Information To Enter The Tables And Then Automatically Move Into The Next Available Cells Below

Sep 23, 2008

I am trying to use visual basic editor in excel. I have all ready set up my user form where information can be entered, but I ave having trouble getting the information that is entered in the user form into the correct cells in excel.

I am wanting my information to enter the tables and then automatically move into the next available cells below.

Private Sub cmdadd_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("details of cars in stock")
iRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1) _
.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
If Trim(Me.txtreg.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "please enter a registraion number"
Exit Sub
End If
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Me.txtreg.Value
Me.txtreg.Value = ""

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Prompt Users To Enter Information In Specific Range Of Cells Before Save

Mar 11, 2014

Is there a way to prompt users to enter information in a specific range of cells before they save?

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How To Automatically Enter A Value Next In Sequence In A Cells

Dec 18, 2012

I was wondering how I could automatically enter a value next in a sequence in a cell when an adjacent cell has data in it and continue doing so indefinitely (or until the 65536th row). I could do this with autofil, but The sequence starts in the middle of the worksheet (there is a title and document data in the top few rows). The layout is as follows:

Cell A17 has "Part 1" in it (and always will before the form gets filled out), and all cells in colum A beneath that will be blank. Column B is where the user enters a dimension. So, at the start, entering a value into cell B17 won't do anything. However, if they enter a value into cell B18, I would like cell A18 to automatically be filled with the next part number in the sequence (in this case, "Part 2" in cell A18). The user will never skip rows when they enter data so the sequence will always be +1 to the previous cell in the column.

I'm doing this so they can just print out the completed sheet and not have to edit out the empty "Part *" cells that have no corrosponding dimensions.

Is there a simple way to tailor autofill to do this or would I need a macro?

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Automatically Format Cells On Enter

Nov 22, 2006

I'm trying to write a macro that automatically italicize the a range of cells when you select a cell, and de-italicize it if you click it again. In this example, when select B12, the macro will automatically select B12:H12 and italize them. And if you select B12 again, it will automatically select B12:H12 and de-italize it.

This is what I have so far:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
MyAddress = ActiveCell.Row
If MyAddress > 11 And MyAddress < 159 Then
If Not Intersect(Columns(2), Target) Is Nothing Then
Intersect(Columns(2), Target).Resize(, 7).Select
End If

Select Case Target.Font.Italic
Case "True"
Target.Font.Italic = False
Case "False"
Target.Font.Italic = True
End Select
End If
End Sub

The code above does not work correctly.

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Automatically Enter Cell Value Based On The Values Of Two Other Cells

Jan 8, 2010

I am working on blood pressures. I want cell C1 to place either, "Prehypertension","Stage I Hypertension" or, "Stage II Hypertension" depending on the values of cells A1 or B1 ....

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Fill In Cells Automatically With Information From A Website?

Nov 8, 2013

I'm wondering if it is possible to make a table where I can just enter the reference number and excel can fill up the remaining cells with data specific to the reference number from a website. What I mean is that I would like to put in company registration number and hopefully it will be able to pull in other data from companies house website about the company.

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Automatically Filling In Cells Based On Information From Another Sheet

Apr 1, 2013

I want to make things easier for myself when filling in my worksheets by having certain cells autofill based on a product number.

So I have my main worksheet and I have my product information sheet. When I type in the product number in cell 13C, I want it to auto fill cell 13B with the product name which is located in collumn A on the product info sheet, but dependent upon that product number. Collumn B in my product info sheet has all of the product numbers. From there I would need 13G on my main worksheet to fill in with Collumn D from the product sheet, but again dependent upon that product number.

There are more that need to fill yet, but I can figure out what to do once I have a starting point with the above I believe.

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Automatically Move Cells Down After Entry?

Aug 1, 2014

Is there a way to automatically move cells down after I entered data in it? This way I do not have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the list to add new data.

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Import And Move Cells Automatically

Oct 23, 2008

Every day we receive a text report via email (only way it can be received), so we take this text report print it out and manually type it into an excell sheet.

