how to manage a custom faceid. Though, I am not too sure as to how to assign an actual icon to a custom toolbar. I can try the pasteface method; though as the source file is a .png; the picture might be too small.
I have created a custom floating toolbar that works perfect (thanks to all the reading on here!). My workbook is a stand alone estimating tool that many users will have a copy of.
I have two things I want to do yet but I cant find it on here.
1) My buttons on my toolbar - I want to have custom icons. I can do this temporarily but when I exit my worksheet and re-open they are lost. Is there anyway to save a custom icon. I am willing to add it to the icon list if necessary and then when users open the workbook copy the custom icons onto their computer. But I am not sure how/where I could do this.
Worse case, can I color my button text?
2) When my toolbar appears, it is wide, all buttons are going left to right. I want the size to be small width so the toolbar buttons are on top of each other. Any thoughts? I tried adding a .width but it didnt work.
I was making a custom Menu Bar in excel. In order to troubleshoot I executed the code a no. of times, resulting in multiple but same menu bars in excel application. Now the problem is that even if I quit excel, the menu bars dont seem to go..How do I get rid of them.
Trying to write a VBA code to add a new menu item with submenus on the Standard toolbar when Workbook_Open and then deleting it (_Before close). Just having trouble with the creating of the menu item. Here is what I have so far:
Sub Workbook_Open() ... Dim menuitem As CommandBarPopup Set Menu = Application.CommandBars("Menu Item").Controls.Add (Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=13) ... End Sub
I would like to use the attached "menu maker" file I found on Ron De Bruin's site using a Sheet to build the menu, yet be able to place it before the Help menu as suggested by this site [url] by finding the position of Help.
I have amended the code yet receive a "Compile error: Variable not defined" error.
I need to send out an order form (spreadsheet) to 100's of people that need to complete the form and email back to me as an attachment. If I was completing the order form myself I would use the "email" icon that I have pinned to my Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). However, most of the recipients don't even know the Toolbar exists.
Is there a way I can insert an icon / hyperlink in the spreadsheet that does the same thing as the QAT icon. I can insert text to say "click here to email your order" (or similar).
I need to keep it in an excel format and an icon is so much better that asking them to save to their hard-drive and attach to an email, etc.
The QAT icon is exactly what is needed but I need to provide a spreadsheet that works for folk who haven't got the icon.
I have an application macro which displays a Userform which lists and lets me select/load my favorite XL WBs. It also lets me add and/or delete favorites.
At present, I have to activate it with a Ctrl+Key combination.
Is there anyway I can assign it to an icon on the toolbar.
I can't find the Pivot Table icon in the toolbar. I tried "Insert", I can only see the 'table' icon, but cannot see the 'pivot table' icon. how can I find this 'pivot table' icon, or create it in the tool bar?
I am taking an EXCEL(online) class and in my current assignment i am to create a 'list' for sorting and querying. However i cannot find the 'list' option, under my DATA option on the toolbar. I have tried all my toolbars and shortcuts but I am unable to find it anywhere.
I want to be able to create a range of VBA userforms to quickly perform long tedious tasks. I want these userforms to be accessed from a nice tidy toolbar.
I have done this and it looks nice and works well. What I would like to be able to do is have my custom toolbar of userform controlled functions be transferable so that if someone else wants my toolbar and attached functions they can install it easily much the same way you can do with an add in.
Is this sort of thing possible or does it require them to manually install all my userforms, modules and toolbar? If it is possible what sort of things should I be looking at?
I'm trying to do a pull down menu with three selections - green,yellow, and red dots? I set up the data validation and referred it to a list. That is under Data Validation -> Settings -> Allow: List; Source: a range of cells where I put 3 colored dots(graphics). Now in the pull down menu when I select the first choice, it just gives me a black dot. The second choice gives me the same black dot. And so does the 3rd choice gives me a black dot.
So, how do I carry the 3 colored dots over? Or it's not possible using the Data Validation approach? If not what is the best and easiest way to go about doing this....
I coppied this code from: Modified it to show menus but how to add sub menus? (This is the only code I found that works on Excel 2000, so far).
Any way to import and use icon sets for conditional formatting other than the ones provided in excel 2007? I would like to have some circles and shapes in colors other than just yellow, green, red, and gray.
Need to code to create a custom floating menu which appears on opening the workbook. It works brilliantly, but I'd like to adapt it so that I can create a floating toolbar, which is fully expanded upon opening, where the button faces are plain text which I designate. Let's suppose the macros I want the buttons to trigger are called MacroA and MacroB, and that the text on the buttons should read "Do A" and "Do B".
