Sorting Formula Between Sheets
Jun 19, 2012
On Sheet1 I have a list of 32 people in column A (A1:A32) and on the same sheet in column B (B1:B32) is a 3 digit number representing a score. I have the 2 columns sorted together descending order based on column B scores.
On Sheet 2 in column A (A1:A32) I have the same 32 names in random order with associated information in columns B to K. I want to sort the names and associated information on Sheet 2 column A based on the order of the same names in Sheet 1 column A. Is there a formula to achieve this result?
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Jan 25, 2014
[URL] ....
I want to sort the Inventory Checklist sheet based on Column D but it gives me nothing but references errors.
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Oct 7, 2011
I need to sort my sheets by name, A-Z but as the worksheet names are things like Door 1, Door D67, Door 100 etc, I don't think I can use a simple code like the below, Because i'd end up with Door 1, Door 100, Door 101, Door 2, Door 200......
Sub Sort_Active_Book()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
[Code] .......
I have this code, which sorts a list of data in cell C17 down to CXXX (the list will keep growing as I add more doors) It works by pasting a formula stored in F17, in Col D, next to my list of doors, and picks out the numbers so that I can sort.
Sub ListSorter()
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
Range("F17").Copy Range("D17")
Application.CutCopyMode = False
[Code] .......
Perhaps I could add some code to the bottom of this, that will sort my worksheet names as per the order of my list in col C?
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Oct 5, 2006
I have sheet with data which needs to be sorted out.
I already started with some vba code but am stuck.
Please have a look at the attached file..
Here we go..
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Jun 3, 2009
I have a work sheet with about 35,000 lines of data. Every day I have to sort the list by product category (I use auto filter to separate) and then copy the results into a new worksheet, there are about 300 product catagories. I'm new to macros but I'm wondering if there is a macro that can automate this process.
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Mar 6, 2007
I have sets of data (A1....F50000 or more) that I need to sort out based on the cell value in column F. Based on the cell value I would like the info on the row (A to F) put into a different sheet. There would be 8 different sheets and each sheet would include 1 to 50 different sorts from column F.
The macro could start with one material sort each and I could fill in the rest of the sorts. The 8 different materials (one for each sheet to start) could be "34b2p""ptop27""pdw19""p58leg""ppdpts""mirror""Pdoor""bent""p4545".
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Mar 16, 2008
I have a sheet named: tool
In this sheet I have a long list of data that i would like to have sorted out on different worksheets that needs to be created by the macro. The deciding factor for the sorting are found colum B. In this colum there are different text strings. I would like for the macro to look at this text string and copy the entire line over to the respective work sheet. the work sheet needs to be named according to the text string in colom b.
Furthermore in the sheet named tool the first 3 lines are headings and i would like all of these transfered to each of the new sheets.
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Oct 25, 2007
how I would add in code to sort the worksheets from A-Z. Also, Ideally, I would like to hide the template sheet that the new records are copied from. Is it possible to add code that would unhide the resulting worksheet once it is copied and renamed? I am learning loads from this forum, so thank you once again. Here is the code in it's current state:
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Dec 29, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that has original data. I originally used the array formula after sorting. But my application is different now. I can not use the sort function or any macros so it has to be a function or filter. Been playing with this one for a while but cant figure it out. Please see file. Also the array wont work if there is a gap in the data. The data needs to be in the final list (green) in order and only one of each can show. Basically I want to show only one of each value or item and then find the sum of that value.
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Jul 5, 2014
I have a list in a column A which has data which is not in alphabetical order and can have duplicates. In need to sort this data in next column B. I need a formula for this so that the new data is dynamic. I have checked the following thread which gives me formula
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Dec 20, 2006
I have to create a summary sheet of stock code quantities for work and i know there must be an easier way to do this then totalling each style and colour by a basic "=sum" formula.
At present the information is by style then colour break down and i want it excel to automatically calcuate the total per style number if possible
12345 Hooded Sweat Black 3
12345 Hooded Sweat Blue 11
12431 Treasured Tee Pink 9
12431 Treasured Tee Yellow 6
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Mar 17, 2014
I'm trying to sort a table as displayed in the image below. The table consisting of items in column A, here fruits, and a column E where totals over three month is displayed.
I have entered an array formula in column H where the total of each fruit is summed and then sorted in descending order. My problem is that whenever two fruits have equal value (here, apple and pear), Excel will not manage the display of both fruits, it will just display the first twice. The formula in column I is a simple SUMIFS.