I believe this is a waste of time. Is there any way I could take this info and automatically place in the the excell?? Until know I found a text to excell converter and was gonna create a macro to automatically convert this info into the excell report.

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Nested IF To Enter Information Into Column 'A'

Jan 18, 2010

I am trying to use a nested IF to enter info into col A. It is based on 4 pieces of info, I can get the first 3 to work but am struggling with the last part. The problem is that I am looking at the same cell for the first 3 parts but the last part is looking at another cell reference. A nested IF may not be the way to go. An example of the spreadsheet is as follows:

1 12/1/10 Comp 1 Surveyer 1 18/1/10
Omit 11/1/10 Comp 2 Surveryer 1 Omit
0 10/1/10 Comp 1 Surveyer 2
Comp 3 Surveyer 1

The formula I am currently using in column A is:
This works for the first 3 pieces of information but however does put a 0 in col A if there is no date in col AB, but this what I expect as it's what I've asked for. I am missing the last piece of information.

But what I want to put in column A is:
If there is a date in column AB - enter 1
If there is the word 'Omit' in col AB - enter Omit
If there is no date or the word Omit in col AB - enter 0 and finally
If there is no date in col B - leave blank (if there is no date in col B, col AB will always be blank)

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Macro To Enter Information On A New Line

Mar 14, 2007

I am creating a macro that will take some information from 3 cells that the user will input, place it into 3 different cells, clear the original 3 cells and then I would like the macro to, when next activated input the new information from the 3 cells below the information that was already in the table.

For Example,
Date (D3), Description (E3, F3, G3 Merged cell) and Reference (H3)

I would then like those 3 cells to be put into A9:E9 then clear the original cells. That is not the part that I have the problem well, the following however, is.

After I enter new information into the input cells, and press the macro button, I would like the information to be placed into A10:E10 and from then on, the information goes down by 1 row after each macro.

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Excel 2010 :: Grouping Information In Pivot Tables

Oct 24, 2013

I have a pivot table below: Excel 2010. All of the information within it is text, not numbers, as illustrated below as well.

Below is what I have now....

Column A, Row 1 = Red
Column B, Row 1 = Blue
Column B, Row 2 = Yellow
Column C, Row 1 = Green
Column C, Row 2 = Green

What I want it to look like is below, removing the second word "green" from column C.

Column A, Row 1 = Red
Column B, Row 1 = Blue
Column B, Row 2 = Yellow
Column C, Row 1 = Green

Is there a way to do this and do it automatically? If I was doing this in a regular excel sheet, I would have a merged cell in column C, rows 1 & 2.

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User Inputs Information Into Userform When Click Enter?

Mar 21, 2012

Say a user inputs information into the user form, when they click enter, it enters all the data on the next available line in a workbook.

Is is possible for the user to click a cell on a previously entered row, and have the userform populate with the existing information?

say the user has to fill out 3 separate areas. 1, 2, 3. However the user only has data for 1 and 2. They go ahead and enter the infromation for 1 and 2 and click submit to transfer to sheet. Now later he gets information for area 3, can the row the information that he previously entered, lets say column 1, row 1, and it reopens the userform with the information for 1 and 2 prefilled from what he entered previously?

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Move One Cell To The Right And Then Enter The Next Number

Apr 27, 2009

In my excel spreadsheet I used to be able to enter a number then use my arrow key to move one cell to the right and then enter the next number. Now when I enter a number in a hightlighted cell and use the arrow key to move one cell to the right the cell does not move my page shifts to the right but the highlighted cell stays in the same spot. I must of hit some kind of key combination to cause this. how to fix this?

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How To Enter Information In Excel And Use VBA Code To Transfer To Word Document

Jul 17, 2014

I'm trying to get certain Excel cells (varies by column and row) to populate different areas in a Word document. I've tried using both Word bookmarks and form fields and have defined the Excel names with the Word bookmark names as well as using Word's generic terms (Field1, Field2, etc.) with no luck. The VBA code I'm using now is for word forms and will open the Word document but seems to delete the form fields. I don't know if I'm not coding the cells correctly or what.

