Macro Adding Up Columns Wrong
Aug 19, 2013
This macro has a problem in that it totals up the colunmns in two places by error
The total should be at the end of the coumns only.
It gives me a total part way through the list which muddles things up a bit.
Sub prepareSAPexport()
' prepareSAPexport Macro
' prepare the sap export ready to be compared to CDS
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+s
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Dec 22, 2011
The code is supposed to project review dates 1 month, 2 months and 3 months after the start date, but the first "cell offset" line on is projecting the next day instead of next month, its driving me nuts!!, the others are working fine
Sub reviews()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("L1:L200")
If IsDate(cell) Then
cell.Offset(, 10).Value = DateAdd("m", 1, cell.Value)
cell.Offset(, 11).Value = DateAdd("m", 2, cell.Value)
cell.Offset(, 12).Value = DateAdd("m", 3, cell.Value)
cell.Resize(, 10).AutoFill cell.Resize(, 11)
End If
Next cell
End Sub
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Jun 27, 2014
I have 4 text boxes in a user form where user type numbers. At the end i have another text box(yellow one) that adds these numbers using this code.
In another text box(grey one) user types another number. Then using this code
[Code] .....
I try to add the values of the two previous text boxes. I get wrong result when i use decimals numbers and i can not understand what is wrong.
Attached File : add text boxes.xlsm
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Jun 16, 2014
Using the text to columns option on a comma separated file in csv format leads to the right preview in the text to columns wizard.
The column titled "ATTIC: Zone ..." shows the desired format in the preview window. Please look at the screenshot 1.jpg.
After pushing the finish button to obtain the result the number format gets suddenly changed and differs from the preview.
Again check for the "ATTIC: Zone ..." column as reference: 2.jpg
Is there a menu where one can look up, or specify how to format data to force the right comma placement? What settings might be wrong?
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Jan 10, 2012
I have a macro that saves the workbook after it has finsihed the rest of its formatting. I am finding it is saving in the wrong folder. I looked at my code and it is clearly states 'my documents' where I want it to save. Yet it keeps saving on a random folder on a shared drive.
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Jul 11, 2008
I have a userform which is designed to get and enter data into one worksheet.
When I call the userform up from a different worksheet it doesnt refer back to the data source worksheet?? How can I do this?
I have used
in the user form initialise event but this still doesnt work.
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Mar 30, 2014
[Code] ....
But it doesn't show the correct sheet after running it.
I need it to show the sheet called "Invoice with code".
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Jun 6, 2009
The below code is supposed to delete data on the last sheet of the workbook HeadsetOutTimeMay.xls however for some reason it is deleting the data on HeadsetOutTime.xls What am I doing wrong?
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Jul 29, 2009
I have a macro on a particular workbook that runs when the workbook closes.
This runs fine when I close the workbook itself. If I happen to have other workbooks open and then I close EXCEL rather than an individual workbook, my macro that runs on close always runs when it is not the active workbook.
To put it another way, say that my 'run on close' macro is workbook 1. I also have workbooks 2 and 3 open as well. If workbook 3 is the active workbook and I choose to close Excel (and thus close all three workbooks), my 'run on close' macro runs straight away and, worse still, will run it on workbook 3 (my active workbook).
How can I stop the macro running until it is the active workbook in the closing chain, so that it only runs on the correct workbook? (workbook 1 in my example)
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Jun 22, 2006
I have this macro
For I = 6 To 18
Sheets(I).Visible = xlSheetVisible
PrintSubs Sheets(I)
Sheets(I).Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
End Sub
When it starts printing it starts off with my "JOBCOM" sheet which is sheet20. why it would start printing with that one. That sheet shouldn't even print at all. It's only supposed to print sheets6 to sheet18.
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Mar 10, 2014
The below code is giving wrong error.
[Code] ........
sheet1 has the following data
sheet1 has the following data
empid name loc
1 aaaa ddd
2 bbbb ggg
4 cccc dddd
the 3rd row is empty in sheet1 but still it is showing number of rows as 3.I need macro it will not count if entire row is empty in that sheet.