It doesn't matter if Apple or Pear is displayed first, but I need both items to be displayed in column H.
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Jul 7, 2009
I'm attempting to sort a list of containers and their corresponding quantities (A24:B28 in the attached spreadsheet) by using a combination of an index and match formula (cells A31:A35) and a large formula (cells B31:B35) in order to have the container with the largest quantity (summed in cells B24:B28) appear below in cells A31:A35 and the corresponding quantities in cells B24:B28.
My current index and match formula works fine until I have the same quantities of different containers as I have replicated on the attached spreadsheet. When this is the case, the formula returns only one of the various container types. How do I edit the formula to allow for multiple containers with the same quantities?
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Jan 15, 2014
I have a list with different categories and several characteristics per category. My goal is to identify the 10 strongest growing characteristics (I guess by sorting them in descending order) and then show them in this order, but organized in the respective categories. e.g.: if "Psychographic">"Demographic" and "geographic" and "behavioralistic", then put "Psychographic, including its subordinated characteristics that are included in the top 10, first. Follow this order until all Top10 members are included.
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Jul 23, 2008
I have three conditional formats on my spreadsheet:
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Jul 1, 2014
I have some cells that are summed with total cost.... now i need to sort the totaled cells? How do i sort a cell that has a formula based on multiple other cells?
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Mar 6, 2013
It's actually a sumif/countif that works fine if i sort my table, which i don't want to do.
Here's the original formula:
I'm trying to apply the formula using some other filters, like if(C4:C35=O5 & I4:I35=M5).
I tried creating a SUMPRODUCT out of it but it was just as bad:
And also this with sum(if)
Is there a shorter formula that I'm not seeing ? I'm also confronted with the need of adding an "ISERROR" in the formula because not all ranges have the 1-4 numbers in column H.
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Mar 18, 2014
I've got large set of data(Column E) for dates from 2007 to 2013(Column B). Here dates are in chronological order.(Attachement) Now I want to match the data in to dates in Column H. Here dates are in random order. I used =INDEX(E3:E40582; MATCH(H3;B3:B40582; 0)). But it doesn't work.
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Jun 19, 2014
I have several sets of financial statements, each in their own sheet. There are multiple years, by month in each sheet across row 4.
I've added a blank sheet at the beginning and end of this string of sheets and labeled them "Beg" and "End" (to assist the user).
I'm attempting to develop a summary financial statement that totals the current month across all sheets; however, this formula needs to find the current month and sum the correct cells across sheets.
The formula uses the Match function to determine the right row number of the account name (ex. Revenue) in column A and then uses another Match function to find the right month and year (all dates are formatted identically).
I've tried to use the ADDRESS function, but have been unsuccessful. I found a few posts across forums using the SUMPRODUCT function, but I wasn't able to find consistency between those workbooks and mine.
Here's the formula I'm using currently. I've also attached a copy of the workbook.
[Code] .....
Attached Files : Book1.xlsx‎
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Nov 11, 2008
Attached is an example with a spreadsheet. I am trying to get the info to flow from the data tab to the VPO tab.
So if the name in cell B1 of the VPO tab showed up in the Data tab in Column D then I would like the corresponding info to filter to the VPO tab to each cell
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May 20, 2009
how to create a formula to match names on one sheet to numbers on a separate sheet in the same workbook?
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Jun 9, 2014
iHomopolymer = Application.Evaluate("=IF(COUNTIFS(B$2:B$6713,Q5,C$2:C$6713,
""="" & R5),VLOOKUP(R5,$C$2:$E$6713,3,1), ""No"")")
The original formula is above, with a description in the middle, and an attempt at a code below.
iHomopolymer is column AQ on the annovar sheet
B$2:B$6713, C$:C$6713, D$2:D$6713 are values in the worksheet panel
Q5 and R5 are values in the worksheet annovar
then in the vlookup R5 is a value in annovar and the lookup$C$2:$E$6713,3,1 are values from the panel worksheet.
For example, it is basically matching the value in Q5 in annovar to the B2:B6713 range in panel, once a match is found it then uses the value in R5 from annovar to search the C2:C6713 and D2:D6713 range in panel (this determines a location). Finally a vlookup is performed on the R5 value from annovar in the range specified in panel and the description or column 3 results.
