I have my buttons working, but I need too have it return to the default printer after a button is used. If I send it too PDF it will not let me print it. Is there a way too go back too default printer each time?
I need an assistance in setting up a VBA for the default printer in my office. The issue is I want my spreadsheet to be set up to wherever I open the spreadsheet at any computers in the facility. I want the sheet to be printing out directly at the printer in my office only. Is there a way to do this?
I have a spreadsheet where I am trying to print barcode labels. The barcode is found in cell A1. I have looked in a lot of places and I can't really figure out exactly how to do it. This is the code that I have so far but it gives me an error. The printer name should be right. Some of this code I just copied from another thread.
I have got a buttion that changes various layout and borders for the page then shows a printpreview, after printprewiew closes.
Then a msgbox that askes if you would like print. Is there a way to change the defult printer between local printer and adobe distiller(.pdf) as a dropdown option box. Or Yes for Local printer and NO for adobe distiller(.pdf) using vbYesNoCancle.
how to identify in code which installed printer is set as the default printer? I can set/switch printers easily enough but don't seem to be able to identify the default printer as opposed to the active printer...
create an array of active printers. I edited the code to write the array to a range, then populate a data validation list with the printer names. All works great. The goal was to select a printer name from the list and run a macro to print some sheets. However, the function doesn't bring back enough of the name to do this. how to edit the function to bring back the whole name.
For example: after running the function the 1st printer returned ="\rizzoHQ-ENG-04"...when i record a macro to print to this printer it needs ""\rizzoHQ-ENG-04 on Ne05:". Here is the function unedited, I bolded the part i think is controlling the name:
Is there a Macro to automatically print the selected print area (print area is also established within the macro itself) to a user's default printer; whatever that printer may be? Note that this printer and/or printer name could change depending on the user.
I would like this to actually select and print to the default printer without Excel having to ask you. I don't even want the "OK" box to show up if possible. I just want them to run the macro, execute all it's duties, and print, all in 1 shot.
i have a macro that loads a userform for previewing and printing selected sheets. The macro works fine for previewing sheets but when i choose the print button the marco trys to save the file as a .mdi, i want this to select the default printer on the pc instead, the excel file will be onpened on many different pcs so the printers will be different on each machine, hence why i want a default printer selected. This is the section of code from the form
We have printer mailboxes setup for all of the employees and sometimes the print settings get saved in the excel files. This means that when another employee uses the file their prints get sent to the wrong mailbox. We have hundreds of files like this and it causes all kinds of problems with prints going to wrong mailboxes! Obviously their default print settings are all set to their own mailboxes.
Is there some way, using vba, to get an excel file to go back to using the user's default printer settings instead of the ones saved in it's file? (or get it to remove the printer settings saved in it's file). That way I could just make an application level open event to fix the problem! Either that or some way, in vba, of changing a user's storage box number for a specific printer.
I'm not sure what I have done but one of my workbooks colour scheme has changed. When viewing the workbook cells are now grey and the lies are a lighter grey. When printing though it prnts as it would normally ie a white backgorund. It looks like the viewing colours have been reversed and I can not find out how to revery back to normal.
I'm trying to look up information in "pi" by entering a time that you want to look up say 1800 or 935 and have a cell that would enter it as todays date with that time so I can use it as a timestamp in "pi"
If I've defined borders for a range of cells and then, changing my mind, change it to "No Borders", those cells are still different than the normal, non-formated cells. Is there a way to get back the default cell bounders?
I am creating a spreadsheet on a British-based system using the d/m/y date system as default, but I am unfortunately entering data using the american m/d/y system and would like to change the default to the american system.
I'm using a formula to copy a time from one cell to another across sheets. The format of the time is h:mm AM/PM.
However, when the formula references an empty cell, it puts in a default value of 12:00 AM and I need it to remain blank, (just as the referenced cell) It's such a simple copy formula. ie:
e-mail... howard<dot}coakleyatcoakley<dot].codotuk Skype ID: howie10 (get skype from www.skype.com)
I have 4 combo boxes with selectable options and several cells for inputting data into. I'm looking to create a reset button that returns combo box values back to the first one in the list and clears all cells at the same time. I've figured out the cell reset as follows;
Where each (i.e., A1) represents a location. I have tried to use a coordinate system but this will not work for the back-to-back locations. (Assuming each location is 2 feet wide, For example A1 to C1 is 4 feet apart, not 2 feet (as Euclidean or rectilinear would calculate it as).
