What I am looking to do is search using a user input and select all the rows that contain the entered search text.
I have 4 sheet workbook, columns are the same across them all, and what i require is to be able to take a text input from a user, maybe what column to search, and in what sheet. Then search the relevant sheet for matches. Once found the record that contains the match is to be copied to another sheet where filters can e applied. There will be multiple records selected for each search.
the task for the code below is to search through rows in array and check if there's no "text" in it like user inputed in box. But it always shows that there's no such email,i can't figure out the mistake, Maybe the problem is in the type the InputBox returns? But i've tried entering type := 2 (text),dunno what else i can do...I've also tried using p = InputBox("Please,eneter email!").
I would like to setup a macro that brings up a dialog box asking for a date in a specific column. Once that date is entered in the dialog box, the macro would then find all rows before that date (in that specfic column) and delete them.
Column J is the date opened. Column T is the date closed. Of course, column T will have no date if still open. Column K and O may or may not have text. Column AF6 has a date, mm/dd/yyyy, that is entered/changed depending on the search.
What I need is a formula in AF8 that will look at the date entered in AF6 and find a match in columns J and T. Then it will look to see if there is text in K and O. If so, populate AF8 with that text.
I am trying to check a user input to see if the user has entered the date correctly. I am using the code below but it keeps giving me a "Type Mismatch" error.
Data is input into my spreadsheet. It is not always in the same cell, and is not always the same length vertically. I want the user to select the top left of the data and then automatically do text to columns. Here is my code that is not working! :
Sub TextToCol2() Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Select a cell", Type:=8) ActiveSheet.Range("rng:A" & Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row).TextToColumns DataType:=xlDelimited, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Space:=True End Sub
I want to be able to search different columns that have texts and numbers which display only those rows that contain those categories. The columns are labeled by "#/Area/Name/Sector/Type/Value($)/Date"
I am new to excel. I want to use Marquee in excel which takes user inputs from a message box and display those values in the web browser (found some old topics about web browser) untill we click the amend or new button.
I have a range of data that is sorted (about 20,000 rows). In about 15,000 of these rows column D will contain a generic text string. How do I select the entire row where the generic text string appears in column D?
Here is what Im trying to do: I have a VERY large excel file that has groups of 4 cells, a blank, then another 4, repeating. Kinda like the following:
ExampleCell1 ExampleCell2 ExampleCell3 UID = example
ExampleCell1 ExampleCell2 ExampleCell3
ExampleCell1 ExampleCell2 ExampleCell3 UID = example
That pattern continues for about 3000 lines. However, if you noticed, some of the "groups" dont have the 4th line "UID = example".
Here is what Im trying to do. I want excel to search for the cells with "UID" and DELETE it plus the 3 rows above. So that only the "groups" without the UID remain.
Now Im thinking this may be impossible, but I've seen some crazy things done with excel macros and was really hoping someone can help me out. Otherwise Im doing this manually for 3000+ lines of text.
I am working on a time management sheet for my company. I need to be able to click a button and have the file search 3 columns for a persons initials and then hide all the rows where the initials are not in at least one of the three columns. I seem to have no problem getting it to work for one column at a time, but as soon as I try to search more than one it all falls apart.
I will also need to create an unhide all button to reset the sheet after the macro has been run.
I have attached a sample of the sheet below. Each project needs to have 3 rows to show the schedule and budget broken down by each team member.
vba script to convert the text in a cell(split considering "Space" as delimiter) into multiple Rows and Single column & the resultant row's(A1:A7000) values need to be searched in Column(B) of another sheet,if the search result is false then the value in the row need to be highlighted in red.
I am able to split the values in one column into mutiple rows,but need to have all the resultant values in a single column. i,e,.
I am able to split it as below:
Column A Column B Column C
for second situation - search I could search based on the values by using Vlookup() function,but unable to highlight when search result is false.
if the search string "ACB" in Sheet1 is not available in the sheet2, then value "ACB" should be changed into red.
We have a table that tracks customer payment dates with corresponding payment details.
Our current Excel program works fine when the Customer payment dates progress (non-duplicate date entries) ... BUT .... sometimes a Customer will send multiple checks on the same date (duplicated date entries), and then our program gives incorrect results.
You will see that this Customer sent in three checks all dated 11/22/2013 ($100, $50, $50).
What we need is a formula that will look at the dates in Column-A, choose the last entry (before any zero or blank), then provide the corresponding value in Column-D.
So in this case, the result we need is (100.00) ... the value in cell D16. Our program is erroneously providing 100.00 ... the value in D14.
I'm having a problem creating a Reset All command button that will remove user entered unlocked cell values from an entire workbook save for one specific worksheet. So for example, I have five tabs labeled as "DTF", "Week 1", "Week 2", "Week 3" and "Week 4". I want one single command button (placed in the "DTF" worksheet) to remove all of the unlocked cell values from "Week 1" to "Week 4".
I tried to search the forum with the above title but keep getting a fatal error. My worksheet contains a data entry column that is verified against a named range entitled "Categories". If you click on the down arrow, it displays all the valid entries. What I'd like to do is enter in the field the first letter of the entry and display only those valid entries that start with the letter I entered. For example, if I entered "c", the validation screen would display:
Car Insurance Car Payment Car Repair/Tires Charity Chase Mortgage Church Cleaning Supplies Cleaning/Laundry Contact Lens Cosmetics
Then, if I entered "ch", the validation screen would display:
What i want to do is copy all records from whatever date i enter, onto sheet test. The full excel file has over 80 worksheets for each individual rep, the example i attached has 8 sheets..
