Getting Time Stamp Macro
Oct 14, 2011
device a macro which should be able to provide a time stamp in Column B when the adjecent cell in Column C is updated.
i.e. If C1 is updated, B1 should get the time stamp. *& if the value in C1 is removed, then the time stamp in B1 should also be removed.
In addition to this, I would require the macro to unprotect the sheet before updating the timestamp and protecting it again after the time stamp has been enetered. further moving on to saving the sheet.
I tried to combine few updated macros to complete it bu have been unable to do so.
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May 22, 2009
I am not sure that I can do this, but here is what I would like to do. I have a worksheet that I initial when I start a job in on cell and then when I finish in another cell. What I's like is to have a macro running in the back ground that will tell me the total elapsed time from when I started to when I finished.
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Mar 6, 2009
I am have average excel knowledge with formulas and I am relatively new to the creation of Macros. I was told by my boss that he wants me to create a Macro that will palce a time stamp in the bottom left corner of the page (via the footer) that updates automatically every time a sheet is worked on. Please provide any help or assistance that can get me through this task.
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Dec 28, 2011
In my job, my team have to take phone-calls from stores asking various questions. In order to combat this, I have set up a call tracker to see where the calls are coming from (so we can beat them with a stick). I have asked my colleagues to record the date and time of the calls.
I need a big button at the top of the page that says 'New Call'. Then, when this button is pressed, the time and date stamp will automatically be put into cell A3, then when pressed again a4, and again a5... and so on.
I am struggling with the following:
-Using CTRL + Shift + : to input the date/time on a macro inputs the date I made the macro, not the date/time the button is pressed!
-I can only get the date to go in cell A2 - If I press it again, nothing happens. how to do this, or just do it for me
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Jan 25, 2010
I am trying to create a time stamp that shows elapsed time. So I enter my start time, and if I enter any text in cell B7, return the elapsed time in A7 based off of start time in A6. I have attached an example workbook.
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May 30, 2012
I want to add hours to a date-time cell to get result in date-time.
Format of cell A1 is d/m/yy h:mm AM/PM
Format of cell A2 is General
Format of cell A3 is d/m/yy h:mm AM/PM
I want to add A2 (number of hours) to A1 to give A3.
The formula I used is A3=A1+Time(A2,0,0)
The formula works perfectly fine when A2 is less than 24, but when A2 is more than 24, the date doesn't get changed.
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Oct 3, 2008
I have an array starting at, lets say "C25" -header line Row 24- with data entry and calculations to Colume "AW25".
Each row represents a data record for a project, where different data types are used (Number & Text).
A "termination" row is set as last row.
New records are always enterd in row "25", but any row in the array is allowed to be deleted.
The number of rows can be extended or reduced, when entering/ deleting a new record (not all info are mandatory for calculations) - basic data is followed by lots of calculations for the record.
This leads to the issue that the array is dynamic regards amount of row.
To make it even more "fancy", the array can be sorted using data filter from row "25" to "last row -1".
I need to track when a record (any cell in the row) has been accessed/ modifed/ enterd last. The time stamp may only be altered when the particular record (row) is modified and NOT in case any of the cells is modified (NON-valotile)
I have foreseen to enter that date in Colum "Bxyz" of the array.
For a referrence I still have Colume "A" as "spare".
Depending on time difference I've to mark the "date" cell with conditional formating (this is an easy task I know how to do...).
Does any one has an idea how to implement such routine (sub or Function)..
Remeber, number of rows varies - up to now there are just 310 records, but will be much more in future.
Not to forget ... some of the Colums have data avalidation set...
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Jun 17, 2008
How can I make a hot key that puts todays date and my name on it so I don't have to type it over and over again?
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May 3, 2006
I have a system of checkboxes and now I need a time stamp when the check box was marked TRUE. They ar linked to cells so the solution can be either linked to a cell or to a checkbox. Obviously I can't use Today or Now functions because they are refreshed. I found many solutions for time stamps when a change is made in a cell, but none of them worked for me. I tried altering them with no succsess. I would be very happy if the solution would apply to the whole column, not one cell and checkbox, because I have A LOT of checkboxes.