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Apr 27, 2009
I'm exporting a csv file from a membership database with the attendance of members. With a macro i open the file and copy the contend to excel. With the macro the column for the date has *randomly* wrong formats. Example the date in column B:
Aasia Tallah19-03-2009 19:33
Aasia Tallah17/03/09 7:49 pm
Aasia Tallah15/03/09 7:53 pm
Aasia Tallah14/03/09 6:34 pm
Aasia Tallah03-12-2009 20:05
Aasia Tallah03-11-2009 19:56
Aasia Tallah03-10-2009 19:54
I try to change the format of the column, but that does not work. Rows 2,3 and 4 seem to be text but they are not. If i access the edit bar for example the 17th of march and store without changing anything, it changes to the format of the first row. That is how i want it. If i copy the column by hand, every thing is fine.
All of the following i tryed:
- format date column of the csv before copying... failed
- copy special with only pasting values... failed
- preformat the column i paste the date to... failed
- delete the sheet i paste to and create a new one... failed
- copy the macro to a new workbook... failed
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Sep 3, 2009
When running a macro is there a way you can execute code on another sheet within a workbook without being in the original sheet?
I seem to have a problem if I accidentally run a macro not on the original sheet whereby the code is executed and fills over data not in the desired sheet and the previous cells information is lost and the only way to fix the problem is to close the workbook and re-open a saved copy as you can't undo?
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Jun 17, 2012
I have a group of Excel (2003) template files, each with a different name. When these files are opened they ask for certain information and save themselves as a unique name. Within these files are VBA routines and functions and, because these files basically do the same things, they have the same name. These routines exist in their own unique modules each with a different name. Unfortunately, in these files there are differences in the number of columns of information these routines act on so once they have been saved I need them to only act on their own columns only.
My problem is, when I have more than 1 of these files open in the same instance of Excel, I try to run a file using a control letter combination Ctrl-e and it sometimes runs the version of the macro in the wrong file. This leads to all kinds of strange thing happening. What I can do to force the correct macro to work in all instances?
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Jul 19, 2013
Using VBA... I have Column N (eFIUnitRebate) which I want to swap with Column M (FFUnitPcnt)
Now with Column M as eFIUnitRebate and N as FFUnitPcnt I want to create an extra column (adjUnitCost) where Column N is and push FFUnitPcnt to become column O, etc.
Here is how the whole process should work:
Swap M and N
Insert new Column in N
Insert new Column in P
Insert new Column in Q
Insert new column in R
There is more information on the sheet after these columns so for all column inserts it needs to push whatever was there over.
So the layout is as follows:
[Code] .....
These columns are thousands long, so I would like the formulas for them to be applied to the whole column as well.
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Dec 16, 2006
I wish to have a column of values. It will be dates. There will be a value in each cell (hours worked by employee) I want to know only the total hours for the last 30 calendar days. I still need to see previous values, but I just want to total the last 30
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Jul 14, 2009
i have two columns
column1: status
column2: total time of status
infinite long
now what i need to do is count the total time a specific status has.
column1: status1, status2, , status1
column2: 0 days 4 hours, 1 day 0.5 hours, 5 days 3.5 hours
how can i make a formula that looks up
if (in column1= status 1)
time= column2
the result i need is:
status1 = 5 days 7.5 hours
status2= 1 day 0.5 hours
i thought about a countif over column1 but i dont know how to add the second column
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Jul 17, 2014
I have on sheet1 a number (72 at the moment) of Form CheckBoxes.
In simple terms: I would like a macro to look at each CheckBox and remember its state (Checked or Unchecked)
Then, go through and Check All checkboxes
Call MyMacro
Once MyMacro is complete (Filtering & Printing)
Revert the checkboxes to their original state.
The purpose of the checkboxes:
When Checked column on sheet2 is UnHidden
When UnChecked column on sheet2 is Hidden
Or, UnHide All columns on sheet2, run MyMacro, then "re-hide" the columns that were previously hidden.
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Aug 14, 2008
What's the fastest way to display the sum of each column in one row. Here's a picture of what I want to do: now I want the sum of each column to be displayed in for example row 10. I have tried manually clicking "autosum" (sp?) but that will take a lot of time as I have about 400 more of these.