Dim l As Long
l = Range("AQ" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("AQ5").Formula = "= IF(COUNTIFS(B$2:B$6713,Q5,C$2:C$6713,""="" & R5),
VLOOKUP(R5,$C$2:$E$6713,3,1), ""No"")"
With Range("AQ5:AQ" & l)
End With
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Jan 10, 2010
I am currently accessing data from one worksheet to another using: =INDEX(AD!C:C, MATCH($B9,AD!$B:$B, 0)). Ie from my current worksheet ‘Claim’, I’m going specifically to sheet ‘AD’. My full workbook contains 18 sheets, one for each of 18 engineers and of which, the name of the worksheet is the engineers initials. What I would like to do, is to use a lookup table located on ‘Claim’ which will hold a list of all 18 Initials, so that when an engineer selects himself from a drop down list, his initials automatically populate cell K7.
My question therefore is, is there a way of substituting the ‘AD’ in the formula: =INDEX(AD!C:C, MATCH($B9,AD!$B:$B, 0)) with the contents of K7? Or, if you can see what Im trying to do here, is there any other way of accessing specific sheets by inserting the sheet name into a formula?
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Nov 16, 2006
I am having trouble with the following formula in my workbook with many sheets: ="='"&MONTH(A6)&"-"&DAY(A6)&"'!"&"$B$13". I entered this formula into B6 of the current sheet. Cells A6:A33 contains a date (02-Jan-07). So what I'm trying to do is retrieve the value in B13 of the sheet corresponding to the month and day in A6. If I hard code this formula into B6 ='1-2'!$B$13 it works but I don't want to edit each of the formulas in column B to correspond to the correct sheet. When I type in the above concatenated formula it just returns text (='1-2'!$B$13). Is there a way to do this so the formula will actually execute?
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Mar 31, 2014
Is there a way to use formula (Sum in this particular case) across multiple sheets with sheet names having a particular criteria?
The sheet names are 5 digits but not sequential (cost centre numbers). I'm trying to find the total if the sheet name (number) falls within a particular range (e.g. 150xx-152xx, 153xx-168xx), with around 60 or so sheets in total.
I know it's possible to specify the range myself, or to add a blank sheet as a marker/guide to create a "sandwich" of the required sheets (e.g. =SUM(Start:End!A1)), but the cost centre ranges may change if they're changed so I'm trying to find a way to identify them as variables rather than requiring maintenance.
Although the layout of the sheets should not change (and so a macro might work..?) I think I'd prefer to find a formula (if possible).
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Jul 8, 2014
I am looking for a formula that will add some numbers for me on different sheets based on a sorted option that I choose on my Summary tab. sample survey (1).xlsx Here is a sample workbook with what I am looking for.
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Aug 13, 2014
I have a spreadsheet where I have two different sheets; a summary sheet, and a more detailed sheet that lists out items on invoices.
The summary sheet shows invoice number, amount invoiced, and total paid against that invoice.
The detailed sheet goes into more details, and shows whats on the invoice, and any reasons for them not being paid.
I want a formula on the summary sheet that picks up the invoice number from the details sheet, and then brings through the figures. The details sheet may have more than one line for an invoice number, so the formula needs to be able to add up too.
I've tried a vlookup, but it doesnt seem to work, and I dont think it will do what I want.
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Feb 9, 2009
So I have a list of names, and I need to keep track of whose paperwork I have. There's a column that says Yes/No.
I would like to link everything to another sheet in the file. So for every name that says "No," I would like that name to appear in the next sheet. And when someone updates the first page to put in a "yes," I want it automatically taken off the second sheet.
I have Sheet 1:....
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Jun 3, 2009
I have to calculate the totals for every individual for the past three months. I have to do this for 200 people, is there a formula i could use to do this? Eg. if a person made 50 sales in Jan, 40 sales in Feb and 100 sales in March i need a formula that calculates the grand total, which will be 190.
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Sep 25, 2013
I'm working on simple array formula between two different sheets.
I'm working on Sheet 1 and sheet 2
Right now I want the result on sheet 2 C9
Sheet 2 C6 has MTR
Sheet 1
c6 MTR
c7 MAR
c8 MTR
E6 2
E7 4
E8 6
Now on Sheet 2 C7 has 10
Now the result Sheet C9 has to get 8
I want this formula to work on both excel and Google Drive but now this formula doesn't work on any one.
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