I have a question about conversion of a text format into date format.
2 computers, the first windows vista, the second Windows 8, both Excel 2007.
The purpose is to calculate the difference between 2 dates with hour:minutes:seconds, like for example: 18/12/2012 19:20:00 and 18/12/2012 19:23:03.
So in this example the result should be 00:03:03.
Both dates are formatted with 'personalized' : dd/mm/yyyy hh/mm.
In the first computer everything works like it should, but in the second it is apparently impossible to transform the first of those date h:m:s which is originally in a text format into a date format. I tried all the methods which i found to transform a text date format into a date , like multiplication with 1, Datevalue and others, but nothing seems to work, the result is always "#Value".
I entered a pretty easy formula to pull the month from a date:
, where C23 = 12/11/2013. This returns the expected output of 12.
However, when I convert it to text:
It outputs January instead of December. I am so confused, why would Excel 2010 return bogus output in this regard? I mean, I can use the =MONTH formula.
Sheet1 (Also named "TicketNames") and Sheet 2 ("Day1"). On TicketNames I have 4 Columns the first 3 columns with about 5 names per columns. Each list of five are given a specific Name ("One","Two","Three"). The last column is just a list for Day1 dropdown menu. (3 names, "One", "Two", "Three").
On Day1, I have a validation list on A1 which will allow the user to select either ("One, Two or Three").
On B1, another dropdown menu, but it will only show the items related to the selection they made on A1.
My problem is that on A1, instead of having "One" show up, I want it to say "$1" for One dollar. But because it is a number not a text it won't allow me to use a validation list using this.
I have a VBA subroutine that builds a list of dates in an array and then copies this to the worksheet using worksheetfunction.transpose. The array is two dimensional and therefore uses the variant data type.
This works fine in Excel 2002. In Excel 2003 the array is fine until the Transpose function is used, at this point they are changed from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy. This means that some dates are changed (eg: 01/Mar/2008 becomes 03/Jan/2008) and some are written as strings (eg: 17/Mar/2008 becomes the string "17/03/2008" and cannot be operated on as a date).
I'm aware that there was a hotfix to deal with a similar issue regarding recalculation but this is on Excel 2003 SP3 which should already have that hotfix in place.
I have reduced my code down to a basic demonstration showing the problem. This assumes the worksheet contains some dates in "A2:A32". I have also attached the workbook containing this code.
VB: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim a() As Variant, c As Integer Redim a(1 To 31) For c = 1 To 31 a(c) = Cells(1 + c, 1) Next c Range("D2:D32") = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(a) End Sub
I have fixed this problem by looping through each element of the array and writing them individually in to cells but this is far slower so I'd like to know if there is a better solution than that.
I have been working on a spreadsheet with 3 sheets and have done everything except the last function which I just can't work out. Data is entered on the first sheet in a list with an item number, description, dates etc and then finally, if they are a certain type of item, a variation, a 'variation number' in a column.
The next sheet is then called 'variations' and here starts my problem. I want to have a formula that picks up if a variation number has been entered on sheet one in the 'variation number' column and if so, add that item into this sheet, in order.
So to summarise, I need sheet 2 to search on sheet 1 in a specific column for numbers 1-30(ish) for a series of items. I then need sheet 2 to list each of these in order, copying over each item that goes with the number from sheet 1 in the same format.
In order to export an excel table into another program I first need to save the excel file as .txt. The .txt file can then be imported by the other program.
First I however need to make excel understand that the value should be a text and not a value. I therefore format the number as text (0000150235) by adding "0000150235". After saving the file as .txt the format changes from "0000150235" to """0000150235""". I do however need the format in the .txt file to be "0000150235". Can anyone tell me how I can save "0000150235" as .txt and get the value "0000150235" in the .txt file.
I have come across an issue and I am not sure what the best way is to achieve my goal or if it's even possible. We are importing dates that are in IBM DB2 Date format. Example: the date is imported as 1060318(C/YY/MM/DD), which is is actually 2006 March 18th. I would like to convert 1060318 to something that Excel can format into March 18th 2006.
