Insert Call When They Have Double Number

Dec 19, 2008

I want to insert call when they have double number, See attached sample.

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Insert Double-comma At End Of String

May 25, 2008

i'm a complete excel novice, but i think this should be pretty easy for you guys...

i just bought a new satnav system after 4 years with tomtom...

anyway, to get the speed camera database to work with it, i must add a couple of commas at the end of each set of co-ordinates contained within the spreadsheet, like this:


thing is, most of them don't have the 2 commas at the end and just end with the number, like this:


therefore, what i need to do is make up a formula in excel to search for a double comma at the end of each set of co-ordinates and if it doesn't already have them, then it should insert them...

i'm guessing for anyone with excel experience, this should be pretty easy to solve...

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Insert Time Stamp On Double Click

Jun 12, 2014

I'm trying to have excel insert a timestamp on a specific range of cells. I have it currently working on one cell, but can for some reason am having trouble getting it to work on the entire range... Here is what I have currently...

PHP Code: 

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Target.Address = "$E$23" Then
Target.Value = Time
End If
End Sub 

I would like this to work for the range E23:E28 and F23:F28 I'm sure its something simple that I'm not doing...

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Double Digit Number 03 Vs 3 With Formula

Jul 13, 2009

="autECLSession.autECLPS.SendKeys """&B4*100&""""

B4 is 3.00% and I need it to be 03 no %, 3.00%*100= 3 but I need anything less then 10 to be two digits still (1-9)

This would be the perfect end result:
autECLSession.autECLPS.SendKeys "03"

and for over 10

autECLSession.autECLPS.SendKeys "10"

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What Formula To Use To Double Number That Is In Another Cell

Mar 5, 2014

What formula do I use to double a number thats in another cell.

I need the formula to go into Column AC from the list of numbers that are in Column W

So for example if the number listed in W2 says 8 I need the column in AC2 to read 16 and when the next number down from that says in W3 -24 I need the column in AC3 to say -48 and so on.

I want to be able to drag the formula down the column (AC) so it picks up all the numbers in Column W3 and doubles each and every one of the numbers all the way down the page thousand of rows down.

So what ever number weather it's a plus or minus number I want it to double itself and have the number read out right next to it in the AC column to it's right.

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Convert 32 Bit IEEE Number To Double

Oct 24, 2007

I need to converst 32 bit IEEE number read from binary file ( in form of 4 bytes ) to a double. I also need function that can convert float number to 4 byte IEEE representation so I can write it back to binary file

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Macro To Call Sheet Number Instead Of Name

Jan 13, 2007

I've got a macro working that updates things in different sheets, the sheets have peoples names in (this can't be changed).

When running the macro its fine, but if a new person is added i would need to update the macro for every sheet (the macro can be run from every sheet within the workbook).

I've noticed if you right click the sheet button and go to properties (or something) that it shows (Name) Sheet2 and Name Joe Blogs.

Instead of the macro calling to Name i want it to call to (Name), is this possible?

The code that calls the sheet looks something like this:

Sheets.("Joe Blogs")

Instead of looking for Joe Blogs i want it to look for Sheet2

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Double Click To Collapse A Set Number Of Rows

Mar 18, 2014

I am trying to build a worksheet which has an account number in column B with several more rows of content starting in column C and beyond. I would like to be able to hide the 9 rows under the row with the account number by double clicking on the account number. I found this code which will work by collapsing to the next account number, but it collapses the account number underneath it too. Is there a way to collapse only the blank cells in the column until the next number or to program the code to only collapse/hide the next 9 rows below the double clicked cell?

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Calculate Week Number And Call Correct Sub

Jul 19, 2014

I have two processes that has to run depending of the week number of the year. So even weeks has to run "sub 2" and odd weeks has to run "sub 1".

Weeks with number 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 etc has to call "sub 1" and weeks 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 etc has to call "sub 2".

The filenames consist of "name_name_YYYYMMDD.xls" (example: SteveSmith_Runningshoes_20140719.xls)

So vba needs to calculate the week number by reading the YYYYMMDD of the filename and then call the correct sub.

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Macro To Add Additional New Rows Based On Number In A Call?

