a work-around for this problem - I sort by price and use a SUM function to figure out where the middle is...I just feel like there should be an easier way (for the future).
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Mar 6, 2014
We are trying to find the median of a large set of numbers to calculate the median income in 2010. For an example we have 8,379k people with $2500 average income, 9,783k with $7500 average income and so on. How can I calculate the median average income of such a large amount of entries?
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Nov 11, 2009
how to find the median for a list of numbers using =median(). But what if I have a list of prices for different types of say cars.
Car Type Price
A $10000
B $15000
A $20000
C $30000
Is there a macro that will return
Car Type Median
A $
B $
C $
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Jan 10, 2014
Picture 2 rows and 4 columns.
The top row is just 0, 1, 2, 3
The bottom row is something like: 850, 790, 200, 250
Here's the problem: I want to find the midpoint of the data set in row 2, based on the values in row 1. So, the sum of the data in row 2 in this example is 2090, meaning the midpoint is 1045.
If we were traversing along the top row as a line, we'd find that midpoint somewhere in the 0.3 range... but how do we get that value?
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Mar 19, 2008
How to find Median,Mode in a excel sheet which contains more than 255 rows of data?
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Mar 29, 2007
I am working on a spreadsheet for my farm. I have two sets of data I am working with. A very basic example is below:
What I am trying to do is find the actual median stud fee (i.e. if you had another column with $5000 listed 22 times, $6500 listed 34 times, etc. then you could find the median from there).
Seems like an easy thing, but I'm not sure if an array formula is what I need to use or something simpler. I don't have a lot of data right now (only a page) but will have much more soon.
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Jul 29, 2014
with the following formula.
I need to find the median of Column C and Column H and then divide the median sum of Column C by the median sum of Column H. My data contains blanks so I obviously need to count cells with data only. I am trying to avoid hard coding any cells and am looking for a single formula.
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Apr 10, 2009
So what I have is a large list of items, and each item has the price of the product, and a product type.
What I want to do is find the median price for each specific product type, using a formula, without having to sort or filter my large list of products.
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Dec 13, 2006
I've read several threads about using Median(If, and I have success with one criteria, but not with three. Here's the setup:
I have a log of phone calls, and I want to find the median call length for calls in a certain month or set of months (i.e. a quarter, three months). In Calls!B I have the date of the call, in Calls!C I have the call length in minutes (i.e. "34"), and in Calls!A I'm using Concatenate and Text to return month/year (i.e. "Aug06").
With one criteria, it calculates the median correctly. With three, it only returns #NUM. Yes, I hold control+shift and hit enter. Here's my formula:
Where Scores!B8,C8,D8 hold "Oct06" "Nov06" and "Dec06" respectively. What am I doing wrong? Is there another approach I should use instead?
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Jun 25, 2014
Median Indirect: I would like to find the median in a range of cells and then bring back the 2 adjacent cells
Range...............Adj Cell 1............Adj Cell 2
So the median of the range is 2, thus we would want the formulas to bring back P3 and p4
Column 1..............Column 2
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Sep 9, 2013
I am trying to find the median of a set of numbers on a column that correspond to dates on the left column. I want a monthly median average of the numbers on the right which correspond to the dates on the left. So for example. I want to make an equation that gives me the median of all the numbers on the right if they fall within the range of a certain month(in this case October). I've tried These:
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Aug 14, 2008
I have an interesting problem (I hope you find it interesting too). I'm trying to find the historical "high" day of the week for a particular stock I follow. I searched for several hours but was honestly unable to make any progress. Normally I do my own formulas, so other than pasting a rare macro, that's pretty much the extent of my (lack of) experience, ie please assume I am a novice....
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Jul 7, 2008
I have a database of employees with 7 different variables [Year, JobFunction, PreviousIndustry, PreviousRegion, Degree, Experience, CollegeMajor] of which I would like to be able to select any number of and find their median/max/min/etc salary.
For example, I may need to know the median salary of all employees who started in Year 2006, who work in accounting, and have an MBA.
Rather than copy and paste my 7 variable AVERAGEIFS function, I'm just going to use a two variable example here to keep things simple.
I had no trouble doing what I need with this 2 variable AVERAGEIFS function like so;
...where Salary, File and JobFunction are the names of a cells in another worksheet and $A$3 is a drop down menu that I can select the File Year and $A$6 is a drop down menu where I can select the JobFuction.
Now I would also like to have the same kind of conditional "IFS" filtering with the MEDIAN function, but I have been unable to figure it out since Excel doesn't have a MEDIANIFS function. This is what I've tried so far;
but this just returns "0" which obviously means I'm doing something wrong, can anyone help me out here?
Note: I was able to get it to work with just a single variable just fine like so;
but trying to add the second [and eventually 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th] conditions is the problem.
