Adding Sheets, Sorting With Vba

Oct 5, 2006

I have sheet with data which needs to be sorted out.
I already started with some vba code but am stuck.
Please have a look at the attached file..

Here we go..

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Sorting Sheet That References Data From Other Sheets (Google Sheets)

Jan 25, 2014

[URL] ....

I want to sort the Inventory Checklist sheet based on Column D but it gives me nothing but references errors.

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Run-time Error '1004' Method 'Add' Of Object ' Sheets' Failed Adding Multiple Sheets

Aug 9, 2007

I have been running a simulation for about 18 hours now and just received:

Run-time error '1004':
Method 'Add' of object ' Sheets' failed

I have been creating new sheets, importing data, pulling some values from the data then deleting the respective sheet. I am using:

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

The sheet is actually being added to the workbook, seemingly before the error. I resume the code, and a new sheet is placed in the workbook and it errors again. The Debugger stops and highlights on the code above.The sheet count number was 10895 at the error, just as an indicator of how many times the simulation has performed successfully. I am hoping this is something I can fix without having to start over...

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Sorting Sheets By Name

Oct 7, 2011

I need to sort my sheets by name, A-Z but as the worksheet names are things like Door 1, Door D67, Door 100 etc, I don't think I can use a simple code like the below, Because i'd end up with Door 1, Door 100, Door 101, Door 2, Door 200......


Sub Sort_Active_Book()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer

[Code] .......

I have this code, which sorts a list of data in cell C17 down to CXXX (the list will keep growing as I add more doors) It works by pasting a formula stored in F17, in Col D, next to my list of doors, and picks out the numbers so that I can sort.


Sub ListSorter()
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
Range("F17").Copy Range("D17")
Application.CutCopyMode = False

[Code] .......

Perhaps I could add some code to the bottom of this, that will sort my worksheet names as per the order of my list in col C?

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Sorting Formula Between Sheets

Jun 19, 2012

On Sheet1 I have a list of 32 people in column A (A1:A32) and on the same sheet in column B (B1:B32) is a 3 digit number representing a score. I have the 2 columns sorted together descending order based on column B scores.

On Sheet 2 in column A (A1:A32) I have the same 32 names in random order with associated information in columns B to K. I want to sort the names and associated information on Sheet 2 column A based on the order of the same names in Sheet 1 column A. Is there a formula to achieve this result?

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Sorting And Copying Results Into New Work Sheets

Jun 3, 2009

I have a work sheet with about 35,000 lines of data. Every day I have to sort the list by product category (I use auto filter to separate) and then copy the results into a new worksheet, there are about 300 product catagories. I'm new to macros but I'm wondering if there is a macro that can automate this process.

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Sorting Rows Of Data And Splitting Into Different Sheets

Mar 6, 2007

I have sets of data (A1....F50000 or more) that I need to sort out based on the cell value in column F. Based on the cell value I would like the info on the row (A to F) put into a different sheet. There would be 8 different sheets and each sheet would include 1 to 50 different sorts from column F.

The macro could start with one material sort each and I could fill in the rest of the sorts. The 8 different materials (one for each sheet to start) could be "34b2p""ptop27""pdw19""p58leg""ppdpts""mirror""Pdoor""bent""p4545".

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Sorting Sheets Based On A Text String

Mar 16, 2008

I have a sheet named: tool

In this sheet I have a long list of data that i would like to have sorted out on different worksheets that needs to be created by the macro. The deciding factor for the sorting are found colum B. In this colum there are different text strings. I would like for the macro to look at this text string and copy the entire line over to the respective work sheet. the work sheet needs to be named according to the text string in colom b.

Furthermore in the sheet named tool the first 3 lines are headings and i would like all of these transfered to each of the new sheets.

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Adjust Code To Include Sorting Employee Sheets A-z?

Oct 25, 2007

how I would add in code to sort the worksheets from A-Z. Also, Ideally, I would like to hide the template sheet that the new records are copied from. Is it possible to add code that would unhide the resulting worksheet once it is copied and renamed? I am learning loads from this forum, so thank you once again. Here is the code in it's current state:

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Adding & Naming Sheets "X" No Of Sheets Dynamically

Oct 28, 2009

I have an Index Sheet where I would be typing the name of the Sheet and a Command button to execute the operation of Adding the Sheet with the name mentioned in the Column C..

