Excel 2010 :: Grouping Information In Pivot Tables
Oct 24, 2013
I have a pivot table below: Excel 2010. All of the information within it is text, not numbers, as illustrated below as well.
Below is what I have now....
Column A, Row 1 = Red
Column B, Row 1 = Blue
Column B, Row 2 = Yellow
Column C, Row 1 = Green
Column C, Row 2 = Green
What I want it to look like is below, removing the second word "green" from column C.
Column A, Row 1 = Red
Column B, Row 1 = Blue
Column B, Row 2 = Yellow
Column C, Row 1 = Green
Is there a way to do this and do it automatically? If I was doing this in a regular excel sheet, I would have a merged cell in column C, rows 1 & 2.
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Apr 28, 2014
I had a workbook in Excel 2003 that i just moved to 2010. In the 2003 file I had 2 pivot tables, one each on a worksheet, looking at the same data, just grouped differently. One yearly, one quarterly.
Now in the 2010 workbook whenever I change the grouping on pivot table, the other one changes also. It's like they are linked together or something.
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Nov 2, 2011
One cool feature of 2010 is ability to (right click on dates) and Group them into Quarters.
How to change the Quarters to be in line with e.g. Financial Year, as opposed to fiscal years? i.e. have a start date of say June?
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Sep 30, 2011
I have created a pivot table and grouped the dates by month and year. Unfortunately I did not realise I left the auto box clicked which has inserted an end date. Is there any way I can change this easily so that I can insert more data.
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Jan 4, 2008
I need to modify a pivot table that has dates as one of it's headings. Instead of listing each individual date, I need to group them into months. I know it can be done, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do it.
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Jan 26, 2004
I have a weekly spreadsheet that has downcodes for components and every week I create a pivot table to break the file of downtime by truck# and downcode. There are about 80codes and they are classed into10 classes but there are weeks when some of the codes in a class won't appear so the code shouldn't show on the report. What I do on a weekly basis is create groups for the codes captured by the pivot table......Example
Class Code
Engine 601
Frame 609
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Jun 27, 2012
I've been trying to create pivot table in excel 2010. Unfortunately I've been getting this message "Data source reference is not valid"?
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Jul 1, 2013
Using Excel 2010. I'm writing a macro that sets up a workbook to be used for estimating at the beginning of a project. In the code I need to create multiple tables (formerly known as "lists") in the workbook. Then later in the code I need to refer back to those newly created tables. Currently, the code that creates the table is part of a loop that creates the table on many different worksheets. The problem of course, is that I have to name the Table, and then it won't create a table of the same name on the next sheet. Then, later in the code, I need to make adjustments to the table that was just created before looping to the next sheet.
Is there a way to create a table without giving it a constant name? Or by giving it a name that builds off of other info in the sheet? For example, I would be good with the naming the table after the sheet name: "Sheet1_Table" or such.
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim sht As Worksheet
If Range("A1") = 1 Then
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Apr 7, 2012
I am using 2010 to write some code for a spreadsheet that will be used in 2007, so I know that RepeatLabels is not available.
My question is if you Group a date field by Months and Years and the data spans across 2 or more different years, is there a way to hide months in a specific year? I ask because the Date field has only 12 months in it and if I hide Jan (for example) it hides Jan in both years. (attached pic of filter for Date field below.)
Is there some other way to format it so it can discern between years or do I need to add yet another column to my original data?
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Sep 10, 2013
Using Excel 2007 I have a pivot table that counts that number of incidents based on month and year. To get the month and year I group the date field as months and years.
My problem is if I want to filter specfic months in say year 2012 it also takes out the month in 2013. I though it used to give you the option of year and date in the filter but mines are 2 seperate filters.
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Dec 31, 2013
I had a question about adding numbers, sort of like algebra equations (best description I can think of) into a spread sheet. Example:
Cell A1: 8
Cell A2: 8l
Cell A3: 8ls
Cell A4: 8l
Cell A5: 8
Cell A6: -where I want the total to be displayed in the following way: 16+16l+8l
Is this even possible to calculate by grouping like numbers?
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Oct 17, 2011
I'm using Excel 2007 and am having an issue with grouping/ungrouping fields in pivot tables.
I have 2 separate pivot tables, both from the same named data source, but summarizing different data selections. Both tables include the date field, I am trying to produce both a daily and a monthly table, but whenever I change the grouping/ungrouping of the date field setting on one table, the other table changes to the same grouping.
