Recurring Menu On Toolbar With Different Workbooks
Mar 31, 2007
In one of my workbooks, I add a menu to the toolbar with the following in the "ThisWorkbook" module:
Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
Run "AddMenus"
End Sub
It gets deleted with the following:
Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate()
Run "DeleteMenu"
End Sub............
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Jul 8, 2007
I am taking an EXCEL(online) class and in my current assignment i am to create a 'list' for sorting and querying. However i cannot find the 'list' option, under my DATA option on the toolbar. I have tried all my toolbars and shortcuts but I am unable to find it anywhere.
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Jul 2, 2009
I coppied this code from: Modified it to show menus but how to add sub menus? (This is the only code I found that works on Excel 2000, so far).
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Oct 26, 2006
I was making a custom Menu Bar in excel. In order to troubleshoot I executed the code a no. of times, resulting in multiple but same menu bars in excel application. Now the problem is that even if I quit excel, the menu bars dont seem to go..How do I get rid of them.
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Jan 13, 2007
Need to code to create a custom floating menu which appears on opening the workbook. It works brilliantly, but I'd like to adapt it so that I can create a floating toolbar, which is fully expanded upon opening, where the button faces are plain text which I designate. Let's suppose the macros I want the buttons to trigger are called MacroA and MacroB, and that the text on the buttons should read "Do A" and "Do B".
Sub Create_Menu()
Dim MyBar As CommandBar
Dim MyPopup As CommandBarPopup
Dim MyButton As CommandBarButton
Delete_Menu 'make sure commandbar isn't already running
Set MyBar = CommandBars.Add( Name:="My Menu", _
Position:=msoBarFloating, temporary:=True)
With MyBar
.Top = 175
.Left = 850
Set MyPopup = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
With MyPopup
.Caption = "My Tools" 'change to suit....................
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Mar 4, 2008
how to manage a custom faceid. Though, I am not too sure as to how to assign an actual icon to a custom toolbar. I can try the pasteface method; though as the source file is a .png; the picture might be too small.
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Apr 12, 2008
Trying to write a VBA code to add a new menu item with submenus on the Standard toolbar when Workbook_Open and then deleting it (_Before close). Just having trouble with the creating of the menu item. Here is what I have so far:
Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim menuitem As CommandBarPopup
Set Menu = Application.CommandBars("Menu Item").Controls.Add (Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=13)
End Sub
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Jun 28, 2008
I would like to use the attached "menu maker" file I found on Ron De Bruin's site using a Sheet to build the menu, yet be able to place it before the Help menu as suggested by this site [url] by finding the position of Help.
I have amended the code yet receive a "Compile error: Variable not defined" error.
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Jan 31, 2012
Is it possible to install a dropdown menu straight onto the Quick Access Toolbar in 2010?
Application.CommandBars("Quick Access toolbar")
To reference it, but no joy.
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Mar 13, 2013
What I'm trying to achieve.I'm trying to create a toolbar to have visible in excel which provides me with shortcuts to a selection of functions and some other useful documents.
I've created a document "Toobar 1.xls" in column B of which I have the file locations of the documents I want to open, the documents are moved from time to time and it is easier for other users to update the spreadsheet than vb.As you can see below I've written a piece of code to open up a document, I've created a function because there are a few documents I want to create links to and thought it would be cleaner to do it like this. This code is stored in "Module1" of "Toolbar 1.xls".
I've then created a new toolbar in excel and added a custom menu item and allocated it the macro "Pension_Credit_Calc".
When I run the code from within "Toolbar1.xls" it works fine, however if I try to run it from another workbook I get "run time error 1004". I suspect it's probably something to do with where I've stored my code,
PS. The reason I have not simply created a shortcut in the quicklaunch bar is that I will also be altering the workbooks once opened.
Function OpenUp(FileLocation) As String
Workbooks.Open (FileLocation)
End Function [code]....
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Sep 8, 2007
I added a menu command button to a toolbar in a specific workbook. The macro is housed only in that workbook and the macro needs to run on every worksheet in the workbook. However, the button also appears on EVERY Excel workbook that I open when it should not. How can I create a menu command that only appears in the workbook that contains the macro?
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Nov 18, 2011
I was working on an Excel 2003 workbook with 3 worksheets. The first sheet is the 'Menu' sheet on which I placed buttons to take me to the other two sheets and back. I wanted to hide the Excel menus, toolbars, scrollbars, etc. on the 'Menu' sheet so that no user can alter that 'Menu' sheet. The 'hiding' code was not meant to affect the other two sheets.
The code worked fine. However, when I closed the workbook and tried to open a NEW workbook so that I could do some other work, I realised that the new workbook and its accompanying sheets had the menus, toolbars, scroll bars, etc. hidden. I closed the workbook and tried opening a new workbook. It was the same experience.
I called up the file with the code, deleted all the codes attached to that file, and re-saved the file. It did not solve the problem. And when I tried many more new workbooks and got the same problem, I deleted my entire Office 2003 installation and re-installed Office 2003. It still did not solve the problem.
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Oct 19, 2006
which of these toolbars provides the better 'controls' to paste onto worksheets (as opposed to UserForms)? For those wondering, both toolbars contain some apparently similar controls, e.g., combo box, radio button, spinner etc. but there are differences in their behaviour it would seem...
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Jun 24, 2014
I have created a sub to add new controls to the "Cell" shortcut menu. Can I remove the standard "Cell" shortcut menu controls? if so how do you do it?
[Code] ......
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Oct 20, 2009
I have a workbook with multiple sheets. Is there a tool that creates a menu bar or code that I can add that would support navigation?
My goal is to have something with approximately 4 options (buttons?). They would link to 4 different sheets that serve as indexes within the workbook.