Sub CreateProposal()
Dim wdApp As Word.Application
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document

Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
' Open word document

[Code] ........

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Make Enter Key Function When Used Move Down One Cell?

Sep 23, 2013

Would any know a macro code to make the enter key function when used move down one cell and to the left ? Example. I am in cell B1 and I hit enter and the cursor moves to cell A2.

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Move Information Down A Column

Jul 7, 2014

I Have a table in Excel that current look like this:

Name 1
Item 1, Item 2, Item 3

Name 2
Item 1, Item 2

With 650+ Rows. What I need it for it to look like this

Name 1
Item 1

Name 1
Item 2

Name 1
Item 3

Name 2
Item 1

Name 2
Item 2

There are about 20 Items that could be assigned to a name, They are fixed.

Is there a way to create a macro or series of macros the car make this change, as doing it by hand is going to take way too long.

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Pivot Tables & Formula: Build A Pivottable And Let Users Move The Fields Around

Apr 28, 2007

I'm trying to do at the moment is build a user interface for some Excel Data. Now, the natural way to do this would be to build a pivottable and let users move the fields around, and this is how the thing has worked in previous iterations of the workbook. It seems now, hoever, that we're trying to cater for users for whom pivot tables are just a little too much and to summaries data based on listboxes etc.

What I'm interested in knowing is whether there are ways of interacting with PivotTables beyond the GETPIVOTDATA function - is there any way, for example, to select different field items to show based upon an input from elsewhere? How does one tell a pivottable what to do from outside the pivottable?

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Move Cursor From B1 To A2 Directly After Pressing Enter Or Scan Barcode

Dec 12, 2011

Can I make the cursor use only 2 columns? In other words, I know that when I scan barcode data into A1, I have the cursor automatically move to B1. BUT, once I've scanned data into B1, how do I make the cursor automatically move to A2?

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Automatically Make New Tables?

Nov 10, 2009

I got a excel file which i use to add invoices on. But these invoices are numbered and in a book.
1 book has 50 pages, i have to write the amount of $$ on it. But i made this file to enter the amount of money on the invoice. And the sheet automatically gives me the total amount of money which was earned when the book is full.

Now i was wondering if its possible to let excel somehow add 50 new lines with the same formulas used in the first 50 lines. So once line 50 has info enter, excel will add 50 new ones with the correct info(book and page numbers).

Can excel do this with some sort of macro?

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How To Merge Several Tables Automatically

Oct 11, 2013

I have a table. I give this table to 3 different people. Each one fills information in their corresponding table.

How do I do it, so their information gets feeded into my table, without overwriting each other.

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Macro With Formula To Move Specific Information To New Column?

May 22, 2014

I need a macro to move specific information.

I get an excel sheet with W/C Employer: (whatever) entered below the patient it belongs to in column E. This information needs to move into its own column (H) in line with the above patient information so I can use it in a mail merge to word.

The same thing needs to happen with WC injury date listed in column G. It moves to column I. Then delete the row it was moved from so I don't have an empty row.

Sheet 1 is what I get. Sheet 2 is what I need to end up with.

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Automatically Insert New Row When Hit Enter?

Mar 23, 2012

I am trying to keep my checkbook in excel and want to make a spreadsheet that inserts a row every time I hit enter. That way my most reason transaction and balance is always at the top rather than the bottom of the spreadsheet... The inserted row should have the same formulas as the row below.

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Automatically Add The Numbers As I Enter Them

Apr 25, 2007

How do I get a cell to automatically add the numbers as I enter them,for example. I want to keep track of my gas bills for income tax. So if I go in each day to add that days gas amount I want that cell to auto add each entry for me, rather that constantly add my bills and then re-enter every time I enter new amounts.