Is there a way to force Excel to look at only the first characters in a field when searching?
If I use: MySearch = Range("C3").Value Cells.Find(What:=MySearch, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _ :=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _ False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
It will find any instance of the characters entered in C3; however, I want it to find only fields that START with those characters. E.g. if I enter TRA in the search box it will come up with CITRATE when I want TRACLEER, etc.
I am trying to find a macro that can search a sheet for any cell that contains the text "Not on AOI" selects a range that contains that cell, 81 rows below, and 2000 columns to the right, then cuts the selection and pastes it 162 rows below the original cell where the text was found. What's hard is that the number of columns between the "Not on AOI" cells is variable.
I'm very new to excel macros and the parts I think I've put together are:
I am a green as green can be beginner to VBA coding. My question is, I created a text box on my user form so the user can input a 'billing code' and when they hit submit on the user form, the vba will search the spreadsheet and land on the data entered in the text box.
I am trying to create a combobox to filter a set of data by the month that is entered.
The below code worked fine when there was just the month entered, but now all the entries in the sheet are in the format 01 January 2009. So I need a section of code which will search for the combobox value as part of a string in my range.
I have a file for which I wish only selected pages to be printed, so I have disabled the print function in the ThisWorkbook module. Instead, the user chooses from a menu of available sheets to print, via a user form, and then requests the print.
I've got most of this sussed in my mind, but the users need the option of which printer to use (loads of networked printers available and the choice will depend upon monochrome for draft print or full colour for final print), so I want to be able to call up the printer dialog box using
Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrint).Show BUT!!!!
I want all the options on the dialog box disabled, except for the choice of printer as clicking OK after choosing the printer adds the active sheet to the list of items to print.
I have the following code that is going to trigger an export macro and an import macro allowing the user to upgrade the version of their report;
Sub Upgrade_SLA_Report()
x = MsgBox("Is the file you wish to export from open?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If it is click yes" & vbCrLf & "If its not click No" _ & vbCrLf & "If you need to abort the macro click cancel", vbYesNoCancel)
Select Case x Case 6 MsgBox "Please use the Windows menu in Excel to ensure that the file" _ & "you wish to export from is the ActiveWorkbook!", vbInformation ' Missing step If ActiveWorkbook.Name = ThisWorkbook.Name Then Exit Sub ExpWb = ActiveWorkbook.Name Case 7 On Error GoTo Handler .......................End Select
Problem is, I have a missing step within Case 6 which allows the user to ensure that the file they are exporting from is the ActiveWorkbook.
I want to force a user to select a value from a Combobox that I set up in a newly created worksheet from inside a macro - while the macro is still running. I have the code to create a new worksheet, size it accordingly, add a Combobox control, assign a range of values for the drop-down list, but do not know how to suspend the macro and force the user to make a selection from this Combobox before continuing. Not even sure if this can be done.
I am trying to search through an excel worksheet using the code below. I have a Form containg a text boxes and a command button (SearchTxt, FindCmd). The VBA program is able to search through XL but (1) It does not set the next value or text in a the worksheet active
(2) It only finds a value or text as an entire cell and not as a set of characters in a cell.
I tried to use Cells.Find method that solves the above problems, but i get an error message-Object variable not set (91) .
Private Sub FindCmd_Click() Dim Rng1 As Variant
If SearchTxt.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter Vendor Number.", vbOKOnly, "Error" End If
Set Rng1 = Range("A1:F10000").Find(what:=SearchTxt.Text, Lookat:=xlWhole, _ LookIn:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlNext) If Rng1 Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Cannot Find" & " " & SearchTxt.Text & ".", vbOKOnly, "Sorry" Else Rng1.Activate
I'm trying to get a users' selected range to display in a cell as stored text.
therefore, If a user selects A1:D7. The text in Cells("G", 10) will be:"A1:D7"
w/o the quotes.
I've attached an example workbook. Here's the formula thus far:
Sub SelectRangeBox() Dim rnBody As Range Dim vaMsg As Variant Do vaMsg = Application.InputBox( _ Prompt:="Please enter the message-text:", _ Title:="Message", _ Type:=2) Loop While vaMsg = ""................................
Actuall maybe my thread should be Titled. user selected cell range displayed in input box save to cell as a text value.
I am writing code that requires data from another workbook. Instead of hardcoding the directory and filename (which changes daily), how can I have the code prompt the user to do this for me?
I want to open the file with:
links updated read-only
Also, is there a way to have an initial directory that appears so the user need not go through a dozen directories every time to get to the file?
I have a workbook with several sheets. I have written a macro to check if the value in a column is matching with that in another column in another sheet and return the value in a preceding column in the second sheet into a preceeding column in the first sheet. The code looks likes this and seems to be working fine.
Sub Copy_Price_Code() Dim Rw As Long For Rw = 6 To Sheet6.UsedRange.Rows.Count
[Code] ....
However, there would be more sheets in the workbook in future and I need to edit the macro in such a way that the user can select the source and destination sheets which I could use in the above macro. I tried to do it as follows but its not working.
Sub Copy_Price_Code() Dim Rw As Long Dim Rw2 As Long Dim Sourcesheet As String Dim Destinationsheet As String Sourcesheet = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter source sheet name. (example: Sheet1).", _