Nested If Formula Claims There Are Too Many Arguments
Feb 11, 2013
But I've read that the new versions of excel allow for up to 64 nested if functions. I need to nest about 5 if functions, but after I write out the 3rd excel says there are too many arguments.
I am entering the following Nested IF(AND statement into a cell and getting a message stating "You've entered too many arguments for this function." Any idea on what formula I can use to get the needed information into this cell based on the fact that there are different inputs that can be entered into the related cell that will trigger the needed respons in the working cell?
Im trying to build a little database and the closest thing i have come to manage what i want to do is with IF and Vlookup function.
I have 1 "main page" lets call it "sheet1" Then i have nomerous of "secondary pages" we call them "sheet2", "sheet3" etc.
The idea is that on my "main page" im using 3 colums "A","B" and "C". "A" and "B" helps deciding where my VLOOKUP function should find the correct value.
The "A" column is planned to decide in what sheet to look for seach word(which is written in "C" column)
Basicly if "A1" is saying "2" its gonna do my VLOOKUP in "sheet2" , and if "A1" sais "3" its gonna look for my "search word" in "sheet3" etc.
My formula at this point (witch is working for 2 pages) =IF(A1=2;VLOOKUP(B1;sheet1!A1:B6;2;FALSE);IF(A1=3;VLOOKUP(B1;sheet2!A1:B6;2;FALSE)))
This is working perfectly. If i write "2" in "A1" and "car" in "B1" VLOOKUP jumps to "sheet1" lookup "car" and return the value in the second column (in this case 2" and if i write "3" in "A1" and keep "car" in "B1" VLOOKUP jumps to "sheet2" and return the carvalue for this sheet (in this case 22).
Then the problem The problem is ofcourse that if i wanna continue with this formula in the same box, i wanna make it keep looking in more sheets depending on what number i have in "A1" If i put number 5 in it goes to "sheet5" and look for "car" and return valuve.
But at this point the formula is too big for excel.
So i guess my question is. Is there any workaround for this? Can anyone come up how to approach this in another way? (im out of ideas) Or am i doomed and have to learn programming to get my idea to work?
I am have these values based on dates from 1st till 31st and each value is in the alternate cell on the worksheet. For example, value for the 1st is in Cell A1 and the value for 2nd is in cell C1 and so on.
I need to sum all these values for different dates. I am using the sum() and it gives me an error like "too many arguments in the formula".
Do I need to do something else or apply a different formula? Maybe a UDF or a macro?
I have tried many ways to get script to do the following without success. I need a vba formula that identifies claims in a Range that are not 12 characters in length and do not have "00" at the beginning & end of the number. The format of the number should be "00########00".
I have a chart in my spreadsheet that shows number of claims per defect. Is there a way to format this bar chart so that it will only show the top 5 automatically, even when they are constantly changing? There are a total of 13 different catagories.
I added in the VLOOKUP(B12,VALVESFILTERS!A12:E2000,3,FALSE) - when I used it without that it worked. But I have 3 sheets I need the the VLOOKUP to look over and this formula that I copied off another thread only had 2 tabs.
I'm tryig to find a way to index data in an array that meets certain matching criteria. I am looking for an employee's rate on a given day by searching a database that lists the dates that an employee's rate was changed. I was hoping to solve it with a crafty index and match array formula but have been unable to find something that works so far. I have attached a simplified example of what I am trying to do.
I need entering multiple arguments in an IF formula in Excel 2013. Here is the formula with just 1 argument.
I need to combine it with the following.........
So to say, if the sum totals more than 3000 but less than 10000, then I want the cell value (G15) multiplied by 80% (.80). if it is greater than 10000, i want the sum minus 10000. If both arguments are false (sum totals less than 3000) then the value placed should be 0.
I have a rather large formula that I put together and it's shown in column 'C' in the small sample file I have attached. I'd like to add one more criteria such that I avoid duplicate solutions in column 'C'. i.e. I only want the first occurrence of a group.