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Apr 29, 2008
Is there a good/easy formula to use when trying to find the mean, median and mode for a column? If so, can someone post it? I'd like to make it as easy as possible (obviously!).
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Jul 25, 2008
I have 5 numbers (can be with decimals) in column A (A1:A5). For these
numbers, I want all combinations as well as the median of these
I'm pretty far already. However, the median seems to be calculated
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Jul 27, 2009
I have a list of hotel IDs in one column of my spreadsheet. In the next few columns, I have ratings that customers gave the hotel for cleanliness, location, room, etc.
What I need to do is calculate the median of all the ratings for each specific hotel, in a separate column.
An example of what I have: ...
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Nov 2, 2006
Is there any way to do a weighted median in Excel?
Consider this example: ....
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Aug 3, 2012
Is there a way to get median for a subtotal?
median(SUBTOTAL(1,G7:G1747)) is not working.
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Apr 18, 2008
I have a list of ages 10-65 and then different number of participants associated with each age, ie: 10 - 5,071, 11 - 6,069, 12 - 8,465, etc. to age 65. I am try to calculate the median age of all participants.
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Jan 30, 2009
The following is a sample data. Col A has years, Col B has values. I want in Col C, median for each of 1 year, 2 year, 3 year. Currently I am sorting the data on Col A and then enter the Median formula in Col C for each range (1 year, 2 year etc..). What I would is to have a formula in Col C that automatically calculates the median without having to sort Col A. The formula should work if the data in Col A changes ...
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Feb 21, 2009
I have a sheet of many rows a small sample attached. Column A list 3 races at times4.05,4.40 and 5.10...col b contains the names and col c a number for each name.
In col d from d2 to d11 in each cell I need the median number of col c for the race at d12 to d24 I need the median number of the race at 4.40 etc...My sheet has thousands of races..
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Feb 18, 2008
Hi, Im using a array in Excel VBA, i got a method which looks at a element no of the array as as a return for that array, i have got it to sort the array, i just need some help to find the middle number (median) of the array.
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Mar 7, 2014
I am trying to calculate the median difference between two dates but I am running into trouble. Here is sample data:
1/1/13 2/1/13
1/2/13 2/5/13
1/4/13 1/25/13
1/10/13 1/18/13
I want to be able to type notes into column B such as "closed" or simply "X" (so i can keep track):
1/1/13 2/1/13
1/2/13 2/5/13
1/4/13 1/25/13
1/7/13 X
1/10/13 1/18/13
I tried this:
in column c, use "datedif" function then calculate median from column C values.
problem: if left blank, value in row 4 comes up as #NUM!. if text is entered, value comes up as #VALUE!
I also tried this array: =median(abs(B5:B1-A5:A1))
Should i be trying the medianif function?
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Aug 1, 2014
I have a nifty formula that conditionally tots lots of figures up, and conditionally tots up another set of figures up and divides them to create a percentage
There are 4 conditions in the first part of the formula and 3 conditions in the second one. A division and a neat little percentage.
What I would like to do is add a median to this.....
Essentially I want the formula to 1. Calculate the same as above (as I need the median to be based on the percentages) and then there should be 18 figures that I would like to median
Is a nested sumif and a median possible?
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Dec 18, 2008
how would I find the median of a group of numbers? I have a database with a group of numbers associated with a part number. I need to find the median of each part. Here is what I have tried, but it doesnt work =MEDIAN(IF(A:A=A2,B:B))
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Apr 5, 2009
I have a list of properties with dates of purchase and sold, i need to find the median of a range subset with it that have an sold value equal to S. I cannot see to get the date range and sold value S in the subset so I can calculate the median, this is what I have but I dont think it is right.
where H is the date column, G is the price, I have F column for the sold value, not sue how to put it all together.
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Apr 17, 2009
I am looking to asign values of +/- above and below the median of a range of numbers, then calculate the results.
worksheet attached
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Jul 21, 2014
excel macro and i would like to ask u if i want to calculate a median of column of data and then the result i need to put in a new column with row by row....i need how to write the coding?
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Jul 15, 2009
I am really new to VBA programming and I have to automate an excel sheet which has the columns Closed Qtr, Apps Bucket and Res Time.
Closed Qtr has the following entries: Q107,Q207,Q307,Q407,Q108,Q208,Q308,Q408.
Apps Bucket has the following entries:
BU Apps,Global Apps,Quality,others
I have to find the median of the Res Time data based on grouping by Closed Qtr and Apps Bucket, i.e., for BU Apps in Q107, BU Apps in Q207 and so on.
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Oct 11, 2005
Is it possible to submit the MEDIAN() function as an array (ctrl + shift + enter)?
I.e., I would like to submit a function similar to this SUM() function:
However, when I submit
it does not give me the intended result.
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