Would there be a way to incorporate an if statement for those locations that are back-to-back? As a rectilinear distance calculation would work as long as the locations are not part of the same "block".
Ultimately I am looking to have a matrix which contains all the distances between each location:
I want the user to be able to choose a printer but not print at that time.
1. Store the active printer as a variable using application.activeprinter 2. Have a dialog box (the printers available) popup and have them choose one, then store that
3. I know how to do the rest, but I will have the word document print out with the selected printer, then use the application.activeprinter reset to the original one
Is there a way to set the printer's properties using VBA?
Sometimes we set the printer for BEST quality to do photos or brochures. Well if we don't change it back, when we go to print a spreadsheet, it takes forever because it is set on best quality.
So...... I want to be able to set the print properties to normal using VBA.
I have a form that all the salespeople use. The last thing in the process is to print the completed form to a specific printer. I recorded a macro to get the proper name of the printer but I am finding out that it records differently for each computer. Is there a way around this?
I have a quality form that is produced from data on an Excel log file. I was wondering if it is possible to select a different network printer based upon the value of a certain cell.
I understand how to print using the local machines local printer but our quality department is located at one site and these forms need to be printed at our other locations.
how to automate the printing of Excel sheets each with a different name to a Cute pdf printer?
I have a VBA procedure which uses Windows API calls to write to a system ini file (which I understand is a necessary requirement of the Cute software), which loops through all the sheets I need to print, and sends them one by one to a Cute pdf printer. However each time the 'print' instruction is invoked - I say print but of course this is really a file save process, the Save As dialog box pops up asking the user to confirm the save.
What I want to achieve is the file gets saved automatically, with the relevant sheet name with no confimation dialog box.
i have a workbook system that is used on 25 standalone machines that all have different printers everytime i install on a new system i have to reconfigure all of the printers that i have set up in VBA i am curious to find out as to whether or not there is a macro i can use that will generate a list of all printers on a machine that i can then use to refrence a printer name in my VBA
I have a file for which I wish only selected pages to be printed, so I have disabled the print function in the ThisWorkbook module. Instead, the user chooses from a menu of available sheets to print, via a user form, and then requests the print.
I've got most of this sussed in my mind, but the users need the option of which printer to use (loads of networked printers available and the choice will depend upon monochrome for draft print or full colour for final print), so I want to be able to call up the printer dialog box using
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrint).Show BUT!!!!
I want all the options on the dialog box disabled, except for the choice of printer as clicking OK after choosing the printer adds the active sheet to the list of items to print.
i am using windows xp, and i am printing from a matrix printer, so i go to file then print then on the top right of the dialog box it say properties, and i go there to change the printers speed and darkness, the i click ok to print.
I have excel printing some sheets to pdf and it works fine on my PC. WHen someone else tries to print it wont work because they arent on "Adobe PDF on Ne02:"...they maybe on Ne03 or Ne08 or ne05...you get my point.
I saw code on here before as to how to find the proper "port" but after a bit of searching, i cant find it again.
Application.ActivePrinter = "Adobe PDF on Ne02:" ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, ActivePrinter:= _ "Adobe PDF on Ne02:"
I have a workbook with 150-some-odd sheets, each with a store number. I would like to loop through each sheet & print that sheet to the printer with the same name in my printers & faxes queue.
(eg. sheet 9604 would print to printer name oki9604)
I'm trying to save excel files as pdf using vba code and the cutepdf printer. If I do this manually it works, but when I write code it saves the output to a file that cannot be read or opened
Unfortunately I don't have access to the pdfdistiller so can't use this technique which I've seen described in a number of forums.
The code I've used is below.
[PHP]Sub pdfing()
Dim cntTrue As Long, cnt As Long Dim rng As Range, bk As Workbook Dim fName As String Dim WB As Workbook Dim FundName As String
I have a new workbook that needs to be printed to a specific printer regardless of who the user is. I am happy with the method used for doing this using the PrintOut function, but am trying to work out what to do in the event that the user does not have this printer installed. The logic, not in true VBA syntax, is as follows;
' Check Printer If <This Printer> Is installed Then Printout using <This Printer> Else Install <This Printer> Printout using <This Printer>
I found a useful post about ascertaining whether or not a printer is installed, but can't find anything about actually installing a printer via VBA.