Got a wee problem with some syntax for a copy function. At the moment the code i have copies the range and pastes to another range which is defined by a cell number. But i need it to paste special (values only).
All I want to do is copy the active worksheet to then end of another workbook. I have alread set my variables, here is the line that is causing me a problem: ....
I´m writting a macro. It works find until a certain point. When I want to change some outputs of the macro without changing the syntax, it display an error mesage while runing the macro. It says Else without If. Which is quite disturbing because the Else was not creating any problem before. Here is my macro before I changed the conditions (this one work nicely)
Sub Copy_Sheet_Beta() Set wba = ActiveWorkbook On Error Resume Next If IsWorkbookOpened("Projekt.xls", "C:Documents and SettingsfrederikSkrivebordRedd Barna") Then Workbooks("Projekt.xls").Activate 'In case open, just activate "Projekt" Else Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsfrederikSkrivebordRedd Barnaprojekt.xls" End If Set wb = Workbooks("Projekt.xls") wb.Activate If Not SheetExists(wba.ActiveSheet. Range("C1").Value) Then MsgBox "overall doesn't exist!" Else........................................
I am attempting to create a macro that opens a file named "shrinkage-billing.xls", searches for a variable "PTOSH" in column A, copies the adjacent cell and pastes the data in another worksheet named "Shrinkage Report 2009.xls"
I thought I had this cracked last month when I ran a set of reports using some code dependent on using advanced filters to first create a unique list to loop through and then to create a list of all entries in a list for each unique entry. The idea being that I extracted all the data for each unique entry in the list and saved that to a new workbook, named after the unique entry.
However, this month I'm totally flummoxed again. I can't seem to get even the first part, creating a unique list, to run.
I have a sheet with several thousand rows of data with maybe 25 columns. I have the following code to try to extract the unique entries in the 2nd column, column B and store them in the same worksheet in column AD, to use when looping through the list.
VB: With ActiveSheet .Range("AD1").EntireColumn.Delete .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns(2).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Sheet1.Range( _
I am wondering if using an "if" statement or a case statement would be good ways to check two worksheets in two different workbooks to see if their names match? I could use some help correcting my syntax too:
For 1 to ws.count If Worksheet("one").Name = Worksheet("two").Name Worksheet("one").Range("A1:G84").Copy Worksheet("two").Range("A1:G84").Paste Endif Next ws.Count
I have a WorkBook with each sheet being a calendar month. I want to set the ActiveSheet as the current month so each time I open the WorkBook it opens to the current month WorkSheet not the last WorkSheet I was viewing.
I have looked at previous posts and found some information about ActiveSheet.Paste errors, which appear to be related to having activate, select and paste functions in the wrong order.
I am still getting an error at the ActiveSheet.Paste point of my code which I cannot seem to overcome, although this same code works on another macro doing exactly the same action...
I wrote a macro on mac office 2004 which work perfectly on my pc but not on my mac. The macro is very simple
Sub Delete_Next_Sheet() ActiveSheet.Next.Delete End Sub
It just delete the next sheet after the activesheet. However on the mac, it doesn´t recognize the Next. It display an alert mesage "Invalid or unqualified reference".
I was woundering if there is another way (as simple and as fast if posible) to get a macro avoiding loop and sheet.count to delete the next sheet after the activesheet.
I am trying to write a small sub which will make do an "AutoFit" for all columns of the Active Sheet. For example, the code below does an "AutoFit" for columns A:J of a sheet. How can I make it do the same for all columns (not only for columns A:J) of the ActiveSheet?
I am trying to use ActiveSheet.Name formula to rename the active sheet. It is only working part of the time and I can't figure out why. I do know, however, when it is going to work and when it is not going to work. If cell A2 contains two words, it does not work. If cell A2 contains only one word, it does work. Here is the code. The highlighted part in blue is the code that names the sheet. I have attached sample spreadsheet if needed.
I've currently got a problem with renaming the ActiveSheet when multiple worksheets are present. The code below, utilizes existing fields on the worksheet and a concat with static text. The code works great if only one sheet is present. However, as soon as the second sheet is inserted in the workbook, I'm now receiving a 1004 error (application-defined or object-defined error).