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Adding The Same Cell In All Sheets

Sep 10, 2009

I have found following example:

This month I will show you some handy formulas used with a twist. SUM ALL SHEETS.
The first one is how we can use the SUM function to Sum, say cell A1, on all Worksheets in your Workbook. With this method, all new sheets that are added to the Workbook are included in the SUM. Here is how;

Add a new Worksheet to you Workbook at the far right. To do this select "Worksheet" under "Insert" on the Worksheet Menu Bar. Then left click on this new Worksheet name tab, holding down the the left mouse button drag to the far right and release.
Name this sheet (double click the name tab) "Spacer" (although any name will do).
With "Spacer" being the active sheet, go to Format>Sheet>Hide. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above, but this time name the Worksheet "Start " and drag it to the far left. On the Worksheet you wish to have the result shown on enter: =SUM('Start :Spacer'!A1)................

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Adding Rows To Sheets With 3D Referencing?

Jun 13, 2013

I have attached a file for reference. I have another file I use that is similar to the one attached, however it has 500+ rows and is still growing. The issue I am having is that in this file I want to make a "Template" worksheet. Basically I need 50ish sheets that are more or less the same. I have a column that describes a item, a items weight, a row with headers for the columns that I want to appear identical on every worksheet. I want the variables to be the count. These will change from sheet to sheet with formulas to than update the totals.

My issue I am having is that I constantly find myself needing to insert new rows for new items. In my real worksheet I have rows grouped together in a logical way so the rows cannot just always be placed in the next available row at the end of a sheet. How I can have sheet 1 be my "template" and the others take their item lists and weights from sheet 1. In the example file I created sheet 1. I than created sheet 2 and selected a cell entered "=" and selected the cell that I want it to have the same info from on sheet one. I fill handled these items down to generate a list. I than held down control and dragged a couple of new sheets. This process works, and is what I am currently doing, but what do I do when I wish to add a new rob between row 4 & 5?

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Adding Text Box To Multiple Sheets

Jul 11, 2014

I have made a text box in one sheet where the user will enter the text that is to be added, and it works! How do I get the exact same text box to be entered into all of the sheets in my workbook?

[Code] .....

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Adding A Digit Into Column Of 2 Sheets

May 25, 2007

i am working in office. my boss has given me 68 work sheets to analyze. i have completed all the task except one. i want to add a capital D to the left of numbers into column B of 68 worksheets. excel sheet is attached. it is only sample. i have more than 6000 record in each work sheet. but how can i do this in only one click.

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Adding Data Validation On Multiple Sheets Using Vba

Nov 18, 2013

I have multiple sheets (Sheets "A", "B", "C", etc) with the same structure and formatting. For these sheets ("A", "B", "C", etc.), I want to create dropdown lists in column F (cells F2:F100) based on values from a different worksheet (Sheet "DropDown", Cells "B2:B130").

I saw a previous post [URL]... which had a single sheet example. I am trying to come up with vba code for multiple sheets and so far it's not working.


Dim wkst As Worksheet
For Each wkst In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="listdata", RefersTo:= _ "=dropdown!$B$2:$B$130"
With wkst.Range("F2:F100").Validation .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=listdata"
End With
End Sub

I am a beginner with vba coding

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Adding Information From Different Sheets Into A Master Sheet?

Apr 1, 2014

I will be adding a weekly report to each sheet, which will have varying rows within it, but always the same column headers.

I want a master sheet that will automatically pull all the rows of data through from each sheet, create a new row if needed but merge rows with the same data name and combine the figures.

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Adding Data Point From Several Files With Several Sheets

Feb 11, 2014

I want to collect data from multiple files that have multiple sheets and data in them. Basically what I want to do is to copy every 600th data point for 6 times (1 hour) and then move to the next sheet. Once done with the sheets, I want to move to the next file. I had done a similar code before that worked, and now that I tweaked it, it doesn't work. Plus I'm getting a compiler message telling that "For control variable already in use". I have attached the code I'm using below.

[Code] ......

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Matching Last / First Name From Two Sheets - Adding Email Addresses To Third Column

Jun 4, 2014

Have two sheets, both very different, but each containing Last Name, First Name and a column for email addresses (one sheet has the email addresses entered, the other does not)

What we are trying to do is look for matches in Last/First columns between the two sheets and if/when found copy the email addresses from one sheet to the other.

Worksheet A: Last=B2 First=C2 Email Address=F2
Worksheet B: Last=A2 First=B2 Email Address=C2

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Code To Stop A User Adding Or Deleting Sheets

Aug 31, 2007

I need to stop users from adding and deleting sheets in a workbook

My idea was obviously to disable the command bars to add or delete sheets in open event and then put back in before close.

But then i thought...whats stopping them from right clicking the sheet tab and inserting a sheet, can i remove that menu to...?

I also wasnt sure if there were short cut keys to add or delete sheets.?

Some of my users use excel alot so i want to account for an tips they know that i might not.

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Runtime Error 1004 On Adding New Sheets Using Unique Values

Mar 5, 2014

I'm trying to set up a macro that will capture all the unique values in a column, and then create a new sheet for each value. What I've got so far technically works, but it's also adding an extraneous sheet (with a generic sheet name, not the specified name I'm giving the sheets) and also giving me "Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error" when it runs.