Is there anyway to have one table with an ungrouped date field and one table with the grouped to month date field?
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May 15, 2014
All I want to do is write some vba script that inserts a pivot table based on all of the data in my current workbook.
Therefore I want something incredibly simple if it exists like:
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceData:= ActiveWorksheet.Select.AllData)
ie the vba code that just takes the data you've got in your current worksheet and creates a pivot table.
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Apr 11, 2013
Is there any way to use slicers on a table in 2010? I've seen posts that it is available in 2013, but can't find find a definitive answer on if there is a way to get it to work in 2010.
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Oct 31, 2012
I have Table1 in sheet1 and Table2 in sheet2 of same Excel Workbook. The contents ( Data in columns B, C, D, E and F) of Sheet1 Assets are to be verified with respect to the contents ( Data in columns B, C, D, E and F) of the same Asset in Sheet2. If the all contents (of all columns) are matching, it should return Boolean value (True) in column G of the sheet1 or else Boolean value (False).
I am using Excel 2010 version and I do not have Power Pivot menu.
Excel 2010
Escape, Evacuation & Rescue
[Code] .........
Excel 2010
Escape, Evacuation & Rescue
[Code] .....
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Jan 27, 2014
Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14
Salary 10,000 20,000 30,000
Salary 30,000
I have a table above (in red), as an example, my actual table goes out 60 months.
Where the Green Value is, I need a formula that will reference the two months above it (They could be any of the 60 months), that will then sum the salary from the table between the selected two months (including these months)
I have tried,
tblCluster[[#Headers],[Jan-14]:[Dec-18]],">="&'Cluster Analysis'!$I$51,
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Aug 7, 2013
I am using Excel 2010. I am digging through a workbook with 80-some worksheets. There is one worksheet with 11 data tables. When the workbook refreshes, there is a note at the bottom saying something about 21 data tables. I am not sure where the other 10 are. In an online post, someone said that the Name Manager should show them. But in Name Manager, when I filter on Tables, the list goes blank, and all the icons are the same for the other named ranges. Is there another way to find the data tables?
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Jan 4, 2014
I have a table that contains all my data and would like to filter it by company into their own tables that will stay up to date with the main table and then hopefully somehow calculate their investment returns (future stage). I thought Microsoft Query would work but I came across a problem see my other post MS Query returning data to excel some columns I cant sum looks like text
Excel 2010
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Aug 9, 2014
I am new to doing advanced stop with pivot tables. I know how to make one to do very basic things but I have since learned you can add your own calculated fields. I have a list of data that has a line of record for each different day of sales which each guest. There is a lot of information on the sheet but the columns that matter are as follows:
ColA= CustID
ColB= Trips(this field is the same value for each record of the same customer and represents the total number of trips the Cust has) on a side note this field can be removed if it would be easier to just do a count of custid as those are the same thing
ColC= Months(this field is the same value for each record of the same customer and represents the total number of different months the cust made a purchase)
ColD= AmountSpent
I can use a pivot table to show me the total amount spent by Cust real easy. But I would like to add in the two other fields Average per trip and average per month by cust. Is this something that can be done in a calculated field?
I use Excel 07. I know I can run formulas to get the answer I want however due to the shear volume of records being over a million(I know we should use access at this point but the company does not want to) the time it takes the formulas to calculate freezes my computer(need a serious upgrade).
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Mar 13, 2014
My macro is designed to look at a summary source tab and create a new tab for each unique project number. It then creates a pivot table from five different source detail tabs and filters on the project number. If a tab already exists it selects the tab and moves on to the next project number. There are six pivot tables created for every project.
New data is added each month to the source tabs and I have a macro to delete all pivot tables and the macro will recreate the pivot tables when ran again.
Issue: Running out of resources At work I'm limited to the use of Excel 2010 (32bit) so I'm restricted on 2GB of memory. At home I ran the file successfully (64bit) and it was around 3GB of memory.
My macro creates a new pivot cache for every pivot table where as I'm trying to only use 6 pivot caches in my coding. I kill it half way through and it's around 100+ caches causing unnecessary usage of memory.
Fix / Solution:
Correctly code the vba to only create six caches and code the rest the pivot tables to use that cache.The only difference in the Pivot Tables is that it’s sorted on the Project Number.
