Apply Conditional Formatting To Highlight ONLY New Content On Column

Mar 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet and I want to color particular cells in a column with a new color - i.e. any new changes need to be highlighted. I know there's a way to do tracking changes in excel, but it just sticks a little flag almost invisibly in the corner of the cell. I want to be able to bring the spreadsheet back to our administrator and say hey the stuff in red is new.

On a related note - I am working on this massive spreadsheet that is a .csv but I am saving it as an exel spreadsheet - is that ok? I am assuming that if I save it as a csv, it will return to the original formatting just without the colors, filters, etc changes I made - which is fine because I think somehow the .csv file will be uploaded to the system and no further changes need to be made.

I found out the hard way when you have a .csv file and make changes and then save it, you lose all the fun row/column size adjustments, color, etc - but I figure in the meantime I'll work on it as a excel spreadsheet and then return it to it's natural .csv file status.

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Conditional Formatting To Apply To All Cells In A Column In Pivot Table

Apr 25, 2014

I am having trouble getting some conditional formatting to apply to all cells in a column in a pivot table. Currently, the conditional formatting is only applying to the top level items in the pivot but is not applying to the lower level items. I can see why it is doing this. the range in "Applies to" is only specifying the rows that contain the top level items. I tried to change the range to D10:D647 but, it reverts back to just the top level items. How to get it to apply to everything?

Image attached : Capture.JPG

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Conditional Formatting A Column And Highlight The Cells That Fall Within The Top 20%

Sep 16, 2009

I have a spreadsheet showing names, quality percentages and times taken to answer a call in 3 columns. I would like to highlight the cells that fall within the top 20% of those shown (e.g. if there are 100 quality percentages I want to highlight the top 20 not those over 80%) also the same with call length.

I have a column of numbers and times (mins and secs) and what would like to do is set a conditional format so that the cell turns a colour when the number of any cell is within the highest 20% and the other column turns a different colour when the time is within the lowest 20%.

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Apply Conditional Formatting Using VBA And UDF?

Sep 14, 2012

I am trying to create a macro (which will go in an add-in, using Excel 2007) which will apply a custom format to any selected cells which have their formulae hidden (Format Cells, Protection, Hidden). A similar macro works fine for locked cells.

Here is the UDF I wrote, which returns True/False based on the Hidden status of a cell:

Public Function Hidden(Check_Cell As Range)
Hidden = Check_Cell.FormulaHidden = True
End Function


just place all three pieces of code into a module, and change the first line of the two macros to a standard "Sub Macro1()" type format.

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Apply Conditional Formatting Once Across 168 Sheets

Jul 3, 2014

I have a workbook that contains 168 sheets of data (it's an extract from a PM tool) which is effectively a status report from each project in our portfolio. Contained within each status report are some financial data that shows a Plan number and a Forecast number for which I want to apply conditional formatting to this section (this is the same section for each sheet), to all the 168 sheets without having to go individually into each sheet. I have searched here and all the varying responses to a similar situation as mine, do not cater for the number of sheets that I have. And I need to do this on a monthly basis at monthend. So in the example below I want to apply conditional formatting if the Forecast (Cols D & G) are greater than Plan (Cols B & E). Is there a way of doing this just with the conditional formatting or would it need a VBA script?

Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F Col G
Financial Summary - Selected Project Currency: USD

Current year total cost
Overall project cost

[Code] .....

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Conditional Formatting Apply To 2 Columns?

Dec 31, 2013

I wish to have one conditional format apply to K and L. Presently it's L only where it works.


Why when I change the range from =$L:$L to =$K:$L does it not apply to both?

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Apply Conditional Formatting If The Cell Value Is Between 300-500?

Feb 4, 2014

is possible to construct a conditional formatting scenario and at the same time apply that formatting if the cell entry is within 10% either way of the logical test?

For example if you apply conditional formatting if the cell value is between 300-500 is it possible to add in a 10% swing on each value?

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VBA Conditional Formatting - Apply To Two Columns

Jun 27, 2014

I have a conditional formatting issue, using VBA.

My conditional formatting code works fine for one column; however, when I try to apply the conditional formatting to two columns, the code only applies to the first column listed. Additionally, I have two sets of "rules" that apply to the same column. One of the "rules" includes two columns. The other rule applies to only one column. I'm not sure if this is my issue, or whether I'm trying to apply the same code to two different columns.

My code is below.