Jun 3, 2014

create a macro that will insert a certain number of blank rows to my spread sheet. The number of rows is determined by the #of tasks calculated for that day and is in column B. For example if in column A the date is 01-07-14 and in column B it has 7, I would like 7 rows inserted with the date in column A to remain the same in all 7 rows. Ideally I would like to use this macro for every row, so if the next row down has 02-07-14 and 6, I would like it to add 6 new rows with the same date.

I have attached a copy of the spread sheet for reference.

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Call Userform From Variable Number Of ActiveX Command Buttons

Jun 27, 2014

I want to be able to call one user form from multiple ActiveX command buttons. The problem is, the number of command buttons depends on user input on another worksheet, so it's variable.

I've renamed all of the command buttons so they are named "CommandButton" & i, where i is an integer between 1 and, say, 200. I want each of these buttons to direct to the same UserForm where additional information can be entered.

I can't think of a way around the event-handler procedure name.

Sub [Command Button Name]_Click

to call the User Form. I won't know the command button names, because I won't know how many there are (max i) until the user inputs.

Basically, I want to create a For loop through the max i and have the event-handlers call the user form

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Lookup Function Call: Vlookup Call In Sheet

May 21, 2006

I have a work book with 3 sheets. Sheet 1 is the main sheet and sheets 2 and 3 will use (I hope vlookup) to update 3 columns from info in sheet 1. my attempt at a vlookup call in sheet 2 is: =VLOOKUP($b3,[master_AoJ_2.xls]Sheet1!$B$3;$B$65,false)

my understanding is that: - $b3 is the cell in sheet 2 that will be updated as a result of the vlookup call. - [master_AoJ_2.xls]Sheet1!$B$3;$B$65 refers to range $B$3:$B$65 on sheet1 of master_AoJ_2. it does not work... infact I get nothing at all. when I type the call into cell $b3 of sheet2 excel thinks it is stariaght text. this is how I coded the function call =VLOOKUP($b3,[master_AoJ_2.xls]Sheet1!$B$3;$B$65,false)

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Insert Time Sheet Number Unless That Number Has Already Been Used?

Feb 16, 2014

I have a time sheet in which i need user to enter a time sheet number in cell c14

I need a formula for that cell so the user can input the time sheet number but only be able to do this if the time sheet number they are imputing is the next number in sequence of the last one used.

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Insert Number In Cell To Return A Set Number

May 2, 2007

I need this for a tracking sheet of scores. For example, 1 gets 100 points, 2 gets 90 points, 3 gets 80 points, etc. I need to set it up for 10 places. I have no idea and have fiddled with it for two hours now. I need to be able to put a 1 in the cell and 100 appears after I hit enter, etc.

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Pop Up Box To Insert A Number?

Oct 12, 2011

I have three colums on a spreadsheet the have a formula that calculates by taking the amount dividing it by 365 days then multiplying that by say 35 days. The day portion of the formula is the same in all cell in the three columns the number is the one this that changes by cell.

Is it possible to have a pop up box allowing the user to enter a number that will then be inserted into the formula. Instead of hitting F2 and manually entering the number.

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Insert Number 1 Through? Incrementing By One

Oct 8, 2008

I have a column that I want to insert number 1 through ? incrementing by one. Can I do this simply without having to type in each one manually?

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Insert Certain Number Of Columns

May 21, 2009

somehow i managed to do this at first and then forgot to save my personal work book and cant remember how to do it.

What it is, is if cell A1 has a certain phrase in it ie Customer Reference then i want to insert four columns before it so it ends up in cell E1.

The other thing which i never managed to do is. I have 5 workbooks. master, book 1-4. I want to past all info in columns A:T from Book 1-4 into Master in the next available row.

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Add Or Insert Number (1:50) To Row With No Duplication?

Nov 11, 2011

I've a list (Taken from this website; [URL] of 4900 rows with each row have 4 numbers if I want to add or insert one number( from 1 to 50 ) to each row with no duplicate to make it 5 numbers in each row? Is there a formula or Vb code to do this?



To my calculation Numbers (1:50) have to be use 98 times;(50*98=4900) since each numbers in the list used 392 times(392/ 49 = 8)since there is no duplication when adding numbers (1:50) to rows each numbers must pair with evry other number in that list 8 the moment with out adding the 5th number each number pairs with any other number exactly 24 times but adding process finish it should be 32 (24+8).

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Insert Specified Number Of Rows?

Jul 30, 2013

Is there a way to insert a specified number of rows. For example, I want to insert 500 blank rows today but maybe tomorrow it will be 650 blank rows.