Dim VBAPPPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAAPPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAPRPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAEXPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAMJPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAIVPC As PivotCache
Dim VBAPT As PivotTable
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Sep 13, 2013
I'm trying to create some vba code that will go into other .xlsx documents, pull all cells with a value in the first 30 columns and then return them as a table. Basically each work crew has a .xlsx spreadsheet containing their schedule and I am trying to bring them all together into one nice little package. If I go to import from external sources then click XML data, navigate to the folder they are in and them click show all files and pick my spreadsheet it imports nicely. Then I go to the next blank cell in column "A" and repeat for the 4 crews. Now I can filter by each crew but all 4 are visible on a single page as a table. I recorded a macro that shows everything I did, but it is not dynamic (the .xlsx source files name changes based on the month) I'm running XP sp3 with Excel 2010
Here is a copy of what I have
With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:=Array( _
"OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Password="""";User ID=Admin;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMEDesktopSCHEDULE STUF" _
, _
"FAcrewCurrent.xlsx;Mode=Share Deny Write;Extended Properties=""HDR=YES;"";Jet OLEDB:System database="""";Jet OLEDB:Registry Path=""""" _
, _
";Jet OLEDB:Database Password="""";Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=37;Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode=0;Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;J" _
, _
"et OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1;Jet OLEDB:New Database Password="""";Jet OLEDB:Create System Database=False;Jet OLEDB:Encrypt " _
Is there a better or simpler way to do this? The tables don't need to be forever linked to their previous spreadsheets so if copy/pasting is a better way than I am all for that as well.
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May 27, 2013
it's possible to set up conditional formatting to compare values between two identically-formatted (i.e. same row and column) pivot tables?
I have two pivots from two different sources and I want to be able to visually identify discrepancies between the two. Both have dates as the row labels (same date range) and categories as column labels (some categories may not necessarily be present on both pivots but the format of the labels - i.e., the names of the categories - is consistent where there is overlap)
I've tried doing this with 'traditional' CF but whenever I manipulate the pivots (i.e. by selecting / deselecting an item in a report filter), the movement of the columns trashes the formatting and I have to set it all up again.
Figured, given the structure of the tables is essentially the same, there might be a smarter way of doing it (by referencing the pivot fields in some way)
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Jun 5, 2014
I am trying to take multiple tables from a Word document and import them into an Excel worksheet. Currently I have found two versions that when combined, could yield what I am looking for. The first one imports the table's data from Word, but does not maintain formatting of the table (font, colors, rows/columns etc.):
The next code maintains formatting, but only imports/pastes one table:
[Code] .........
For the second one, I do not like the fact that it is calling a specific Workbook to paste into. If I could somehow maintain the ability to import/past multiple tables while keeping formatting that would be perfect. An extra bonus would be to import each table within the Word document into individual Worksheets in Excel. I am also using Office 2010.
References: [URL] .........
VBA - How to preserve source formatting while copying data from word table to excel sheet using VB macro? - Stack Overflow
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Jan 15, 2014
how to make a % of running total in pivot tables in excel 2007. the running total in is only available not the "%".
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Apr 7, 2014
I am new to Excel VBA and am trying to create a macro that will draw information from a spreadsheet. The code i have written so far is shown below:
Sub Event1()
'Dim Event Date As Double
Dim Message As String
Dim Ans As String
' Prompt for Data
[Code] ......
The section i am having issues with is shown in red above.
What i am trying to do is have a message box pop up with the information as shown based on a date being typed into the the original box that pops up (Please enter a date and click on OK). The following message box then displays the required information from the spreadsheet.
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Nov 13, 2013
SUMIFS with less than & more than
I found this thread which works for normal ranges
I want to Sum for Values Greater than a specific date in my formula.
This first one works for a specific date (Relevant reference in red), so say 01/01/2014
Table2[[#All],[Start Date]],Table3[#Headers],
Table2[[#All],[Perm / Temp / Prof / ETA]],[@Company])
To Sum for ranges >= 01/01/2014, I have tried this below based on the thread above but Excel does not accept this.
