Inserting Page Breaks Based On Cell Text?

Feb 13, 2014

I'm working with a large report that includes ~6000 rows of data. Within the report the data is separated into a couple hundred town names - "Town of XXX" - and I need a page break at each town. Is there a way to insert a page break based on text in a cell? Should be an option in conditional formatting but... Need to avoid VBA.

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Inserting Page Breaks On Relative Rows Based On Data

Oct 29, 2008

Each week I format a report that I receive that lists every product a particular employee closed. Its a list of each employee, the product and date. I'll have about 20-30 lines for each employee. I can easily sort by the employee name to have a nice list.

From here what I do is use a forumla to mark where each employee's name changes, then filter by that changed line and insert page breaks for each of these lines. Is there a way to macro this to save me time, having 270 employees takes alot of time still, because thats 270 manually inserted page breaks.

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Inserting Page Breaks With VBA

Apr 23, 2013

I am having serious issues inserting page breaks using VBA. I have even taken code from the Microsoft website and it still crashes.

Sub InsertPageBreaks()

With Worksheets(1)
.VPageBreaks.Add .Range("F25")

[Code] ......

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Inserting Page Breaks For Certain Sheets Using Macros

Aug 29, 2009

For each of the sheets below, I need to extend the bottom of the page down ten rows and i need a page break after 60 rows.

Does anybody have any ideas? Here are the tabs that I need this macro on:

(MySheets = Array("FY09 Installation Support", "FY09 Install", "FY09 Purchase", "FY09 CF Discretionary Grants", "FY09 CF LOI", "FY08 Purchase", "FY08 Installation Support", "FY08 CF Discretionary Grants", "FY07 Sup Install Support", "FY07 CF Install Non-LOI", "FY07 Sup Purchase", "FY05 CF Carryover Install", "FY04 Recovery Funds", "FY05 Recovery Funds", "FY08 Safety Carryover", "FY09 Safety", "FY09 Transport Canada")

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Set Page Breaks Based On Cell Value On Protected Sheet

Mar 1, 2008

I'm not sure went wrong but my code was working fine until I protected the worksheet. Then I made some changes to the code by adding code to unprotect the sheet before running the code and then protecting it again when complete. That didn't work. I unprotected the sheet and ran the code again and now I'm getting a Run Time Error and the code stops when it attempts to set the Page Breaks which was previously fine. Because the data I use to generate this report is based on data from another report that does not need to recalculate before running. I have a Worksheet Activate Private Sub that sets the Application Calculation to Manual. When the sheet is deactivated it sets it back to Automatic. Hence the line in the following code to calculate this worksheet. When attempting to debug the line that highlights is the first line that attempts to set the page break that corresponds to the matching location criteria from cell A2.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("A24").Value = Range("A1")
Range("A25").Value = Range("A2")
Range("A26").Value = Range("A3")
Range("A27").Value = Range("A4")
Range("A28").Value = Range("A5")
Range("A29").Value = Range("A6")
Range("A30").Value = Range("A7")
Range("A31").Value = Range("A8")
Range("A32").Value = Range("A9")
Range("A33").Value = Range("A10")...................

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Macro: Clear Page Breaks & Add Page Breaks

Nov 28, 2006

I need to remove all existing page breaks in a document and add a page break every 72 rows. I've tried some similar codes from this forum with other functions that I don't need in it.

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Deleting Page Breaks From Text File Formatted

May 30, 2006

I am trying to figure out how to create a Macro code in Excel that will delete text file page breaks. Each page break starts with a square in column A and ends with the word continued in column D. I've tried several times, but when I test the code and I highlight the section to delete, it only deletes those specific rows next time. How can I get it to delete the rows from the square to "Continued" throughout the document without making reference to specific cell numbers?

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Dynamically Scaling Pages Based On Page Breaks?

Sep 17, 2013

Is there anyway I can make excel scale a set amount of information between page breaks fit 1 page wide 1 page tall? using a macro.



I essentially have this data repeated multiple times depending on how many products I am looking at, I would like this repeated 3 times per page, which is where the page breaks are currently being placed. When i tried to set Width 1 page the automatic page breaks would only allow two of these per page at 100% scaling.

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VBA Macro To Insert Horizontal Page Breaks Based On Criteria Of 1 Column

Jan 10, 2010

I want to achieve is a procedure that inserts horizontal page breaks at certain parts of the sheet where there is a cell equal to 2. Here is the code I have so far.

Sub insert_pagebreak()
Dim printbreak_cell As Range
Dim j As Long
Dim i As Long
Set printbreak_cell = Range("AD1")
j = 1
For i = 1 To 100
If printbreak_cell.Value = 2 Then
Set ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(j).Location = printbreak_cell
j = j + 1
End If
Set printbreak_cell = printbreak_cell.Offset(1, 0)
Next i
End Sub

Everything works until the cell value reaches a 2, and then once it goes into the If statement I get a 'Application-defined or object-defined error' at the below line.