The formula works fine 'bucketing' the first entry. If I have an solution in C I want the formula to not give me another answer if the cell immediately above has an answer. In other words, rows 11 and 15 would be blank because rows 10 and 14 have an answer.
I've tried inserting another criteria in the AND statement, like ISBLANK for the cell above, but I can't get it to work. What am I doing wrong, OR is there a simpler solution?
=IF(C2="Windows",B2,IF((AND(A2=A3,C3="Windows")),B3,IF((AND(A3=A4,C4="Windows")),B4,IF((AND(A4=A5,C5="Windows")),B5,IF((AND(A5=A6,C6="Windows")),B6,IF((AND(A6=A7,C7="Windows")),B7,IF((AND(A7=A8,C8="Windows")),B8,"None")))))))Here is a link to the spreadsheet (D2 being the formula cell):
Basically, I am trying to put the columns data (if it has a porch, conservatory, windows) into one row for the contract number, as the dump which I have, is giving me seperate row's instead of one.
I am trying to get the formula to check if the contract number matches on the following row, and if it does, to check if the Product Description matches the header of that row (if it's a window, conservatory) if so, copy the quantity cell into D1, however, it's copying it even if the contract numbers do not match and I do not know where I am going wrong!!
Objective: To find out which customers order certain items and which customers dont order certain items. Many customers may order the same item eg customer A, B, C, D all order item "4567"
I have 2 worksheets.
Worksheet 1: Showing 30 item codes, item description and customers. Items in col A (A2:A31), description in col B (B2:B31) runnning down vertically. Customer name in cell 1 of all other columns running across horizontally, eg C1, D1, E1.... (C1:GF1). There are 186 customers. (A formula needs to start at C3 and dragged to GF3)
Worksheet 2: Raw data showing customers in column A and items in column B, There are 3,753 rows. Customer in column A are duplicated as the same customer may order a number of items so for eg
I have a spreadsheet which contains dates (amongst other info) of when a specific form was completed for a client. We have 'date windows' which these should fall into. I'm really struggling with how to work this one out and whether to use nested IF's or try some kind of code (although my vb knowledge kind of stops after recording a macro). Bascially I need to know for each 'date window' if the window has been met or missed. There may be up to 30 different dates per person (in my example sheet I have up to 9).
I currently use 3 different formulas to return a value I want. The first one is =LEN to return a value. I then want to decuct 1 from this length value so I just use =A2-1 in the next cell. I then use =right so my returned result is always the X right most characters -1. Is there a way I can nest all these formulas so I'm getting the desired result in just one cell?
I have to write a formula which states the following:
if cells AA1,AB1 &AC1 = 0 then "Slow-Moving", if of these cells AA1,AB1 &AC1 contains a number then "OK", if cells, AA1,AB1,AC1,Z1,X1,Y1 all = 0 then "Non-Moving"
I believe an If and AND combination could work but its not working for me.
I have searched the threads high and low, but no one seems to have come across this issue: My formula works fine untill it comes across a blank in Comparison!E16: =IF(AND(Comparison!E14=Comparison!E15,Comparison!E15=Comparison!E16),"",IF(AND(Comparison!E14=Comparison!E15,Comparison!E16=""),"") IF(AND(Comparison!E14<>Comparison!E15),Comparison!E14))
I am comparing cells from a previous sheet onto Comparison so that I can see where the discrepancies lie.
I want to: return nothing if all the cells match; return nothing if the first two match, but the third is blank; return the value if the first cell isn't matching
keeping in mind that this is only for the top cell: Comparison!14 - I will then have to bring it down to 15 and 16
I am trying to write a formula in 2003. The basic premise is below and I'm having problems getting all the senarios to work out.
Cells: E20 = Calc'ed amount E22 = Min amount (Sometimes equals zero - No Min) E23 = Max amount (Sometimes equals zero - No Max) E24 = Additional amount to add