Chart Menu Bar Won't Change To Data Menu Bar
Apr 26, 2007
my worksheet menu bar is displaying the ' Chart' menu no matter what I do. Not only do I have no charts in the workbook, (verified this by: )
For Each ws In Worksheets
MsgBox ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count
Next ws
but adding worksheets, selecting various parts of a worksheet, creating a chart and deleting it, and everything else I've tried has no effect.
One interesting thing - the first chart I added (to test if it would 'unstick' itself upon deletion of the new chart) was named 'Chart 2', implying there was a chart1 that existed previously.... although I am fairly certain I never added a chart to this workbook at any point.
Also, the menu bar is working fine in other workbooks, and changes to chart and back to data like normal.
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Jun 24, 2014
I have created a sub to add new controls to the "Cell" shortcut menu. Can I remove the standard "Cell" shortcut menu controls? if so how do you do it?
[Code] ......
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Oct 20, 2009
I have a workbook with multiple sheets. Is there a tool that creates a menu bar or code that I can add that would support navigation?
My goal is to have something with approximately 4 options (buttons?). They would link to 4 different sheets that serve as indexes within the workbook.
I know I can add a control like a button to a given sheet that would take the user to given sheet when clicked, but can I make the button 'float' above all the sheets, or add to a menu bar, or something? I just don't want to have to add the button to every sheet in the workbook.
I am looking for something simple/easy, and am not looking for anybody to do the work. I just have no idea on how to approach the problem.
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Oct 18, 2008
I have a column with various drop down menu boxes and I need to add another selection to the menu list. My problem is, it's been so long since I did the drop downs, I have forgotten how to do it..
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Jul 2, 2009
I'm adding a menu selection to the right-click menu that you get for cells. I can add and remove the menu option but, when I try to execute the macro tied to the menu, I get "the macro...cannot be found". I can't figure out what appears to be a "pathing problem". I'm sure it's simple but...
Here's the
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Mar 27, 2009
I have actually got the Window menu in the Main Menu Bar of excel deleted using below command.
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Window").Delete
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Jul 15, 2006
Now this is something which I dont even know if it can be done, but its something which I would use, a lot. When clicking on a button, like a normal button from the control toolbox, is it possible to open a menu from this? So I click on the button i made called "accounts" and this opens a menu next to it with different options.
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May 20, 2006
Suppose I delete a (unknown) number of items from the Worksheet Menu Bar. This can vary because of the fact that my excel sheet is being used by a different number of people, all with a different Worksheet Menu Bar configuration. Is there a way of counting how many Menu items are still left in the Worksheet Menu Bar?
So, suppose all that is left (after using the program) in the Worksheet Menu Bar are Excel, File, Tools, Help. How can the porgram find out that there are only 4 items in the menu?
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Jul 8, 2007
I am taking an EXCEL(online) class and in my current assignment i am to create a 'list' for sorting and querying. However i cannot find the 'list' option, under my DATA option on the toolbar. I have tried all my toolbars and shortcuts but I am unable to find it anywhere.
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Aug 9, 2006
I need some vba code to
a) determine which of excel's menubars is active (Worksheet Menu Bar or Chart menu Bar)
b) delete the controls ie File, Edit, View etc menus from that menu bar
c) restore the controls to that menubar on workbook close
Normally this wouldn't be required but my version of excel is 2002 which has the Worksheet Menu Bar active and the work version is excel 2000 which has the Chart Menu Bar active.
I don't know why the Chart Menu Bar is active on the work system as there are no charts in my project.
Most of the development takes place at home so i need to be able to use vba to perform the above tasks
The menubar itself must remain active so i can add a custom menu to it.
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Apr 19, 2013
Is it possible to modify the context menu for a chart? I want to create a menu option that runs a macro. I've found code that modifies the context menu for cells, but I haven't had any luck with charts.