I'll get straight to the point: How can I change this text format from 474556788 to 0-47455678-8 (dash added after 0 and before the last number). I need to apply this to around 5000 rows (can't do that manualy). I want it to be int his format:
474556788 to 047-455678-8
Tks Auto Merged Post;474556788 to 047-455678-8 (This is the wanted format)
What is the custom format cell type I need to create to make cells in inches (such as 0.125, .25, .375, 3.125) into the format of 00-00-0/0 where the 0/0 is 1/8 of an inch? So, 4.25 would become 00-04-2/8. 62.25 inches would become 05-02-2/8.
I need a formulat that will ensure that a cell has 12 numeric characters,a dash, and then 3 more numeric characters. I thought this was a simple formula but I cannot get anything to work.
I have a problem that when I try to convert text to number and format the number without 2 decimal places as seen on the link I have given below, Instead of 1607.947, I get 1607947. I have Excel 2010 loaded. The details are in below picture.
The included, small database is formatted as text. It is a text feed from an outside source. I simply want to format the cells into either numbers or general format but not text... seems simple, and it should be, but the only way I can get this done is to go to each cell and access the formula bar and re-enter the number by pressing Enter.
I used to get data from a database (CorVu & MIMS) in this format "0122458/001". Due to changes in those Databases I now get the data as 2 columns " 0122458" and "1" .What I need to do is somehow get this back to the old format including the leading zeros.
I can't seem to make user-defined format that puts a text in front of a number and/or a text.
Let's say I have A1: 13, A2: texttext A3: text7 and I want to format a lot of cells to "Ilike 13" / "Ilike texttext" / "Ilike text7"... ie add the same text in the front of the cell, no matter what the content is.
I did manage it seperately, with "texttext" @ for text and "texttext" # for numbers, but what's the general one?
My problem is that i am copying values from one sheet like: 1355,588846 and 456,23589 and storing them in a array. When i want to display the array in another sheet the values come out like 1355588846 and 45623589. So in the first sheet excel recorgnises the comma as a decimal number and in the other sheet as a thousand separator. How can i change this?
In the attached sheet, one macro is developed which is not working properly. My req is to convert date from dd-mon-yyyy to yyyy/mm/dd format. (23-jan-2010--> 2010/01/23)
If incomplete date is there, then hyphen should place the gap i.e.
For date like APR-2014------> Output should be 2014/04/-- For date like 1998 -----> Output should be 1998/--/--
The below macro works only for row number 11, 15 and 16.
Is there a way to disable the Convert button on the File menu and also to limit the Save As file types? I have a workbook that I maintain in Office 2003 that gets filled out by customers and returned. When a user with a newer version of Excel converts the file, it doesn't function properly when I go open it. I believe the conversion issue has to do with Active X Controls, but I'm using them to do some things that won't work with Forms Controls, so replacing them would be a last resort. Also, upgrading Office isn't an option at this point.
I have a standard block of text with numbers in it pulled from various calculations in a financial model. I have done this through a formula
e.g. ="You gross profit percentage is " & D9 & "% and your gross profit is $" & D10 & "." Problem is i'd like to format the numbers that pull through so they are easier to read. At the moment in the above example D10 results in $-600000000. I'd like it to look like $(600,000,000).
I'm trying to figure out an Internal Rate of Return for a spreadsheet. The answer is supposed to be: 29.42% however I'm getting 25.94%. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong in my IRR function on the Profitability worksheet? I'm currently using Excel 2007 by the way.
I was trying to explain modulus to someone and they wanted to know why you can "flip" symbols mod(-6,7) = 1 in Excel. So I got to explaining that -6 Mod 7 is the same as -6-(|-6/7|)*7 which is how you get 1.
And that's when I realized... |-6/7| = 0 not -1. Then I looked in VBA and sure enough -6 mod 7 = -6. Apparently the problem boils down to the Integer conversion. Excel is performing the integer coversion by rounding down (INT) wheras VBA appears to be using CINT.
