User Scroll Through Range And Then Select

Mar 4, 2008

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Rod Extract Test Master.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutCR1=CRCSCTCUCV1Loan NumberCollect Tax EscCollect Oth EscPay Int on EscRE Tax Monthly Const2304100830NNY$0.003304100830NNN$0.00Borrower,Master,ARM [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

What I need to have happen is that the user decides what duplicate row to delete. The reason that there is a duplicate is that Row 1 has something different from Row 2. In my example above, CU1 is different from CU2. This is what caused this loan number from CR to be duplicated. I need to delete at my discretion one of the 2 rows.

What I would like is to have the user Select Range CR1:CR2 (this is relative in the sheet), run the macro, have it select the 2 row range, compare (relative) B1:B2 are they equal, compare C1:C2, are they equal, etc through the rest of the range. I would like the screen to update and stop with the range highlighted that is and and a MsgBox to click ok to Continue, then continue through the rest of the range. Once it has finished cheking the range, can the user use the mouse to select the range from CR that needs to be deleted, have the appropriate range selected and then the MsgBox Is this the range you want to delete? Y/N........................

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User Select Range Through Input Box

Sep 21, 2009

I'm trying to get a users' selected range to display in a cell as stored text.

therefore, If a user selects A1:D7. The text in Cells("G", 10) will be:"A1:D7"

w/o the quotes.

I've attached an example workbook.
Here's the formula thus far:

Sub SelectRangeBox()
Dim rnBody As Range
Dim vaMsg As Variant
vaMsg = Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Please enter the message-text:", _
Title:="Message", _
Loop While vaMsg = ""................................

Actuall maybe my thread should be Titled. user selected cell range displayed in input box save to cell as a text value.

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Allow User To Select Range Mid-macro

Aug 27, 2009

I have a protected worksheet with a mixture of locked and unlocked cells, and I'd like to provide an option to allow the user to select a large range of mixed (locked and unlocked) cells and, in the unlocked cells only, pre-populate with a standard formula.

I've got most of it working, but what I need is the specific code that allows the user to specify the range of cells they want the macro to act on.

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User Select Range For Macro

Dec 7, 2006

Using a script but when I use the given Range it is still using the complete WorSheet.

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Allow User To Select A Range Of Cells

May 9, 2008

I'm trying to create a macro for another user that she will use repeatedly for many different spreadsheets. Each spreadsheet will have a varying amount of rows that will need to be exported to a different file. She will highlight the cells she wants exported and then hit a button to do so. My problem is this: how do I code a macro so that it will know which cell is the beginning of her selection and which is the end?

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Want Macro To Pause, Allow User To Select A Range

Feb 18, 2008

I would like to Pause a macro to allow the user to select a range on the spreadsheet and then click OK to continue with Macro.

I tried to use Msbbox, but I can't figure out how to allow user to access the spreadsheet to highlight the desired range.

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VBA Code To Allow User To Select Range In Another Open Workbook?

Jul 26, 2013

I need the code to allow a user to select a column of their choice in an open workbook of their choice so that data can be lookuped up and changed. I am happy to create the code to do the lookup/changing, however the nearest I have found is the use of an inputbox which is limited to the active spreadsheet only. Some people have said the input box could be used over to another spreadsheet but I have not found that to work.

What I will need returned is the workbook name, sheet name and column. That will allow me to point to that and do the task.

This code could be used by 5 people and those 5 people could be running it on 20 different spreadsheets.

I thought this would be easy to find but it has eluded me. When using Excel normally, if you do a simple lookup formula, or create pivot function, excel prompts the user to select the workbook/sheet.

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Allow User To Select Range To Copy Macro Code

Apr 30, 2008

I cant seem to get to work together in the same macro but that work great seperated. I need them to be in the same macro. The first just simply copy's text from one workbook to another:

Sub Test2()
ActiveSheet. Range("a1").Copy _
Destination:=Workbooks("punchlist.xls"). Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlup).Offset(1,0)
End Sub

That worked ok but I needed to change it to the "active cell" instead of cell "a1". So then this line of code was made:

Dim userInputCell As Range

On Error Resume Next
Set userInputCell = Application.InputBox("Use the mouse to select a cell on any sheet", type:=8)
On Error Goto 0
If userInputCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cancel pressed"
Msgbox "You selected " & userInputCell.Address(,,,True)
End If

The second code works just the way I want it but it doesnt copy over the text to the other workbook. I assume the 2 codes need to be together but I cant get it to work without errors. I also need the text to copy over without changing the borders on either workbook.