Code: Private Sub updateWorksheetName_Click() Dim fNumber Dim pCheckNumber
I have a ComboBox. When a user selects an item from the ComboBox and clicks a command button (Add Button) the selection that the user selected writes to a row in the active worksheet and then resets the ComboBox allowing the user to make another choice after clicking the "Add" command button. I am trying to remember how to write the code for row offset so that when the user makes their next selection from the ComboBox and clicks the "Add" command button it puts it the selection in the next row of the active spreadsheet thus creating a running list of the users choices. Here is a line of the Private Sub cmbAdd_Click() ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3) = cbxSeverity cbxSeverity.Value = "" End Sub
After the tcbxSeverity.Value ="" line I was testing trying to get to the next row by using something like this:
Private Sub cmbAdd_Click() ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3) = cbxSeverity cbxSeverity.Value = "" ActiveCell.Offset(1,0).Select End Sub
I know that this code is incorrect but I cannot remember how to offset or check Rowsource to move to the next line.
I am working on transfering some code from 2003 to 2007. I have gotten almost everything to work, but am now having an issue with the way it places the pictures into my spreadsheet.
The code asks the user to select a folder containing .jpg files. It then places each of the .jpg photos onto a single spreadsheet. Each picture is suppose to be placed in a different cell. When I step through the code, the active cell changes correctly based on the offsets, but it always pastes each photo in cell B4. Through some research I have found others to see this problem with ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert in 2007.
Following is the Private Sub BatchProcessThumb2x3() Msg = "Select a file containing the photos you want to insert." Directory = GetDirectory(Msg) If Directory = "" Then Exit Sub If Right(Directory, 1) "" Then Directory = Directory & ""
how to go about or refer me to how exactly you assign a closed workbook to be active. I know this sounds off and its probably the wrong way to word it so here's my problem. I am developing a macro in Visual Basic 2005 using VB. I have a connection string that looks like this:
What I need to do is connect to it and update which I have done successfully, then save it as 2006.xls. Is there some sort of m_sConn4.SaveAs or something of that nature.
Private Sub Workbook_Open() 'Application. ScreenUpdating = False ' Turns off screen updating Dim Filename As String Dim nFam As Integer Dim cRow As Integer Dim i As Integer ws As Worksheet
Filename = "O:BVRMusers_sharedJCIntraday ToolFamily List.xls" Workbooks.Open Filename 'Opens Family List
'Count the number of rows (Families) in Filename (Family List) Set ws = ActiveSheet With ws . Cells(1, 1).Select cRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count End With End Sub
i cannot get ws to be set as the ActiveSheet. i receive a run time error 91 each time and cannot figure out what is wrong. i've used this code before under subform functions, but this is the first time i've placed it in the "ThisWorkbook" area.
I'm trying to "export" data from a static ws "order" (Sheet2) to a selected (active) worksheet. This will happen with 15 different (random) cells.
I got this far but the copying isn't happening from the correct sheet or going to the active sheet. The data in "G5" on "order" should go to the first unused row on the active sheet. What I got was backwards.
Once I get the first one to work I can finish the code for the other 14 cells. I appreciate getting pointed in the right direction
I have a workbook with 25 sheets containing metric information as part of a performance management model. Fundamental to this is the visual success or failure of each of these 25 sheets which I've highlighted by setting the worksheet tab colour accordingly. The code to achieve this is detailed below. This code is triggered by the Worksheet_Change event at the workbook level and works fine in single user mode. When the workbook is shared however, an error 1004 is generated.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) For Each c In Range("PassFail") If c.Value = "Fail" Then ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = 3 ElseIf c.Value = "Pass" Then ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = 4 End If Next c End Sub
I am looking for a way to autofilter a list in "Sheet2" based on the value in Cell A2 of the ActiveSheet. I have about 20 tabs in a workbook that need to be populated with a monthly sheet that is pasted into "Sheet2" every month.
Im having problem with If/Then/Else Statements Not sure what the problem is. I have a text box a user inputs whatever in to create two new tabs one is the tab name then the next is tab completed. It isnt liking my syntax I have here.