Set ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(j).Location = printbreak_cell.............

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Inserting Rows Breaks Cell References But Can't Use Absolute

Jul 23, 2006

I have a problem where my conditional formatting is broken when new rows are inserted because Excel is auto updating the cell references. I am not able to use absolute references because I need to be able to Copy the entire information many times on one sheet to handle an ever changing number of projects.

I have attached an example file which shows a simple version of the sheet. There are areas for two projects now, but more would be added to the sheet as needed by just copying the entire section of one project and pasting it at the bottom. For each project, there is a cell which has a data validation list, e.g. B6, from which the user can select the current stage. The list of stages is obtained from column A, e.g. A9:A18. Whatever stage is selected, I need it to be highlighted in some manner. I currently have conditional formatting that checks if the value in B6 matches the information in the current cell and will change the text font color if True.

The problem occurs when new rows are inserted into the project. For example: if the project requires a Beta 1.1 stage, then a row would need to be inserted and labeled for that stage. However, Excel auto changes the cell references so that it no longer looks at B6. I need some way that the current stage can still be highlighted when selected in the Data Validation list.

I know that what I am needing to do may not be the best method to go about this, but I am having to work within the confines of the software available to me and the intended users of the file. Since the number and length of projects can change on a daily basis, the users need to be able to add and remove room for additional stages and projects whenever they want. I have a basic solution available to me using a macro, but the overall solution is clumsy and just leads to more problems.

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Can't Move Page Breaks In Page Break Preview

Mar 26, 2006

I suddenly can't adjust my page breaks in any Excel spreadsheet while in Page Break Preview. Is there some option to turn it on and off?

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Inserting Breaks In Two Sorted Columns

Jul 13, 2009

I have been struggling to figure this out for several days now and i don't really know where to go from here.

I have 2 columns and i need to break them up at certain points.

The attached excel file should hopefully be clear enough to show what i mean.

The first tab is how the data starts the second tab is how i want it to look.

To clarify i need to break it after each change in the first column. ie from 1 to 2.

Furthermore, i need to break the "sub groups" the second column up after 15, and 30. I will never have a number larger than 32 in the second column.

I think the excel file will clear up what i mean.

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Page Breaks When Value Changes

Aug 13, 2009

I want some code which will automatically insert a page break every time the data changes in a column. In column B- the data is structured as below;

<blank cell>
<blank cell>
<blank cell>
<blank cell>
<blank cell>
<blank cell>
<blank cell>
<blank cell>
<blank cell>


The code I want would insert the page break every time every time the data changed- but not where there is a blank cell. I hope this makes sense. I realise the blank cells complicate things- the blank cells separating the data cells are there because there is additional;data in columns C,D,E etc

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Page Breaks Every Nth Row

Oct 2, 2007

I have a worksheet with 760 names on it. The first row are headers, 2nd row on is the data. I need to break the data up into 25 rows a piece, excluding the headers. I am making rosters, so each roster would have twenty five names per sheet. Of course I know I will have a couple of names left over, but this would help with the bulk.

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Finding Breaks In Data, Inserting Rows

Jan 20, 2007

I've got data output (~500 rows) that's going into a larger, formatted sheet. The data going into the sheet is about 8 columns of material and the formatted sheet has over 20 columns (the rest to be filled out by the engineers). I'm tacking the new information to the bottom of the sheet (in the corresponding, non-consecutive columns), but the question now is how to format it.

Each location has recommendations, about 1-5 rows. What I want to do is insert a row after each different entry (probably by location address) so it will be more visually accessible (this is the format of the sheet).

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Too Many Automatic Page Breaks

Sep 5, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that I need to print, but Excel automatically puts in an automatic page break every cell. I have tried all other solutions to this problem posted on this site (page setup, printer issues, etc).

Spreadsheet attached.Posted Version.xlsm

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Remove Any Page Breaks

Oct 25, 2007

I'm using the this code to print some info out of an existing worksheet and I'd like to force excel to remove all pagebreaks, as the last column or two is always printed onto another page. Does anyone know how to programatically remove pagebreaks?

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Setting Page Breaks

Dec 2, 2008

how to write code to set page breaks every 4th column, or in certain intervals. For rows I have a simple .FitToPagesTall = 1, but I'm looking for something more dynamic for the columns.

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Get Rows # By H Page Breaks!?

Jun 14, 2009

[Solved by Myself]


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Save As PDF And Page Breaks

Oct 13, 2011

For some reason, when I 'Print Preview' an excel file, it puts the page breaks in one place.

However, when I save it as a PDF, it moves them slightly, meaning that not as much fits on one page.

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Filter Out Page Breaks

Apr 25, 2008

I'm importing a text document into excel, and I have these page breaks that start with a c in the leftmost space(no other lines start with a character in the 1st space) and 15 spaces underneath it are page headers. I'm trying to create a macro that scans the entire A column for any "C" in the 1st leftmost space, highlight and delete(move page up) that "c" and the 15 spaces following it. I want the macro to loop until it ends.