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Sep 1, 2007
I want to add a control under Chart on the menu bar. This line of code errors with "Invalid Procedure Call or Argument"
With Application. CommandBars("Worksheet menu bar").Controls("Chart")
Change "Chart" to "File" or "Edit" or "Tools" and it's fine.
The Chart item only appears when a chart is selected, but it errors even when a chart on the worksheet is selected.
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Dec 10, 2013
At the moment if a pupil has done foundation listening then I write their numerical result in, for example C3 or if they have done higher listening I write it in F3 (and it works out the UMS and then the grade), but I wondered if there would be any way to just put a dropdown menu in a column for each name, or change it so that I can type in H or F that will change which data is used? Because the UMS and grades are different depending on whether the pupil has done higher or foundation I am unsure how to format it
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Jun 13, 2007
I'm working on a sheet which uses a fair amount of indirects, deleting or adding rows bugger these up, so I wanted to replace them with a macro which does if for them and keeps the structure intact. I've sorted the macro to do this and have sorted the macro to replace delete with my delete in the cell RC menu but the row RC menu only seems to work on around 50% of the PC's? All PC's are XP with XL 2003. The code I've used is detailed below. Is this a known issue with XL or something funky with some of the PC's?
With Application
. CommandBars("Row").Controls("Delete Row").Delete
Set cBut2 = .CommandBars("Row").Controls.Add(Temporary:=True, Before:=6)
End With
With cBut2
.Caption = "Delete Row"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "Delete_Row"
End With
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Jun 21, 2007
I have made an excel addin named "INDNUMFOR" and want that this should display under "Data" of main menu bar. thus, a new item (sub menu) should appear naed "IndNumFor" under Data main menu.
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Jun 9, 2014
I've got a drop-down menu with four options in it that match up with the cells D11:D14, and next to those I've got spots for counting the totals (E11:E14). Next to the drop-down I've got plus and minus buttons, and I need to make it so if I have the top option selected in the dropdown and press plus, it adds +1 to E11. Second option and the same plus button, +1 to E12, and so on.
The purpose is for a call tracker, the employee would select the reason for the call (maybe more added later) and hit the button to add the call to the report.
I've looked so I know you normally ask for what I've got so far, and that's nothing. I've got all the other buttons wired up but I don't even know where to start with this one. I can include a screenshot if necessary.
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Jun 4, 2006
Why is the List option not in my Data menu? Using Excel 2003. I want to be able to create a new list, this option is not available on the List toolbar.
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Apr 22, 2009
I am doing an internship in Germany, and I have this crazy project with Excel. I am not very familiar with all the equations.
I want to select a company name and a type of container from a drop down menu, and have the information show up on a different sheet assigned for that specific company for the right size container. It involves quantities.
I will attach what I have sofar.
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Sep 12, 2012
I am trying to create a drop down menu in Excel to display certain values but it's not working. I want to input certain data in the cells. eg, 019, Quebec, Agent, Direct etc. I want to create a drop down list where if 019 is selected, all 019 entries would show up hiding all others. When nothing is selected all values would show up. I created a list but if I have 10 "Agent" entries in the cells, the drop down list also shows 10 "Agent entries rather than letting me select "Agent" and then displaying all agent entries below. I don't know if it makes sense but I basically want to make it easier for people to look for certain entries that they need rather than going through the entire spreadsheet to find all 019's.
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Jun 21, 2014
Most of the information I need I am getting using standard web queries. But pulling data directly from drop down menus seems beyond the capabilities of a regular web query.
I only need the information that shows as the menu options. I don't need any information from the pages at those links. Nor do I need the links.
Actually all I really need is the option value information, and the date. So for the first item, I would be looking for, 7|2014|u 06/18/2014
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Nov 30, 2012
Creating a drop down menu that allows me to pull data from sheet2.
