Macro To Run Solver ..

Dec 21, 2006

can I program a macro to run solver? ...

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Multiple Solver Constraints In Solver

Sep 10, 2006

I have a cell, D5, which is the sum of three other cells, A5 B5 and C5. (all currently empty). Cells A1 through C4 are filled with various numbers.

What I've been trying to do is use solver to say: Make D5 equal 200, do it by manipulating only A5 B5 and C5, and make it subject to the constraint that A5 must equal a value selected from A1:A4, and B5 must equal a value from B1:B4, and C5 ...etc. I have deliberately set it up so that there is only one solution.

I was doing fine until trying to create the constraints. How can I make a constraint that says "this cell" must equal "one of the following cells"? And if I can't do that, is there an alternate method of achieving the same result?

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Macro To Run Solver

Nov 2, 2006

I'm trying to run a macro which will allow me to run solver and keep the solution.. I have managed to get the macro to work. However, does anyone knows how I can ensure that solver's solution can be automatically saved without prompting the user whether to save the solution?

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Macro For Running Solver ...

Jan 11, 2009

I have a problem with a macro in Excel 2007. It invokes
solver and creates an answer report. Please find the VB
code for macro, below.

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Solver Macro Crashes

Jan 25, 2010

When I run a group of macros for some reason after the marcro runs and I hit F2 excel crashes.

I have figured out that it is one of the marcros that makes the excel crash. It is only when I run the solver application. The code is below. Any thoughts why hitting F2 after running this marcro would crash the machine?

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Macro To Run Multiple Solver Solutions

Sep 28, 2008

A single macro that I can assign to a button and, when clicked, will compute 3 solver solutions instantly without the solver boxes popping up.

My problems
I am having trouble with the "ValueOf:=" part. In my code below, I am trying to tell it to go to either cell b14, b15, or b16, select that value which will be a number, and use that number as the "ValueOf". The ValueOf is the number I am ultimately trying to achieve using Solver. Range("B##").select doesn't work but I need to somehow select that number in that cell and tell solver to use that number when computing.

If I manually type a number for the "ValueOf:="0.952975095" it will compute it correctly but manually typing this number in each time defeats the purpose of creating this macro. The whole purpose of this macro is so I don't have to manually type in numbers.

Also, recording a macro with multiple solver steps hasn't worked. When the macro is ran with multiple Solver solutions, it only computes one solution... the last one. I think the last data is stored in the Solver application but I'm not sure how to erase it, and start a new solver setup. Anyways, you all would know better than I would.

What's important?
It needs to compute in a certain order. In this order: Cells D14, then D15, Finally D16. That's probably not a big deal though.

My code

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro

SolverOk SetCell:="$C$14", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:=Range("B14").Select, ByChange:= _
SolverSolve UserFinish:=True


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Macro To Run SOLVER Across Several Sheets On Linear Program

Nov 18, 2012

Writing a macro to run SOLVER on a linear program. I have twenty tabs, each with a linear program and a solver already set up (constraints, cells to change, and cell to maximize). I would like to run a sub that will solve each tab's LP by running the tab's SOLVER...

If it makes it easier, my cell to maximize is I17, by changing B16:H16, subject to I20:I40 SolverAdd -> SolverOk -> SolverSolve

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Saving Solver Objective Function Value With A Macro

Mar 23, 2013

I have written this macro below to run solver multiple times. It saves the solver results on a line and then inserts a new line for the next solver run.

I would like to save the final Objective Function Value from solver in each line as well as its result. Is there any way to do this?

Sub run()
' run Macro
' run solver
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+n
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

[Code] .........

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VBA Macro To Use Solver On User Selected Column Of Data?

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to write this macro so that I can optimize 181 outputs based on 2 inputs (columns A and B are inputs). Each row has a single output at the end of the row that I am trying to minimize. I want to be able to select as many of the rows that I want and have the code optimize each individual row. So far I can't get it to let me use variable cell references for the "ByChange:="$A$3,$B$3"." This is the hang up that is not letting me increment the macro to the next row. The macro works currently for the single selected cell, but until I can vary the ByChange portion, I can't automate it.

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Prevent Sheet Change Macro When Solver Runs

May 26, 2009

Is there a way to prevent the Workbook_SheetChange event macro from triggering when I run Excel's Solver?

The solver goes through 100 or so iterations changing multiple cells each of which seemed to trigger the Workbook_SheetChange event. If there was a Solver Run event, I could turn off application events, but as far as I know such an event does not exist.