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Using The Scroll Bar In A User Form

Jul 8, 2009

On a userform, I have 5 paragraphs of text that the user needs to read. The problem is the user can't see all 5 paragraphs, the user is only able to see about two paragraphs. I don't want to make the userform larger but I would like to add some type of scroll bar that would allow the user to scroll up and down to view all of the text.

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Select Cell In A Different Worksheet And Scroll?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm using the following code. It works fine when it comes to selecting the cell. However, I'm not sure how to bring the view of the worksheet such that the selected cell is in the middle of the sheet. I've the data horizontally laid out from column A to column BM. So, when someone makes a change in Sheet2 I need to point to the corresponding column in Sheet1 such that it is in the view.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim CellName As String
CellName = Range("A1").Value


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Programme To Automatically Select A Value From A List Or Range Once A User Has Selected Corresponding Value From A List Within A Combobox

Jan 28, 2007

i'm writing a refrigeration selection user interface, working from values on an excel spreadsheet. how to get the programme to automatically select a value from a list or range once a user has selected corresponding value from a list within a combobox. for example if a user sets the temperature of their refrigerator to -5 celsius i need the programme to automatically select the corresponding value of enthalpy for the air at that temperature.

View 5 Replies View Related Error (SELECT METHOD OR RANGE CLASS FAILED)

Jul 23, 2008

I have this:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=0).Activate
End Sub

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Scroll Bar Exceeds Data Range

Jul 19, 2010

My worksheet ends at cell AG650, and Control-End takes me there. I have deleted all columns and rows beyond that, saved, closed and re-opened.

But the scroll bar takes me to cell AG924500 -- more than 900,000 rows too far...

I tried setting the Scrollarea in VBA and got some unexpected results.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
ScrollArea = "A1:AG700"
End Sub

The elevator bar did not shrink at all, and the visible portion of the worksheet reacted inconsistently, sometimes correctly, sometimes seeming frozen or stopping short of the 700 rows specified, which makes me think there's an Excel bug involved.

I've also tried Hiding the unused rows but get this message:

"Cannot shift objects off the sheet"

So I've gone into VBA and removed all objects using this code:


But with no change at all...

I've also applied several commercial 'Excel tuning' programs, to no avail (FastExcel and CodeCleaner)

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Ask User To Select A Printer [{}]

Jan 2, 2007

I have a file for which I wish only selected pages to be printed, so I have disabled the print function in the ThisWorkbook module. Instead, the user chooses from a menu of available sheets to print, via a user form, and then requests the print.

I've got most of this sussed in my mind, but the users need the option of which printer to use (loads of networked printers available and the choice will depend upon monochrome for draft print or full colour for final print), so I want to be able to call up the printer dialog box using


I want all the options on the dialog box disabled, except for the choice of printer as clicking OK after choosing the printer adds the active sheet to the list of items to print.

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Allow User To Select ActiveWorkbook

Jan 21, 2009

I have the following code that is going to trigger an export macro and an import macro allowing the user to upgrade the version of their report;

Sub Upgrade_SLA_Report()

x = MsgBox("Is the file you wish to export from open?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If it is click yes" & vbCrLf & "If its not click No" _
& vbCrLf & "If you need to abort the macro click cancel", vbYesNoCancel)

Select Case x
Case 6
MsgBox "Please use the Windows menu in Excel to ensure that the file" _
& "you wish to export from is the ActiveWorkbook!", vbInformation
' Missing step
If ActiveWorkbook.Name = ThisWorkbook.Name Then Exit Sub
ExpWb = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Case 7
On Error GoTo Handler
.......................End Select

Problem is, I have a missing step within Case 6 which allows the user to ensure that the file they are exporting from is the ActiveWorkbook.

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For User To Select From ComboBox

Jan 11, 2008

I want to force a user to select a value from a Combobox that I set up in a newly created worksheet from inside a macro - while the macro is still running. I have the code to create a new worksheet, size it accordingly, add a Combobox control, assign a range of values for the drop-down list, but do not know how to suspend the macro and force the user to make a selection from this Combobox before continuing. Not even sure if this can be done.

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Restricted Scroll Areas Won't Scroll

Nov 26, 2007

I am using the toolbox/ properties method to restrict the scroll area in the sheets of my workbook. However, for some sheets when i keep the right hand arrow pressed, the screen will not scroll to the last column. (i.e. the screen display will not move with the selected cell box)

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User Select File To Open

Oct 17, 2011

I am writing code that requires data from another workbook. Instead of hardcoding the directory and filename (which changes daily), how can I have the code prompt the user to do this for me?