I have all of my data on sheet2 and my objective is to have a small portion of the data displayed on sheet1 once the user selects the specific "study" from a drop down menu.
how to create a drop down menu that will have a list of all the different studies, and then once the specific study is selected, how do I make it display the pertaining information in the master sheet.
Follow up....more information
The data I’m working with is a master list of different drug studies. All of the data is broken down by the specific study itself, so all I need to do is figure out a way to let the user access the data in a quick and easy way. I figured this could be down with a drop down menu that has a list of each study, and the user could select the study they want to review. Once selected, the data pertaining to the study would then populate the fields on the master silde(sheet1).
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Sep 29, 2013
I have a table with 150 or so Job Titles down the first column. Across the top row, I have 25 or so courses listed. There are Xs in the table indicating which courses are required for each job title.
This worksheet is intended to be used by individuals who will look up their job title to see which courses they must take. My goal is to simplify this process. I would like to create a worksheet in this workbook which has a drop down list of job titles. When the title is selected the data will transfer to a table on this new worksheet.
I've attached the spreadsheet I have and it's pretty self explanatory.
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Sep 20, 2007
I need to put together a report for work.
What I want to do is this:
Create a drop menu. The options within the drop menu to be links (either to another Excel worksheet within the same workbook, or a WORD document).
I know how to create a drop menu, that is simple, but am not sure how to do the hyperlink aspect.
It seems when I actually insert>hyperlink onto the actual text of the drop menu (on the other sheet where i created the drop menu data), the hyperlink is not active in the actual drop menu itself.
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May 14, 2013
I have a list of staff in cell A1 in a drop down list. In cell A2, I would like Excel to populate automatically the branch from which the staff is from when I choose the staff name in cell A1.
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Jun 19, 2013
I have one worksheet that has a list of accounts with various attributes. On a separate worksheet within the file I would like to have a drop down menu to select one attribute (i.e. category) and then once selected, have ALL the accounts with that attribute populate in a descending order based on another attribute (i.e. volume).
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May 2, 2014
I have a Drop-Down Menu that looks like:
using List with source =Lists!$B$2:$B$9, which is just the validation list
My Table:
Team Player
BOS Bergeron
BOS Krejci
NYR Nash
... ...
My goal is to limit the end user from choosing BOS more than two times from the drop down menu
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Jan 2, 2009
I have created a color coded calendar on a spreadsheet for work that shows when a book will be published depending on when it comes into our warehouse, this is on sheet one.
I would like on sheet two to have some kind of filter or statement that would eliminate the need to look at the calendar, I.E. the user would just have to type in the date or select the date from a list and excel would show you what day the book would publish on using the data from sheet one.
I can imagine that this is hard to picture so i have attached the file as well.
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Jan 18, 2009
I know how to use the copy and paste special to copy a formula from one row down many rows in that same column. When I do this the formula will automatically change by 1 number {such as =IF(ISBLANK(C5),"",VLOOKUP($C5,Sheet1! $B$3:D4891,3,FALSE)) then when I click on copy and pasted special each following row will change by one number ---- to =IF(ISBLANK(C6),"",VLOOKUP($C6,Sheet1!$B$3:D4892,3,FALSE))
Can this also be done if the row you want to copy and paste is a row with data validation / a drop down menu? I simply tried using the same process for a row that has data validation the row with the validation has for the source =INDIRECT($B$5)
Is there a way to copy this down about 20 rows and have the ($B$5) change in each row by one number {such as ($B$6 THEN $B$7, ETC...) Or do I just have to do the whole data validation process for each row?
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Feb 2, 2013
I have a list of values (say a, b, c, d, e) and creating a drop down menu with these values in say A1. Say I chose 'c'. Now in cell A2 I want to be able to choose from the same list without being able to choose 'c' again. In cell A3 I want to be able to choose from the same list without being able to choose the values lalready chosen in A1 and A2. and so on.
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May 26, 2014
I am trying to get data from this site in excel. I need to select options from drop down menu (like bank name, balance sheet and date).
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