Code that applies to column "M" only...

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Macro To Apply Conditional Formatting

Feb 29, 2008

I'm trying to find a macro to apply conditional formatting to a large number of cells,

What I would like to do is when cell E96 has a value of a, cells E3:F95 are shaded in grey. Then when cell G96 has a value of a, cells G3:H96 are shaded in grey, and so on down to IU96 having a value of a and cells IU3:IV96 shaded in grey.

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Apply Conditional Formatting To Bars In Bar Charts

Aug 29, 2006

I have created an excel file that contains a lot of worksheets which contain a lot of raw data and charts. There are 5 different tabs for 5 different companies. Each tab currently contains only 1 year of raw data for that company. Then I have another excel worksheet that has nothing but charts on it. Each chart is a bar chart that shows each of the 5 companies. It also shows the current rate for the month for each company and the 12 month average for each company. On the chart there are also 3 lines. There is a standard line that we try to meet each month. There is also a line for the upper control limit and a line for the lower control limit. Here is my problem:

The 2 bar charts (current rate for the month & the 12 month average) are created and updated by the raw data in each of the 5 data sheets.

Based upon the values in each of the cells that create and update the bars on the charts themselves:
I want the bars to be RED if the values are below the lower control limit.

And I want the bars to be GOLD if the values are above the upper control limit.

And I want the bars to be green if the values are in between the upper and lower control limits.

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Looping & Conditional Format: Finds A "J" It Will Apply Conditional Formatting To A Row Of 4 Cells Directly Adjacent?

Feb 9, 2009

I need to run a loop through a column of values (attachment col B) and when it finds a "J" it will apply conditional formatting to a row of 4 cells directly adjacent. The attachment is a theoretical before & after.

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Apply Conditional Formatting To Cells That Meet Certain Criteria?

May 19, 2014

Column b in sample is conditionally formatted based on it's values. I want to also apply that same formatting to the person's name in the chart in D2:I9. For example, Jeff is in bottom 50% so cell B2 is shaded red with red text. I would like to apply that same red shade and red text to all the cells in my chart that say Jeff. Also, as example, all of the cells in my chart that say Kelsey would be formatted with green shade/green text and so on...

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Apply Conditional Formatting If The Cell Contains Validation List?

Jul 13, 2013

I have a table. I want to apply conditional formatting to the entire table so that wherever a cell contains a dropdown list (validation list) the cell is formatted with a different colour.

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Apply Conditional Formatting To A Cell When It Is Left BLANK

Nov 30, 2008

I'm trying to apply conditional formatting (shading) to cells that are left blank.

(Purpose: I am designing a research template for a client to complete with data and want the spreadsheet to show them where they've "missed a bit"!)

(When I go to the conditional formatting box, it asks me to specify when "cell value is"..."between/not between/equal to/not equal to" etc. But there's no option to specify when the cell is blank.)

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Apply Conditional Formatting To Range Of Cells That Contains Formulas?

Aug 11, 2012

Is there a way to apply conditional formatting to a range of cells that contains formulas?

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Conditional Formatting - Cell To Change Color When Apply Specific Value

Dec 4, 2012

I know how to set a conditional for a cell to change a color when i apply a specific value, but how about if i want to set E2 cell to change to green when i place a 'X' on F2?

Pretty much I want 2 columns that say Yes and the Other No. When i place a X on Yes that other cell turns green, if i place a X on No that other cell turns red.

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Unable To Apply Conditional Formatting With Numbers ( Font And Fill Of Same Color)

May 22, 2014

I m unable to apply conditional formatting with numbers ( font and fill of same color).


if press 1 , cell and font should be of same color and if 2 with different color and so on

as of now either formula is applying on cell or font but not on both

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Conditional Formatting Based On Cell Content

Jan 3, 2008

I am trying to format cells based on what is in them across the board. Is there a way to conditional format based on what is in certain cells? I have 5 columns. I need to color in every NA only in the rows that have 1 or less cells with a number in there. So if there is 2 cells in that one row that have a number in them then leave the whole row white. If there is only 1 number in that row and the rest are NA then color all the NA's in red......

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Excel 2010 :: VBA To Apply Cell Protection Based On Conditional Formatting Result

Jan 27, 2012

I am trying to use the status of Conditional Formatting to toggle on/off protection for a cell.