Sub Create_Menu() Dim MyBar As CommandBar Dim MyPopup As CommandBarPopup Dim MyButton As CommandBarButton Delete_Menu 'make sure commandbar isn't already running Set MyBar = CommandBars.Add( Name:="My Menu", _ Position:=msoBarFloating, temporary:=True) With MyBar .Top = 175 .Left = 850 Set MyPopup = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) With MyPopup .Caption = "My Tools" 'change to suit....................
I have created 2 toolbar buttons which were attached to a macro that ran the original 'EditTenancy'. I now want to change these to use anew macro 'EditExistingTenancy' but cannot see how to do it as when I right click now I only get a toolbar list.
I'm preparing a model which has a few macros built-in. Let's call them Macro A, B, C etc. I want to trigger them via buttons on a custom toolbar (no problem) which a recipient of the model, on another PC, will be able to see (problem).
It was suggested to me that in Customize mode I can right click the custom toolbar and then click "Attach..." but this always causes Excel (2002) to freeze; I must then close Excel.
Someone else suggested that a better way is to have VBA code create the toolbar "on the fly" automatically when a recipient opens the spreadsheet. This is too advanced for me to write at the moment. Could someone give me a steer?
I created a custom toolbar called "PAT" for users. It has 5 custom buttons-save, import,submit,close,help. I attached it to the toolbars as instructed at the site I need to keep the worksheet tabs showing so I cannot use the application.DisplayFullScreen = True. For each worksheet that the user will be viewing, i have the following
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Application.CommandBars("PAT").Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("PAT").Controls("Import").Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("PAT").Controls("Submit").Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("PAT").Controls("Save").Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("PAT").Controls("Help").Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("PAT").Controls("Close").Enabled = True End Sub
ON my workbook activate code and workbook open code, I remove all native toolbars so only the one i created is showing, using Application.CommandBars("PAT").Enabled = True On workbook deactivate I have the following.................
I have written VBA to create and populate a custom toolbar when a worksheet is opened, and to close when it is closed. I need to know if its possible to disable the close button of the toolbar, as I don't want any of my work colleagues accidentally closing the toolbar and then coming to me to ask me how to reopen it.
The file who containd the toolbars informations is C:Documents and Settings<<USER>>Application DataMicrosoftExcelExcel.xlb
I copied this file to another computer and my custom toolbar appeared there.
In a file, I created a custom toolbar with submenus. It is possible to save this toolbar with file, so that I can use the file on other computers without the need to create each time this bar.
I have created a workbook and made a custom toolbar to perform the macro functions for the sheets in the workbook. Everything works great for me, but I want to attach the custom toolbar to the workbook so that whenever someone else pulls up the workbook they pull up the custom toolbar too.
I used the tools menu, clicked customize, toolbars, attach, selected the custom toolbar and clicked copy.
No toolbar appears.
I can select View, Toolbars, and select the custom toolbar, then the toolbar appears, but when I close the sheet the toolbar remains.
When someone else opens the sheet, the toolbar appears without any "buttons." It is an empty toolbar.
The help text isn't helping because the instructions for attaching a custom toolbar to a worksheet (tools/customize/toolbars/attach/copy) do not attach the toolbar to the workbook.
A couple years ago i made a giant spreadsheet and had 2 custom toolbars to run macros from to manipulate the sheet.
This year i re-did the sheet, meaning all my old data was replaced (it's a giant schedule basically).
However, the Macros in the custom toolbars stayed exactly the same and performed the same function and are directed to the exact same cells, rows, columns, etc..
But now when i hit the buttons on the custom toolbars to run my macros, i get the following message... all the time...
** A document with the name "NHLsheet.xls" is already open. You cannot open two documents with the same name, even if the documents are in different folders. To open the second document, either close the document that's currently open, or rename one of the documents. **
Trouble is, i have only 1 document open! There's something in the macros that thinks i'm trying to open a new document but i'm clueless as to where or why.. they are very simple macros that do not require the opening of any new workbooks..
All they do is point to another sheet within my open workbook, "NHLsheet", copy a particular row from that sheet, and paste it to a specific spot onto another sheet within my workbook, "NHLsheet".
I work with excel docs that have alot of sheets. I managed to create a vba form that has a listbox populated with the sheet names, that when clicked goes to the respective sheet. The problem is that when the form is open i cannot focus on the excel sheet - the form needs to be closed first.
1 ) Is it possible to make an excel vba form dockable (so it could be displayed on the right where help would be)
2) Would it be possible to create a drop down in the toolbar that would have the sheet names.
I think the latter is a cleaner solution (if possible).