Adding To Right Mouse Menu
Jan 4, 2009I want to add autosum to the right mouse button. I found a link on another thread in this forum to [url]
but I'm not sure what to do with it.
Where and how do I add the code?
I want to add autosum to the right mouse button. I found a link on another thread in this forum to [url]
but I'm not sure what to do with it.
Where and how do I add the code?
I have a list box with items. When I stay on item and press mouse right click, I want see pop up menu with "remove this item" and "add new item".
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow do you add commands to a right mouse click?
I click on a cell, do a right mouse click and would like to be able to select a command that puts the current date and/or time in the selected cell.
I created a Validation list from 2 to 20. I want to have it (the list) add a row every time you select the proper data.
Example: If I want to add 2 row I would select the 2 in the drop down menu. If I need 5 rows I need to select 5 from the drop down menu.
Is this a VBA code? Or can I use a formula?
I have some old code I use to use that still works but instead of adding to the top menu, the new command button is added to the add-ins menu list and then burried with other items.
Public Sub test()
Set myMenuBar = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar
Set newMenu = myMenuBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True)
newMenu.Caption = "Blotter"
I have a suite of subroutines and functions stored in an .xla file, which other users have access to. It's installed on the local machine via macro which installs a user defined menu to access them from. Howerver, when an XL chart worksheet is active, this menu doesn't appear and there are a couple of functions where it would be useful to have access to when viewing such a chart. I've noticed user defined toolbar icons are available in this view, so would like to use these to access the relevant routines. I know you can insert them in code (macro recorder) but is it possible to assign macros to them from the same code? Alternatively, is it possible to show my user defined menu in chart sheets as well as normal worksheets?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have created a menu called "Temp" and a sub menu called "Temp1". When the user click on Temp1, I need to dynamically add some menu items under Temp1. Is this possible in Excel?
I need to do this on the right click menu. for example, along with "Cut", paste" etc menu's I need to add a Menu Item, Temp and under this menu, I need to add a SubMenu, Temp1. When the user click on the Temp1, I need to populate the child items.
I want to add Paste Values to the right click menu in Excel 2007. Can this be done without recording a separate macro to run it? What I mean is If I add the command itself to the right click menu, can it run of of the standard RightClick -> Paste Special -> Values option, or must I record a macro that does those steps each time?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have written some code that customises my Right-Click Menu. This works perfectly well but doesn't create the FaceIDs.Can anyone explain why? The Code is as follows
Sub CustomiseRightClickMenu()
Dim cbnRightClickMenu As CommandBarButton
Dim rngMacroNames As Range
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
Set rngMacroNames = Sheet1.Range("MacroNames")
arrFaceIDs = Array(255, 590, 350, 536, 576, 410, 401)
On Error Resume Next
With Application
For Each Cell In rngMacroNames
. CommandBars("Cell").Controls(Cell.Formula).Delete ..............
I have added items to my "Cell" context menu but was wondering if there is a way to move one of the items to the Filter submenu. Below is the code I am using to customize the context menuI want to move the "Filter Status" item to the filter submenu.
Sub AddToRightClick()
Dim ContextMenu As CommandBar
Dim ContextMenu2 As CommandBar
'This is for the normal view right click menu
Set ContextMenu = Application.CommandBars("cell")
[Code] .........
I have created a sub to add new controls to the "Cell" shortcut menu. Can I remove the standard "Cell" shortcut menu controls? if so how do you do it?
[Code] ......
I have a workbook with multiple sheets. Is there a tool that creates a menu bar or code that I can add that would support navigation?
My goal is to have something with approximately 4 options (buttons?). They would link to 4 different sheets that serve as indexes within the workbook.
I know I can add a control like a button to a given sheet that would take the user to given sheet when clicked, but can I make the button 'float' above all the sheets, or add to a menu bar, or something? I just don't want to have to add the button to every sheet in the workbook.
I am looking for something simple/easy, and am not looking for anybody to do the work. I just have no idea on how to approach the problem.
I have a column with various drop down menu boxes and I need to add another selection to the menu list. My problem is, it's been so long since I did the drop downs, I have forgotten how to do it..