I have a cell with Conditional Formatting applied if the result of a formula is true. If the Conditional Formatting is applied, I want the cell protection turned on so a user can not change the entry in the cell. If Conditional Formatting is not applied (false), cell protection is turned off and the user may edit.

I am using Excel 2010 and Vista.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Part Content Of A Cell

Sep 10, 2009

I am using excel 2000. I want to apply conditional formatting to a range of cells if they contain (V) as part of the cell contents. The cells will generally look like this : 09.00-6 (V) or 9-5.30 (V). I want to shade any cell if part of the contents of that cell is (V).

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Conditional Formatting To Highlight A Value

Jun 2, 2014

Please refer to the attached data sheet. I need the D27 to be formatted so that it shows a value only if the value in D8 exceeds the value in D7..

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Conditional Formatting Highlight

Dec 25, 2009

I have a list of percent item. I want to use conditional formatting to highlight items greater than 50%. I do as following:

- Hightlight items, C2:C5, then choose Format ->Conditional Formatting
- I choose Formula is, and the format in the condition box is =">50%"
- Finally, I choose Format to choose the color.

I think I do the right steps but Excel doesn't show anything.

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Conditional Formatting Highlight In Different Colours

Nov 3, 2008

In a range, say A1:D5, I need to format cells as follows:

1) If cell contains only "H" or "HV": highlight red
2) If cell contains only a number: highlight blue
3) If cell contains a number with the letter "F" ("1 F" or "5.5 F"): highlight pink

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Conditional Formatting (highlight A Cell)

Feb 22, 2010

I am working on a spreadsheet in Excel 2007 and i am trying to use a formula in the conditional formatting that will highlight a cell if the date is prior to today's date and the next column over is no. the formula i am using right now is =IF(F2>TODAY(),IF(G2="NO",TRUE,)). the problem i am having is that it is highlighting all cells that have a date and the next column over is no.

i can't figure out how to get it to do an if this, then that function correctly. one other thing that could potentially be causing my problem is that the cells.
I am trying to have highlight are calculated themselves based on a formula. see the attached spreadsheet for information.

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Highlight Cells Using Conditional Formatting

Apr 5, 2013

conditional highlighting.PNG

Is there a way I can have excel automatically highlight all cells within A1:A3, B1:B3, C1:C3 if and only if they are greater than the percentage in E5? If so how would I go about doing this?

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VBA Conditional Formatting To Highlight Certain Conditions

Oct 2, 2009

I have a spreadrsheet (sample attached) which populates a calender due to columns on seperate sheets being filled with text and corresponding dates. I started using conditional formatting to highlight certain conditions but soon realised I need more than 3 so I tried looking into VBA - and failed.

All the cells in the calender have the 3 usual conditions associated to them but in addition I need to be able to colour individual cells if they contain certain phrases or parts of phrases like "BP" or "Current"

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Conditional Formatting : Highlight THE CELLS

May 16, 2008

I need to hightlight from A1:A18

In the above cells I have values from 1 to 4

So I need to fill the cell with 4 different colours.

If cell equals 1 = Green
If cell equals 2 = Yellow
If cell equals 3 = Red
If cell equals 4 = Blue

What I do is highlight cell from A1:A18, clik on 'Format', 'Conditional Formatting', I've tried using 'Cells Value is' and 'Formula is'.

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Conditional Formatting Highlight The Duplicates

Oct 4, 2008

I have a worksheet that has times based on 7 minute intervals. If I post 10:37 AM in cell b5 then again in cell b6 I would like b6 to highlight.

I'm trying to use countif($b$3:$b$15,b2)>1 to highlight duplicate times in column B. For some reason it will not work for me. Should I use something different?

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Conditional Formatting (highlight The Cells Red )

Dec 9, 2008

i am trying to highlight the cells red in the b column if a3=d3 (if names match) and if b3<e3 (only if name is "a" should e3 be used to compare with b3). hope this makes sense. i've attached a sample worksheet.

i've tried =if(b3<e3, (vlookup(a3,d3:e33,1,false),true)...but does not work correctly. i need the average weight to remain constant according to the name when comparing, but if i drag the formula down to other cells, the average weight does not correspond to the name.

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Conditional Formatting To Highlight Row On Text

Aug 20, 2009

What i want to do is highlight all row instances where that row column10 has the text "Roller" . All i can see is the forumular =$J1="Roller" ive tryed to select just the single cell J and tryed the whole row and a range. Though i get a error message about =-+ quotation ect.

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