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Adding Multiple Cells From Multiple Sheets With Sumif Function

Jan 20, 2009

I'm trying to put together a spreadsheet that tracks disc capacity increases, affected by any incoming projects. I've managed to do so for one project, but would like to for up to 10. The way i've designed the solution (i'm sure there are far more elegant ways, but hey) is thus:

A forecast worksheet keeps track of a grand total, taking information from sheets P1 -> P10 (being projects 1 to 10). I am unable to figure a way to add up all the increases from all 10 project worksheets with one succinct formula. What I use so far is: ='P1'!C83+SUMIF('P1'!E82,"=2009 - Q1",'P1'!D82) ..................

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Adding Time: Adding Individual Cells Works, But SUM Doesn't

Mar 28, 2008

I have a column of times: e.g. 10:03:00 and I would like to add them all up.

=A1+A2 works fine.

=sum(A1:A10) does not.

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Adding Dim'd Variables: Ignoring Strings & Adding Number

Jan 13, 2007

I've got a problem involving several Dim'd Variables needing to be added up, they're all Dim'd as Variants though as they can be either strings or numbers at any time.

I need a formula (VBA) to add them up (to add their actual numeric values - not just a "1" if they contain a number) and ignore them all together if they contain string values.

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Adding Data With Userform: Check For Duplicate Before Adding

Feb 14, 2007

I have a userform that I'm using to add data to a worksheet, with the following

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim OutSH As Worksheet
Set OutSH = Sheets("Sheet1")

OutSH.Cells(nextrow2, 1).Value = Surname.Value
OutSH.cells(nextrow2,2).value = ID.value
OutSH.cells(nextrow2,3).value = Date.value
I need to ensure that duplicate entries are not made for the same person on the same date. The ID is unique to each person.

IF statement that can check for a duplicate and then come up with a dialouge box with some custom text, and then exiting the sub?

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Adding Values In Cells (stops Adding After Row 14)

Oct 1, 2009

I am trying to add numbers from cells if it IsNumeric and for some reason in column K the macro doesnt recognize numbers after row 14?

The range column is "E4:E"
Search criteria is the letter "R" in column "E" Then using OffSet, I go thru other columns and process data. Most of the macro works except for column K after row 14?

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Adding Measurements Together And Adding Letters After Totals

Dec 18, 2011

I am needing so I did it as a picture. (Please assume "Day 1" is A1)

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Copy Data From Sheets In Workbooks In Folder To Main File Sheets Of Same Name

Aug 29, 2008

I would like to use VBA to search a folder and copy data from tabs within the excel files there. The data will be pasted to a tab of same name in the the main file. All the files are in the same format.

So far I have only managed to list the files in the folder using code I found on your site!

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Select Multiple Sheets And If Value In Cell Is True Then Copy Values In All Sheets And Hardcode Data

Feb 26, 2012

I have a workbook that updates from external source and creates sheets depending on a cell range.

I have put tab 1 and tab 0 on either end of where the new sheets will be inputted, will never know how many sheets

What i need to happen is if someone fills in "complete" in A7 in my "summary" sheet then the values in row 6 in all the other sheets get hardcoded. This needs to happen from A7 down to A26, so A8 = complete then copy row 7 etc
This is what i have so far

I get compile error here ........Sheets(ArrSh(1)).Activate

Also need it to work for all the other rows.

Sub hardcode()
'Sheets("Summary"). Select
If Range("a7") = "complete" Then
Sheets(Array("1", "0")).Select

[Code] ......

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Hiding Sheets But Still Letting Macros Run When Printing Hidden Sheets

Nov 10, 2008

i have a workbook that has the following sheets

working sheet
job sheet
receipt of deposit letter
completion sheet
delivery note
delivery note (2)

i want to hide every sheet except the working sheet.
I have tried this but the macros bring up an error when i run the macro

my macros involve printing certain pages dependng on what button is pressed

i get an error whatever
how do i stop this

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Unhiding Sheets With Combobox Selection And Duplicating Sheets Automatically

Sep 27, 2011

I have 25 sheets in the workbook and a combobox on the main page, The combobox references a range of 1-25 that represents the 25 hidden pages. right now i can get the sheets to unhide one at a time based on the selection e.g. combobox option 1 will unhide sheet 1 but the sheet are representing sites in a design so i need to have the option to select multiple sites in the combobox option so for example if i select 5 then sheets 1-5 should unhide. I hope I've explained that clearly.

The other question or option would be to just duplicate sheet 1 based on the combobox selection e.g. selection 5 duplicates sheet 1 5 times.

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