">="Table2[[#All],[Start Date]],Table3[#Headers],
Table2[[#All],[Perm / Temp / Prof / ETA]],[@Company])
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Dec 1, 2013
The attached file shows what I'm trying to do - I'd like to fill in the data in the top left corner table (blue-shaded) with the data combined from the two other tables. Think of the Greek letters as names that are grouped into the groups named {A,B,C,D,E} (the names have no significance, it's just an example).
I was able to do so using an array formula and an extra column (yellow shaded) as you can see in B2 - however, this solution doesn't suite my case because the actual tables will be coming from automated processes and cannot be easily manually altered.
I tried inserting the array formula into the sumproduct formula - see B3 - but for some reason this doesn't behave the same as when the array is outside the formula. I should also mention that I came across a user defined function solution - this too is not so suitable for me right now.
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Apr 21, 2013
I have a Excel Spread Sheet which has been created, there will be 4 people in 4 different locations who will have access to this spreadsheet and will need to update/amend it through "Dropbox", my question/problem is, how can I link the 4 spreadsheets where information will be updated by one person, but will update all 4 sheets at the same time.
Is this possible and how do I go about it?
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Aug 23, 2013
My problem is I cannot copy from a Form Control drop down box, and I need to do this for ~10 drop down boxes in about 200 xls files. The files follow a template so the drop down button Inputs are uniform. Here is some more detail:
I’m building an Access Database so that our data (currently in many, many Excel Spreadsheets) can be efficiently queried. The old system was that when asset data was collected, the data would be entered into an Excel spreadsheet, using a Template. So for example:
Project A1234
Main Street Pipe
High Street Pipe
Ref No.
Installation date
X Coordinate
Y Coordinate
We have hundreds of these files, but I managed to get all the files in one folder and Paste and Transpose the data from the relevant Cell Ranges in each file (using a VB sub) into ONE summary sheet. Success; or so I thought.
Unfortunately for one generation of the template (people changed them slightly every year), the template had people enter information into Drop Down Menus. Not a problem when they’re associated with a cell, but these were free floating Form Controls.. so you can’t actually click and copy from them, or call them in VB as you would a specific cell.. afaik.
So my issue is how can I extract the data from those Form Buttons? I’ll try and provide as much info as I can:
Firstly I tried to find some sort of identifier for each Form Button. The dropdowns are called Combo Boxes, (Developer tab > Insert > Combo Box (Form Control) ), and when you select them (by right clicking) and hit the View Code button in Developer Tab > Controls the following shows up in VB.
Sub DropDown44_Change()
End Sub
I’m guessing that the number is related to the button so that’s one useful thing, an identifier of sorts. There’s no actual code there though really from what I can see.. My problem is I have no idea how to extract from DropDown44!
The range of values in the drop down comes from a separate sheet where there’s just a list of the values. There aren’t any cells linked to the drop downs though. If I enter a cell in (Right Click) Format Control > Cell link: then it prints the number (e.g. 4) of the value in the range. So if the drop down options are “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday” and “Thursday” is selected, the linked cell says: “4”.
They didn’t link a cell, then I could call that cell in a VB sub and the job would be done. Unfortunately they didn’t, so I tried Recording a Macro and selecting the drop down form control.. That didn’t really work, except if I right clicked it, I got some more info from the macro VB:
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Drop Down 19")).Select
So is my drop down an Array? My understanding of an Array is that it’s a list of arguments.. all I get there is the name of the button. I am not experienced in VB so this is as far as I’ve got. Perhaps I can get a sub to select the button using the above line, but I need the info from it, i.e. which value is currently selected in the Drop Down.
(Using Excel 2010 but the .xls files are from ~2005)
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Jan 8, 2010
I work with a mammoth product database where the information, dates, etc. for products can be changed on a monthly basis. What I would like to do is create a spreadsheet that accurately identifies any changes to the information and dates of each product, and which can then group the changes together to minimize the need for humans to check for changes product-by-product (the database contains thousands of unique products).
Presently Im able to get all of the information for both the current month and prior month onto one spreadsheet. I added the very simple True-False formula to check certain cells in each product row against the same cells for that product row in the prior month.
Where Im running into a wall, though, is finding a way of easily identifying all of the changes. Ideally I would like to sort all of the rows so that the Falses are grouped together. But, as youve probably all realized before even reading this far, this doesnt work because of course it changes the cells that the True-False formulas measures. Ive tried adding $ before each cell in the True-False formulas, but same result as without. Obviously a search for False will get a hit on every single formula.
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