So far, this is what I got for selecting C:

Dim c
For Each c In Range("A1:A306").Cells
If Left(activecell.characters.value,1)="C" Then

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Force Page Breaks In Vba?

Mar 19, 2007

want to specify page breaks and set print areas when running a macro. Appears to work sometimes, but then breaks (hard and soft) pop up on their own). Currently using something like this to specify a 2 page wide view...

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A:$Z"
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.FitToPagesWide = 2
Set ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks(1).Location = Range("P1")
End With

Can I force breaks to be more absolute (more accurately)?

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Detecting Page Breaks

Mar 20, 2007

I want a macro to assess whether there's a page break before column P, if so, remove it and continue, if not... continue.

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Row Height Specifically For Page Breaks

Nov 20, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that I use for work that I have set the row height specifically for page breaks. I use the top 3 rows on each page as a header with that page info.

If I update it at home, then email it to work, the row height has changed. No real problem, I just go in and adjust the row height. Then if I email it back to home from work, it does the same thing.

It's just this particular sheet that does it. All of the other sheets that I use always keep their row height properties intact when emailing.

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Add 2 Blank Rows After Page Breaks

Jul 12, 2014

I have a sheet that data is imported into that is normally no more than 300 rows. I need to insert 2 blank rows after each page break. My problem is the row height is not always the same when the data is imported. How to insert 2 blank rows after each page break using a macro.

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Macro - Page Breaks/printing

Mar 20, 2009

is there a macro code that will autmatically determine the end of your page and adjust your page breaks accordingly?

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Create Conditional Page Breaks

Jul 8, 2006

I have the following code that I am using to create conditional page breaks. It works sporadically. It will work on the data I used when i set up the code. It will sometimes work on smaller amounts of data. It will sometimes insert the page breaks but then error out at line: ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Add Before:= Cells(row_index + 1, "D"). I do not understand this code entirely as a i am novice VB user. Once I get this code to work, I'd love to imrove it so that the page breaks ends when there is no data in last row or last column.

Sub PageBreak()
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim row_index As Long
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
For row_index = lastrow - 1 To 2 Step -1
If Cells(row_index, "D").Value <> "" Then
'insert page breaks ever time value in column D changes
If IsNumeric(Cells(row_index, "D").Value) Then
If Cells(row_index, "D").Value <> Cells(row_index + 1, "D").Value Then
ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=Cells(row_index + 1, "D")
End If
End If
End If

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Conditional Insert Of Page Breaks

Mar 20, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that is 7 columns wide and contains blocks of data. The data blocks vary in size typically between 3 and 12 rows. Between each block of data is a blank row (there are no blank rows within the data blocks). There may be up to 500 rows in the spreadsheet consisting of maybe 30 varying size blocks of data.

I am attempting to produce a Macro that will insert page breaks into the spreadsheet, the requirement being that non of the blocks of data are split across two pages. I would need to be able to input the available number of rows per page (to allow for headers and footers), the Macro would then need to count down that many rows, find the last blank line before that point and insert a page break. It would then need to count from the position of the inserted page break to determine where to place the next page break etc.

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Find Page Breaks Faster

Jul 21, 2007

I need to find row numbers of the horizontal page breaks on a sheet quickly. The only method I have found to do this is by using the HPageBreaks property, which is painfully slow.

Is there another way of doing this that's faster? Or some other manner of using HPageBreaks that improves its speed?

The scenario is that I have a macro which generates a list of items where each item is two rows long. If an item intersects a page break--one row is on one page and the 2nd row is on the next page--I want to insert a row so that the entire item is on the next page.

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Set Page Breaks Groups For X Conditions

Aug 6, 2008

I have a report that is generated that is broken down into 4 or 5 headers.

What I want is basically a way to manually add page breaks for 2 conditions:

*That no section starts at the end of one page and ends on the next; I want to just insert a page break before the section so it is all on the next page.

* That if the first section is more than a page long, that it inserts a new header saying 'section 1 continued..' basically.

I've been able to code it and it functions how I want. However, it takes about 20-30 seconds on a dual-core computer with 2gb of memory to insert these page breaks, so I thought I'd get some expert advice on where the slow-downs are and how I could go about tightening up the code to get it to run faster. (this subprocedure is #15 of 15 when generating the report, and the rest take between 2 and 5 seconds combined).

Sub Quote_Page_Breaks()
Dim financials_start_row As Integer, financials_start_page As Integer, financials_end_row As Integer, financials_end_page As Integer
Dim recommended_start_row As Integer, recommended_start_page As Integer, recommended_end_row As Integer, recommended_end_page As Integer
Dim standard_end_row As Integer, standard_end_page As Integer
Dim i As Integer, page_break() As Integer
Dim recommended As Boolean
On Error Resume Next

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