I know I can add a control like a button to a given sheet that would take the user to given sheet when clicked, but can I make the button 'float' above all the sheets, or add to a menu bar, or something? I just don't want to have to add the button to every sheet in the workbook.
I am looking for something simple/easy, and am not looking for anybody to do the work. I just have no idea on how to approach the problem.
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Feb 21, 2008
I have an Excel table. Each row is a separate record. The user types in new records at the end of the table. One of the columns in the table contains a formula. Ideally the formula should apply for each cell in the entire column. Since I don't know how long the table will end up being, I simply ask that the user drag the formula down from the cell above. I do not want the user to accidentally change the formula though. At first I thought a Custom validation with a secret word that the user is unlikely to type in, would keep the user from changing the formula already in the cell. However, I can't stop the user from deleting the formula, which doesn't help. I then thought maybe locking (protecting with password) the column would do the trick. However, now the user can't drag down the formula from the cell above. I would therefor like help with one of 2 options:
1- have the formula apply to the cell automatically as a new record is created (ideal)
2- find a way to protect the cell so that the user can copy the formula down, but not change or delete it
I did find the following code online, which appears to go some ways to answer my first option, though I can't figure out why it only works if the formula is in column A (i.e. I have formulas in columns A, B, K, L, and AF to DL).
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Apr 25, 2009
Is there any formula or formatting that will list in a seperate table all names that occur equal to or more than a specified number of times?
eg: I have a list of names(below) that I want excel to go through and automatically place the recurring names in a seperate table on a seperate worksheet.
So Gus and Mike would be listed in the other table on the other worksheet.
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Oct 31, 2013
How to hide repeated values in a column, and only display them ONCE.
See attachment. The names are in column "C" and the grey bar is not using any formula, just hardcoded. I want to apply conditional formula or something like that, to keep the names as they are, in the grey bar, but supress the names in the subsequent rows, if they are repetitions.
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May 4, 2009
Our Company has long term leases that increase according to the Consumer Price Index every three years.
I can easily calculate the trigger date down Col. A. What "If" formula could I use in Col. B to recognize the triannal date and rate (or forecast) the new rent?
I've thought of using an array and Match but I really don't know how to write the formula.
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Jul 2, 2014
How can I get EXCEL to display recurring events on one line? In the example below, I want all events of type PLAN to be on the same line.
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May 21, 2009
Is there any formula or formatting (not a macro) that will list in a seperate table all names that occur equal to or more than a specified number of times?
eg: I have a list of names(below) that I want excel to go through and automatically place the recurring names in a seperate table.
So Gus and Mike would be listed in the other table.
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Oct 18, 2008
I have a column with various drop down menu boxes and I need to add another selection to the menu list. My problem is, it's been so long since I did the drop downs, I have forgotten how to do it..
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Jul 2, 2009
I'm adding a menu selection to the right-click menu that you get for cells. I can add and remove the menu option but, when I try to execute the macro tied to the menu, I get "the macro...cannot be found". I can't figure out what appears to be a "pathing problem". I'm sure it's simple but...
Here's the
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Mar 27, 2009
I have actually got the Window menu in the Main Menu Bar of excel deleted using below command.
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Window").Delete
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Jul 15, 2006
Now this is something which I dont even know if it can be done, but its something which I would use, a lot. When clicking on a button, like a normal button from the control toolbox, is it possible to open a menu from this? So I click on the button i made called "accounts" and this opens a menu next to it with different options.
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Apr 26, 2007
my worksheet menu bar is displaying the ' Chart' menu no matter what I do. Not only do I have no charts in the workbook, (verified this by: )
For Each ws In Worksheets
MsgBox ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count
Next ws
but adding worksheets, selecting various parts of a worksheet, creating a chart and deleting it, and everything else I've tried has no effect.
One interesting thing - the first chart I added (to test if it would 'unstick' itself upon deletion of the new chart) was named 'Chart 2', implying there was a chart1 that existed previously.... although I am fairly certain I never added a chart to this workbook at any point.
Also, the menu bar is working fine in other workbooks, and changes to chart and back to data like normal.
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Jun 28, 2014
I'll try to be as concise yet informative as possible. In the included attachment you will find a list of names in column A. These names have each have an event that is due at the end of his/her month, once annually. The due month for each person is listed in column B. Once that person completes the event, it is recorded in column C. The event will then not be due until the following year by the end of their due month.
I need column D to reflect the last day of their due month.
This date will change once the event is completed and recorded in column C. There are of course a few additional requirements that puts this out of my ability. They are listed below:
The person may complete the event at any time within three months of their due month. So if Tom's due month is September, he may complete the event anytime in July, August, or September. This would then need to reset the "Due by" date (column D).
If the person does not complete the event, the original "due by" date should not change until the event is completed.
Last note: this attachment is from Excel for Mac, The actual sheet this will be used on will be windows (so no worries about the formula changes for Mac).
Recurring due date help.xlsx
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Mar 28, 2014
I am trying to solve problem with finding cells (all searching cells are in 1 column ) witch contains only recurring characters like : 00, aaaaa, 444444444 , etc.
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Jul 25, 2012
I have a spreadsheet with two columns of data. Column A consists of identifying 6-digit numeric code and column B is the dollar value associated with the code in column A. There are numerous cases where the column A code is repeated, but with a different dollar value in column B. The column A value could be repeated two, three, or many times. What formula could I use to create a new set of columns that rolls up the instances of recurrence?
Sample included.
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Jul 3, 2013
I'm looking to find a solution to count the totals for values which are linked to a specific code. For example:
A b
ex1 22
ex4 18
ex3 10
ex4 3
ex1 23
ex2 11
So I want a formula that will count the totals for each group in column A
The answer would be
ex1 45
ex2 11
ex3 10
ex4 21
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