The checkboxes are in column B and I want the time( date) stamps in column C.
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Apr 25, 2014
I've got a simple code that creates a new text file in which progress of the macro is logged. I wanted to add also time stamps at the end of each line, so that the user can see when a given stage of the macro finishes working.
And then, in various portions of the code, after certain jobs are finished, I simply add:
[Code] .....
And it all works fine, only the problem is the time stamp is not updated... So say I run the macro at 10:00 - the time stamp on each line shows (date) 10:00...
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Aug 12, 2007
i type into any cell in row 1 i need the time at that moment to be captured and shown in cell "B". When i type into row 2, the time which i entered the data must be captured into row 2 cell "B".
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Nov 7, 2008
I have been able to use a time stamp code to put a date and time in a cell... I then worked out how to use this to list dates and times in the same cell (instead of replacing the cells contents)... using this
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Oct 21, 2011
This time stamp macro is great but I would also like to record the person who said 'Y' in the same cell as the date stamp '12:00p.m. MWatson'. The persons name should come from the Username.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range([P13], Cells(Rows.Count, "p"))) Is Nothing Then 'change your range on this line"
With ActiveSheet
If Target.Value = "Y" Then
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now
[Code] ........
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Jan 11, 2007
I would like to take this VBA a step further. What I want to achieve is to date & time stamp a worksheet in cell A1 if any other cell within the sheet is altered. Below is the VBA I used today to enter the info if cell A1 is changed. Can anyone please help with my new target.
Just one more question: When a shared file is used is it possible to also enter the username of the person who's made the alteration.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
' Only look at single cell changes
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
' Set Target Range
Set rng = Range("A1")
' Only look at that range
If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
' Action if Condition(s) are met
Target.Offset(, 1) = Format(Date, "d mmm yyyy") & " " & Format(Time, "h:mm") & " Hrs"
End Sub
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Jan 12, 2007
I can't figure out how to get a date/time stamp to show when the spreadsheet was last updated.
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Oct 9, 2008
I found the code below in a previous tread, it works great, but i need some help altering it. I have it set-up when someone puts their initials in column B the time and date inputs in column S. But it also inputs if I hit delete or clear contents when I need to clear the form. Is there a way to make it input the time and date ONLY when letters are entered in column B?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 2 Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Target.Offset(0, 17).Value = Now
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub
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May 8, 2006
I have 2 barcode scanners on opposite ends of a conveyor. Barcode data from reader 1 inputs the data in Column A. Reader 2 will be inputting its data into J2. When J2 has data inputed, I would like to match that data to column A. On the row where the match is found, I would like to transfer a "Yes" to column H and a time/ date stamp in column I. Once this has occurred, clear the data from J2. I will have a minimum of 20 seconds between the scans on the second reader.
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Jan 21, 2007
The following code was supplied by Bill, but I want to do the same thing in B10:B164, where "x" is entered in B10 and the time stamp is entered in C10 & D10.
I tried copying the same script but had an Compile error message which said Ambiguous name detected: Worksheet_Change. The name of the sheet is Sheet 1 (Main)
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("M10:M164 ")) Is Nothing Then 'change your range on this line"
If Target.Value = "x" Then
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
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May 24, 2007
I have tried several macros and different code to accomplish the following:
1. scan a 3x9 barcode via hand-held scanner to populate a cell in column A, lets say A2.
2. the scanner does this and puts the number, say "330030" there (via the forms function)
3. in column B I would like it to say the date and time of the scan
4. the macros I have used will 'sometimes' populate the date / time but when I reopen the sheet, everything changes to 'NOW'. I would like the data to not change the date.
This is for a simple inventory spreadsheet that I am building to track movement of stock.
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Apr 18, 2014
I am looking for a command that will time stamp a cell with just the time, not the date. I've already looked at =Now(), but that, unfortunately, includes the date as well. I just need the 24hr value.