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Insert New Row & Increment Number

Sep 10, 2006

I've created a spreadsheet that tracks problems using an assigned problem number. Attached is the spreadsheet.

I need assistance in inserting a new row and incrementing the sequential number after pressing the "Get/Assign New NCR Number" button. I am successful at getting a new row added, but am not able to increment the number. In addition, I would also like to have the table locked so that no deleting or amending the sequential number is allowed.

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Insert Row For Missing Number In List

Dec 19, 2011

We recently bought some new software at work, and I'm having trouble formatting the exported data in a way that will work with existing reports. The attached file is what the data looks like after being exported. Basically, what I'm trying to do is insert rows for the missing numbers -- i.e., each name should be followed by rows numbered 1 through 10.

John Smith John Smith
1 1
4 2
8 3

My ultimate end goal is to have columns of data for each name, instead of rows:

John Smith 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I've created a formula that can do that part, but it operates on the assumption that each name will be followed by a set number of rows.

What little I know about vba I've learned on my own, so I may just be missing something obvious.

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Auto Insert Invoice Number?

Jan 21, 2007

I've created an Invoice Template in excel. Each time I open it I'd like a certian cell "D3" to increase by one number starting at 2000. Each time this is opened a new customer information is input and then saved to their file. Please give me the very basicis on how to do this. I've already gone into other forums which have provided a code, but I have had any luck getting ti too work.

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Insert A Number Based On A Text Value

Oct 13, 2009

I have a cell (B4)that may contain several different text values, i.e. Bill, Tom, John, Mike, Larry, & Dan. The value in cell D4 needs to relate to what text is in B4, i.e Bill = 6; Tom = 12; John = 8; Mike = 20; Larry = 15; & Dan = 10. I was trying an IF statement, but having trouble.

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Insert Number If Data Present?

May 14, 2012

So I am trying to write a bit of code that will insert a number in sequence in column A if there is data in column B. I need the column to be numbered 1-### if column B contains any data. I not been able to find this code anywhere, just delete if or count if statements that do not give me what I need. I think I have a few pieces of the code (e.g. Active Cell Offset) but can not seem to fit together in the correct order.

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Auto Insert Invoice Number

Jan 21, 2007

I've created an Invoice Template in excel. Each time I open it I'd like a certian cell "D3" to increase by one number starting at 2000. Each time this is opened a new customer information is input and then saved to their file. Please give me the very basicis on how to do this. I've already gone into other forums which have provided a code, but I have had any luck getting ti too work.

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Insert Number Of Rows Specified In Cell

Feb 7, 2008

I found lots of threads for inserting rows but not the one I need. I'm trying to insert rows with a macro on the position as specified in a cell f.e. in cell D4 I type the number 80 then the macro has to insert three rows at row 80

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Insert Specific Text If The Number Is Equal To 1

Mar 17, 2014

I have the following datas as an example;

A1: %90
A2: %100
A3: %75

According to those datas I want to get the following results;

B1: On going
B2: Done
B3: On going

So basically I want to tag columns which are equal to 100% as "Done", and the rest is as " On going".

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Excel Automatically Insert Employee Number

Sep 6, 2013

Is it possible with excel, to automatically insert an employees number if their name is inserted.

Column A If Smith, John is entered in Column B automatically have his employee number show 5668?
Joe, Mary entered in Column A Column B to show 12345

This would save me a huge amount of time going back and fourth.

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Insert Appropriate Number Of Blank Spaces In Cells B Through H

Aug 19, 2014

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to insert blank cells:

I need to insert cells, in columns B through H, equal to the number of returned IDs in column B.

Please take a look at the spreadsheet I attached.

Here is the code I am using to separate the IDs in column B so that I get one ID in each A cell. When I do this it separates them great, but then I have to manually go in and insert cells down so that the rest of the rows match up with the right ID.

Sub Macro1()
Dim fromCol As String
Dim toCol As String
Dim fromRow As String
Dim toRow As String

[Code] .....

sample of separate.xlsm

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Macro To Insert A New Row With Incremented Serial Number

Dec 11, 2006

I need a macro to insert a new row with incremented serial number in column A, when done the first time - to insert the row at a specified cell starting with serieal no: 1 and later to insert the new row after the last row. Also I need the macro to insert certain pre-defined text values in specified cells in the new row..

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