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm adding a menu selection to the right-click menu that you get for cells. I can add and remove the menu option but, when I try to execute the macro tied to the menu, I get "the macro...cannot be found". I can't figure out what appears to be a "pathing problem". I'm sure it's simple but...
Here's the
I have actually got the Window menu in the Main Menu Bar of excel deleted using below command.
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Window").Delete
Now this is something which I dont even know if it can be done, but its something which I would use, a lot. When clicking on a button, like a normal button from the control toolbox, is it possible to open a menu from this? So I click on the button i made called "accounts" and this opens a menu next to it with different options.
View 5 Replies View Relatedmy worksheet menu bar is displaying the ' Chart' menu no matter what I do. Not only do I have no charts in the workbook, (verified this by: )
For Each ws In Worksheets
MsgBox ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count
Next ws
but adding worksheets, selecting various parts of a worksheet, creating a chart and deleting it, and everything else I've tried has no effect.
One interesting thing - the first chart I added (to test if it would 'unstick' itself upon deletion of the new chart) was named 'Chart 2', implying there was a chart1 that existed previously.... although I am fairly certain I never added a chart to this workbook at any point.
Also, the menu bar is working fine in other workbooks, and changes to chart and back to data like normal.
Suppose I delete a (unknown) number of items from the Worksheet Menu Bar. This can vary because of the fact that my excel sheet is being used by a different number of people, all with a different Worksheet Menu Bar configuration. Is there a way of counting how many Menu items are still left in the Worksheet Menu Bar?
So, suppose all that is left (after using the program) in the Worksheet Menu Bar are Excel, File, Tools, Help. How can the porgram find out that there are only 4 items in the menu?
I am taking an EXCEL(online) class and in my current assignment i am to create a 'list' for sorting and querying. However i cannot find the 'list' option, under my DATA option on the toolbar. I have tried all my toolbars and shortcuts but I am unable to find it anywhere.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have made an excel addin named "INDNUMFOR" and want that this should display under "Data" of main menu bar. thus, a new item (sub menu) should appear naed "IndNumFor" under Data main menu.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have a picture set to a cell so when you put your mouse on it it will popup like the comments do.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a shape with a macro assigned to hide certain columns when clicked. I want to have a box pop up when you hover this button which explains what clicking the button will do.
I know the VBA code is called MouseMove but I am new to VBA and don't know where to even start.
I have a data base of hundreds of drawings all linked in Excel. In excel I just clik on the Hyperlinked file and it opens up in my cad program.
With so many files, in order to see exactly what I am opening I have to open it. This is just if the description is not clear.
Can I create a mouse over preview that would pop up a linked picture file or a jpg in an assigned box or free floating.
so when the user puts their mouse over the hyperlink number, without clicking it, a preview picture of the item will pop up right in the excel sheet.
is it posable to get a graph to popup when the mouse is draded over a certen cell? or maybe to get it to popup in the comments bubble. if that is possible. then is it possible to set pramators that if its above 350 it turns red( on a line graph) and if its below its turns black. this was throwen at my about 20 min ago.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs it possible prevent the use mouse (disable mouse) while a macro is running? I made a program which starts with animation of Shapes. If you click on shape while macro is running it stops animation.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to get mouseover information from outside of Excel using VBA? I'm trying to automate a non-microsoft package but I need my mouseclicks to wait for a message to appear within the other application before my macro continues. I've already asked something similar before but I've put a better title on this thread so apologies for the repeat.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use Excel XP 2002. I now can't copy /paste by using the right mouse button. It works perfectly in other MS products, on the net and on the desktop. l have checked my Tools/Options with other users, I have uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled the complete Excel package but the problem persists, even from start with a blank worksheet. I have also checked and there are no add-on ticked.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a column of times: e.g. 10:03:00 and I would like to add them all up.
=A1+A2 works fine.
=sum(A1:A10) does not.
Is there a way to record the mouse movements within VBA. I essentially want to use excel to open an external program and execute specific commands within that program. Unfortunaetly the extrenal program is not a micorsoft program
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got an application where I switch between workSheets and the mouse stays in the same location. As all of my actions are predicated on mouse right-clicks or double-clicks, the first thing that I have to do as move the mouse back to the active cell. Is there a way to reposition the mouse to the activeCell upon returning to the workSheet?
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