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Feb 16, 2008
I am having a very difficult time making this work, if there is anyone who can assist me, I would greatly appreciate the assistance. You can see below what I am trying to do. The entries between the last cells H,3 & K,3 just contain data that is not affected by the rest of the sheet functions.
Cell one (A,3) has a drop down menu for vehicle status.
(B,3) vehicle number
(C,3) Drop down vehicle type.
(D,3) is for dept.
(E,3) Date/Time stamp auto generated from (A,3) entry. (Vehicle Status)
(F,3) is POC.
(G,3) Phone/email.
(H,3) Date & Time stamp out of shop. (This cell will recieve the date & Time Stamp from entry of work done in (K,3)
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Aug 15, 2007
I've got a web query setup to poll a table detailing traffic information from my state's DOT page.
I have the web query set to update every 5 min.
I would like to save a particular cell from this query every 5 min and place a timestamp next to it.
Ultimately, I would like to build a table, one column = time, the other column = traffic data and have each row be 5 min apart.
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Sep 29, 2007
I am trying to automatically date/time stamp a row when I copy entries I purge from other worksheets.
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Feb 26, 2014
I have a large number of cells with time stamps: 00:07:45 (hh:mm:ss)
What I would like to do is just show the mm - but NOT format the cell as [mm], just as a general / number '7'.......
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Jun 12, 2014
I'm trying to have excel insert a timestamp on a specific range of cells. I have it currently working on one cell, but can for some reason am having trouble getting it to work on the entire range... Here is what I have currently...
PHP Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Target.Address = "$E$23" Then
Target.Value = Time
End If
End Sub
I would like this to work for the range E23:E28 and F23:F28 I'm sure its something simple that I'm not doing...
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Feb 28, 2014
I have some 82,875 rows of data in column A is a string, in column B is a timestamp sorted in order.
I would like to run a macro that counts the first 80 of the same timestamp and highlights the remainder, doing this for every timestamp.
The timestamp is in the following format; Feb 16 15:33:02 +0000 2014
So for example you would take the first 80 with this timestamp and highlight the rest with that timestamp, and do the same for all other unique timestamps.
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Mar 19, 2014
Looking for code that auto updates today's date in column C, when cells in either column a or b of the same row are edited or changed. I have never used VBA before, just browsing forums for something that might work. I think I'm close with this one, but maybe the offset is wrong - it populates the date in column b when a change.
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May 8, 2009
I have a userform that completes various functions and updates cells when a single button is clicked. Can I add code to the the end to enable a cell to be updated with the time and date, say cell A1 for example? Also is it possible to have the (Windows) username in another cell (all users will be unique) so it will save Jo Bloggs for example? I know this is possible as a Worksheet function:
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a spreadsheet in which a check box fills the corresponding cell with the value "TRUE" if checked and "False" if unchecked. I use this check box for several functions (e.g. assigning a unique ID number). One of the functions I would like to make is a time and date stamp in another column when a user checks a box.
I have perused some of the past topics on this subject and there are a few hiccups in the other fixes.
1. I can't simply set the iterations to one because this sheet also is used to calculate expenditures, fund balances, etc. I need the calculations to be ongoing.
2. I currently have a check box macro that placed a check box on a thousand rows. It may require more rows later on. I need a solution that sets up a time stamp for all of these rows, not just a macro for one row at a time.
3. I need the time stamp to be static. I need to know when entries were made. I cannot use track changes, because we will be using this data to measure the effectiveness of our process. I need to be able to add and subtract the time between the timestamps.
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Aug 29, 2009
Is it possible to use a macro like the one below, and have the second location save with the date / time stamp in the name? This is what I need to accomplish: I have a few folks that need to make changes to a master spreadsheet daily. The spreadsheet is in a Network share that when modified and saved, will save to that network share, but also locally. Can the second location have the date/time stamp added to the name of the file so that I know when the changes were made and have an audit trail ? This will also keep a copy of the last modified file in case the spreadsheet is corrupted. Here is what I have for saving to 2 locations:
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