I m trying to write a formula for my financial model. If anyone can take a stab at a solution. I'm trying to write a formula that will equally distribute revenue either over the next 1 month, 2 month or 3 month period depending on size of the deal.
Details: Sales will fit in 1 of 3 categories. Less than 25k; between 25k & 100k; greater than 100k.
- if under $25K, recognize in next month (month N+ 1) - $25K-100K, recognize in two equal parts in months N + 1 and N + 2 - over $100K, recognize in three equal parts over 3 months N + 1, N + 2, N + 3 ...
I've inserted the current date into an excel form using the TODAY() function.
I also need to provide the form in French, and when I change the language for the cell with the TODAY() function, it automatically abbreviates the month. For example, today's date appears as "13 nov. 2008" rather than "13 novembre 2008" as I would like it to appear.
I have a range of dates from 2003 to 2012. I formatted them to the 'Mar-01' option, but when I want to pivot on the month, Excel still reads them as the date - example 3/25/2008, 3/28/2008...and so my pivot table has multiple columns for all of the dates present in that month.
How do I truly format my dates so that excel reads them as the month only so that I can then pivot and show 12 columns (months) per year?
I am trying to project the next 12 month-end dates, based on today's date. I can do that using the EOMONTH function ... see exhibit below ... present month, 1 month out, 2 months out, last month. However, this workbook must be sent to many people and many of those folks will not have EOMONTH functionality because that requires the Analysis Toolpak functions to be added in. How can I accomplish this using standard Excel functions?
I have a formula in a cell that counts down the days of the month each day using the today function...that part works perfect...But I have some conditional formatting that highlights the row when their is only 5 days left. Basically the row stays highlighted yellow for anything >=0 ="0",$BJ3
What i have in cell D3 is the formula 'Today ()' to show the date formatted like so. January 2012.
In cells B1,B4,B7,B10,B13,B16,B19,B22,B25,B28,B31,B34 are results showing targets for set each month of the year (B1=January, B2=February etc). What i want to do in cell D4 is show the target for the month that we are in, in other words the target for the month showing in cell D3.
=Date(year(today()),month(today()),A1) works great, However I need the formula to subtract 1 month if the value returned would be greater than today's date.
I'm trying to create a formula in Col D that will give me the difference of (Todays) Month/Date and (Date of Hire). The shaded rows at the end do not provide a correct answer.
How do I make the Column formula eliminate the 1 (due to hire mnth/day falling between 1/1 and current mnth/day). I've put about 30 hours in this formula, tried it many different ways. . . and realize I just can't get it.
I'm all for redoing the whole spreadsheet if you have a better way of doing vacation accruals
I have a spreadsheet and every row has an incident date. What I would like to do is calculate which relative month it is compared with today's date. I know how to show if it is in the current month, but what I want is something like the following:
Today's date is 9 July 13
Row 1 date = 9 June 13, hence calculation = -1 Row 2 date = 17 May 13, hence calculation = -2 Row 3 date = 29 Jan 13, hence calculation = -6 etc
Some sort of month to month comparison resulting in an integer.
I have a data table with monthly data in columns (65 rows deep), with the months (in format dd/mm/yyyy but showing as Dec 05) running across Row 4.
I want to be able to use OFFSET to identify the current and previous 5 months, in order to dynamically chart various items in the last 6 months worth of data.
The charting bit I'm okay with, and I realise I need to assign Names for this to work, but I'm struggling with the OFFSET & date combination.
I have the following but it starts from a defined reference cell;
I am importing data that contains specific start dates and I was wondering how to filter the criteria in Microsoft query to only show start dates greater than today or perhaps yesterday. This would eliminate all entries that have already occurred. It seems I can only select a date in the criteria that exists in the data.
I would like to write a formula to return a value from a column that relates to an array within which my lookup value exists. See the tables below:
ID V1 V2 V3
105 27 3 149
[Code] .......
The tables above are on different sheets within a workbook. I would like to write a formula that returns the "ID" numbers from column "A" in the first table, based on values in columns B-D in that first table, into column "C" in the second table. For example, in this case, the ID number that corresponds with the value "12491" would be "109", since 12491 corresponds with 109 in the first table.
FYI, the "Value" numbers in the second table are calculated based on their rank (high-low) within the matrix in the first table.
I tried the INDEX-MATCH function, but it doesn't seem to work if I'm trying to find a value within a 2-D array- it only works if I'm looking in a single column.
I am trying to display the month only in text by looking to another cell that contains a date. So, if A1 contains '11/12/08', I want B1 to contain 'December'.
I have a daily history of the S&P that I downloaded from Yahoo Finance. I would like to show only the third friday of the month and hide the rest of the days.
is it possible to display the week number of todays date (today()) from a physically entered start date (which would obviously be week one), the start date would be november 4th 2013.
I have a list of dates in the format of 23/10/2009 etc. I'm looking to show the adjacent cell as the month e.g October. Each time I try to format the cell as 'mmmm' it shows January, can someone please point me in the right direction.
I have a form where users will fill out data over the course of the month. When all required data is submitted, I have an image of a check mark show up to indicate that the month's information is complete.
How can I schedule the images to reset to
image.visible = False
when the workbook is opened for the first time the following month? Auto Merged Post;I've done some code that will get this done and put it in a workbook_open module. It will look at the destination fields for data for the current month and if they are empty, make the referenced image invisible.
But I am running into an error. It is saying "Object Required" and when I hover it says "false = false"
Here is the sample of the
Private Sub Workbook_Open() With Sheets("Checklist") For Each c In . Range("A6", .Range("A69")) If Month(c) = Month(Now()) And Year(c) = Year(Now()) And c.Offset(0, 3) = "" Then Image1.Visible = False End If Next c End With End Sub
I need assistance with the following date range scenario: I have a date field where the user enters a date. I want the next field to automatically give the month of that date for example: user enters 01/01/2008 I want the next field to automatically say "JAN" etc.
In the formula =A1&" "&"Statement Value". I would like to show the value of A1 as a Month (Aug) rather than 40056. The formula is in cell J1 and A1 is a link from another sheet formated as a Month. The result would update as the value in A1 get changed.
In one cell the user has to fill in a date, example 20.3.2008 and then in another cell he/she has to choose a month from a list (january-december). I need a macro that checks that the month stated in the date cell is the same as the month selected in the other list cell.
I have a list of items in column A. Column B has each item's net price. Columns C-N shows the consumption of the items per month. Column O shows in which location the items are stored.
I need to do a sumproduct so that it shows the value of the items retrieved from that particular location per month.
If it didn't have to be by location, I would've simply done something like =sumproduct($B1:$B10,C1:C10) and copied it across the columns. How do I tell excel to sum per location as well? I know there is a simple solution to this, just not seeing it...
EDIT: I tried =SUMPRODUCT(($B1:$B10)*(C1:C10)*(O1:O10=$B1)) but it gives a #VALUE error