So here is how it work out in excel: -6-(|-6/7|)*7 -6-(|-0.857142857|)*7 -6-(-1)*7 -6--7 -6+7=1
But in VBA you get -6-(|-6/7|)*7 -6-(|-0.857142857|)*7 -6-(0)*7 -6-0=-6
I'm exporting a csv file from a membership database with the attendance of members. With a macro i open the file and copy the contend to excel. With the macro the column for the date has *randomly* wrong formats. Example the date in column B:
Aasia Tallah19-03-2009 19:33 Aasia Tallah17/03/09 7:49 pm Aasia Tallah15/03/09 7:53 pm Aasia Tallah14/03/09 6:34 pm Aasia Tallah03-12-2009 20:05 Aasia Tallah03-11-2009 19:56 Aasia Tallah03-10-2009 19:54
I try to change the format of the column, but that does not work. Rows 2,3 and 4 seem to be text but they are not. If i access the edit bar for example the 17th of march and store without changing anything, it changes to the format of the first row. That is how i want it. If i copy the column by hand, every thing is fine.
All of the following i tryed: - format date column of the csv before copying... failed - copy special with only pasting values... failed - preformat the column i paste the date to... failed - delete the sheet i paste to and create a new one... failed - copy the macro to a new workbook... failed
I have two sets of data that I need which is obtained from one source.
Basically, the stats I am working with in excel are Processing Time (minutes/seconds) and Volume Per Hour. I desperately need a formula that will allow me to convert the processing time into Volume per hour.
Example: Average Handle Time, 7min 7 seconds = x per hour. If it was just 7 minutes flat I could simply divide that into 60. I also can't make it 7.7 and divide that because 7.7 doesn't equal 7m7s.
Does anyone have any thoughts on a way to do this? I found a conversion chart online that allowed me to do this work manually 'Conversion Chart: Fraction of an Hour to Minutes', but I haven't determined a way to make a formula out of this.
I have the following equation programed in Excel, (see file attached). I do not understand while the match funstion is not working the lookup value is the on in cell N1 the array is from B1:F1. The return value should be 3 but I get #NA instead at the begining I was thinking that the values were different but then I compared cell =D1=N1 and the result was TRUE, meaning that they are equal
Function Timings(StartTime As Double, EndTime As Double, Times As Range, Calc As Long)
StartTime will refer to a cell in Column A that holds a date and time EndTime will refer to a cell in Column B that holds a date and time Times is the range of cells that hold times of the day I am testing against. The cells are within a range defined called Hours. Calc refers to different criteria that I am testing again. This is a number list between 1 to 5.
The function works well if the cell that StartTime or EndTime refer to cell values that are date/time. If the data is anything different, I get a #VALUE error such as if the cell contents is text. I tried to trap the error to see if the data inputted in the cell is not date/time and thus cannot be converted to a Double but it always throughs up #VALUE and the function seems as though it fails when it . Is there anyway to trap the error of wrong data type in the first the first few lines of code in the function?
Column A Column B Column C Formula 05/01/2013 12:00 06/01/2013 09:00 =Timings(A1,B1,Hours, 1) 25/02/2013 15:00 30/02/2013 14:30 =Timings(A2,B2,Hours, 1) 03/01/2013 16:00 abc =Timings(A3,B3,Hours, 1)
Row 2 will return #VALUE becuase 30/02/2013 14:30 is an invalid date (30th Feb does not exist so Excel seems to pickup as text)
Row 3 will return #VALUE because it is text and cannot be converted to a double data type
I have cobbled together (borrowing from examples I have found online because I don't know VBA) a form which inserts a date into a spreadsheet.
The trouble I have is that this date field is in USA date format and I need UK.
If I enter 03/01/2009 into the form, it appears in the spreadsheet as 01/03/2009. I have formatted these cells to display the month only and because of the way it was entered, the next column displays MAR instead of JAN.
I'm trying to convert a number from word to a number in excel. Example: 10-12 input in word to a cell in excel. Unfortunately it treats it as a date an gives me 39002. I want to be able to use both numbers and add them together to get -2 not 39002. How to format the excel spreadsheets in order to complete this calculation.