I want to open the file with:

links updated

Also, is there a way to have an initial directory that appears so the user need not go through a dozen directories every time to get to the file?

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How To Get User To Select A Sheet And Use It Later In Macro

Oct 10, 2013

I have a workbook with several sheets. I have written a macro to check if the value in a column is matching with that in another column in another sheet and return the value in a preceding column in the second sheet into a preceeding column in the first sheet. The code looks likes this and seems to be working fine.

Sub Copy_Price_Code()
Dim Rw As Long
For Rw = 6 To Sheet6.UsedRange.Rows.Count

[Code] ....

However, there would be more sheets in the workbook in future and I need to edit the macro in such a way that the user can select the source and destination sheets which I could use in the above macro. I tried to do it as follows but its not working.

Sub Copy_Price_Code()
Dim Rw As Long
Dim Rw2 As Long
Dim Sourcesheet As String
Dim Destinationsheet As String
Sourcesheet = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter source sheet name. (example: Sheet1).", _

[Code] .......

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Select Date From User Form

Mar 13, 2008

I need to let my users select their own start date for project work. All details so far are entered using a form. What methods are there?

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Pause Macro To Allow User To Select A Cell?

Aug 15, 2014

I am wanting to pause a macro to allow a user to select a cell and when the user hits enter the macro starts running again. My intention is that a user would select cell B5 or B8 or B55 and then hit enter and the cell would move 6 cells right and enter a value from the macro. The following is what I have tried and even though it allows to select a cell, it doesn't make that cell the active cell.


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Allowing User To Select A Cell But Not Edit It?

Aug 25, 2009

I have an event handler that runs a procedure when a user double clicks a cell. This procedure modifies the contents of this cell and other cells. I want the user to be able to select the cell so they can double click it, but I don't want them to be able to single click it and modify it by hand (accidentally or not). Is there a way to lock/unlock the contents of the cell without locking the cell itself?

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User Select A Receipt # And Copy The Information

Sep 18, 2009

In the attached file, I want to have the user select a receipt # and have it copy the information, for that receipt from the log, to the receipt tab. Then I want it to print the receipt. The macros that are in the file already, were created before I added a column for Receipt No., and don't ask for user input. File is attached.

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VBA To Select User Multiple Selected Ranges

Feb 9, 2010

The User has made multiple selections with the mouse. The spreadsheet is filtered. The user will usually make different multiple selections on the following columns: A and X through to AR (inclusive).

I just need some code to capture these various multiple selected ranges so that I can copy the selected range as shown below:

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Userform - Allow User To Select From Dropdown List

Mar 10, 2013

How do I allow the user to select from a dropdown list but disallow them from entering value into the textbox?

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Does Excel Allow User To Select Date From Popup

Jun 17, 2013

I formatted a cell as a date but somehow people still manage to mess it up.

Is there a pop-up calendar that appears when the user clicks on a cell?

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Select User Define Page Size

Apr 22, 2006

how do i print on a3 paper? i can't find the option anywhere...i can select user define size but then where do i define it?!? i know this is a silly questions

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Force User To Select A Listbox Item

Jun 9, 2007

I am attempting to use an if statement to stop a user from trying to input a listbox as a null value. The if then statement is not working. The listbox value is null but the if statement doesn't react.

If listbox1.Value = Null Then
MsgBox "you must select a serial number"

Exit Sub

End If

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Search And Select Rows On User Entered Text

Jan 16, 2008

What I am looking to do is search using a user input and select all the rows that contain the entered search text.

I have 4 sheet workbook, columns are the same across them all, and what i require is to be able to take a text input from a user, maybe what column to search, and in what sheet. Then search the relevant sheet for matches. Once found the record that contains the match is to be copied to another sheet where filters can e applied. There will be multiple records selected for each search.

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VBA - Allow User Select Locked Cells While Sheet Is Protected

Mar 29, 2012

Here is an excerpt of my code

Sheet8.Unprotect Password:="rm123abc"
Sheet8.Range("V" & rw) = "Item is not found in the Data Base. Please Contact DME for all documentation requirements for this item"
Sheet8.Protect Password:="rm123abc", AllowFiltering:=True, AllowInsertingRows:=True, AllowDeletingRows:=True
End If

Unfortunately, once the code has run and has finished re-protecting my sheet, it doesn't allow the user to select locked cells. These locked cells contain hyperlinks, and they need to click on these hyperlinks to navigate through my workbook.

So I have two questions:

1. How can I enable allow user to select locked cells
2. Do I have to allow the user to select locked cells to access my hyperlinks, or is there another option?

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