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Automatically Add To Another Cell Upon Enter

Nov 10, 2006

I would like to place a value of like say 100 dollars if the cell next to it is populated with any text for example: customer then 100.00 so if I type anything the cell, the next cell populates a specified value

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Automatically Enter Password

Apr 3, 2007

I have recently written some programming in a spreadsheet (1) which, on opening, opens up another spreadheet(2), ammends this spreadsheet(2), and then closes it before the user can start using the original one(1). This is done to monitor the usage. The information added into the atomatically opened spreadsheet(2) includes date and time of opening and the users id as well as adding 1 to counter cells. Both .xls files are located on the same server and I dont want people to catch on to the monitoring and if they do I dont want them to then go into this file(2) and remove their information.

If I password protect this file(2) it then promts to enter a password when it runs at the startup of the initial spreadsheet(1) which is no good as it would defeat the purpose if the user knew the password. Is it possible to add a few lines into the code (see below) after it initiates the opening of the usage file?

Private Sub workbook_open()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"S:Newman CommonCATEGORY MANAGEMENT - RangesEPoS Usage.xls"
Dim Counter As Integer
Counter = Cells(2, 7)
Counter = Counter + 1
Cells(2, 7) = Counter
Cells(Rows.Count, "BV").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Now
Cells(Rows.Count, "BW").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Application.UserName
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Update Pivot Tables Automatically After X Minutes

Feb 17, 2014

trying to get pivot tables to automatically update every 4 minutes.

I have 3 worksheets:

worksheet 1: SCANNER, this sheet pulls in data externally using an =RTD links

worksheet 2: RAW, this manipulates the data above, and this is the data used to create the pivot tables

worksheet 3: SUMMARY, the pivot tables are here, there are 9 of them.

Worksheet RAW, changes every so often, and every 4 minutes I would like to have the pivot tables AUTO REFRESHto make sure its using the latest data from RAW.

I see options to autorefresh on the opening of the workbook, but cant see anything to REFRESH EVERY X MINUTES.

Is there any way to do this with VBA ?

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Automatically Populating Tables Between Excel Sheets?

Dec 5, 2011

Sheet one has seperate logs for each item received in January and the reasons they were returned - so if you can imagine ( note / demonstrates column seperation) the following column headings: Date received / item description / approved within 1 day / returned for high risk.

On sheet 2: i've got a simplified data table which tells me that in January, there were 10 occurances of items approved within 1 day; and 8 occurances of items returned for high risk.

So sheet 2 looks like this:

01 Jan 2012 / 31 Jan 2012 / approved within 1 day / returned for high risk

I'm trying to get it so that any data input into sheet 1 for January will automatically update these columns in sheet 2.

This is what i've attempted to do:

what is the sum of the "1's" demonstrating occurances of "approved within 1 day" in sheet 1: Sheet1!J15:J179

if the date received in sheet 1 is between 1 Jan 2012 and 31 jan 2012 sheet 2: TODAY(Sheet1!D15:D179>Sheet2!A14
So at the moment i've got:


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Automatically Create Tables From ASCII Files

Dec 3, 2009

I've written a program to read data into a custom table from ASCII
files. The ASCII files are created from a VB script I've added to an Excel
spreadsheet. The VB script in Excel is the following:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim str_fileName As String
Dim int_fileNum As Integer
Dim str_fileName2 As String
Dim int_fileNum2 As Integer
MsgBox "Testing"
str_fileName = "\EPCOR02COLLECTSinto.txt"
str_fileName2 = "\EPCOR02COLLECTDisa.txt"
Application.EnableEvents = False
If (Target.Address = "$D$2") Then
'Write to the Sinto file
On Error Goto Err_CreateOutputFile
int_fileNum = FreeFile...............................

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Automatically Enter Logon Credentials Using VBA

Oct 8, 2013

I have a command button that opens 5 windows when it is selected. Each window asks us to enter the username, password and logon to in order to sign on...thus, we have to do this a total of 5x manually.

If possible, I'd like for the aforementioned fields to be entered using VBA code, so when I click the command button, all 5 windows open with the login infomration already entered.

For examples, sake, lets say the usernmae is ABC1234, the password is Password and the Logon To field is Alliance. If this is possible, how would I code this?

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