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Solver Solver To Calculate Through VBA

Jan 12, 2007

I have to use use the solver to calculate something (a mean-variance framework).

I am using the solver to minimize a cartain cell (variance) by making two cells equal through (expected return) by varying 10 cells( weights of assets), but I have to repeat this for 500+ times (for different expected returns).

Someone told me that I could best use some sort of loop through VBA. But I don't have a clue how that works.

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Solver- When Solver "changes Cells"

Jan 21, 2009

I want to use solver program. But when solver "changes cells" i want it to trigger my pivot tables in the workbook. So i added the code to my worksheet:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)


End Sub

So when a change occurs, all my pivot tables will get refreshed and my data will change. Is solver able to trigger this event while solving an optimization problem?

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Run Solver With VBA

Feb 14, 2008

I am trying to drive Solver in Excel 2000 with a Visual Basic (version given as 9969) macro. SolverReset is observed, and SolverAdd puts the constraints in. But the SolverOK statement does nothing, so the SetCell and the ByChange windows stay empty.

SolverSolve is trying to do something, because the spreadsheet cell that should receive the return code from Solver gets an error value #VALUE! (The macro then stops, unable to process this entry.)

Solver is checked off ok in the References list in V.Basic.

The same macro, same spreadsheet, in the same Excel file, works fine on the other computer in my office with what I am told is a more recent version of Excel; i.e. this doesn't look like a coding error.

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Sudoku Using Solver Add-In

Jun 2, 2009

I wanted to see if I could use the solver to Solve Sudoku puzzles. I created the attached workbook. First it colors the numbers that are put in manually, which would be the starting puzzle. I have a generic one put in now. Then it finds which cells that are allowed to change. Then it is supposed to solve. It doesn't work. Run the Sheet1.SolvePuzzle Macro to see it not work. Is solver just not up to the task, or am I missing something?

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Error While Using Solver In VBA

Feb 20, 2010

I recorded a macro using 'Solver'. When I try to run it, I get a message"Complie Error: Sub or Function not defined". Can anyone help me?

Heres the
Sub Macro1()
SolverOk SetCell:="$R$4", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:="4275", ByChange:="$S$4"
End Sub

I also tried this
Sub SolverMacro()
' Example Solver VBA Macro
SolverOk SetCell:="$R$4", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:="4275", ByChange:="$S$4"
SolverSolve userFinish:=True
End Sub

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Solver And Sumproduct

Feb 4, 2008

I need to solve this using solver. I have an idea, but I'm not sure what to in regards to my objective function, and how to properly set up my constraints. I know I need to use sumproduct, but I'm not sure in what way. I'm using Excel 2007, here is the problem:

The Sweet Smell Fertilizer Company Markets bags of Manure is Combination of compost and Sewage Wastes. Each pound of Compost costs sweet smell $0.05 and has a fertilizer rating of 2 units. Each pound of sewage costs $0.004 and has a fertilizer rating of unit. To provide good quality fertilizer, each bag should contain at least 35 pounds of compost, not more than 40 pounds of sewage, and have total fertilizer rating of at least 100 units. Determine the lowest-cost blend of compose and sewage in each bag.

Here is what I have so far: ....

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Solver Root

Nov 17, 2008

I created a trendline and associated equation for some data plotted against Time on the x-axis displayed in MM/DD/YY format. The date for the data ranges from 3/27/06 thru 11/10/08.

The trendline equation is…


The data actually crosses the y=0 line around 11/5/07, which is the data root

When I use Goal Seek, I got a zero root solution of 28154.98. When I convert this to the date format, it converts to a date in 1981 which is not correct. I tried a range of initial guesses but they all converge to the same number.

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VB - Looping Over Solver

Jan 14, 2009

I am using solver to solve an optimisation problem I have. I need to apply a new solver to every populated row of my sheet. My solver code is as follows:

Sub solverloop()
SolverOk SetCell:="$Z$2", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:="0", ByChange:="$N$2:$O$2"
End Sub

The code above applies the solver to row 2. My sheet has roughly 500 populated rows. I need to write a macro to loop solver over each row, accept the solution provided by solver, then move to the next row. i would also like to close the loop automatically when the last populated row is reached.

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Solver Examples

Nov 8, 2006

I am having problems with this excercise on my worksheet in my business computing class. I was wondering if someone could guide me through on how to use the solver feature.