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Nov 6, 2008
I would now like to as remove the first column and add another column a and b. A would say "Service From Date" and column B would say "Service To Date" In addition I would like to add a column between "5202 Meals Provided" and "5221 S.A. Facility Lodging" a column that reads "7025 Number of Days Care" and that tallies like the rest of them.
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Dec 9, 2008
I need to editing a VBA script and can't assist right now. Here is the VBA script as it exists today:
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Jun 2, 2012
I am new to the Macro editing of Excel. I have a list in the first tab that I would like to click yes or no (how to set up a checkbox) and the appropriate column will pop up in the next tab with appropriate header. I would like it to be where the column will pop up in the correct order, so even if one is clicked in the middle, it knows where to put it.
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Jul 28, 2008
I d like to ask for a vba code that adds two columns starting from d5 and e5 for several worksheets called multi1,multi2,multi3,........The d column contains only numbers, the e column contains number and letters (product descriptions)
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Jun 19, 2007
I have a data worksheet, which contains about 20,000 lines of journal entry info. There is a separate column for debit and credit, not one "amount" column. On another worksheet, I am aggregating the data to review the impact for this series of journal entries over a time period (12 months). Thus, my pivottable contains "Accounts" in the "ROW" and "Period" in the "COLUMN" sections of the PivotTable Layout. The "Debit" and "Credit" fields are then summed in the "DATA" portion of the PivotTable.
My issue revolves around getting the actual impact for each account for each time period. Essentially, I need an extra column inserted between each time period that sums the debits and credits for that period. Do I need a macro for this (not any experience with macros)? My file is way to big to share, so let me know if a pared-down sample would work.
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Aug 12, 2009
I run most of my macros out of a file called "Personal.XLS" and I have this bit of code at the end of this particular macro which is closing personal.xls instead of the active file it is working on. It is set up on a loop and it should go to the next file in the directory but since it closes the file I run the macro from, the macro stops immediately. It appears that it believes "ThisWorkbook.Close" is referring to the file from which the macro is initiated.
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Dec 7, 2012
I am trying to write the code for adding double speechmarks for the number of columns on my spreadsheet with a column heading Notes. There are about 10 columns out of 30, and all of them need double speachmarks.
My manual process was to insert a new column in from of the 'Notes' column, use the concatenate function for example - =concatenate("""",A2,"""") and copy the function down the column. The I was geting rid of the formula by copypaste special values, transfering to my original 'Notes' column and at the end deleting the new column that I added at the beginning.
Is there a quick code to populate a concatenate formula via VB? If not, what code can I use to replicate my manual process via VB. On the quick note, the spreadshee has always the same number and order of columns, but number of rown is defferent each time.
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Jan 6, 2014
I have 5 coloums in which the last three have numeric values. The first two coloums have name and country code. Now, The first two coloums have duplicate values but the rest of the corresponding columns have different numeriv values. What I want now is to add the numeric values of the coloumns of the duplicate data and want to display in the first row. For ex there are A = name , B= Country , C D and E contains different numeric values. A and B have dupilcate data but different C, D and E values. Now I want to add up the numeric values of the dupilcate data and get it displayed in a new coloum in the first row of the duplicate data set.
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Jun 25, 2014
I just downloaded an income/expense template from Zillow to manage my rental properties. The template works great but it's only set up for 5 houses and I need more columns as I own more than 5. In the attached template the houses are listed by property codes and that is the column that I need to add to.
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Jun 26, 2013
Each week I get new weekly data-metrics. I have a series of formulas that figure LAST 4 weeks average, LAST 8 weeks, etc etc. How do I drop in a new week of data and have my formulas adjust? For instance, my formula figures last 4 weeks average of May Wk 1, May Wk 2, May Wk3, May Wk4. Now it is June Wk1, so I want to figure (without changing any formula) May Wk 2, May Wk3, May Wk 4, June Wk 1.
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Jun 4, 2014
in my workbook: in sheet1 i have many cells with formulas which calculates values from sheet2. I also have a macro which is used often that will arrange and prepare data in sheet2, including adding some columns.
The problem is that after these columns are added, the formulas in sheet1 will be changed, even if I used f4 ($) in the formulas.
how can I freeze these formulas? I think a solution is to include the formulas in sheet1 in the macro I'm running for sheet2. But I would like to avoid this.
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