Eve Blue is the manager of Southland Furniture store and she is planning a New Years Day sale. The store has only 75 square feet of space available to display and stock this merchandise. During the sale each folding table costs $5, retails for $11 and takes up two square feet of space. Each chair costs $4, retails for $9 and takes up one square foot of space. You must order at least one chair and one table and, of course, they must be whole units. The maximum amount allocated for purchasing the tables and chairs for the sale is $280. Eve cannot sell more than 40 chairs but the demand for tables is unlimited. Eve asked you to help her determine how many tables and chairs she should purchase in order to make the most profit.

Layout: (I marked in x's where I need to solve.)

Unit Wholesale Cost $5.00 $4.00
Unit Retail Price $11.00 $9.00
Profit per Unit $6.00 $5.00
Square feet per Unit 2 1

Quantity to Order x x

Total Cost $- $-
Total Profit $- $-
Total Square Footage00


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Solver Does Not Function

Mar 23, 2007

At work, we have a spreadsheet that uses SOLVER.XLA in a macro. It works fine in Excel '97 but in Excel 2003 it simply does nothing. The code is

s = Application.LibraryPath & "solversolver.XLA"
On Error Resume Next
Workbooks.Open filename:=s
Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro String:="SOLVER.XLA!SOLVER.RESET()"
Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro String:="SOLVER.XLA!SOLVER.OK( PLOT!R46C4,2,0,(PLOT!R13C12:R14C12))"
Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro String:="SOLVER.XLA!SOLVER.OPTIONS(100,100,0.000001,FALSE,FALSE,2,1,1,0.05,TRUE)"
Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro String:="SOLVER.XLA!SOLVER.OK(PLOT!R46C4,2,0,(PLOT!R13C12:R14C12))"
Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro String:="SOLVER.XLA!SOLVER.SOLVE()"
ActiveSheet. Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=True, Scenarios _
:=True, password:="sigma"

It gives no error message, it simply does not do the calculations. (I took out the error handling line to make sure that there really were no errors being generated!)

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Solver Invoicing

Apr 24, 2007

I am trying to get Solver to list a combination of invoices which make exact specified amount of close to...

attached is an example, maybe im doing it completely wrong, or other tools can be used...

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Using Excel Solver With Min And Maximum?

Jan 27, 2014

I'm having issues getting solver to use the minimum and maximum for hours and items to be produced. I can't seem to get a balance between the two.

Solver 1.xlsx

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Constrained Regression Using Solver

Nov 11, 2008

I have the following dataset and was wondering how I can run a constrained regression in Excel with the constraint being that the total allocation of assets is 100%:

Total return (y): 12 data points
Asset 1 (x1): 12 data points
Asset 2 (x2): 12 data points
Asset 3 (x3): 12 data points
Asset 4 (x4): 12 data points
Asset 5 (x5): 12 data points
Asset 6 (x6): 12 data points

[Attached is a spreadsheet with the actual dataset]

I know the regression equation I need is R = b1X1 + b2X2 + ….+ (1 - b1 - b2 -….- b5 )X6 + e

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Add-in 'Solver' To Automatically Find A Value In Vba

Jul 25, 2009

I would like the XL add-in 'Solver' to automatically find a value 'M' in the equation attached, based on 'R' being 30%.

I also would like to be able to manually enter 'M' based if I would like 'R' to be different from 30%.

How can I program this in VBA, and have the equation automatically done in the first instance simply by clicking on cell 'R'.

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Looking For A Function To Replace Solver

Jan 11, 2010

See my file. I want to calcuate a % needed (20%) to add to a another material. Should be easy but I can not figure it out.

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Solver In VBA Without Cell References?

Aug 4, 2009

My macro uses the solver 100 times. Everything is working well, but it's a little bit slow because of all the cell references.

I was wondering if it's possible to use the solver with variables without cell references?

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Embedded Macros In New Solver

Feb 12, 2012

Can embedded macros be found within the new Solver and how would you make the changes you need in VBA with different constraint analysis?

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How To Set Constraints As Integer In Solver

Mar 26, 2012

I want to set constraints as an integer in solver. But I don't know how to do it.

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VBA - Solver Reference Disappeared -

Oct 30, 2007

When I go to excel ==> ALT + F11 ==> Tools ==> Reference ==> I can't seem to find "solver" anymore. My code was using the solver module, and now my code does not work. I can't find "solver" to check it.

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Solver Add In But Unfortunately It Cant Take More Then 200 Constraints And Hence Gives An Error

Mar 9, 2008

I was able to find a solution using the excel solver add in but unfortunately it cant take more then 200 constraints and hence gives an error. I am unable to find a different approach to this problem.......

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